Islamic Studies Chapter 7 Notes

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Chapter 7 – The Period of Rule of the Rightly Guided

Caliphs and their Importance as Leaders

Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (11-13AH) –
Election As A Caliph –
 11AH to 13AH
 He led the prayers during the last days of the Holy prophet’s life. He was nominated as
the ‘Chief of Hajj’ by Holy Prophet.
 He continued the prophetic mission of preaching Islam, expanding Islamic state and
encountering every new problem with wisdom and success.
 Issue of leader arose after the demise of the Holy Prophet. Ansar gathered in a hall to
discuss the appointment of a caliph. Hazart Abu Bakr, Umar and Ubaidah bin al Jarrah
were there too.
 Ansar wanted a head from people of Madinah. Hazrat Abu Bakr said that Arabs would
not agree on any head other than a person from the Quraish.
 It was suggested that there should be two caliphs, 1 from Ansar & 1 from Quraish, but it
was rejected.
 Hazrat Bashir bin an Numan suggested that the leader should be from Quraish as Holy
prophet also belonged to Quraish. Many Ansar agreed to that.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr proposed the name of Hazart Umar and Abu Ubaidah bin Al Jarrah.
Both refused and Umar said: “Abu Bakr is the best of all of us because Allah has
mentioned him in the Holy Quran”, as “The one amongst two in the cave.”
 He hesitated but Umar and Zaid bin Thabit held his hand and took a pledge of loyalty.
Usama’s Expedition –
 Weeks before death Young Usama, son of Hazrat Zaid was chosen as head of the Muslim
army for the expedition to Syria to avenge the death of his father at Mautah in 8AH by
the Holy prophet. It was postponed.
 News came that apostates under command of false prophets were planning to invade the
town. Companions said to withdraw the expedition as it was unwise to send troops out of
Madinah, but Abu Bakr said he could never change the decision taken by his master.
 Expedition left 3weeks after the demise of Holy prophet. After 40 days they returned
with great victory. Success of this also opened the eyes of those who thought Islam was
dying out after his demise.
Problems faced by Hazrat Abu Bakr –
 Settlement of the current unrest amongst Muslims at the sad demise.
 Departure of expedition to Syria as per instruction of Holy Prophet.
 Suppressing the rise of false prophets.
 Bringing an end to Apostasy Movement.
 Dealing with the refusal to pay zakat.
False Prophets –
 Aswad Ansi - Rose in Yemen and known as the veiled prophet because he covered
his face all the time. He was killed.
 Tulaiha – From Banu Asad tribe. Hazarat Khalid bin Walid went to crush the
rebellion, army of Tulaiha was defeated, and he ran away to Syria, later accepted
 Sajah – Belonged to Bani Tamim. 4,000 people gathered around her to march to
Madinah. After hearing of the defeat of Tulaiha army she got scared and joined
Musailimah. Later married him and accepted his prophethood. Most people from
Bani Tamim accepted Islam. She realized her mistake and accepted Islam/true
Muslim. Her funeral prayer was led by Hazrat Samrah, a companion.
 Musailimah – Belonged to Central Arabia tribe. Declared his prophethood. Hazrat
Shurahbeel, Ikrimah and Khalid bin Walid were sent to crush the rebellion.
Musailimah consisted of 40,000 people and Islamic army consisted of 13,000 men.
Fierce battle fought. Many companions died. Musailimah’s army was defeated in the
end. 1200 Muslims were martyred. 370 companions and 70 Huffaz. Strengthened
Muslims in Arabia. In short time false prophets wiped out.
Apostasy Movement –
 Some new converts renounced Islam and turned against the caliphate of Madinah.
 Main cause was the lack of true and firm faith. As some people accepted Islam for
political reasons.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr declared war against them. Transformed the Muslim army into eleven
battalions. He crushed all the forces. Showed wonderful courage and ability in
suppressing the movement.
 Central Arabia was led by false prophet Musailimah.
Refusal to pay Zakat –
 Payment of zakat is not a choice. It must be paid according to the terms, conditions, rules,
regulations and principles of Shariah.
 Rebellion refused to pay zakat fund in the Baitul-Mal. Hazrat Abu Bakr called a meeting
and asked for advice. Most companions didn’t agree to take action at that time because of
the wars against false prophets. However, he was firm and took strong action against
 “I swear by Allah, I will fight alone, if others do not support me, against everybody
whosoever refuges a single she goat-kid due on him in Zakat.”
 He instructed to call the rebels to Islam first, if they refuse then to fight them. Some
rebels submitted Islam without fighting. War was waged against the others.
Conquests –
 First Caliph to start fighting with the external powers.
 Iraq and Iran was under the control of the Persian empire.
