Catalytic Oxidation of VOCs and CO by Ozone Over Alu - 2006 - Applied Catalysis
Catalytic Oxidation of VOCs and CO by Ozone Over Alu - 2006 - Applied Catalysis
Catalytic Oxidation of VOCs and CO by Ozone Over Alu - 2006 - Applied Catalysis
An alumina-supported cobalt oxide system with overstoichiometric oxygen (CoOx/Al2O3) was investigated with respect to heterogeneous
catalytic decomposition of ozone, complete oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and oxidation of CO. The experiments were
performed in the temperature range of 45 to 250 8C in an isothermal plug-flow reactor. The characterization of the CoOx/Al2O3 catalyst was
performed by chemical analysis, XPS, XRD, IR techniques, magnetic and adsorption measurements.
A very high activity of the catalyst towards ozone decomposition was observed even at temperatures below 40 8C, the catalyst remaining
active for a long time. The activity of the catalyst with respect to complete oxidation of VOCs and oxidation of carbon monoxide was studied in
presence of different oxidizing agents (ozone or oxygen). A significant increase in the catalytic activity and decrease in the reaction temperature
was observed using ozone as an oxidant.
Two main reasons for this behaviour were found: (i) the high content of active and mobile oxygen obtained during the synthesis on the catalyst
surface; (ii) the catalytically active complex of O[Co4+], formed during the reaction of ozone decomposition and able to oxidize VOCs at room
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Among transition metals oxides, cobalt oxides, both oxygen content is considered to be the amount of oxygen above
unsupported and supported on different oxide support materials the stoichiometric content in the oxide, corresponding to the
(including alumina), belong to the most important catalysts for lowest stable valence state [35]) was determined by a direct
complete oxidation [18]. Their high catalytic activity in air iodine method [36]. The infrared spectra in the region of 4000–
pollution control of CO [19–22], NOx [23–26] and control of 400 cm1 was recorded on a Bruker model IFS 25 Fourier
organic pollutants from effluent streams [27,28] has been transform interferometer (resolution < 2 cm1) using KBr
reported in a large number of papers. In previous publications discs as matrices. The XPS studies were performed in a VG
[29,30], we have investigated a cobalt oxide system, prepared by Escalab II electron spectrometer using Al Ka radiation with
the oxidation–precipitation method, which contained an over- energy of 1486.6 eV. The residual gas pressure in the analysis
stoichiometric amount of oxygen and Co ions in a high oxidation chamber was 107 Pa. Binding energy values (BE 0.2 eV)
state. It has been found that the obtained system, denoted as were referenced to the C 1s line at 285.0 eV as well as to the Al
CoOx, has a high catalytic activity towards some oxidation 2p line of the alumina support at 74.3 eV. The integrated peak
reactions taking place in aqueous and in a gaseous phase [31–33] area of the Co 2p line was normalized to that of the relevant Al
as well as towards ozone decomposition (our unpublished data). 2p line corrected by the corresponding photoionization cross
According to the results obtained, the synthesized cobalt oxide sections. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements were
system is prominent and useful in a wide field of applications in carried out using a DRON-3 apparatus with a Co Ka radiation
environmental protection. From a practical point of view, it is of with scintillation calculation. Magnetic measurements were
interest to investigate the catalytic properties of this oxide system carried out in air with a magnetic apparatus constructed
upon deposition on support materials. according to the Faraday method. The magnetic susceptibility
The aim of the present work is to investigate the catalytic (x) was measured in the temperature range of 290–490 K with a
activity of an alumina-supported cobalt oxide system with magnetic field intensity varying from 2 103 to 10 103 Oe.
