Bard College of Mime

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College of Mime

A Bardic College for 5th Edition

by Toby Lowther

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s
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College of Mime Uncanny Dodge
Starting at 6th level, when an attacker that you can see hits
Bards of the College of Mime are masters of the silent you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the
performing arts, calling upon the music of physical attack's damage against you.
movement in favour of the songs of other bards. These bards
rarely gather, except in small guilds devoted to their craft, but False Step
instead travel the world, using their eerie performances to At 14th level, you have mastered the art of deceptive
evoke the emotions of their audiences. movement, allowing you to appear to be many places at once.
Mimes have many disparate and subtle purposes, but they When you are subjected to an effect which would force you to
share a common concern with seeing beyond meaningless make a saving throw if you are within an area of effect, you
chatter to the deeper issues of the heart, evoking this in their can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration as a reaction. Roll a
art. They travel the land to come to better understand human Bardic Inspiration die. If twice the number rolled + your
nature and to share with others this understanding, drawing proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier is greater than
people together by their haunting performance. the DC of the saving throw, you can immediately teleport to
an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of you.
Silent Performance If you use this feature, you must move out of the area of
When you join the College of Mime at 3rd level, you learn to effect if you are able to do so. You cannot use this feature if
invoke bardic magic through the movement of your body. You you are restrained or your movement speed is 0.
do not require verbal components to cast spells, but all spells
which would normally require a verbal component to cast
instead require a somatic component for you. You cannot cast
spells which would normally require a verbal component if
you are restrained.
In addition, a creature does not have to be able to hear you
to benefit from your bard features, but it must be able to see
you if the feature would normally require that the creature
could hear you.
Theatre of the Mind
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to create semi-
substantial, invisible constructs out of thin air.
As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Bardic
Inspiration to create an invisible object, piece of ammunition,
shield, tool, or weapon. This construct exists for 1 minute or
until you are more than 120 feet away from it.
Ammunition. You create a single piece of ammunition for a
ranged weapon you are carrying. When you make an attack
with this piece of ammunition, roll the Bardic Inspiration die
expended to use this feature, adding the number rolled to
your attack roll. The attack deals force damage instead of the
usual damage for the weapon. The ammunition vanishes
once it hits a target.
Object. A created object is usually a piece of adventuring
gear (such as a rope) or a moderately sized obstruction (such
as a door). The object cannot be magical or consumable, and
if you create a container, it is created empty. An object placed
in a container created this way is still visible while inside it. A
creature can move through the object by succeeding on a
Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC.
Shield. You create an invisible shield granting you a +2
bonus to your AC. You can still cast the somatic components
of a spell while holding this shield.
Tool. You create a set of tools (such as artisan's tools or
thieves' tools) with which you are proficient. The first time
you make an ability check using this tool, you can roll the
Bardic Inspiration die expended to use this feature, adding
the number rolled to your ability check.
Weapon. You create a finesse weapon of your choice in
your hand. The first time you make an attack roll using this
weapon, you can roll the Bardic Inspiration die expended to
use this feature, adding the number rolled to your d20 roll.
The weapon deals force damage instead of its usual damage
type on a hit.
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