 Byzantine/Roman empire consisted of Syria, Palestine and Egypt.
Expedition to Iraq (Persian Empire) –
 First battle between Muslims and Persians at Hafir. Persians led by Hurmuz. Muslims led
by Hazart Khalid bin Walid.
 Persians were defeated.
 This battle was known as the battle of chains, as the Persians tied themselves to one
another in order not to run away from the battlefield.
 After battle, Hazrat Khalid conquered Hira, Dumatal Jandal and finally the conquest of
Expedition to Syria (Byzantine Empire) –
 Found that Romans began their conspiracy against Muslims. And taking an action was
 In 13AH, army of 27,000 men divided into four battalions. Muslims.
 When Heraclius got to know, he also sent four armies, several times bigger than the total
strength of Muslims, to face them.
 Muslims defeated them, captured many cities including Busra.
 After that Muslims defeated Romans in Ajnadayn.
 After that Muslim army marched towards Damascus and laid a siege there.
Collection of the Holy Quran –
 First time Quran was compiled in a book form. Greatest service of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
 As many Huffaz martyred in battle, especially battle of Yamama (70Huffaz).
 Hazrat Umar suggested for the compilation of the Holy Quran.
 Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit did the work of compilation. Number of companions assisted him.
 Compiled copy of Quran was kept in the house of Ummul Mu’minin, Hazrat Hafsa.
 Whoever wanted a copy might copy from it or compare with the copy already possessed.
Administration of Hazrat Abu Bakr –
 Was chief Executive of young Islamic Caliphate. Laid foundation of Islamic state.
 Divided the entire Islamic state in provinces under administrative heads known as Wali
(Governors) and Qazi (Judges).
 Gave first lesson to mankind of government by the people when nobody knew it.
 Decided matters after consultation with companions. There was special Shura (council of
Advisors) for this. Membership was based upon services to Islam, closeness to Allah and
his prophet, and not colour or race.
 Strict administrator. Never allowed officers to misbehave with their subjects. He warned
them if they did so.
 Zakat, Sadaqat and other taxes, war booty used to come to Madinah to be deposited in
Baitul Mal. And were distributed among needy and poor.
 No regular Islamic force. Army that was departed were divided into various battalions.
Each battalion put under the command of an officer who controlled it.
 He preserved a part income for the purchase of arms and for the maintenance of forces.
 Pastures reserved for horses and camels of war.
 Divided peninsula into various provinces. Every province under the control of a
 He laid the foundation of true Islamic republic based upon democratic principles.
 His strong faith and trust in Allah were reflected in his administration.
Hazrat Abu Bakr: A saviour of Islam –
 He restored Islam by defeating all the false prophets, convinced the refuters to pay Zakat,
bringing back the apostates into the fold of Islam.
 He gave Islam a new life after the death of Holy prophet.
 He was threatened by rebellions, rise of false prophets and apostasy movements. He
crushed all non-believers.
 Brought unity among the Muslims and crushed all the rebellions.
 Message of Islam crossed the Arabian borders. Major part of Iraq came under his rule,
and Muslims captured many important cities of Syria.
 Islam religion of all mankind, started to blossom as a world religion during his caliphate.
Character –
 Mild and gentle. Hard working, wise, full of wisdom and a great statesman.
 Unique place in the history of Islam. Most pious. Never spoke harsh and immodest words
in any situation. He feared Allah. Great worshipper.
 He performed salah similar to the Holy prophet. One who spent all of his belongings for
the sake of Allah and prophet.
 “Abu Bakr’s name shall be called out from all the gates of Paradise, and he will be the
first person of my ummah to enter into it.” (Holy Prophet said)
Death –
 After illness, he passed away at the age of 63 on 22nd of Jamadi-uth-Thani, 13AH.
 Before death he said to his daughter: “Do not use a new cloth for my shroud. Wash the
sheet in my use and wrap my corpse in it.” And his wish was acted upon.
 His next wish was to pay back all the money he got as salary for caliph from Baitul Maal
by selling his garden.
 He left behind a noble example of selfless services. He worked and lived for the sake of
Islam till his last breath and looked for no reward from his status and the public wealth.
Caliphate of Hazrat Umar (13-23AH) –
 Considered most successful and the golden period of Islamic history.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr consulted the Shura in his illness and gave his decision for the next
caliph in favour of Hazrat Umar. So he took charge after Abu Bakr.
 He was given the title “Ameer Al Mominin”.
Expansion of Islamic Empire –