overstoichiometric oxygen (denoted as CoOx/Al2O3) during
heterogeneous catalytic decomposition of ozone. Based on the 2.3. Catalyst activity measurements
high oxygen content in this catalyst, the oxidation of CO and
organic substances, using two different oxidants (ozone and The catalytic activity of the samples was investigated in an
oxygen) will be studied. isothermal plug flow reactor. A catalyst particle size of 0.3–
0.5 mm was chosen taking into account the reactor diameter
2. Experimental (6.0 mm) and the volume rate (mean value 22 000 h1, calculated
with respect to the total catalyst bed volume) in order to reduce the
2.1. Sample preparation effect of external diffusion. The preliminary treatment of the
catalysts included heating at 120 8C for 1 h in air flow. The rate of
The CoOx/Al2O3 catalyst was prepared by deposition the gas flow was 4.4 l/h, the catalyst volume—0.2 cm3, and the
oxidation–precipitation method in an aqueous solution. The mass of the catalyst under consideration—0.15 g.
active phase of the supported catalyst (CoOx) was synthesized Ozone was synthesized in an oxygen flow (99.7% dried over
according to the procedure described in detail in Refs. [29,30]. silica gel) using an ozone generator with a silent discharge of 4–
The required amount of Co(NO3)26H2O was dissolved in 6 kV between the electrodes. The inlet concentration of ozone
150 ml of deionized water. The solution was heated up to 70 8C for the reaction of ozone decomposition varied between 22.0
and then, the support—g-Al2O3 was added and kept under and 24.0 g/m3. The ozone concentration was analyzed with an
continuous stirring for 4 h. After cooling to room temperature, Ozomat GM (Germany) ozone analyzer with an accuracy of
the impregnated catalyst precursor was separated from the 0.1 g/m3. The reaction temperature varied between 45
solution and was added to a mixture of aqueous solutions of and 25 8C and was maintained with an accuracy of 0.2 8C.
NaOH (4 M) and NaOCl (1 M). The solid was kept digested for The catalytic oxidation of CO and iso-propanol were carried
24 h, washed several times (until disappearance of the out within the range of 25–110 8C and 25–250 8C, respectively.
chlorides), and then dried in an oven at 110 8C for 12 h. The amounts of CO and iso-propanol were dosed by an Ismatex
MS2/6 (Switzerland) pump. The oxidizing agent was oxygen
2.2. Sample characterization from synthetic air (gas mixture of 80% nitrogen and 20%
oxygen) or ozone produced in oxygen. The inlet concentration
The bulk unsupported CoOx catalyst was characterized by of carbon monoxide was 0.18 vol.% and that of iso-propanol—
means of IR, XPS, ESR, XRD, DTA and chemical analyses. 0.095 vol.%. The inlet concentrations of ozone for CO and iso-
The specific surface areas of the supported catalyst and the g- propanol oxidation were chosen in stoichiometric ratios,
Al2O3 support were determined by the BET method using low- considering that only one oxygen atom from the ozone
temperature nitrogen adsorption. Pore size distribution was molecule is consumed. The rate of complete oxidation was
evaluated from the adsorption curve of the isotherm, using the evaluated by measuring the amount of CO2 formed during the
procedure developed by Orr and Dalla Valle [34]. The chemical reaction with a Maihak (NDIR) gas analyzer. The CO and CO2
composition was determined by atomic absorption spectro- concentrations were determined with an accuracy of 2 ppm.
metry with Pye Unicam SP90V. The total overstoichiometric The same analyzer measured the oxygen with an accuracy of
oxygen or so-called active oxygen content, O* (the active 100 ppm.
P. Konova et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 298 (2006) 109–114 111
Table 1
The results of chemical analysis, magnetic measurement and textural char-
acterization of the supported catalyst
BET surface area of the support (m2/g) 325
BET surface area of the catalyst (m2/g) 207
Total pore volume of the catalyst (cm3/g) 0.36
Co loading in the catalyst (%, w/w) 5.16
Co surface density of the catalyst (atoms/nm2) 2.55
O*/Co atomic ratio of the bulk CoOx 1.78
O*/Co atomic ratio of the catalyst 1.51
Magnetic susceptibility of the catalyst x (106) 0.12 Fig. 2. Infrared spectra of: (a) g-Al2O3 support, (b) bulk phase CoOx, (c) freshly
prepared CoOx/Al2O3 catalyst and (d) worked catalyst after ozone decomposition.
