Q4 - Eapp - DLL Week 4

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School West Palale National High School Grade Level 11

Teacher Ms. Rodchiel O. Gensaya Learning Area EAPP

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates May 22-26 Quarter 4th
and Time

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


A. Content Standards
The learner will be able to acquire knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of academic texts

B. Performance Standard
The learner will be able to produce a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic texts read
C. Learning Competency/ MELC 4: Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports
Objectives At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Write the LC code for each.
1. Identify the steps in writing 1. Identify the steps in conducting a 1. Analyze the graph and 1. Present the created
survey report through group survey report; interpret its implication; graph/chart on the
race; 2. Write a survey report from the topic 2. Explain why the presented conducted survey in
2. Conduct a survey using the they used in Practical Research 2; practices are not Practical Research 2.
adapted survey questionnaire ; and considered acceptable; and
3. Reflect on the importance of 3. Realize the importance systematic 3. Reflect on the significance
confidentiality in gathering data procedure in conducting research. of good practices in
in research. gathering data.
Writing a Survey Report l


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 4 – Module 12: Gathering Information from Survey, Observation or
Experiment (pp.7-8)
2. Learning Materials English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 4 – Module 12: Gathering Information from Survey, Observation or
pages Experiment (pp.9-15)
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous Group Race The teacher presents a picture The teacher Note: The students
lesson or presenting the The students compete and identify the step in conducting a administers pre-test. (See utilize the 1-hr period in
new lesson
in the race by identifying the good survey. attachment C) presenting their created
steps in writing a survey graph/chart on the result
report. of their conducted survey
Interpreting Data in Practical Research 2

Collecting Data

1. E_pl_in the m_thod_lo_y.

Create a
2. Pro_ide ba_ _gr_ _nd
inf_rm_tion. Questionnaire
3. Re_ort the r_s_lts of the
4. St_te the o_ _ect_v_s. Analyze data
5. Wr_te the ex_cut_v_ su_

Write a survey

Where do you encounter these


B. Establishing a purpose The teacher presents The teacher presents the The teacher presents
for the lesson the lesson’s objectives. lesson’s objectives. the lesson’s objectives.
C. Presenting The teacher asks the The teacher groups and asks Students analyze the
examples/Instances of the following: the students to arrange the steps in graph and answer the
new lesson
1. What are the different kinds conducting a survey. questions below.
of survey you have learned
from practical research 2?
2. How did you conduct them?
3. How do you surveys in

Figure 1. Monthly Social

Media Users Data

1. Which has the most

number of users?
2. Which has the least number
of users?
3. What is the implication of
the results?

D. Discussing new The teacher discusses The teacher discusses the topic The teacher discusses
concepts and practicing survey report and its format. survey report and IMRAD about:
new skills # 1
E. Discussing new  Gathering Information from
concepts and practicing Survey, Observation or
new skills # 2 Experiment
F. Finding practical The students reflect on The teacher asks their idea on Situational Analysis
application of concepts the word CONFIDENTIALITY the mechanics of a debate. Directions: Identify the good
and skills in daily living
and its importance in gathering practices shown in the given
data in research. situations. Explain why other
presented practices are not
considered acceptable.
1. Dioscoro wanted to conduct
a participant observation for
his research on alcoholic
lifestyle so he became an
2. For fear of wasting time,
Roque refused to let
participants use the bathroom.
3. Ronald thinks that an
observation can only be done
in a laboratory setting.
4. Joseph conducted a
structured observation and he
made sure to prepare the list
of phenomena he wanted to
observe weeks before the
actual implementation.
G. Making generalizations The students recap the The students deepen the The students recap the
and abstractions about the lesson. following concepts: lesson.
 “What am I doing here?”
 “Where am I going to get all that
 The only thing worth reading?
 “What does it all mean?”

H. Evaluating learning In a group of 4 the Directions: Read each
students will choose a target Write your statement carefully and
respondents and conduct a determine whether it presents
survey using the adapted
survey questionnaire. (See
argument or claim a correct way of gathering
data by placing a check ( ̷ )
Attachment A.)
on the given issue. mark or an X mark if not.
1. Use future tense in writing.

Support this by 2. Data must answer the

research question.
3. Always use text in
gathering some presenting gathered data.
4. Key findings and relevant
manifestoes and analyses must be included.
5. Present voluminous data
analyzing the for better understanding of the

arguments used by
the writer/s. Write
your answer on a
sheet of paper.
Students will write a survey
report using the topic of their study in
Practical Research 2.
I. Additional activities for Directions: Each group will
application or remediation prepare a graph based on the
survey they have conducted in
Practical Research 2.

Illustration- 10
Total: 20


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher SHS Coordinator/ MT I Principal II

Attachment A

Adapted Questionnaire

Part I. Your Profile

1. Name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Occupation
5. # of People in Household
6. Monthly Household Income

Part II. Your Motivations in Life

1. What are your goals in life?
2. What inspires you?
3. What does success mean to you?

Part III. Your Desires for your Children and Spouse

1. Do you want your children to take the same career path as you?
2. What kind of people do you wish your children would grow up to be?
3. What kind of future do you want your children to have?
4.What do you want for your spouse?
5.Do you and your spouse have any shared goals?
6.What kind of future do you envision with your spouse?

Part IV. Your Motivations in Consuming Content

1. What influences you to watch or listen to something?
2. When do you usually find yourself consuming content?
3. How do you feel when watching programs?
4. Do you prefer exploring new content or rewatching what you already know?
5. What programs do you like your children to watch? What programs do you not like them to watch?
6. What programs does your spouse watch? Do you like these programs/do you like watching with her?
ttachment B
Directions: Identify the following statements. Choose the letter of your answer inside the box.

A. Survey B. Questionnaire C. Designing Questionnaire

D. Testing Questionnaire E. Revising Questionnaire

_________ 1. You will have to decide which advice for revision is useful and to the point and which is not.
_________ 2. Once you have developed your survey questionnaire, you should conduct a small test (5 -10 people) to make sure that respondents clearly
understand the questions.
_________ 3. It is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.
_________ 4. It examines and records the area and features of (an area of land) so as to construct a map, plan, or description.
_________ 5. It is to construct a conceptual framework.

Attachment C

Directions: Read each statement and write A if you AGREE or D if you DISAGREE.

1. One can observe any one, anytime the he wants.

2. Experiments can be conducted in the laboratory or in natural setting.
3. A research instrument is a tool used to gather data on a specific topic of interest.
4. A research instrument does not have to address one’s research question.
5. Survey is a type of research instrument.

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