Batch 15 Thesis 4

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Submitted by

MURUGAN R 830118114033

SIVA SURYA S 830118114051

VISHNU VARDHAN TS 830118114057

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree








JUNE 2022

Certified this project report “PERFORMANCE, EMISSION AND

ON DI ENGINE” is the bonafide work of “MURUGAN R (830118114033),
(830118114057)” who carried out the project under my supervision.




Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Government College of Engineering Government College of Engineering

Srirangam, Trichy-12. Srirangam, Trichy-12

Submitted on the project work examination held on _____________

at Government College of Engineering Srirangam, Tiruchirapalli - 620012.



First and foremost, I would like to thank the almighty for giving
me sound health throughout this project. I would like to express my thanks to
my beloved Parents for the constant support and advice during the course of
the project work.

We wish to express our whole hearted thanks to our honorable

Principal and Head of the Department Dr. V.M. SHANTHI M.E., Ph.D., for
her suggestion with valuable ideas and encouragement throughout the work.

We are highly indebted to our beloved project guide,

Mr. P. GOWTHAM M.E., for his valuable guidance, useful criticism,
effective suggestion and kind advice in completing our project.

We express our thanks to all faculty members of department of

Mechanical Engineering for their precious moral support, encouragement and
effective ideas to complete this project work.

ⅰⅱⅳ ⅴ ⅵⅶⅷⅸⅹ









2.1 Use of biodiesel in Diesel Engine 6

2.2 Use of biodiesel at various 8

Injection pressure in VCR diesel engine.

3.1 Bio diesel as on alternate fuel 12

3.1.1. chemistry of biodiesel 14

3.1.2. safety concerns 15

3.1.3. Easy adaptability 15

3.2. Emission reductions from biodiesel 15

3.2.1. Particulate matter 15

3.2.2. Hydrocarbon 15

3.2.3. Nitrogen oxide 16

3.2.4. Smoke Formation 16

3.2.5. Sulphur emissions 16

3.2.6. Carbon monoxides 16

3.2.7. PAH missions 16

3.3. Catalyst 17

3.3.1. Catalyst used 17

3.3.2. Classification of Catalyst 18

3.4. Advantages of Bio diesel 22

3.5. Benefits of Bio diesel 22

3.6. Drawbacks 23

3.7. Introduction of cassia fistula oil 23

3.8. Bio diesel Production Procedure 24

3.9. Transesterification Process 25

3.10. Properties of bio diesel comparison 26

With commercial diesel

4. Objectives and Methodology 27

4.1 Objectives 27

4.2 Methodology 28


5.1 Experimental setup 29

5.2 Experimental procedure 32


6.1 Optimization of biodiesel methyl ester of 35

cassia fistula (MEOCF) blend and diesel

6.2 Optimization of various injection pressure 44

for Diesel and Biodiesel (B20 MEOCF) blends

6.3 Analysis of catalytic converter for diesel and 53

biodiesel (B20 MEOCF) blend with

best injection pressure.






3.10 Fuel properties 37

5.1 Specification of test engine 41

6.1 Summary of best blend of MEOCF 51

6.2 Summary of best injection pressure 58




3.1 Homogeneous catalyzed process 19

3.7 Cassia fistula seed and plant 24

3.9 Transesterification flowchart 26

5.1 Experimental setup 31

6.1 Experimental test rig

6.1 SFC Vs BP 38

6.2 BTE Vs BP 39

6.3 Smoke density Vs BP 40

6.4 NOx Vs BP 41

6.5 HC Vs BP 41

6.6 CO Vs BP 42

6.7 Cy. Pr. Vs Crank angle 43

6.8 Heat release rate with crank angle 43

6.9 SFC Vs BP 47

6.10 BTE Vs BP 48

6.11 Smoke density Vs BP 49

6.12 NOx Vs BP 49

6.13 HC Vs BP 50

6.14 CO Vs BP 51

6.15 Cy. Pr. Vs Crank angle 52

6.16 Heat release rate with crank angle 52

6.17 NOx Vs BP 54

6.18 HC Vs BP 55

6.19 CO Vs BP 55



BTE Brake Thermal Efficiency %

BP Brake Power KW

CO Carbon monoxide %

HC Hydro Carbon ppm

NOx Oxides of Nitrogen ppm

SFC Specific fuel consumption Kg/KWh

MEOCF Methyl ester of cassia fistula

The rapid depletion of non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels such
as petroleum derivatives due to the ever increasing demand across the globe
and also the dangerously increasing pollution levels in the form of emissions
has resulted in the need to explore the use of renewable sources of energy as a
substitute for the non-renewable ones. Research in this direction with edible
oils has yielded encouraging results, but due to higher domestic consumption,
the applications otherwise becomes limited. Keeping this in mind, non-edible
oils are been considered as an alternative fuel to diesel for diesel engines. In
this paper, non-edible oil, Indian Laburnum, is used to run the engine and carry
out performance, combustion and emission tests. Cassia Fistula (biological
name) or kondrai in Tamil is produced by transesterification process. In first
phase performance and emission tests are carried out to find the best blend. In
second phase the performance, emission and combustion test are carried to
find best fuel injection pressure. Then in third phase emission test is carried
out with best biodiesel blend and best fuel injection pressure. The most
significant conclusion which can be drawn from this study would be that
B20MEOCF as best blend and 210 bar as injection pressure. The optimum
results are obtained for performance, combustion and emission at this blend
and pressure.




India ranks sixth in the world in terms of energy

demand accounting for 3.5% of world commercial energy
demand. The energy demand is expected to grow at 4.8% per
annum. A large part of India’s population, mostly in the rural
areas, does not have access to it. Hence a program for the
development of energy from raw material which grows in the rural
areas will go a long way in providing energy security to the rural
people. The growth in energy demand in all forms is expected to
continue unabated owing to increasing urbanization, standard of
living and expanding population with stabilization not before mid of
the current century. The demand of High Speed Diesel (HSD) is
projected to be 52.32 million metric tons in 2010 and is expected to
grow @5.6% per annum. India’s crude oil production as per the
Tenth Plan Working Group is estimated around 33 to 34 million
metric tons per annum even though there will be increase in gas
production of 103 million standard cubic meters per day in 2010.
Only with joint venture abroad, there is a hope for oil production of
about 41 million metric tons by 2017.