 Expanded Islamic empire in east and west. Largest ever territorial addition to Islamic
Fall of Persian Empire –

 Main reason for war was safety and self-defence. King of Persia created trouble around
the areas close to Muslim state. Also helped the enemy of Muslims in Bahrain.
 Geographically Iraq was a part of Arabia naturally. Arab tribes who lived there, helped
their relatives in Arabia to rise against Islam. So Muslims had to fight.
Battle of Namariq –

 During Abu Bakr caliphate, Khalid bin Walid conquered a part of Persian Empire, known
as kingdom of Hira. Hence Persians became furious at the loss, and their emperor sent a
large army under command of Rustam.
 Hazrat Umar appointed Ubaid ath Thaqafi as commander of Muslim army consisting of
5,000 men.
 Battle took place at Namariq in 634AD. Muslims defeated the Persians. Number of
famous generals of Persians were killed including Jaban, and right hand of Rustam.
Battle of the Bridge –

 Defeat in previous battle shocked Rustam and he gathered a huge army to face Muslim
army. Met on the bank of the Euphrates under command of Bahman.
 Bahman asked Hazrat Abu Ubaid whether Persians should cross the river or the Muslims,
and he against the will of his advisors, chose to cross the river. Because of this it is called
the battle of Bridge.
 Muslims crossed the bridge but lost the battle. Elephants of Persians caused huge damage
to Muslim army. Hazrat Abu Ubaid was also martyred.
 Hazrat Muthanna took over the command and ordered the rebuilding of bridge which was
destroyed. He could only save 3,000 men out of 9,000.
 It was the greatest defeat of Muslims by the Persians.
Battle of Buwaib –

 Persian inspired by the victory, launched another attack on Muslim army at Buwaib on
the bank of the river Euphrates.
 Muslim army was a little more than 20,000 while Persian army was several times larger,
estimated, 200,000. Fierce battle took place.
 This time Persians crossed the river and were completely defeated. Commander Mahran
was killed.
 As the result, the whole western part of Persian Empire fell into Muslims hands.
Battle of Qadsiya –

 Last Persian king, Yesdgrid III rose against Muslims to recapture the lost territories.
With an army of 28,000 troops, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas met the 120,000 Persians
army led by Rustam at Qadsiya.
 Was fought in the month of Muharram, 15AH. Hazrat Saad was sick and directed the
operations from bed. Battle lasted 3 days, resulting in the death of Rustam.
 About 8,500 Muslims were martyred, and 30,000 Persians were killed.
 One of the decisive battles in the history of Islam. Shattered the might of Persian
 Muslims gained a lot of war booty, many people accepted Islam. Defeat of Persians
indicated the end of Persian Empire. King of Persia was never able to gather such a large
army again.
 Muslims advanced to Madain, capital of Persian Empire and Hira, which was lost 3
times by Muslims.
 Victory led to the conquest of the whole of Iraq from Persians.
Fall of Madain –

 Madain was located on the bank of the river Tigris. After few months Hazrat Saad
marched towards the capital. Persians destroyed the bridge on the river, river was deep
and turbulent, however didn’t affect Muslims. They had full faith in Allah.
 Hazrat Saad said: “Allah made a way in the red sea for Musa and his followers; He will
surely help us who are following His last Prophet.”
 He ordered Muslims to cross the river. Whole army crossed as if walking on ground.
Persian archers rained arrows on Muslims.
 Hazrat Saad appointed 600 archers on a nearby hill. They attacked Persians, and they
couldn’t withstand and ran away. Muslims crossed Tigris without any severe loss.
 Yesdgrid and his followers had already fled and capital was captured with opposition.
 Whole territory between Euphrates and Tigris came under Muslims.
The Battle of Jalula –

