Life Processes - MCQ Test

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1. Which of the following statements about the autotrophs is incorrect?

(a) They synthesise carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of
sunlight and chlorophyll
(b) They store carbohydrates in the form of starch
(c) They convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates in the absence of sunlight
(d) They constitute the first trophic level in food chains
Ans. (c) They convent carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates in the absence of

2. In which of the following groups of organisms, food material is broken down

outside the body and absorbed?
(a) Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba
(b) Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
(c) Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta
(d) Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm
Ans. (b) Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
3. Which is the correct sequence of parts in human alimentary canal?
(a) Mouth →stomach →small intestine →oesophagus→large intestine
(b) Mouth →oesophagus→stomach →large intestine →small intestine
(c) Mouth →stomach →oesophagus→small intestine →large intestine
(d) Mouth →oesophagus→stomach →small intestine →large intestine
Ans. (d) Mouth →oesophagus→stomach →small intestine →large intestine

4. If salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva, which of the following events in the
mouth cavity will be affected?
(a) Proteins breaking down into amino acids
(b) Starch breaking down into sugars
(c) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol
(d) Absorption of vitamins
Ans. (b) Starch breaking down into sugars (maltose and isomaltose)

5. The inner lining of stomach is protected by one of the following from hydrochloric
acid. Choose the correct one
(a) Pepsin (b) Mucus (c) Salivary amylase (d) Bile
Ans. (b) Mucus

6. Which part of alimentary canal receives bile from the liver?

(a) Stomach (b) Small intestine (c) Large intestine (d) Oesophagus
Ans. (b) Small intestine

7. A few drops of iodine solution were added to rice water. The solution turned
blueblack in colour. This indicates that rice water contains
(a) complex proteins (b) simple proteins (c) fats (d) starch
Ans. (d) Starch

8. In which part of the alimentary canal food is finally digested?

(a) Stomach (b) Mouth cavity (c) Large intestine (d) Small intestine
Ans. (d) Small intestine

9. Choose the function of the pancreatic juice from the following

(a) trypsin digests proteins and lipase carbohydrates
(b) trypsin digests emulsified fats and lipase proteins
(c) trypsin and lipase digest fats
(d) trypsin digests proteins and lipase emulsified fats
Ans. (d) Trypsin digests proteins and lipase emulsified fats

10. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) true about respiration?

(i) During inhalation, ribs move inward and diaphragm is raised
(ii) In the alveoli, exchange of gases takes place i.e., oxygen from alveolar air diffuses into
blood and carbon dioxide from blood into alveolar air
(iii) Haemoglobin has greater affinity for carbon dioxide than oxygen
(iv) Alveoli increase surface area for exchange of gases
(a) (i) and (iv) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (i) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)
Ans. (d) (ii) and (iv)

11. Which is the correct sequence of air passage during inhalation?

(a) Nostrils →larynx →pharynx →trachea →lungs
(b) Nasal passage →trachea →pharynx →larynx →alveoli
(c) larynx →nostrils →pharynx →lungs
(d) Nostrils →pharynx →larynx →trachea →alveoli
Ans. (d) Nostrils →pharynx →larynx →trachea →alveoli

12. During respiration exchange of gases take place in

(a) trachea and larynx (b) alveoli of lungs (c) alveoli and throat (d) throat and larynx
Ans. (b) Alveoli of lungs

13. What prevents backflow of blood inside the heart during contraction?
(a) Valves in heart (b) Thick muscular walls of ventricles
(c) Thin walls of atria (d) All of the above
Ans. (a) Valves in heart

14. In which of the following vertebrate group/groups, heart does not pump
oxygenated blood to different parts of the body?
(a) Pisces and amphibians (b) Amphibians and reptiles
(c) Amphibians only (d) Pisces only
Ans. (d) Pisces only

15. The filtration units of kidneys are called

(a) Ureter (b) Urethra (c) Neurons (d) Nephrons
Ans. (d) Nephrons

16. Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from

(a) water (b) chlorophyll (c) carbon dioxide (d) glucose
Ans. (a) water

17. Which of the following is an incorrect statement?

(a) Organisms grow with time
(b) Organisms must repair and maintain their structure
(c) Movement of molecules does not take place among cells
(d) Energy is essential for life processes
Ans. (c) Movement of molecules does no take place among cells

18. The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon
(a) oxygen (b) temperature
(c) water in guard cells (d) concentration of CO2 in stomata
Ans. (c) Water in guard cells

19. Choose the forms in which most plants absorb nitrogen

(i) Proteins (ii) Nitrates and Nitrites (iii) Urea (iv) Atmospheric nitrogen
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv)
Ans. (b) (ii) and (iii)

20. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?