The gas production would decline by this period to 73

million standard cubic meters per day. The increasing gap between
demand and domestically produced petroleum is a matter of serious
concern. India’s dependence on import of oil may increase in the

foreseeable future. The working group has estimated the import of
crude oil shall go up to 147 million metric tons per annum by 2010
that correspondingly increases the import bill to $ 15.7 billion at
today’s prices. Transport sector remains the most problem sector as
no alternative to petroleum based fuel has been successful so far.
Therefore petroleum based fuels particularly HSD will dominate the
transport sector in the foreseeable future but its consumption can be
minimized if the biodiesel usage is enforced in the transportation

This background gives the motto to undertake research

study to identify the thrust area that could solve the fuel crisis when
the fossil fuels completely deplete in nature. This thesis report
thrashes out a new process for producing biodiesel from jatropha oil
to tackle the atmospheric pollution problem. Biodiesel from jatropha
oil is produced by the process of transesterification using methyl
alcohol with sodium hydroxide as catalyst. The study is carried
with one liter oil at laboratory scale. Just like petroleum diesel,
biodiesel operates in compression ignition (diesel) engines, which
essentially require very little or no engine modifications.

Various conversion routes are available that

include direct conversion processes such as extraction of vegetable
oils followed by esterification (biodiesel), fermentation of sugar-
rich crops (ethanol), pyrolysis of wood (pyrolysis oil derived
diesel equivalent) and Hydro Thermal Upgrading (HTU) of wet
biofuels (methanol, DiMethylEther) from gas synthesis that results
from gasification of biomass (Humkeai 1981). Most of these

biofuels will not be commercially available on short term. Although
technological developments and commercial availability of these
fuels are changing continuously, it can be stated that these
biofuels will probably not be produced and applied on a
commercial scale before 2010. Currently, only ethanol and its
derivative produced from food crops and biodiesel from
rapeseed methyl ester are applied on a commercial basis in the
European market. They will remain the dominant biofuels in the
coming decade as alternative biofuel technologies are still in the
development stage.


Targets need to be set up for biodiesel production to

achieve blending ratios of 5, 10 and 20 percent in phased manner.
The use of biodiesel as the fuel for internal combustion engines
has an opportunity to play a fundamental role in the future of
energy usage as it relates to the environment, availability, benefits to
farmers and to other industries as well. Both crude and refined
petroleum usually consist of hundreds of chemical substances.
Chemically, the components of crude petroleum can be divided
into two classes: alkanes and aromatic hydro carbons. The
aromatic hydro carbons include the environmentally suspect
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). Refined petroleum
products contain alkenes which are prepared synthetically and are
somewhat similar to the alkanes in environmental properties
(Srinivasa Rao 1991). Proper classification and understanding of
the chemical and physical properties of crude oils and their refined

petroleum products will help to determine the hazard to personnel
and wild life. The objective of the study is to reduce the pollution
from IC engines by adding additives.

The petroleum fuel is mainly used for transportation and operating

agricultural machinery. These are getting depleted gradually from
the world petroleum reserves and these fuels may run out within
few decades. The exhaust emissions are increasing day by day and
making an impact on the environmental pollution. Under these
conditions, there is urgent need to find out an alternate fuel for use
in internal combustion engines.


Biodiesel is registered as a fuel and fuel additive with the

US Environmental Protection Agency and meets clean diesel
standards established by the California Air Resources Board. Neat
(100%) biodiesel has been designated as an alternative fuel by the
Department of Energy and the Department of Transportation of US.

India with just 2.4% of global area, supports more than

16% of the human population and 17% of the cattle population.
India is one of the largest importers of edible oil. According to the
Indian Economic Survey (1995-96) out of the cultivable land area,
about 100-150 million hectares are classified as waste or degraded
land. Jatropha (Jatropha curcas, Ratanjyot, wild castor) thrives on
any type of soil and needs minimal inputs or management. In
Tamilnadu, the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) of
Coimbatore plans to promote biodiesel production with the help

of the tribals of the Anaikatti region who have started jastropha
cultivation in a big way. The district administration intends to
plant about seventy five lakh jatropha saplings to produce
biodiesel. The tribals have already taken up planting of about seven
lakh saplings. Each plant would yield nearly 3 kg of seeds.


Government of India has decided to achieve energy

independence by the year 2012 by using biodiesel as alternate
fuel. India is keen on reducing its dependence on coal and
petroleum to meet its increasing energy demand and encouraging
jatropha cultivation is a crucial component of its energy policy. In
general, India’s strategy is to encourage the development of
renewable sources of energy through incentives by the federal and
state governments. Government of India has identified 4,00,000
square kilometers of land where Jatropha can be grown, hoping it
will replace 20% of India’s diesel consumption by 2011. This has
provided much needed employment to the rural people and also a
means to energy independence of India.

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam advocates Jatropha

cultivation for biodiesel production. The former President said that
out of the 60 million hectares of waste land available in India,
nearly 30 million hectares are suitable for Jatropha cultivation.
Once this plant is grown, it has a useful life span of several decades.
During its life, Jatropha requires very little water compared to other
cash crops.




Effect on performance and emission characteristics of waste cooking oil

Biodiesel- diesel blends on IC engine
Many of the efforts to come across potential sources for
producing biodiesel from domestic resources have been motivated by the
depletion of reserves fossil fuel, continuous rising demand of diesel fuel, and
environmental concerns. Waste cooking oils (WCO) can be used to generate
biodiesel, which is more cost effective than other biodiesel feed stocks. WCO
can be used as a feedstock for biodiesel also solves issue of waste oil disposal.
WCO contains high free fatty acid (FFA) that makes biodiesel production
difficult, to solve this problem two step transesterification method adopted.
This review contains biodiesel making from waste/used cooking oil through
two step transesterification methods. It also assesses WCO biodiesel blends
emissions, and engine performance characteristics and also discuss factors that
affect production of WCO biodiesel.