 Kharzad, brother of Rustam gathered huge army to avenge defeats. After consulting with
Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas sent an army at Jalula to face Persians. Fierce
battle fought. Persians were defeated and fled to the North.
The Battle of Nihawand –

 Last big battle fought in Muharram, 19AH at Nihawand. Fierce battle, number of
Persians killed including commander Firuzan. Muslims defeated Persians.
 Shattered the ancient Empire of Persia. Large army was destroyed. 38,000 Persians were
 Series of victories followed this victory. Hazrat Umar ordered to march against all
remaining provinces. Caused deathblow to Persians. Last and greatest victory of Hazrat
Umar’s reign.
Byzantine Empire –

 Reason of wars was safety and defence. Tribes who lived on the border of Syria and
Palestine helped Arabian men to raid the Muslim territory.
The Battle of Yarmuk –

 Muslim army under Hazrat Khalid bin Walid sieged city of Damascus, capital of
Byzantine. Siege lasted six months. Finally, they accepted the Muslims to surrender and
agreed to pay Jizya.
 After that, He advanced towards the North of Damascus and captured EmIsa (Hims), city
of Syria. Syrians welcomed him and Muslims, treated them with leniency, justice and
 On the other hand, Heraclius, Byzantine Emperor collected a large army at Anoich.
Marched towards Hims in South. Syrian army marched South and reached valley fo
 Byzantine were 260,000, and Muslims were 30,000 men. After one month, one day, on
20th August, 636AD, a fierce battle began. It was hot and stormy with dusty winds which
blinded the Byzantine army. They fled.
 Last great battle between Muslims and Byzantine army. Proved to be a decisive battle in
history of Islam.
 Byzantine lost 140,000 men; Muslims lost 3,000 soldiers. Heraclius left Syria forever and
sailed to Constantinople.
Fall of Jerusalem –

 Muslims army under Hazrat Amr bin Al Aas, sieged city of Jerusalem surrounded by a
huge wall. Since they already saw the defeat of Byzantine, they offered a peaceful truce
and asked caliph to come and sign a treaty. Hazrat Umar accepted it.
 Hazrat Umar appointed Hazrat Ali as his deputy and went to Jerusalem with his slave.
Rode on one camel turn by turn.
 Umar entered Jerusalem holding the rope of the camel. His clothes were dirty due to
travelling and several patches on them.
 This was written in their books that whosoever would conquer Jerusalem; he would enter
the condition his slave would be on the camel, master would be holding rope, master
would be wearing clothes with patches on it.
 When they found Umar fulfilling these conditions, they welcomed him warmly to make a
 Hazrat Umar signed, and guaranteed security to them of their life and property. Their
places of worship were secure. People followed their religion freely. Jerusalem fell into
Muslims hands.
The Conquest of Egypt –

 Egypt was great danger to the security of Hijaz. It was a powerful province of the
Byzantine Empire, had a strong base of Byzantine navy in Alexandria.
 Romans were busy plotting against Muslims to regain the lost territories. They decided to
attack them through Egypt.
 Towards 17AH, Hazrat Amr bin Al Aas got the permission from caliph and set out from
Palestine for Egypt, at the head of 40,000 men.
 He entered Egypt through the route of Wadi al Arish and after attacking small towns laid
siege to one of the strongest forts of the Romans in Egypt at Fustat. The fort was later
 Fall of Fustat gave a blow to Roman power in Egypt. Byzantine Emperor got furious after
hearing this and sent a big army to Alexandria. Hazrat Amr bin Al Aas also set out for
Alexandria. He got reinforcements from caliph and Alexandria was conquered.
 After that he captured the remaining fortresses in Egypt.
New Institutions and Reforms –