(i) Pyruvate can be converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by yeast
(ii) Fermentation takes place in aerobic bacteria
(iii) Fermentation takes place in mitochondria
(iv) Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iv) (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (ii) and
Ans. (c) (i) and (iv)

21. Choose the correct path of urine in our body

(a) kidney →ureter →urethra →urinary bladder
(b) kidney →urinary bladder →urethra →ureter
(c) kidney →ureters →urinary bladder →urethra
(d) urinary bladder →kidney →ureter →urethra

Ans. (c) kidney →ureters →urinary bladder →urethra

22. During deficiency of oxygen in tissues of human beings, pyruvic acid is converted
into lactic acid in the
(a) cytoplasm (b) chloroplast (c) mitochondria (d) golgi body
Ans. (a) cytoplasm.

23. The image shows the process of making food by a plant.

Which statement can be concluded from the image?

(a) plants absorbCO2from air and H2O from the soil as raw materials and convert them
into glucose
(b) plants absorbCO2from the soil and H2O from air as raw materials and convert them
into glucose
(c) plants absorbO2from air and glucose from the soil as raw materials and convert them
into light energy
(d) plants absorbO2from air and minerals from the soil as raw materials and convert them
into heat energy.

Ans: (a) plants absorbCO2from air and H2O from the soil as raw materials and
convert them intoGlucose.

24. A student sets up an experiment to study the importance of nutrition in plants.

Thestudent takes 2 pots, pot 1 and pot 2 each with the same healthy plant. Both the
pots wereplaced in the garden and watered properly. Pot 1 was kept as such, while
pot 2 was kept in anair tight glass box with caustic soda. Caustic soda absorbs carbon
dioxide present in thesurrounding. After 2 days, the student observes that the plant
kept in the garden is healthywhile the plant placed in container shed leaves and
droops. What is the likely reason for thisobservation?

(a) lack of nutrients in the soil

(b) absence of oxygen for survival
(c) inability to perform photosynthesis
(d) absorption of light by caustic soda restricting growth.
Ans: (c) inability to perform photosynthesis.

25. A student sets up an experiment to study the photosynthesis in plants. The

student destarcheda potted plant by keeping it in a dark room for 3 days. Half of the
portion of destarchedleaf was placed in a bottle containing caustic potash (absorbs
CO2) as shown.

The student then places the plant in light and tests the leaf after 5 hours for the
presence ofstarch. The portions inside the bottle shows negative starch test by
reflecting no change incolour when react with iodine, however, other upper portions
of the leaf gave positive starchtest showing blue-black colour with iodine. What can
be evaluated from this experiment?
(a) carbon dioxide is directly linked with the colour of leaf
(b) carbon dioxide is necessary for preparing carbohydrate
(c) lack of carbon dioxide increases amount of starch in plant
(d) lack of carbon dioxide slows the process of photosynthesis.
Ans: (b) carbon dioxide is necessary for preparing carbohydrate.

26. The image shows the bread moulds on a bread.

How these fungi obtain nutrition?

(a) by eating the bread on which it is growing
(b) by using nutrients from the bread to prepare their own food
(c) by breaking down the nutrients of bread and then absorbing them
(d) by allowing other organisms to grow on the bread and then consuming them

Ans: (c) by breaking down the nutrients of bread and then absorbing them.

27. The image shows the human digestive system

Digestion of food starts from which organ of the digestive system?
(a) mouth due to the presence of saliva
(b) oesophagus that moves the food in gut
(c) that releases juices for fat breakdown
(d) which helps in mixing food with digestive juices
Ans: (a) mouth due to the presence of saliva.

28. A student sets up an experiment to study the role of enzymes in digestion of food.

In which test tube, the digestion of protein will occur?

(a) Test tube A as pepsin will breakdown into simple molecules.
(b) Test tube B as HCl will breakdown protein into simple molecules.
(c) Test tubes A as pepsin will breakdown protein into simple molecules.
(d) Test tube B as HCl will activate pepsin for breakdown of protein into simple molecules.
Ans: b) Test tube B as HCl will breakdown protein into simple molecules.

29. The image shows the transport of gases in body through heart and lungs.
Which option correctly shows the transport of oxygen to the cell?
(a) Lungs →pulmonary vein →left atrium →left ventricle →aorta → body cells
(b) Lungs →pulmonary vein →right atrium →right ventricle → aorta → body cells
(c) Lungs →pulmonary artery →left atrium → left ventricle → vanacava → body cells
(d) Lungs →pulmonary artery →right atrium → right ventricle→ vanacava → body cells
Ans: (a) Lungs →pulmonary vein →left atrium →left ventricle →aorta → body cells

30. A student setup an experiment using a well-watered plant. The plant’s roots and
soilwere covered with a rubber sheet. The plant was then kept in a glass bell jar and
sealed with Vaseline at the bottom part to prevent the flow of air. The student keeps
the apparatus in the light and observes water drops inside the jar after 2 hours as
shown in the image.

What can be evaluated about transpiration from this experiment?

(a) Plant leaves give off water in form of vapours.
(b) Heat from the outside warms the jar which melts the vaseline into vapours.
(c) Plant absorbs water from environment thus extra water appears on the inside of jar.
(d) Covered roots and stem of the plant decreases the temperature of jar resulting in
condensation of moisture into vapours.
Ans: (a) Plant leaves give off water in form of vapours.

