Vocabulary Intermediate Plus

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Adjective suffixes 1 DESCRIBING PEOPLE ‘a Add an ending to the nouns and verbs below and make any other small changes necessary to form adjectives. Write them in the correct column. VOCABULARY BANK 2 DESCRIBING PLACES AND THINGS a Add an ending to the nouns and verbs below and make any other small changes necessary to form adjectives. Write them in the correct column. affection [fekin) agsert sas attract Direkt afford i3fs:d) colour /kala’ comfort /kamfot compassion /kom'psejiv consider /kan'siy desire ii'zais’ dirt (dss) expense /ik’spens create /kri'ett) envy envi’ glamour Pol: health ‘held! impress im'pres! luxury ’lakfori help /help/ impulse 'impals) love /lav mess mes) noise /naiz/ peace /pis! profit "profit possess /pa¥zes) power /paua’ rebel /bel rest /rest/ risk nisk/ space /speis!_ stress /stres rely rilau’ response in'spons/_ thought (x suit ust D Word endings for adjectives cable Y sive -ous ful Many adjectives are formed by adding suffixes {© endings) such 28 -able ible to a noun or verb, Sometimes another small spelling change is required, e.g. losing a final e (fame - famous). Check the speling changes in your dictionary. Knowing typical suffites will help you to recognize that a new word isan adjective. -able/ |-ate ‘ve |-ous | ful -ible sociable | passionate sansible | affectionate sensitive ambitious | successful b @19 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Cover the chart and look at the nouns and verbs in a. Say the adjectives. ‘Iwas a very rebellious teenager: recognizable | easy affordable ‘addictive | dangerous | useful b @1.10 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Cover the chart and look at the nouns and verbs in a. Say the adjectives. 3 -FUL AND -LESS P ful and -less -ful and -less are suffixes which add the meaning ‘with or ‘without’ to the base word, e.g. careful = with care, careless = without care, hopeful = with hope, hopeless = without hope. However, not all words which can form an adjective with -ful can also form one with less, e.g. we can say successful but NOT successless, and not all words which can form an adjective with “ess can also form cone with ful e.g, we can say endless but NOT endl. a Look at the -ful adjectives in the charts in 1 and 2. Tick the ones that can form an adjective with -less. b @1.11 Listen and check. @p.10 Packing 1 THINGS TO TAKE ON HOLIDAY ‘a Match the words and photos. Electronics adaptor ’ batteries (phone) charger as 1 earphones /isfounz hairdryer *hesdravy headphones /hesfoun7 travel iron "tre ain letries = ea brush bf comb kav ‘O degdorant ilisvdaront insect repellent Pansekt ripelan ‘make-up /merk an (nail) scissors siz07 shampoo fem’ pu: toothbrush u:dbr, toothpaste Piuipeist washbag /woJb:o! (also sponge bag "spands bea!) Clothes and shoes bathrobe /ba0raub’ (or dressing gown /lresi9 gavn) flip-flops lip flops. pyiamas (podsa:moz ‘ain jacket rein dseekit (or aincoat /reink>0t/) slippers /slipaz sun hat san het ‘swimming trunks swimsuit "swimsust underwear ’ndowe Others beach bag bist! be first-aid kit (fst ‘exd i guidebook ’gaisbok pack of cards /psek av ‘kar towel "aval b @2.1 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Cover the words and look at the photos. Say the words. VOCABULARY BANK N DOCUMENTS YOU MAY NEED Match the documents to the reasons why you need them on holiday. passport or ID card travel insurance documents driving licence booking confirmation a if you are travelling to a country which requires one, e.g. the USA. bb if you want to rent a car ¢ in case you have an accident or another problem d toallow you to leave and enter a country @ to prove toa hotel or airline that you have paid for a room, fight, ete b @2.2 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Which of these documents do you usually take with you when you travel? 3 PACKING VERBS a Match the words and photos. fold (clothes ) sold pack (a suitease) (pick roll up (clothes) (v2! inpack ian'psck wrap (fragile things) nxn b_ @2.3 Listen and check. Opis Shops and services MOCABULARYIBANK 1 PLACES 2 PHRASAL VERBS RELATED TO a Match the words and photos. SHOPS AND SHOPPING baker's florist’s ‘a Match the highlighted phrasal verbs to the barber's saacencerire: definitions butchers reangocers 1 I Alotef local shoe and businesns have car showroom haidresser's closed down because ofthe recession chain store ieusllers 2 MA Doyou need any help? chemist’ laundrette B No thanks, |just want to look round. deli market stall 3 fll I wanted to get the coat ina large, but Dior lier they'd sold out dry-cleaner’s ftlicence 4. [BLA Isthere somewhere where I can try’on estate agent’ iste Hi siationer's ste this sweater? B Yes, the changing rooms are over there, 5 [ll Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking for a butcher's. Someone told me there was one near here, 6 [HA Do you have these in a medium? B I'm sorry, we're out of mediums at the ‘moment, but we should be getting