 Hazrat Umar was also a great builder, administrator and statesman. He established a
number of political, social and administrative institutions and introduced several military,
political and economical reforms.
 1. The Deewan or Registration Office of Muslim Pensioners –
 First institution established by Hazrat Umar was Deewan for Muslim men, women and
 2. Reforms in Military and Judiciary –
 Established well disciplined army. Introduced salary and paid special attention to welfare.
Built new towns such as Busra, Kufa and Fustat.
 Organised military forces of men and horses to be always ready for attack. Sent
intelligent agenst to provinces to report him the day to day contact of his officers and to
keep a watch on the events in their areas.
 Police force was introduced to ensure safety of citizens and conditions of jails.
 He entrusted Qazis with Judicial functions. They were all just.
 3. Reform in Finance and Revenue –
 Introduced new taxes for revenue departments like commercial tax imposed to non-
Muslim. Public treasury was given a new shape and money was distributed fairly
according to Islamic teachings.
 4. Education –
 Stressed female education. Sent trained teachers to villages to teach Holy Quran. Number
of schools and Masjids were built in different towns. Appointed teachers and Qazis in
provinces to settle disputes according to Quran and Sunnah.
 5. Agriculture and Town planning –
 Took special care of farmers in conquered lands. Arab soldiers were forbidden to acquire
lands in the conquered territories. Made canals for irrigation.
 Caliph also found new cities such a Busra, Kufa, Fustat. He constructed bridges, roads
and rest houses for wayfarers.
Administration –

 Justice and fair dealings. Punished and rewarded equally. Introduced series of
administrative reforms. Divided state into provinces each under governor. Further divided
into districts under Revenue collector and Judge. Strictly monitored and led simple life.
 He formed new laws, rules and regulations. State based on democracy and fair judicial
system. Set up Majlis e Shura, the advisory council to advise him. Appointed judges in
major cities. Set up departments for jail, education and police.
 Established a financial department, Diwan to organize the Public Treasury. Maintained a
well-disciplined army. Used to walk around at nights to find out the sufferings of his
 Introduced Muslim calendar. Allowances were given to poor and needy. Protected rights
of non-Muslims. Were given religious freedom. Their religious places were protected.
Poor non-Muslims were exempted from paying taxes.
 An excellent example of being intelligent, responsible, just and simple ruler.
Martyrdom –

 Allowed rapid growth and expansion of Islam. In 10th year of his caliphate, Persian slave
Firoz came to him and complained about his master, Mughira charged him two Dirhams
toll tax per day for his labour, which was too much. Caliph asked him about his work,
and he asked that he was a carpenter and a blacksmith. Caliph told him that he was a
good craftsman and 2 dirhams a day was not a heavy charge. Firoz then went away
 Next morning, when caliph went to the masjid to lead the congregational prayer, when he
bent down for ruku; Firoz stabbed him 6 times with a poisoned dagger. He tried to run
away but were surrounded. He stabbed himself.
 Caliph was severely wounded in stomach.
 He nominated 6 leading companions to elect a caliph within 3 days of his death. He
passed away on 1st Moharram 23AH. Ruled for 10Y, 5M & 21D.

Caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (23-35AH) –

Election as a Caliph –
 The 6 men were Hazrat Uthman, Ali, Saad bin Abi Waqas, Talha, Zubair and Abdur
Rehman bin Auf.
 When they couldn’t decide, Hazrat Abdur Rehman withdrew his name. Hazrat Ali
proposed Hazrat Uthman’s name and Hazrat Uthman proposed Hazrat Ali’s name.
 After consulting, Hazrat Abdur Rehman gave his decision in favour for Hazrat Uthman.
He took his Baiat (oath of allegiance) then all the Muslims present in the masjid followed
and took Baiat at the hands of Hazrat Uthman.
Expansion of Islamic Empire –

 Territories were extended. Not as many conquests as Hazrat Umar. Muslims took over
Anatolia and Asia Minor in the West including Cyprus, Afghanistan, Samarkand,
Tashkent, Turkmenistan, Khurasan and Tabrastan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.
 They all became under one flag. Islamic state was far bigger than one of the past
Byzantine or Persian Empires.
Services by Hazrat Uthman –

 Jami ul Quran title given, so uniting entire Muslim ummah on the standardized version of
 First Naval force established on the suggestion of Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah.
 Expanded the Masjid of the Holy prophet and developed Islamic state with construction
of dams, bridges and walls.
Compilation of the Holy Quran –