31. The image shows the structure of a nephron.


Nephron is a unit of filtration in kidneys that filters waste material. It selectively

reabsorbs or excretes water with the help of capillaries that surround it. What is the
likely benefit of this?
(a) It makes the process of filtration at Bowman’s capsule easier.
(b) It helps keep the output of urine constant throughout the day.
(c) It helps to uptake and store excess amount of water in the body for later use.
(d) It maintains the concentration of urine based on the amount of water present in the
Ans: (d) It maintains the concentration of urine based on the amount of water
present in the body.


DIRECTION : The following question consist of two statements - Assertion (A) and
Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(e) Both Assertion and Reason are false.

1.Assertion : in the daytime, CO2 generated during respiration is used up for

Reason : There is no CO2 release during day.
Ans : (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2. Assertion : Raw materials needed for photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, water and
Reason : Nutrients provide energy to an organism.
Ans : (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

3. Assertion : Lungs always contain a residual volume of air.

Reason : It provides sufficient time for oxygen to be absorbed and for carbon dioxide to be
Ans : (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

4. Assertion : Transpiration is a necessary evil.

Reason : It causes water loss but helps in absorption and upward movement of water
Ans : (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

5. Assertion : Digestion breaks large complex molecules to simple smaller molecules which
can be easily absorbed.
Reason : Digestion is necessary for the absorption of all molecules.
Ans : (c) A is true but R is false.

6. Assertion : Energy is used during the process of respiration.

Reason : Respiration stores energy in the form of ATP.
Ans : (d) A is false but R is true.

7. Assertion : Egestion is the removal of nitrogenous waste products from the body.
Reason : Excretion is the discharge of undigested matter from the digestive tract.
Ans : (e) Both Assertion and Reason are false.

8. Assertion : In human heart, there is no mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.

Reason : Valves are present in the heart which allows the movement of blood in one
direction only.
Ans : (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

9. Assertion : In woody plants, gaseous exchange occurs through lenticels.

Reason : Lenticels are specialised cells found along with stomata on the stem of woody
Ans : (c) A is true but R is false.

10. Assertion : Lymph, also known as tissue fluid is colourless.

Reason : It lackes erythrocytes.
Ans : (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

1.Question numbers 1.1–1.4 are based on the two table given below.
Study these tables related to blood pressure level and answer the
question that follow :

1.1 In the table B, at which time patent−Y have ideal normal blood pressure?
Ans : Afternoon (80-120)

1.2 Identify the patient, which have hypertension stage-1 blood pressure?
Ans : Patient X (82-132) Evening

1.3 Which Diet is the best for high blood pressure patient?
(a) Grain and fruits
(b) High fat dairy products
(c) Take large amount of sodium in diet
(d) All of the above
Ans : (a) Grain and fruits

1.4 The ideal blood pressure measurement is

(a) 80-120 mm Hg (b) 85-125 mm Hg
(c) 90-150 mm Hg (d) 95-100 mm Hg
Ans : (a) 80-120 mm Hg


1. Give one reason why multicellular organisms require special organs for exchange of gases
between their body and their environment.
Ans: Multicellular organisms need more O2 to perform various body functions. They therefore, have
special organs for exchange of gases.

2. State the basic difference between the process of respiration and photosynthesis.
Ans: Respiration uses O2 and releases CO2 but in photosynthesis, CO2 is used and O2 is released.

3. Where do plants get each of the raw materials required for photosynthesis?
Plants get carbon dioxide from atmosphere through stomata and water from soil through roots
and transport to leaves.

4. What advantage over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism have with regard
to obtaining oxygen for respiration?

Ans: The amount of oxygen dissolved in water is very low, as compared to amount of oxygen in
air. Thus, terrestrial organism has to make less efforts to obtain oxygen than an aquatic organism
to obtain oxygen for respiration.

5. Specify two conditions in which photo-respiration may take place in green plants.

Ans:Two conditions in which photorespiration may take place in green plants are: (i) High
concentration of oxygen and (ii) High temperature.

6. Name the fundamental process in which living organisms release energy within their

Ans: Respiration.

7. Find the odd one out: (a) Trachea, Bronchus, Alveolus, Diaphragm. (b) Epiglottis,
Trachea, Malpighian corpuscles, Alveoli.

Ans: a) Diaphragm, (b) Malpighian corpuscles.

8. Why are lungs divided into very small sac-like structures called alveoli?

Ans: Lungs are divided into small sacs or alveoli to increase the surface area through which
respiratory exchange takes place.

9. What will happen if the diaphragm of a person gets ruptured in an accident?

Ans: : Immediate death due to failure of respiration.

10. Name the phase of the cardiac cycle in which both auricles and ventricles are relaxed

Ans: Diastole.

11. Why is plasma of blood straw-coloured?

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