Emission and performance behavior of safflower oil biodiesel/diesel

blends in DI diesel engine
Although, various analyses have concerned an effect of various kind
of biodiesel on engine, in this study, biodiesel production from Safflower oil
through transesterification. methanol to oil (M: O) molar ratio, catalyst
concentration, reaction temperature, time and stirring rate have been chosen to
investigate their effect on biodiesel yield. The optimum conditions for 90%
biodiesel yield have been achieved at M:O molar ratio of 16:1, 4 g of

potassium hydroxide (KOH), Temperature of 60 °C, time of 4 h and stirring
rate of 700 rpm. Different blends (B20, B30, and B40) of safflower biodiesel
were prepared and investigate the engine performance and emissions when
employing Safflower biodiesel and its blends. However, the outcome from the
study depicted that BTE of B20 shows 33.63% which is closer to diesel
(34.63%). The emissions CO, HC, smoke were considerably reduced using
SAF biodiesel blended fuels than diesel fuel. Alongside the NOx emission has
increased due to higher cetane number of SAF biodiesel fuels.

Utilization of Azadirachta indica biodiesel, ethanol and diesel blends for

diesel engine applications with engine emission profile
Plant-based oils have the most important role in the biodiesel research in
engines used for different applications like automobiles, marines, fishing
boats, power generators and others. Thisstudy deals with the non-edible plant-
based oil of Azadirachta indica, (locally knows as neem), ethanol and diesel
fuels for the IC engine. There are three blending D80B20 (80% of diesel and
20% of bio-fuel of Azadirachta indica oil), B80E20 (80% of diesel and 20% of
ethanol) and D60B20E20 (60% of diesel, 20% of bio-fuel of Azadirachta
indica oil & 20% ethanol) were created for the comparison with 100 % of
diesel and 100% of Bio-fuel of Azadirachta indica oil. The brake thermal
efficiency (BTE) and emissions such as smoke, carbon-monoxide (CO),
hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) of exhaust also examined for
the comparison. All the values gained by the experiments were clearly
compared and the corresponding variations in percentage with diesel fuel are
spotlighted. The proposed fuels D80B20, D60B20E20, and B80E20 exhibits
8.49%, 4.25% and 3.02% higher BTE than pure diesel. B80E20 have the very
less CO and smoke index, D80B20 yielded much higher BTE and the low HC
when compared with other individual and blend fuels for this investigation.

Bio-fuel of Azadirachta indica oil and ethanol combination also exhibited
appreciable performance not only in BTE but also in reduction of exhaust
emissions Like HC, CO and Smoke intensity than conventional diesel fuel.
Hence these blends of biodiesel are recommended using as alternate fuel in IC
engine for the engine.

2.2. Use of biodiesel at various injection pressue in VCR diesel engine.

Investigation of Diesel Engine Using Bio-Diesel (Methyl Ester of Jatropha

Oil) for Various Injection Timing and Injection Pressure

The increased number of automobiles in recent years has resulted in great

demand for diesel and petrol. This has led to the development of renewable
energy. Energy from biomass and more specific bio-diesel is one of the
opportunities that could cover the future. The bio-diesel is derived from
vegetable oil and transesterified vegetable oil are promising alternative fuel for
diesel engine. This experiment is conducted in a single cylinder water cooled
DI diesel engine with different injection timing and different injection
pressure. From the experimental investigation Performance, combustion and
emission characteristics are studied.

Effects of injection pressure on performance & emission characteristics of

CI engine using graphene oxide additive in bio-diesel blend
Yugandharsai, Rajashekar, Jayaprabakar, Jayaraman Sudheer Reddy

In the present study, the effects of graphene oxide (GO) Nanoparticles and
Injection Pressures on Performance and Emissions of a diesel engine fueled
with Sapota seed biodiesel were investigated. Fuel injection pressure plays a
vital role in enhancing engine performance & emission characteristics.

Biodiesel's two blends were made with Sapota Seed Oil (10% & 20%) mixed
with Diesel (90% and 80%), respectively termed as B10 and B20. The GO
Nano-particles of 50 ppm concentration were mixed with these two blends and
named as (B10GO50, B20GO50) and later did engine testing with 200 and
220 bar injection pressures. Experiments were performed at a constant
1500 rpm speed at loads of 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 (%), but varying Fuel injection
pressures. From the experiments, we obtained values for various parameters,
such as BSFC, BTE, Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbon (HC), Carbon
dioxide (CO2), and Nitrogen oxide (NOx). We have noticed from the data that,
as the injection pressure rises, the atomization increases. As a result, we
observed that NOx Emissions had reduced significantly by 39%. Moreover, we
determined less CO and HC emissions in the blends B20GO50 and B10GO50
with 200 and 220 bar than the Diesel. From the Investigation, it can be
concluded that biodiesel can be used as an alternative to the diesel engine
without any engine modifications.

Experimental investigation to optimize nozzle geometry and compression

ratio along with injection pressure on single cylinder DI diesel engine
operated with AOME biodiesel
Basavaras B.Patil S.N.Topannavar K.M.Akkoli M.M.ShivashimpiaSunilkumar

With the increase in population, energy demand is more in

the automotive sector. Soaring prices and extinction of fossil fuels are reasons
why researchers are focusing more on alternatives. This research work carried
out on a single-cylinder DI diesel engine running on AOME biodiesel aims to
optimize the nozzle geometry, the compression ratio and the injection pressure.
The experiment on transesterified AOME biodiesel/diesel blends B80D20,

B60D40, B40D60, and B20D80 was evaluated against pure diesel. 4 and 3
hole fuel injectors of 0.25 mm and 0.20 mm diameter respectively are used in
the experimental study with 240 and 260 bar IOP at compression ratios 16.5:1
and 17.5:1 for optimization. The results of the experimental investigations
prove that for biodiesel blends, the brake thermal efficiency is slightly lower
and the smoke emissions are reduced compared to diesel. In addition, the
results prove that at 260 bar IOP, the 4 hole, 0.25 mm diameter fuel injector at
a compression ratio of 17.5:1, the B40D60 blend gives improved results
against all blends in case of brake thermal efficiency and smoke emissions.
Finally, these are the most efficient and optimized conditions for the biodiesel
blend by improving brake thermal efficiency (25.43%) and reducing smoke
emissions (53HSU) .