 First copy of Quran was made in the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr, under supervision of
Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit. After conquests many people accepted Islam from different
 Dispute arose in the recitation of the text due to different dialects. Hazrat Hudhaifa bin
Yaman reported this to Hazrat Uthman, and he took action. He asked Hazrat Zaid bin
Thabit to compare all the manuscripts of Quran from people to the original copy of Quran
that was with Hazrat Hafsa.
 Variations of dialects was removed, a script was written down in Quraish dialect, four
copies were made, and one was kept in Madinah, rest were dispatched to other provinces.
 Strictly told to make new copy from the original copy. All other copies were destroyed.
Establishment of Navy –

 Built the first Arab navy. Hazrat Muawiyah built a fleet of nearly 500 ships an fought
against the Romans and defeated them. Many states were bought under Islam with the
help of the naval fleet.
Construction of Buildings, Bridges, Roads, Dams and Wells –
 Number of new buildings were constructed. Rest houses constructed. Guest houses built.
New bridges and roads. Roads leading to Madinah were given special attention. Water
tanks made; wells dug up.
 Constructed huge dam to protect from flood and supply water. Ordered digging wells and
cleaning the ones choked.
 Constructed a port in Jeddah on someone’s request.
Extension of the Masjid of the Holy Prophet –

 Masjid was too small for growing Muslims, so was extended and rebuilt with stone and
limestone. Was 140 yards in length, now increased to 160 yards. 120 width increased by
30 yards to make 150 yards. Simplicity was maintained.
Causes of Revolt against Hazrat Uthman –

 His soft heartedness. Conspiracy by a Yaminite Jew, Abdullah bin Saba. Arabs and non-
Arabs conflicts. Rivalry between Hasimites and Umayyads
 First half time Muslims gained many victories and was peaceful, but later terrible civil
war, led to the martyrdom of the Caliph.
 1. He was soft in nature, never harsh towards his subjects and the government officials.
Caused governors and administrators to be careless of their duties which enraged people.
 2. Muslim Caliphs exiled the Jews, were kept away from Makkah and Madinah.
Therefore, they plotted against Muslims and their rulers.
 3. He ignored the activities of Abdullah bin Saba, who pretended to accept Islam only for
self-interest and had the plan to destroy Islam. He faked and spread against caliphate.
Some simple Muslims also joined him who were having complains.
 4. After the conquests, some people entered Islam with evil intentions to get benefits to
secure their social, political status. They were not loyal. Always desired loos of Muslims.
Caused people against the caliph.
 5. Rivalry between the Hashmities and Umayyads.
 6. He was over 80 years age now, much work was done by his chief Secretary, Marwan,
who was selfish and curious person. His policy divided Muslims into two. Him relying on
Marwan too much left the matters of government in his hands which made conditions
Charges against Hazrat Uthman –

 Charges against him were plotted by hypocrites, new converts, mischief and rebels.
 Appointment of inefficient administration. Leniency to Governors. Burning the copies of
Quran. Spending from public treasury on the relatives.
 It was said that he was removing Hashemites from the Government offices in order to
support Umayyads and that he was considerate to his family.
 They said he was spending from Baitul Maal for his relatives.
 They said he burnt the copies of the Holy Quran.
Administration –

 Lenient, Had sharp eye on administration. Did not shuffle anything in the administration
set up by Hazrat Umar.
 Appointed his four relatives as governors of four provinces, Egypt, Syria, Basra and
Kufa. Divided entire Empire into 12 provinces and 100 districts.
 Observed principles in his government as by Hazrat Umar. Maintained Council of
Advisers same way. Main members were, Hazrat Ali, Zubair and Talha.
 He combined 3 provinces into one. Palestine, Jordan and Syria under Syria.
 He was soft natured. On Fridays, he came to the Masjid before Khutbah Azaan to listen
to the complaints of Muslims and to remove difficulties. Every Hajj, he used to listen to
the public about their difficulties.
 Kept armed forces on same pattern. Increased military power and combined various
military units with each other.
 Took special care of military personnel’s and increased their allowances. Civil
departments were separated from military departments.
 Used entire public funds for general welfare. Increased allowances to the poor and others.
Arranged free distribution of foodstuff and cooked meals for poor and disabled during
 Constructed bridges, roads, barrages and Masjids. Fixed salaries of the Muadhdhins.
(Callers of Azaan)
Martyrdom –