112 P. Konova et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 298 (2006) 109–114
cobalt–oxygen bond are readily observable comparing the IR determined 2p3/2–2p1/2 spin orbit splitting of 15.0 eV in both
spectra of CoOx/Al2O3 samples (c) and (d) with that of the spectra is typical of diamagnetic cobalt (Co3+) compounds. The
unsupported CoOx system (b). The deposition of the active measured binding energy values, spin orbit splitting and
phase on the alumina support causes a shift of this band ambiguous satellites imply that the studied samples contain
towards the lower frequencies (by 10 cm1), together with a cobalt in a Co3+ oxidation state only, present as Co2O3. This
slight decrease of its integral intensity. These facts indicate assumption is confirmed by the results of the magnetic
that the ionic feature of the bond is growing stronger, thus measurements (Table 1), according to which the CoOx/Al2O3
affecting the mobility of the surface oxygen, which has an contains Co(III) (octahedral) ions having t62 g configuration and
impact on the activity of oxide systems in oxidation pro- being diamagnetic (x = 0.12 106). The Co 2p XPS
cesses. The lower intensity of the band at 580 cm1 in CoOx/ spectrum of CoOx/Al2O3 shows some dissimilarity to these
Al2O3 samples (c) and (d) as compared to the unsupported already observed for the unsupported paramagnetic Co-oxide
CoOx (590 cm1 (b)) corresponds to the lower active oxygen system (having a Co 2p3/2 peak at 780.9 eV with its shake-up
content, confirming the results of the chemical analysis. satellite at about 6.7 eV to higher binding energies, and DE
The Co 2p XPS spectra of fresh and ozonated CoOx/Al2O3 value of 14.8 eV).
catalysts are shown in Fig. 3, curves (a) and (b), respectively. On the basis of the obtained results from chemical analysis,
The spectra of both samples show similar features, indicating magnetic measurements, XPS and IR techniques it may be
that upon catalytic reaction there is no change in the electronic concluded that the deposition of CoOx on alumina causes a
density of the cobalt atoms. A little difference was found for the slight decrease in the amount of the active surface oxygen and
values of the Co/Al intensity ratio for fresh and worked leads to a lower oxidation state of cobalt ions—mainly Co3+.
samples—0.171 and 0.154, respectively. The slight decrease of According to our preliminary tests on ozone decomposition
this ratio for the worked sample might be attributed to some and oxidation of organic compounds with oxygen, the bulk-
agglomeration of the loaded cobalt phase. The XPS spectra unsupported system shows a very high activity at room
contain the spin-orbital components Co 2p3/2 at 780.3 eV and temperature. The activity of the CoOx phase supported on
Co 2p1/2 at 795.3 eV. It is difficult to determine the valence state alumina remains unchanged, the supported catalysts having a
of the cobalt ions on the surface of the studied samples by higher surface area and better mechanic properties than the bulk
means of the binding energy alone because its value is quite phase. Fig. 4 depicts the temperature dependence of the catalyst
close to that for the Co(III) oxides CoOOH (780.0 eV) and activity towards decomposition of ozone, CO and iso-propanol
Co2O3 (799.9 eV), as well as to the Co 2p3/2 binding energy for oxidation using two different oxidation agents—O3 and O2. It is
CoO (780.0 eV) [38]. In this regard, the information about evident that the activity of the CoOx/Al2O3 catalyst towards
satellites and the spin-orbit splitting of the 2p level (DE) could ozone decomposition is very high, even at low temperature
be very useful. Both spectra do not exhibit a prominent satellite (45 8C) and reaches almost 100% at room temperature. On
structure, which is characteristic of the Co2+ oxidation state. the other hand, the activity shows a tendency to be stabilized
However, in the studies of supported catalysts, the information and even to increase with time at a constant temperature. Fig. 5
about the satellite is sometimes ambiguous, especially when the presents the time–conversion dependence measured at 700 min
concentration of the catalytic component is low. The at three different temperatures: 25, 0 and 45 8C. One can see
that at each temperature the activity is lower at the beginning reaction (a). In the presence of oxygen, another two parallel
followed by increase and stabilization with time. This reactions can proceed:
behaviour reveals that active species develop on the surface
2O ½Co4þ þ ?2 ! 2½Co3þ þ 2O2 (c)
of the CoOx/Al2O3 catalyst during the catalytic ozone
decomposition, which leads to enhancement of the initial
2O ½Co4þ ! ?2 þ 2½Co3þ (d)
According to earlier investigations [39], the mechanism of Obviously, in the beginning of the process of ozone
catalytic ozone decomposition can be presented as follows: decomposition, the concentration of O[Co4+] sites is negligibly
low and the decomposition of ozone is due to reaction (a). As the
O3 þ Z ! O Zþ þ O2 (1) reaction proceeds, the concentration of O[Co4+] sites increases
and the participation of reaction (b) becomes appreciable, which
?3 þ ? Zþ ! 2O2 þ Z (2) results in a higher degree of conversion.