Biodiesel is methyl or ethyl ester of fatty acid made from virgin or used
vegetable oils (both edible and non-edible) and animal fat. The main sources
for biodiesel production can be non-edible oils obtained from plant species
such as Jatrophacurcas (Ratanjyot), Pongamiapinnata (Karanj),
Calophylluminophyllum (Nagchampa), Hevcabrasiliensis (Rubber) etc.
Biodiesel can be blended in any proportion with mineral diesel to create a
biodiesel blend or can be used in its pure form. Just like petroleum diesel,
biodiesel operates in compression ignition (diesel) engine, and essentially
requires very little or no engine modifications because biodiesel has properties
similar to mineral diesel. It can be stored just like mineral diesel and hence
does not require separate infrastructure. The use of biodiesel in conventional
diesel engines results in substantial reduction in emission of unburned
hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate. This review focuses on
performance and emission of biodiesel in CI engines, combustion analysis,
wear performance on long-term engine usage, and economic viability.


Bio diesel is the name of clean burning fuel, produced from domestic
renewable resources. It contains no petroleum but it can be blended with at
any level with petroleum diesel to greater biodiesel blend. It can be used in CI
engine with no major modifications. It is simple to use, bio degradable, non-
toxic and essentially free of sulphur and aromatics.

3.1.1 Chemistry of biodiesel

Chemically it is defined as the mono esters of long chain fatty acids

derived from renewable lipid source. It is typically produced through the
reaction of oil or animal fat with methanol or ethanol in presence of catalyst to
yield glycerin and biodiesel. It can be used in neat from or blended with diesel
for use in diesel engine their physical and chemical properties as relates to
diesel fuel.

Need of biodiesel

For more than two countries, the world energy supplying has relied
heavily on non-renewable crude oil derived (fossil) liquid fuels out of which
90 % is estimated to be consumed for energy generation and transportation. It
is also known that emissions from the combustion of these fuels are the
principal causes of global warming and many countries have passed legislation
top arrest their adverse environmental consequences with population
increasing rapidly and many developing countries expanding their industrial
base and output, worldwide energy demand is bound to increase on the other
had, known crude oil reserves cloud be depleted in less than 50 years at the
present rate of consumption. This situation initiated and has sustained interest
in identifying and channelling renewable raw materials into the manufacture of
liquid fuel alternatives because development of such biomass based power
would ensure that new technologies are available to keep pace with society
need for new renewable power alternative for future.

Oil seed crops are by far the largest group of exploitable renewable
biomass resource for liquid fuel and energy generation.

3.1.2 Safety concerns

Biodiesel is safer to use than petroleum diesel. The flash point and fire point
for biodiesel in its pure form is more than 148oC versus 52oC for regular diesel
although firs are not frequent occurrence on locomotives yet if they occur than
they devastating.

3.1.3 Easy adaptability

Just like petroleum diesel biodiesel operates in combustion ignition

engines. Essentially no engine modifications are required and it materials the
pay load capacity and range of diesel.


Biodiesel reduces PM significantly. The use of biodiesel in

conventional diesel engines result in substantial reduction of un burned HC,
CO and PM. Since biodiesel is oxygenated, engines have more complete
combustion than with ordinary diesel

3.2.1 Particulate matter (PM)

PM emissions from biodiesel are 30% lower than overall PM emissions

from diesel.

3.2.2 Hydrocarbons (HC)

The total hydrocarbon exhaust emissions of (a contributing factor in the

localized formation of smog and Ozone) where 93% lower for biodiesel than
diesel fuel.

3.2.3 Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

NOxemission is from biodiesel increases or decreases depending on the

engine family and testing procedures. NOx emission is (a contributing factor
in the localized formation of smog and Ozone) from biodiesel increased by 13
%. However, biodiesel lack of sulphur allows the use of NOx control
technologies that cannot be used with conventional diesel. So biodiesel NOx
technologies are can be effectively eliminated as a concern of the fuels use.

3.2.4 Smog formation

The overall ozone (smog) forming potential of biodiesel is less than

diesel fuel. The ozone forming potential of hydrocarbon emission is nearly
50% less than that measured for diesel fuel.

3.2.5 Sulphur Emissions

The exhaust emission of sulphur oxides and sulphates (major

components of acid rain) form biodiesel are essentially eliminated compared to
sulphur oxides and sulphates from diesel.

3.2.6 Carbon monoxides

The exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas) from

biodiesel are 50% lower than from the diesel engine.

3.2.7 PAH emission

Biodiesel emissions show decreased levels of PAH and Nitrated PAH

compound, which are identified as likely carcinogens. PAH compounds were

reduced by 75 – 85 % with exception of benzo (a) anthracene, which was
reduced by roughly by 50%.

Biodiesel has been more attractive recently because of its environment

benefits and the fact that it is man made from renewable sources the cost of
raw materials accounts from 60 – 70 % of the total of the biodiesel fuel. This
is a potential challenge to biodiesel fuel. From this point of varies biodiesel
can be used most effective by as a supplement to other energy forms, not as a
primary source. The non-edible oils are the desirable sources for India for the
production of biodiesel.

Biodiesel present a very promising alternative fuel to diesel oil.

Properties of this oil offer the advantage of immediate substitution in existing
diesel engines with little or no modification at all.


A catalyst is a compound which increases the rate of chemical reaction,

but which is not consumed by the reactions. This allows for the possibility
that small amount of catalyst are lost in the reaction or that the catalytic
activity is slowly lost

3.3.1 Catalyst used

Alkali based catalyst

➢ Sodium hydroxide
➢ Potassium hydroxide
➢ Sodium methoxide
➢ Sodium peroxide

Acid based catalyst

➢ Hydrochloric acid
➢ Sulphuric acid

3.3.2 Classification of Catalyst

Catalyst are classified into two groups

➢ Homogenous catalyst
➢ Heterogeneous catalyst

Homogeneous Catalyst

A homogeneously catalyzed reaction contains the catalyst in the same

phase as at least one of the reactants. Almost invariably the catalyst is
dissolved in a liquid phase. The advantages of a homogeneous system over a
heterogeneous one are.