 Was the most innocent martyred companion and caliph. He could have moved Muslim
army against rebels and killed them, but he never wished bloodshed.
 He was martyred while reciting Quran at the age of 80. Rebels demanded him to give up
his caliphate, he rejected it and said: “I cannot take off the robe of honour with my own
hands that Allah has bestowed upon me.”
 So, rebels sieged his house, and didn’t allow him outside house except prayer and later
even prohibited him for prayers too. Siege went on for 40 days. During last few days,
they stopped the supply of water.
 He addressed his family relations with Holy prophet and his services for Islam many
times for the roof. But they didn’t listen. Rebels were afraid that Hajj was coming to an
end and a number of supporters of the caliph would come to Madinah.
 So, they decided to assassinate him. They scaled the rear walls and entered the room
where he was reciting Quran. One rebel hit his head with an axe, while next struck him
with sword.
 His wife, Nailah shielded him, but she also received several wounds, and her fingers were
chopped off.
 After several wounds, Amr bin Hamq cut off the Caliph’s head.
 He was assassinated on Friday, 17th Dhil Hajj, 35AH.
Character and Piety –

 Pious. High character. Modest. Strict follower of Sunnah. Feared Allah. Sometimes he
cried seeing a corpse or a grave because of the fear of Allah.
 Used to do house chores, although he was the wealthiest person in Arabia. He did not
wake others up for help while getting up for Tahajjud salat.
 Very soft spoken. Gentle and not harsh. Never took any allowance from Baitul Mal for
his services as a caliph. Most generous. Did not hesitate to spend money for Islam.