some fishmonger’s travel agent's not have in stock at the moment b put something on to see ifit fits ¢ (ofa shop) not have any more to sell d stop trading or doing business etry to find something £ walk coun b @2.23 Listen and check. place to see what there is AcTIVATION Cover 1-6 and look at definitions a-f. Say the phrasal verbs. ‘D Shop names with 's The names for many sorts of shops end in ‘s. This s short for (sb's shop, e.g. baker's = baker's shop, chemist’s = chemist’s shop. In the plural of these shops, there is no apostrophe, e.g, There are several bakers here Shop names are also often compound nouns, €., bookshop, pet shop, health food store. Other places to buy things in the UK Charity shops sell second-hand items (especially clothes) which have been given to them by people to raise money for charity. Pound shops sell a variety of cheap goods which cost one pound. Craft fairs are events where you can buy handmade things, often made by local people. Outlets are shops that sell branded goods at reduced prices. b @2.22 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Cover the words and look at the photos. Say the words. @p.22 Photography 4 DESCRIBING A PHOTO Look at the photos and complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the list. Use capital letters where necessary. behind /ivhaind’ in the background Pbiekgravnd in the bottom right-hand corner {botam ratt haend *koxnal in the centre /senta!_ in the distance / current affairs programme fea. proug documentary enti (crime) drama ro live sport jar period drama "pi: quiz show 7 1 reality show the news (0 the weather forecast b @5.2 Listen and check VOCABULARY BANK B series, soaps, and sitcoms A series /sinvisz'is a set of TV programmes about the same subject or with the same characters. Itis divided into episodes, which usually last between 30 minutes and an hour. When a series first comes out, episodes are usually broadcast once a week. A popular series may return for a second (third, etc.) season, Streaming services like Netflix now release complete seasons at a time. Sometimes a season is referred to as a box set. A soap 20»! (short for soap opera) is a story about the lives and problems of a group of people. Itis broadcast several times a week, or even every day. Asitcom (hort for situation comedy) [sa regular TV programme that shows the same characters in different amusing situations. ACTIVATION What are the most popular series, soaps, quiz shows, and reality TV shows in your country at the moment? 2 PHRASAL VERBS a Complete the definitions with a phrasal verb from the list, be on bit on! tum down turn off /tazn turn on /tz:n on/ turn ove vo) ture up itn ap 1 the TV = press a button, e.g. on a remote ‘control, to start it working (also switch on} 2 the TV = press a button to stop it working {also switch off) 3 the TV = make the volume louder 4 the TV = make the volume quieter 5 the programme ‘on TVat this moment 6 to another channel = press a button to watch a different channel also change channe) b @5.3 Listen and check. now = itis being shown ACTIVATION Answer the questions with a partner. Do you ever...? * choose to stay at home in the evening because there's a good programme on + tum over to another channel in the middle of a programme + turn the volume off while you're watching a programme * tum off @ programme as soon as it starts Ops The country 41 NATURE a Match the words and photos. branch lant) leaf list! (plural leaves bush mud im cliff ks 4 path ipa fence /ien rocks field sticks ‘ti gate stones grass stream hedge valley hill well lake ‘le wood b @5.12 Listen and check. activation Cover the words and look at the pictures. Say the words. D the country and the countryside We normally use the country to talk about any area that is not a town or city, eg. Ive in the country. We use the countryside when we are talking about the scenery in the country, e.g. fields, woods, etc,, usually ina positive way, e.g. We stayed in a little village surrounded by beautiful countryside. VOCABULARY BANK 2 ONA FARM 1 Match the words and photos. barn /bai hens ‘her cockerel lambs ‘le \ cow fav! sheep (i donkey /dogh tractor "tre farmhouse /"fa:mha 5.13 Listen and check. Complete the text with a verb or past participle from the list. harvested pi grow k planted In the UK, especially in the east of England, a lot of farmers! cereals (for example, wheat), vegetables, and fruit. Most crops are ? in the early spring and are ? in the summer, for example, wheat in August, and most potatoes from June onwards. Soft fruits like strawberries are usually ripe in June and July, and many farms invite people to come and ¢ their own fruit. d- @5.14 Listen and check. What do you think the bold words mean? ActIVAnON Cover the words in a and look at the pictures. Say the words. ps At a restaurant 1 THINGS ON THE TABLE a Match the words and photos. bowl ‘bool candle ’keendl ‘corkscrew cup hk fork glass la: jug Kise keife mug /oag ‘napkin falso ser oil and vinegar (sil 20 ‘vi plate ipleit salt and pepper (ssl saucer Io: serving dish /ssvin dy spoon ‘sj tablecloth teapot i: teaspoon tray lie 1 wine glass b @6.1 Listen and check. 