➢ Better utilization of metal - all of the catalytic metal is equally available

to the reactants
➢ Exploitation of different metal oxidation states and ligands
➢ Kinetic rather than mass transfer control of reaction rates
➢ Easy exothermal removal - no localized overheating

Homogeneous Catalyst Process

In conventional industrial biodiesel processes, the methanol

transesterification of vegetable oils is achieved using a homogeneous catalyst
system operated in either batch or continuous mode. In most cases the catalyst
is sodium hydroxide or sodium methylate reaction as sodium glycerate in the

glycerol phase. An acidic neutralization step with, for example, aqueous
hydrochloric acid is required to convert sodium glycerate to glycerol. In that
case glycerol is obtained as an aqueous solution containing sodium chloride.
Depending on the process, the final glycerol purity is about 80% to 95%.

Figure 3.1 Global Scheme for Continuous Homogeneous Catalyzed


When sodium hydroxide is used as catalyst, side reactions forming

sodium soaps generally occur. This types of reaction is also observed when are
present. The sodium soaps are soluble in the glycerol phase. The sodium soaps
are soluble in the glycerol phase and must be isolated after neutralization by
decantation as fatty acids. The loss of esters converted to fatty acids can reach
as high as 1% of the biodiesel production. These are illustrated in figure 2.1.

In most of the conventional homogeneous catalyzed continuous
processes, the methanolysis reactions. The removal of glycerol is carried out at
60-800C using is two successive reactions. The removal of glycerol is
necessary before the second stage of reaction.

The purification of methyl esters required water washing operations

following by drying before storage. In some processes methyl esters
purification is performed by reduced pressure distillation.

Heterogeneous Catalyst

An emerging alternative technology is to use smart polymers. These are

basically soluble polymers whose solubility can be altered reversible fashion
by the use of a command. The can be a change in pH, ionic strength,
temperature or even addition of an ion or chemical, cellulose material and
recovered after the reaction by altering the conditions i.e. using a suitable
command. The transesterification reaction requires low water conditions
otherwise product esters will be hydrolyzed back. The protocols requires low
water conditions otherwise product of best enzyme, best immobilization form,
best solvent etc are required with each individual system. A number of lipase
are commercially available and can be used after limited purification.

Heterogeneous Catalyzed Process

To avoid catalyst removal operations and soap formation, much effort

has been expended on the search for solid acid or basic catalysts than could be
used in a heterogeneous catalyzed process. Some solid meta oxides such as
those of tin, magnesium, and zinc are known catalysts but they actually act
according to a homogeneous.

This catalyst consists of a mixed oxide of zinc and aluminum which
promotes the transesterification reaction. Without catalyst loss the reaction is
performed at a higher temperature than homogeneous catalysis processes, with
an excess of methanol. This excess is removed by vaporization and recycled to
the process with fresh methanol. The desired chemical conversion is reached
with two successive stages of reaction and glycerol separation to displace the
equilibrium reaction.

The flow sheet for this process appears. The catalyst section includes
two fixed bed reactors than are fed by oil and methanol at a given ratio. The
methanolysis reaction is carried out at 200oC. excess methanol is removed
after each of the two reactors by a partial flash. Esters and glycerol are than
separated in a settler. Glycerol phases are joined and the last traces of
methanol are removed vaporization. Biodiesel is recovered after final recovery
of methanol by vaporization under vacuum and then purified to remove the last
traces of glycerol.


 Bio-degradable
 Closed CO2 loop
 Minimum greenhouse gas emissions
 Sulphur-free
 Less dependence on fuels from mineral oils
 Non-toxic
 Reduction of particulate emissions by approx. 50%
 Biodiesel does not contain benzene or other aromatics
 Higher engine efficiency and durability

 Improvement of ignition and lubricity
 Flash point at approx. 150°C – petroleum diesel at approx. 70°C
 Safest fuel to store and handle


Benefits of bio diesel compared to diesel fuels are:

1. Bio diesel runs any conventional unmodified diesel engine.

2. Bio diesel is bio degradable and nontoxic.
3. Bio diesel can be used alone or mixed with petroleum diesel fuel or
4. Bio fuel is more lubricating than diesel fuel so it increases the life of
5. Bio diesel program would give multiple benefits in terms of generation
of employment for poor/rural people.
6. Bio diesel has a high flash point at the order of 150C it is safer to
7. Auto ignition, fuel consumption, power output and engine torque are
relatively unaffected by biodiesel. So engine just runs like normal.
8. Bio diesel is an oxygenated fuel thus ensures ‘cleaner’ burning.
9. Easters have lower viscosities than the parent oils. Accordingly, they
improve the injection process and ensure better atomization of the fuel.
10.Cetane number of esters is greater than those of both animal fat oil and
diesel fuel.
11.Reduced, exhaust emissions such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide
and carbon dioxide can be obtained by blending of animal fat oil with
diesel fuel.


1. Thickness is more than diesel fuel in cold weather

2. More expensive due to less production of animal fat oil bio diesel.


Cassia fistula, commonly known as golden shower, purging cassia, Indian

laburnum, or pudding-pipe tree,] is a flowering plant in the family Fabaceae.
The species is native to the Indian subcontinent and adjacent regions of
Southeast Asia, from southern Pakistan through India and Sri
Lanka to Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand. It is a popular ornamental
plant and is also used in herbal medicine.

Fig 3.7. Cassia Fistula seed and plant

The golden shower tree is a medium-sized tree, growing to 10–20 m (33–66 ft)
tall with fast growth. The leaves are deciduous, 15–60 cm (6–24 in) long, and
pinnate with three to eight pairs of leaflets, each leaflet 7–21 cm (3–8 in) long
and 4–9 cm broad. The flowers are produced in pendulous racemes 20–40 cm
(8–16 in) long, each flower 4–7 cm diameter with five yellow petals of equal

size and shape. The fruit is a legume, 30–60 cm (12–24 in) long and 1.5–
2.5 cm broad, with a pungent odour and containing several seeds. The tree has
strong and very durable wood.


The biodiesel fuel used in this study was produced from the
transesterification of tessi oil with methanol (CH 3OH) catalyzed by potassium
hydroxide (KOH). A titration was performed to determine the amount of KOH
needed to neutralize the free fatty acids in tessi oil. The amount of KOH
needed as catalyst for every liter of tessi oil was determined as 15 g. For
transesterification, 200 mL CH3OH plus the required amount of KOH were
added for every liter of tessi oil, and the reactions were carried out at 100 0C.
The water wash process was performed by using a sprinkler which slowly
sprinkled water into the biodiesel container until there was an equal amount of
water and biodiesel in the container. The water biodiesel mixture was then
agitated gently for 30 min, allowing the water to settle out of the biodiesel.
After the mixture had settled, the water was drained out.