Caliphate of Hazrat Ali (35-40AH) –

Election as a Caliph –
 Fourth caliph. Rebels controlled the capital for a few days. Muslims were afraid and
remained behind doors. After that Madinah was without any government. Rebels
approached Hazrat Ali and asked him to be the caliph. He first declined but rebels made
 Finally, Hazrat Ali decided to put the matter in front of Muslims in the Masjid, the
companions considered him to be the fittest person for caliphate.
 On 21st Dhil Hajj 35AH, a pledge took place at the hands of Hazrat Ali. The rebels took
pledge too first to remove their severe sin from the minds of Muslims. They wanted to
take political support from Hazrat Ali to be saved from the punishment.
 Hazrat Ali faced three difficulties:
 1. To establish peace in the state and to set right the political situation.
 2. To take action against the assassins of Hazrat Uthman.
 3. To deal with companions demanding the arrest and punishment of the assassins of
Hazrat Uthman.
Change of Governors –
 Governors were told to step down and new appointments were made. He deposed the
Governors appointed by his predecessors due to public dissatisfaction.
 Governor of Syria, Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah didn’t step down and refused, demanding
the revenge of Hazrat Uthman.
Battle of Camel –
 First battle between believers and most of them were companions of Holy Prophet.
 Hazrat Ayesha and many Syrian companions were performing Hajj at the time when
Hazrat Uthman was martyred. Hazrat Talha and Zubair felt that Hazrat Ali was delaying
the punishment of assassinates. Both left Madinah, went to Makkah and told her about
the murder and lawlessness in the city.
 They both requested Hazrat Ayesha to take necessary measures to maintain peace and
help punish the assassins.
 She took 3,000 men and marched towards Busra, reaching there the army took control of
the city and put assassins to death after their confession of the crime.
 When Ali got to know about this, he raised an army of 9,000 men and marched towards
Busra. Both armies confronted each other first and then agreed to negotiate.
 This worried the rioters, as peace meant their own ruin. They decided to damage this
peace. They planned to attack Hazrat Ayesha’s army in the night. It was thought as the
betrayal from Hazrat Ali, so she ordered her army to fight back.
 When the battle was on the swing, she came in the battlefield riding a camel to stop the
war, people thought she came to lead the army, people gathered around her and fought.
 Hazrat Ali ordered to cut the camel’s legs. 10,000 people lost their lives. Hazrat Zubair
and Talha were killed by the rioters.
 Hazrat Ali treated Hazrat Ayesha with respect. She was sent back to Makkah along with
her brother. However, this battle saddened her.
Significance of the Battle in Islamic History –
 First example for companions fighting among themselves. First time the mothers of
faithful led a battle. It was assured that she was not physically hurt.
Battle of Siffain –
 Fought between Hazrat Ali and Ameer Muawiyah in 657AD. Hazrat Ali asked him to
pay allegiance to him and step down for the governorship of Syria. He refused as he
wanted Hazrat Ali to punish the murderers of Hazrat Uthman.
 Series of negotiations failed. Hazrat Ali had to take military action against him, with an
army of 90,000 men he marched towards Syria. Ameer Muawiyah collected 80,000
soldiers. Both armies confronted each other at Siffain.
 Problem was almost resolved but later the fighting broke out and lasted for 3 days.
 Ameer Muawiyah fixed Holy Quran to their lances. This made the war stop. Battle
remained undecisive. Was agreed that matter should be solved through arbitration.
Kharijites –
 Some supporters of Hazrat Ali disagreed with arbitration decision as they considered
Ameer Muawiyah as a rebel. They cried: “No decision except Allah’s”.
 Dissatisfied with Ali, 12,000 men separated from his army, and became known as
Kharijites. Gathered an army at Nahrawan. Hazrat Ali moved against them and many of
them were killed in 658AD.
Arbitration –
 Hazrat Ali appointed Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari, Ameer Muawiyah appointed Hazrat Amr
bin Al Aas for arbitration. Both agreed that Hazrat Uthaman was unjustly murdered. And
Hazrat Ali should stop insisting for allegiance from Ameer, and Ameer should stop
asking for punishment.
 Both agreed on the resignation of Hazrat Ali and Ameer Muawiyah, but alternative caliph
couldn’t be decided. This agreement was read out to the people present there.
The Revolt of the Kharijites –
 Kharijites demanded Hazrat Ali to reject arbitration and repent or they would fight
against him. They revolted against the caliph. They captured the town of Naharwan.
 After failure of Arbitration, Hazrat Ali wanted to renew war against Hazrat Muawiyah,
he collected 65,000 men and wrote to Kharijites to join him. On the way to Syria, he
heard about the murder of Abdullah bin Khubab and his wife at the hands of Kharijites.
He changed his course and marched against the Kharijites.
The Battle of Naharwan –
 After reaching Naharwan, Hazrat Ali asked Kharijites to surrender, they refused. So, he
ordered to attack. Large number of them were killed, only few escaped.
 After victory, he led force back to Kufa, once again called troops to march against Hazrat
Ameer but they invented various excuses to do so. They slipped out of the camp leaving
the caliph alone with a handful of supporters, so he returned to Kufa.
Loss of Egypt –
 Appointed Muhammad bin Abu Bakr as governor of Egypt. He asked the people to
accept allegiance to Hazrat Ali or leave Egypt. They refused. Indecisive result of battle
encouraged them to take up arms against Hazrat Ali.
 Hazrat Ameer also decided to attack Egypt. He asked Amr bin Al As to march towards
Egypt with 4,000 men. Muhammad bin Abu Bakr tried to resist but he was defeated and
murdered in July 658AD. Egypt was loss.
 Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah became the master of Egypt. Appointed Hazrat Amr bin Al As
as the governor of Egypt.
Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali –
 He laid down his life for the sake of Islam.
 Three of the Kharijites were still there. Abdur Rehman bin Muljim, Bakr bin Abdullah
and Amr bin Bakr. They met in privacy in 660AD and decided to get rid of Ali, Hazrat
Ameer Muawiyah and Hazrat Amr bin Al As in one go.
 Abdur Rehman attacked Hazrat Ali. That day he went to the Masjid in Kufa early in the
morning of 19th Ramadan 40AH and hid himself behind the entrance door.
 When Hazrat Ali came near the door, he attacked him in the darkness and wounded him
seriously with a poisoned sword.
 Murderer was put to sword soon after. Caliph was carried home in serious condition,
when he died of wounds on 21st Ramadan 40AH at the age of 60.
 The other two Kharijites failed in their mission.s

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