On the basis of the obtained results on the reaction of ozone
2O Zþ þ ?2 ! 2Z þ 2O2 (3) decomposition, ozone is used as an oxidizing agent and
compared with oxygen as an oxidant for the oxidation of CO
2O Zþ ! ?2 þ 2Z (4) and iso-propanol. The conversion–temperature dependences
The proposed mechanism reveals that for a high activity (Fig. 4) show that when ozone is used, a better conversion can
towards ozone decomposition the catalyst should have active be achieved and at the same time the oxidation temperature of
sites (Z) capable to change their oxidation state. Such types of the different substances significantly decreases. It is evident
catalysts are the transient metal oxides where several oxidation that the temperature for 50% conversion of iso-propanol in
states are possible. presence of ozone is lower with 185 8C as compared to the case
It is known that the Co4+ ions are very strong oxidants in of oxidation in air. In the case of CO oxidation at 80 8C in
reactions of complete oxidation of VOCs and CO. But this presence of ozone the conversion is 60%, whereas in air at the
highest oxidation state of the cobalt is unstable and can be same temperature only 7% can be achieved. Comparison of the
achieved by using strong oxidants during the synthesis or during catalytic activity at temperatures higher than 80–85 8C for
the reaction. It is most likely that in presence of ozone some part oxidation reactions with ozone is not correct due to the
of the Co3+ ions can turn into Co4+ ions. Then, the mechanism of increased effect of homogeneous ozone decomposition [40].
ozone decomposition can be described as follows: One can see that with ozone, in comparison with oxygen as
an oxidant, the degree of CO conversion is lower than the
?3 þ ½Co3þ ! ?2 þ O ½Co4þ (a) oxidation of i-propanol at a given temperature. Most probably,
this is due to the fact that the oxidation with ozone has a
?3 þ O ½Co4þ ! 2O2 þ ½Co3þ (b) mechanism, different from that of the oxidation with oxygen.
The active sites for oxidation with ozone are O[Co4+], which
The first step (a) includes formation of an oxidized state of are formed during the decomposition of ozone. This type of
the active site—in our case O[Co4+], which can be named active sites is not present on the catalyst surface in the reaction
‘‘catalytically active complex’’ (CAC). During the second step of oxidation with oxygen.
(b), regeneration of the initial state of E!E occurs. The Therefore, the oxidation with ozone not only leads to higher
prevalent amount of ozone decomposes through reaction (a), catalytic activity at lower temperatures, but also to a change in
because the formation of O[Co4+] sites depends on the rate of the selectivity of the reaction. The high catalytic activity using
ozone as oxidant permits the reaction to be carried out in a low-
temperature region (below 80 8C), which is extremely
important for the catalytic oxidation of toxic volatile organic
compounds, because it permits saving energy. A very important
feature of the CoOx/Al2O3 catalyst is that it possesses both
activity toward ozone decomposition and oxidation with ozone,
which leads to removal of the residual ozone from waste gases.
Hence, the CoOx/Al2O3 catalyst is very suitable for application
in environmental catalysis.
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