A laboratory-scale biodiesel production set-up is as shown the figure 3.1. It

consists of a motorized stirrer, straight coil electric heater and stainless steel
containers. The system was designed to produce maximum 5 litre of biodiesel.
Temperature of the mixture of the triglyceride, methanol and catalyst were
maintained at about 65C.

The method adopted for preparation of biodiesel for this work is,
transesterification which is a process of using methanol (CH3OH) in the presence
of a catalyst, such as potassium hydroxide (KOH), to chemically break the
molecule of animal fat oil into an ester and glycerol. This process is a reaction of
the oil with an alcohol to remove the glycerin, which is a byproduct of biodiesel
production. Figure 3.9 shows the transesterification reaction.

Figure 3.9 Flow Chart of Bio-Diesel Transesterification Process

Table 3.10 Properties of bio diesel comparison with commercial diesel

Standard Diese
s l

Specific ASTM
- 0.825 0.837 0.842 0.844 0.845 0.848
Gravity D1429

tic ASTMD4
cST 2.5 2.89 3.28 3.91 3.98 4.09
viscosit 45

Cetane ASTM D
53 61 62 62 63 63
index - 976

Flash 0C
63 66 68 70 73 75
point 92

IS 1448 44,31
calorific kJ/Kg 43,557 43,396 42,899 42,502 42,202
part 6 9

66 69 71 73 76 77
point 0C ASTM D




After the literature review the conclusion is attained about demand of fuel and
emission which affect the environment. The emission is one of the
environmental affecting problems in the world. The emissions from diesel and
petrol engines are to be reduced. To reduce emission the engine modification
and fuel modification are necessary. In fuel modification the fuel vegetable oil
refinery waste with diesel is used.



Performance, emission and combustion characteristics analysis by normal



Performance, emission and combustion characteristics analysis by various bio

diesel blends.

Select the best biodiesel blend


Performance, emission and combustion characteristics analysis with best

biodiesel blend and varying injection pressure.

Select the best injection pressure


Emission characteristics analysis using best blend and best injection pressure
of the engine with catalytic convertor.

➢ Select the fatty acid from oil refinery waste.

➢ Prepare the biodiesel by thermal cracking method. The following
proportions were chosen
◼ Diesel
◼ 20% Biodiesel + 80% Diesel (B20)
◼ 40% Biodiesel + 60% Diesel (B40)
◼ 60% Biodiesel + 40% Diesel (B60)
◼ 80% Biodiesel + 20% Diesel (B80)
◼ 100% Biodiesel (B100)
➢ The engine is made to run at various load condition (20%, 40%, 60%,
80% and 100%) Barium oxides blend with diesel as a fuel.
➢ Emissions have to be measured using AVL Di-gas analyzer and AVL
smoke meter and tabulated.




The experiments diesel with bio-diesel mixture was carried out in

DI diesel engine. The test engine is a single cylinder, direct injection,
water cooled Compression Ignition engine. The experimental setup is
shown in figure 5.1. Details of the engine specifications are given in
Table 5.1. The engine was coupled to an eddy current dynamometer for
load measurement and the smoke density was measured using an AVL
smoke meter. HC, CO, NOx emission is measured with help of an AVL
Di gas analyzer. Fuel flow rate is obtained on the gravimetric basis and
the air flow rate is obtained on the volumetric basis. A burette is used to
measure the fuel consumption for a specified time interval. During this
interval of time, how much fuel the engine consumes is measured, with
the help of the stop watch.

The engine was allowed to run at its rated speed. The governor of
the engine was used to control the engine speed. The dynamometer was
interfaced to a control panel. Experimental tests have been carried out to
evaluate the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine
when fuelled with different blends of thermal cracked fatty acid oil from
vegetable oil refinery waste with conventional diesel. The emission like
HC, CO, and NOx, were measured in the exhaust gas analyzer and
smoke density was measured in the smoke meter.

Table 5.1 Specifications of the test engine

Make Kirloskar
Type Single cylinder vertical water

Number of cylinder 1Cooled 4 stroke diesel engine

Bore Diameter 87.5mm
Compression ratio 17.5 : 1
Maximum power 5.2kw
Speed 1500rpm
Dynamometer Eddy current
Injecting timing 23° before TDC
Injection pressure 200 kgf/cm2

Figure 5.1 Experimental setup

5.2 Experimental Procedure

The engine was allowed to run with neat diesel at a various loads for
nearly 10 minutes to attain the steady state constant speed conditions.
Then the following observations were made.

• The water flow is started and maintained constant throughout the

• The load, speed and temperature indicators were switched ON.
• The engine was started by cranking after ensuring that there is no
• The engine is allowed to run at the rated speed of 1500 rpm for a
period of 20 minutes to reach the steady state.
• The fuel consumption is measured by a stop watch.
• Smoke readings were measured using the AVL smoke meter at the
exhaust outlet.
• The amount of NOx was measured using AVL DI gas analyzer at
exhaust outlet.
• The exhaust temperature was measured at the indicator by using a
• Then the load is applied by adjusting the knob, which is connected to
the Eddy Current Dynamometer.
• Experiments were conducted using neat diesel fuel and a different
blend of thermal cracked fatty acid oil from vegetable oil refinery
waste, the above said procedure is adopted.

Figure 5.2 Engine Test Rig

Chapter 6


In order to understand the effectiveness of alternate method of reduction of

harmful emissions of NOx using Catalytic converter, experiments were done
using sole diesel fuel, diesel fuel with biodiesel. This chapter provides the
results of the experiments conducted with Catalytic converter and without
Catalytic converter.

6.1 Optimization of Biodiesel Methyl Ester of Cassia Fistula (MEOCF)

Blend and Diesel

The optimal blend ratio for MEOCF is obtained on the basis of fuel
consumption, brake thermal efficiency, smoke density, and oxides of nitrogen.
For optimization, experiments are conducted using diesel and the various
biodiesel blends. The blend ratios are in steps of 20 percent.

