Word Order in Questions

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Are you? Can you? Do you? Did you? mat university VOCABULARY & SPEAKING common verb phrases Complete the questions in Getting to know you with a verb, 1.2 Listen and check, 1.3 Listen and repeat questions 1-6. Copy the rhythm and intonation. Have a conversation with your partner. Ask and answer the questions in the questionnaire. After you have answered a question, ‘return’ it to your partner. Where are you from?) ('m from Peznai, in Poland. And you? Where are youftom? 7 What do you 2 Where were _youborn? ‘8 What time do you Where do you 2 up during the week? Do you inahouse 9 Where do you usually oraifiat? lunch? Do you any 10 What time do you usually brothers and sisters? to bed? Do you 11 Where did you any pets? English before? 12 Can you languages? Which? any other ‘D ‘Returning’ a question When you're having a conversation, you often ‘return’ questions, thatis ask somebody the same question that they asked you. You can do this by 1 saying And you? or What about you? 2 repeating the question, but stressing you,eg ‘A Where are you from? B I'm from Rome. Where are you from? YOU What kind of music do you to? What TV programmes or series do you 2 Do you ‘any sport or exercise? What? What kind of books or magazines do you 2 How often do you fo the cinema? What did you weekend? last 2 GRAMMAR word order in questions ‘2 Look at the highlighted phrases in questions 1-6, Tick (/) the three correct questions. Rewrite the incorrect questions. 1 Can you play a musical instrument? ¥ 2 Where works your father? 3 Were you at this schoo! last year? 4 Isthere a supermarket near here? 5 Have you cereal for breakfast? 6 Where went you for your last holiday? b @p.126 Grammar Bank 1A ¢ Look at the two groups of que: ‘What are the missing words in the second questions? ns. PRESENT Do you. ~ drink alot of tea or How many cups. ~ go toa gym? What = sleep well? How many ~ play games on your phone? ‘What games ~ like watching sport on TV? ‘What sports PAST Did you. = 90 to bed late last i What time = cook lunch or dinner What. = 90 for a walk at the weekent Where — = see a good film last week? What fim ~ buy any clothes last month? What 2 Stand up and ask different students the first question until somebody says Yes. Then ask the second question. Continue with the other questions, asking different students. Do you drink alot of tea or coffee? (ess! drink a lt of coffee. How many cups do you drink a day?) (Three or four 3 PRONUNCIATION the alphabet a @1.6 With a partner, say the groups of letters. Then listen and check. ABCD EFGH PD The alphabet The letters of the alphabet are pronounced with different vowel sounds, e.g. § = cs, like egg, but C = si, lke tree. KL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ b @17 Look at the sound pictures. What are the words and vowel sounds? Listen and write the words. ¢ Add these letters to the correct column. EGJKMORQXY d_ @1.8 Listen and check. Practise saying the letters in each column. @ @ Communication Alphabet quiz A p.102 B p.108 Ask and answer the questions. (Which country’s security service is called the FBI? 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING a @1.9 Listen to extracts from six conversations. Write the letters and numbers you hear. 1 first name: Wayne 4 email 2 postcode: 5 surname: 3 phone number: 6 address: b @1.10 Now listen to the conversations. Match 1-6 to situations a-f. buying something A b checking into a hotel trying to get help d giving a student directions € giving a class some information f arriving ata restaurant Interview another student and complete the form, ‘STUDENT INFORMATION | what's your frst namo? cr 1 GRAMMAR BANK 4A word order in questions questions with be and can Are you hungry? 1.4 Is there_—_abank near here? cont sithere? What was that noise? Where were you born? ‘+ We make questions with the verb be and can by inverting the verb and the subject. She is a teacher. + Is she a teacher? questions with do / does / did in present simple and past simple Question word | Auxiliary | Subject Infinitive Ors Do you live with your parents? Did you have a holiday last year? Where does yoursister_ work? When did you start studying English? What did they talk about? + You can use ASI (Auxliary, Subject, Infinitive) or QuASI (Question word, Auxiliary, Subject, Infinitive) to remember word order in questions, Ifthere’s @ preposition, we often put it at the end of a question, e. Who do you live with? He can drive. Can he drive? 