2 eit kod isspusn’ ACTIVATION What would you expect to find on a restaurant table in your country? What do you put on the table when you lay it for lunch or dinner? 2 THINGS PEOPLE DO IN RESTAURANTS a Match the verb phrases and photos. waiters customers, lay the table book a table (opp. clear the order food table) try the wine #) take an order send something recommend a back dish ask for the bill scarry a tray leave a tip serve customers pour the wine b @6.2 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Cover the words and look at the photos. Say the phrases. Op.se VOCABULARY BANK food, plate, dish, meal, and course food = things that you eat plate = a round flat object that you put food on when you eat it = 1 a flat container for serving food 2 food prepared in a particular way, e.g the dish of the day, a vegetarian dish ‘meal = an occasion when people eat food, e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner course = one part of a meal, e.g. the main course, a four-course meal DIY and repairs 4 o N o ow o VOCABULARY BANK O IN A SHED: TOOLS AND OTHER THINGS FOR REPAIR: Match the words and photos. brick brik bucket "bakit dil ar hammer “hema ladder ado rail etl padlock /pediok paintbrush /peintbraf piece of wood {piss ov ‘wou! rope iraup) screwdriver ’skrusdraiva tap ite) 4 tle ial sire foe Cn 6.16 Listen and check. a3 IN A DRAWER: USEFUL THINGS AROUND THE HOUSE Match the words and photos. box of matches needle and thread boks av ‘mietfiz nizdl an red! drawing pin ‘droun pus penknife pena fuse ifjuxz Sellotape /selateip glue ial string stn handle endl tape measure Feip ,e59 light bulb att bal torch ist 6.17 Listen and check. VERB PHRASES Match verbs 1-9 to phrases a-i 1 I change something together with glue or 2 © dell Sellotape 3 1 mend bb abbutton on a shirt 4.1 put together (assemble) (opp. take apart) d two things together, e.g. your 5 Ml putup shoelaces or two pieces of string 6 © setup @ anew wii network or ahome 7 Mew cinema system BO stick f shelves or curtains i a hole in a wall or ina piece of BD Synonyms ooote 9 aed e Synonyms are words with a very similar hh something that's broken ‘meaning, e.g. you can repair, mend, or fix i flat-pack furniture something which is broken 6.18 Listen and check. @p62 Phrasal verbs ‘D Phrasal verbs revision ‘Type 1 ~ phrasal verbs with no object ‘The verb and particle are never separated: be on TV, grow up on a farm, move back to the city, settle down to start a family, turn ever to another channel ‘Type 2 - phrasal verbs with an object ~ separable The verb and particle can be separated: back up a file, close down a shop, put together a piece of furniture, put up shelves, ‘send back something you bought online, set up awifi network, switch off a computer, take out the rubbish, throw away leftover food, try on clothes, turn up / down / on / off the TV, keep away insects ‘Type 3 - phrasal verbs with an object — inseparable ‘The verb and particle(s) are never separated: ask for the bil, be out of a new product, look for a cash machine, look round a shop, sell out of a size, zoom in on sth you want to photograph 1 PHRASAL VERBS TO DO WITH MONEY ‘a Match phrasal verbs 1-6 to defini 1 fll ifllend you the money, can you pay me back next week? ns af. 2. need to take out some money. Where's the nearest cash machine? 3 [ll Lwon't be able to pay off my student loan until I'm 45, 4 [ll He's so generous. When he won the lottery, he gave nearly all the money away. 5 [ll Nowadays it's difficult for couples to live on only one salary. 6 [ Ihad to live off my parents while | was at university. depend financially on finish paying for something give as a present have enough money for what you need return money you have borrowed remove something from somewhere b @7.3 Listen and check. seance VOCABULARY BANK 2 PHRASAL VERBS WITH AWAY AND BACK ‘D The meaning of the parti With some phrasal verbs, the meaning of the particle (the preposition or adverb after the verb) can help you to Understand the phrasal verb, e.g. away often means toa different place, out of sight, and back often means to return an action, e.g. go back. ‘a Complete the sentences with a verb from the li be (x2) call get give put run take away 1 Don't away! | won't hurt you. 2 The boss will ‘away until the end of next week He's at a conference in Mexico. 3 Please your toys away, They'te all over the floor. 4 Ifyou take a paracetamol, it'll the pain away! back 5 I'm sorry, but 'm confiscating your phone. You'll it back at the end of the day. 6 He's out, 'm afraid. Could you half an hour? 7A Where are you going? B Just to the shops. I'l 8 That's my book! b @744 Listen and check. back in about back in ten minutes. it back. 3 MORE PHRASAL VERBS WITH TAKE 2 Complete the gaps with a particle from the list. after apart on off(a2) out over up 1 Sorry, | can't come tonight. Im taking my girlfriend for dinner. 