Performance characteristics:

Fig 6.1 depicts the comparison between specific fuel consumption with
various load. The variation observed in Fig 6.1 concludes that diesel fuel has
low specific fuel consumption than all biodiesel blends. This variation is noted
over the entire output range though lower than that of other blends. At
maximum load, the SFC for diesel is 0.2417, kg/kW-hr. The SFC for various
blends B20, B40, B60, B80, and B100 of MEOCF are 0.2848, 0.2920, 0.3098,
0.3193 and 0.3377 Kg/kW-hr respectively.

Fig 6.2 shows the comparison carried out between brake thermal
efficiency and various load on different blends of MEOCF. For all the blends

the efficiency is directly proportional to brake power. Among B40, B60, B80
and B100 blend ratios, biodiesel blend of B20 has higher brake thermal
efficiency of 29.26% at full load. It is almost same as that of diesel. It is
likewise noticed that the efficiency of B20 has increased by 4.56% compared
to that of 100% biodiesel operation. The possible reason might be due to fine
spray particles of MEOCF B20 blend fuel in the cylinder. The better the spray
characteristics more effective is the utilization of air, which conclude in
complete burning of fuel.

Emission characteristics:

The comparison between smoke density and brake power is plotted in

Fig 6.3. Smoke density depends on air fuel mixture. It is noticed that the
smoke emission of B20 MEOCF blends is lesser compared to other blends of
MEOCF and diesel at varying load conditions.

Oxides of nitrogen curve are plotted in Fig 6.4 with different blends of
MEOCF and diesel fuel. The deciding parameters for NOx formation in the
engine cylinder are combustion temperature and burning rate. It is noticed that
output of the engine, NOx for B60MEOCF blends is lesser than the diesel fuel.
The possible reason for this reduced emission could be because of decrease in
cylinder temperature.

Fig 6.5 shows the comparison carried out in terms of hydrocarbon

emission and brake power for MEOCF blends and diesel. The Fig 8 clearly
depicts that the HC emission is lesser for MEOCF blends than diesel fuel. At
partial load condition HC emission in B20 MEOCF is reduced in minimum.
Maximum reduction of HC emission in MEOCF is reduced by 20% contrasted

to diesel at maximum load conditions. The reason is due to the fact that
biodiesel has large amount of oxygen, which leads to the combustion process.

Fig. 6.6 shows comparison between the carbon monoxide and brake
power for MEOCF and diesel. Fig shows that there exists a reduction in CO
emission for MEOCF compared with diesel fuel. A B20 MEOCF blend of CO
is reduced in 31% compared with diesel. This lessening in CO emission of
MEOCF is because of the fuel properties. The biodiesel is an oxygenated fuel
and that triggers the burning process in to the chamber. Complete combustion
taking places in B20 MEOCF compared to diesel.

Combustion characteristics:

Fig 6.7 demonstrates the cylinder pressure for diesel and various blends
of MEOCF at various loads. The variation plotted in Fig 6.8 clearly depicts
that at minimum load, diesel fuel has the cylinder pressure lesser compared to
MEOCF blends. In minimum engine loads, combustion begins after the TDC
as small amount of fuel is supplied into the cylinder. In diesel fuel higher
cylinder pressure is noticed at maximum loads. The main reason for higher
cylinder pressure is at premixed combustion stage the heat release rate

Fig 6.8 depicted the heat release rate for diesel and different blends of
MEOCF at various loads. In the initial condition, heat release rate is noticed as
negative, this is due to more fuel occupied inside the combustion chamber with
delay period. After ignition is started, positive heat release rate is attained.
Biodiesel encounters comparative ignition stages with diesel. The rapid
combustion is observed after ignition delay, this due to premixed air fuel.

Combustion is controlled via air fuel ratio. It is additionally noticed that
ignition starts at an early stage for MEOCF mixes at different engine load.

Fig 6.1.Specific fuel consumption with Brake power

Fig 6.2. Brake thermal efficiency with Brake power

Fig 6.3. Smoke dentistry with Brake power

Fig 6.4. Oxides of nitrogen with Brake power

Fig 6.5. Hydro Carbon with Brake power

Fig 6.6. Carbon monoxide with Brake power

Fig 6.7 Cylinder pressure with Crank angle

Fig 6.8. Heat release rate with Crank angle

Table 6.1 Summary of the best blend MEOCF

Performanc Emission Combustion

Blend e

MEO B20 B20 B20 B20 B20 B100 B20 B20


6.2 Optimization of various injection pressure for Diesel and Biodiesel

(B20MEOCF) Blends

In the first phase of the work the B20 blend of MEOCF was found to be
optimal. In this chapter the various compression ratio was varied for the
blends B20 MEOCF to optimize the compression ratio in steps of (180 bar,
200 bar and 210 bar ) for the best blend based on performance, combustion
and emission.

Performance characteristics

Figure 6.10 shows the comparison of brake thermal efficiency of the diesel
fuel, B20 MEOCF blend against brake power. When brake power of the
engine increases the brake thermal efficiency also increases. The brake thermal
efficiency of diesel fuel at maximum load is 27.88% for 200 bar and 28.34%
for 210 bar. Upto part load the brake thermal efficiency of B20 is greater than
that of the diesel fuel and almost equal at the maximum load for both 200 and
210 bar pressures. The retarded pressure of 180 bar shows slight decreases in
the thermal efficiency compare to that of diesel fuel and 210 bar pressure. This

is due to the higher combustion rate at the increased pressure, better
atomization, and fine spraying of fuel.

Emission characteristics

Figure 6.11 shows the comparison of smoke density against brake power. The
smoke density increases with increase in engine loads. This is because of the
amounts of fuel per unit time increases as the engine load increases
consequently, smoke increases. The smoke density level at maximum load for
diesel fuel is 71.8 HSU, B20 is 74.1 HSU at 210 bar pressure and 71.4 HSU.
Similar to the standard pressure the advance pressure of 200 bar and 210 bar
also shows the same trend, whereas pressure of 180 bar slightly increase than
that of the diesel fuel and biodiesel. This is due to retarded pressure, the
complete combustion occurs which reduces the smoke density.