4B present simple 11 you! we/ they | usually work at home. EE] Myparents don't live near here. [1 Doyou speak French? Bh Yes, 1do./ No, I don't. + We use the present simple for things we do every day / week / y which are generally true or always happen. * We use don’t/ doesn't in negative sentences, and do/ does in questions. he/she sie O15 My brother works inthe city centre Iedoosn’t often rain here. Does he like pop music? Yes, he does. No he doesn't. work work ery study studies ‘consonant + y+ ies finish Finishes ‘add -es after ch shi x ‘90/do goes/does ade have has change tos adverbs and expressions of frequency 1. We often go out on Friday night. ‘She doesn’t usualy study at weekends. I'm never il He's always late for work 2 She gets up early every day. We have English classes twice a week. O16 1 We often use the present simple with adverbs ‘of frequency (always, often, sometimes, usualy, hardly ever, never). + Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, + Adverbs of frequency go after be. Sho's never il. NOT She'tnever: + Remember to use al#] verb with never. lenever rains. NOT tedoesn'+-never rite 2 Expressions of frequency (every day, once a week, et. usualy go at the end of a sentence. 1C present continuous: be + verb + -ing 1. A What are you doing? B I'm sending a message to Sarah, 2. My brother is doing a two-month course in the UK. 3 In this picture the woman is standing near a table. 01.26 * We use the present continuous: 1 forthings happening now, at this moment. 2 for temporary things that are happening around now, this week, ete 3 to describe what's happening in a picture. You He BH tmworting YO reworking Hse woring E]—tmrot working M0 arent woring SM nt wring ‘Are you working? Yes Lam. / No, tm not A isheworking? Yes, hes. No, he ist ek ekg study studying 8819 fo eis ermenmereny ana e {vet rises in contnant-vowel consonant, double the final consonant and add ing present simple or present continuous? 1.27 1. A What do you do? B I work for an IT company. 2 A What are you doing? B I'm checking my messages. 3 lke this painting, it’s beautiful 1 We use the present simple for things that are generally true or always happen. 2 We use the present continuous for an action happening now, at this moment. 3 We normally use verbs which describe states or feelings (non-action verbs), e.g. want, need, like, in the present simple, not continuous, like Ktalian food. NOT Hiking Hain food 1A ‘a Put the word or phrase in the correct place in the question. Where are you from? (are) b Put the words in the correct order to make questions. you live where do ? Where do you ive? 1. Where we park? (can) 1 you a do have car ? 2 How are you? (old) 2 was brother your where born ? 3. Does finish at 8.00? (the class) 3 often he how phone does you ? 4 Where do your friends? (lve) 4 their time arrive does flight what ? 5 Why you answer my email? (didn’t) 5 Brazil from is girlfriend your ? 6 Do you often to the cinema? (go) 6 languages how you many can speak ? 7 What this word mean? (does) 7 party the how was ? 8 What time did arrive? (your friends) 8 last go where you summer did ? 9 Who are you talking? (to) 9 there doctor here is a ? 10 Where were last night? (you) 10 come bus to you by school did ? Orr 1B a Write sentences and questions with the present simple. he / usually getup late He usually gets up late 4B Anna /ike music 2 EB] mysister / have a lot of hobbies 3 ElI/get on very well with my parents 4B] my brother / study English at university 5 El my neighbours / have any children & [2] What time / the film start he / go out twice a week 8 E] we /often talk about polities 9 [2] how often / you see your brother 10 E] Sally / go on Facebook very much Put the words in the correct order. go cinema we often the to We often go to the cinema. always before go | bed 11.00 to ever her Kate sees family hardly Saturdays never shopping on go we a to | dentist's year go twice the in they breakfast sometimes bed have usually car I the listen the in radio to in day park every Alan the runs ‘often late Sam is work for ‘often John to go doesn't theatre the visit 1 once my month a mum Ore 1c a Write sentences with the present b_ Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous. Use contractions where continuous. you can. ‘The git in the painting is playing. the guitar. (play) El It/snow It isn’t snowing, 1 My dog's not dangerous. He (rot bite) 1 fH] Oliver / wear suit today! 2 you sunglasses? 2 ] Wtshot. Why / wear a coat? ea rand 3 El Jane / sit in her usual place today You can tum off the radio. | to it. (not listen) 4 [3] Hey! You / stand on my foot! 5 [2] what book / you read? 6 [3] we /rent a small flat at the moment 7 (| she / wear make-up? 8 [4] 1/plan a trip to the USA 7 9 [Bl your brother / work in London this week? 10 | they / get on very well at the moment 8 9 10 Be carefull The baby usually She's an administrator. She to find a cash machine. (need) your pen in her mouth! (put) you usually. at weekends? (cook) B No, wenormally __out. (eat) A What you here? (do) for Emma, She's late, as usval. (wait) tea, but a coffee today. (drink, want) from 9.00 to 5.00. (work) in Paris, but in Nice at the moment. (ive, work) Orr

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