2 They'te taking ‘ten new interns at Radio London, Why don't we apply? 3 Itake ‘my mother. We're both very outgoing. 4 The plane took twenty minutes late 5 Unfortunately, my company was taken bya ‘multinational firm, and | lost my job, 6 Take your shoes, please. I've just cleaned the floor. 7 Youneed to take the keyboard to clean it properly. 8 Ineed to do more exercise. | think I'll take cycling, b @7.5 Listen and check. Ors Looking after yourself VECABUTARY/RANK 1 AT THE HAIRDRESSER’S OR 2 KEEPING FIT BARBER’S ‘2 Match the words and photos. 2 rH a Match the words and photos for equipment and exercises. Equipment Exercises (ose) an exercise bike do situps (use) a sunning machine do press-ups (6o / lift) weights do stretches (use) a rowing machine do aerobics (use) a crossrainer do spinning (use) a yoga mat Wi do Plates (or yous) b_ @86 Listen and check. bunches "bani a buzz cut nz kat AcTIvATION What equipment or exercises are good if you...? a fringe rnd + want to lose weight + have a bad back 1 2 parting “post ‘+ wantto tone yourmuscles want to improve your a ponytail “pounitel + want to do cardio exercises Flexibility plait lets we ie _ 3 BEAUTY TREATMENTS curled isd @ Match the words and dyed photos, put up [pot a manicure nant straightened /streitnd pedicure “pedi . facial ‘ful a blow-dry "bau dea massage /mas0:9 2 perm ip: weaning wala a shave [or fake tan fei: an 2 weatment iristmont i stiri frhaveyourhst ined > “GBH Usten-and check highlights "hailats! (er lowtights) ACTIVATION Which of these iy "ROBE [Lntervond check treatments would you enjoy? ACTIVATION How often do you go to the Op78 hairdresser’s or barber's? What do you usually have done? Op.7% Appendix DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS prepositions after verbs preposition: | agree with my boss about the problem. He apologized for being late. She applied for the job. We always argue about money. | used to argue with my sister a lot We arrived at the airport at 6.00 a.m, We arrived in Pars inthe evening. | don't believe in ghosts ‘That bag belongs to me. | can't choose between these two shirts, (Our weekend plans depend on the weather. | dreamt about my grandfather lastnight. They all laughed at me when | fell over. VERB PATTERNS \'m looking forward to my holiday. ‘pay for your coffee, We all posed for a photograph. | prefer taking the train to flying You can always rely on your parents. He reminds me of an old school friend She shared her sweets with my son. They smiled at me. {ove spending money on clothes. They succeeded in climbing the mountain, | talked to the hotel manager about my ‘Are you waiting for someone? Don’t worry about i, it's not a problem, ‘She's angry about her salary. She's angry with her boss. He's very close to his father. The film s different from the book ‘im really disappointed with these photos. She's excited about her new job. Oxford is famous for its university. \'m fed up with waiting, Let's go! He's very fond of his teacher \'m frightened / afraid / scared of snakes, He's good / bad at remembering names. Vegetables are good for you. ‘She's interested in French iterature, \'m not very kaen on fastfood. They were very kind to me. He's married to my best friend. very pleased with my progress. proud of my children, ready for a holiday. He's responsible forthe sales team, Don't be rude to him, We're sorry about what happened, They're tired of working every day. She's worried about her car. verb + infinitive with to verb + gerund (-ing) verb + object + infinitive with to afford (to buy a flat) agree (to help someone) ange (to meet) be able (to swim) choose (to do something) decide (to buy a new computer) expect (to fall an exam) forget (to lock the door) help (to cook dinner) hope (to go to university) learn (to swim) manage (to escape) need (to leave early) offer (to do the washing-up) plan (to start a family) pretend (to be someone else) promise (to pay someone back) refuse (to cooperate) remember (to buy a present) se0m (to be broken) ‘ty (to repair the car) ‘want (to go on holiday) ‘would like (to travel abroad) ‘admit (stealing the money) ‘avoid (driving inthe city centre) can't stand (queueing) deny (being involved) disike (going shopping) enjoy (playing tennis) feel ike (going home early) finish (having breakfast) hate (being late) imagine (living without the interme) keep (forgetting his name) like (cooking for friends) love (reading) mind (working in the evenings) miss (ving in Spain) practise (playing a dificult piece) prefer (running to swimming) recommend (opening a bank account) spend (along time practising) stop (raining) suggest (seeing a doctor) ‘advise (me to pay cash) allow (us to feave early) ask (her to help) invite (us to go away for the weekend) need (you to fill in a form) ‘order (him to sit down) persuade (me to come to the party) teach (me to play the piano) tell (them to be quiet) want (you to explain) without to let (me stay up late) make (me tidy my room)

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