Variation of oxides of nitrogen with brake power of the engine is shown in

Figure 6.12. NOx emission is mainly a function of combustion gas temperature
and residence time. Kinetics of NOx formation is governed by Zeldovich and
the availability of oxygen. It is observed from the graph that from part load the
NOx emission of both 200 bar and 210 bar pressure was increased for B20
compare to that of the diesel fuel. NOx emission level at maximum load for
diesel fuel is 775 ppm, for B20 is 801 ppm for 200 bar and 210 bar pressures
which is 3.2% higher than the diesel fuel. This is because of the availability of
excess oxygen present in the B20. For 180 bar pressure the shows looer NOx
emission than diesel fuel.

Figure 6.13 shows the hydrocarbon emission with brake power of the engine
for diesel fuel, B20. HC emission is mainly due to incomplete combustion. It is
observed from the graph that from no load to full load there is remarkable

increase of hydrocarbon emission of B20 for both 200 bar pressure and 180
bar pressure both biodiesel and diesel fuel. At maximum load HC emission
level for diesel fuel is 94 ppm, for B20 is 96 ppm at 200 bar pressure and for
B20 is 106 ppm at 210 bar pressure. This is due to incomplete combustion
because of the retarded pressure of 180 bar.

Variation of carbon monoxide emission with respect to brake power for diesel
fuel and B20 blends are shown in Figure 6.14. CO emission is mainly due to
the lack of oxygen, poor air entrainment, mixture preparation and incomplete
combustion during the combustion process. From the graph, it is revealed that
upto part load B20 for both the pressures 200 bar and 210 bar shows the
similar trend with the diesel fuel whereas at the maximum load For both B20
and diesel the pressures 180 bar remarkably increases when compare to that of
the diesel fuel. This is due to at retarded pressure, because of the excess
amount of B20 leads to the incomplete combustion consequently increases the
carbon monoxide emission in the maximum load.

Combustion characteristics

Figure 6.15 shows the cylinder pressure against brake power (maximum load)
of the engine for diesel fuel and B20 blends for various crank angle. It is seen
from the graph that diesel fuel shows higher in-cylinder pressure than that of
B20. The maximum value of cylinder pressure for b20 fuel is 66.76 bar at 210
bar. The reason is B20 blends in retarded pressure shows the poor atomization
and thus reduces the in-cylinder pressure compare to that of the diesel fuel.

Figure 6.16 shows the heat release rate with respect to crank angle. The heat
release rate of the fuel causes a variation of gas pressure and temperature
within the engine cylinder for maximum load. It is seen from the graph diesel

fuel shows the maximum heat release rate of 169 kJ/m3 deg and for B20 of 210
bar pressure is 162 kJ/m3 deg and for B20 of 180 bar pressure is 158 kJ/m3
deg. The high viscosity of the B20 blends lead to the poor combustion and
reduces the heat release rate.

Fig 6.9.Specific fuel consumption with Brake power

Fig 6.10 Brake thermal efficiency with Brake power

Fig 6.11. Smoke dentistry with Brake power

Fig 6.12. Oxides of nitrogen with Brake power

Fig 6.13. Hydro Carbon with Brake power

Fig 6.14. Carbon monoxide with Brake power

Fig 6.15 Cylinder pressure with Crank angle

Fig 6.16. Heat release rate with Crank angle

On analysis the performance emission and combustion
characteristics for the various compression ratio (180 bar, 200 bar. and 210
bar) of B20 MEOCF the consolidation of the results is as follows.

Table 6.2 Summary of the best compression ratio B20MEOCF

Emission Combustion
Smok CY.P
e R

B20MEOC 210 210 210 210 bar 210 180 210 210 bar
F bar bar bar bar bar bar

6.3 Analysis of catalytic converter for Diesel and Biodiesel (B20MEOCF)

Blends with best injection pressure.

The oxides of nitrogen results are presented in figure 6.17. It is observed that
the nitrogen oxides emissions increased with increasing brake power for all the
cases. The ultimate aim of the Catalytic converter is reduction of oxides of
nitrogen emissions from the existing values. It is observed that the nitrogen
oxide values for diesel and biodiesel without after treatment is 1029 ppm and
1051 ppm at the maximum load. The maximum reduction of oxides of
nitrogen emission is attained by catalyst with a conversion efficiency of
22.28%. The maximum reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions are achieved in
Catalytic converter due to much better conversion of NOx into nitrogen gas
and water molecules active site. In these reactions the catalysts are
participating as an active sites and it will initiate the reactions.

Figure 6.18 shows the variation of hydrocarbon emission with brake power of
the engine for diesel fuel without Catalytic converter and with Catalytic
converter. Hydrocarbon emission level at maximum load is 53 ppm for diesel
fuel without Catalytic converter 50 ppm biodiesel for without Catalytic
converter 75 ppm for diesel for with Catalytic converter and 69 ppm for
biodiesel for with Catalytic converter. It is observed from the figure 6.18 that
maximum reduction of Hydrocarbon emission is achieved by 25.2% in the
Catalytic converter in biodiesel. Figure 6.19 shows the carbon monoxide
emission for diesel fuel without Catalytic converter, and with Catalytic
converter. The CO emission at maximum load for without after treatment
system is 48% vol for diesel 200 bar , 51% vol B20MEOCF CR 200 bar,
49% vol diesel CR 210 bar, 48% vol B20MEOCF 210 bar.

Fig 6.17 Oxide of Nitrogen with different Brake power

Figure 6.18Hydro carbon with Brake Power

Figure 6.19 Carbon monoxide with Brake Power


With using B20, B40, B60, B80 and B100 blends of biodiesel prepared
in transesterification process. The performance, combustion and emission
characteristics were analyzed with different blend with increment of 20%. The
B20 blend was observed to have better performance and lower emissions
(except NOx).

Then using the best blend, performance, combustion and emission

characteristics were analyzed by varying the injection pressure of the engine
and founded that injection pressure 210bar produced low emission were
observed except NOx.

Based on best injection pressure and best blend B20 engine was run with
catalytic converter. The result were found as the emission were lower compare
to without catalytic converter.

It concluded the best blend as B20, best injection pressure as 210 bar
with catalytic converter.


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Photograph of VCR engine

Photograph of injection pressure changing nozzle in VCR engine

Photographic view of Separation Process

Photographic view of separation process

Photographic view of AVL smoke analyzer

Photographic view of AVL smoke meter


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