1ST Nature Goals and Objectives of SS
1ST Nature Goals and Objectives of SS
1ST Nature Goals and Objectives of SS
Approaches to Teaching
Social Studies
Intended Learning Outcome
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• explain the general aims of teaching social studies; stale the objectives of
teaching social studies in schools in relation to learners' need and expected
Although one can say that language learning, the arts, mathematics and the natural sciences
deal with human experiences in the form of ideas, skills and products, it is the special
function of social studies to have the people as the subject matter.
Hence, definitions and the nature of social studies range from a study of human beings
favoring a separate subject approach to an integrated one in which the subject matter is
indistinguishable as history, geography, civics and so on.
Concept of Social Studies -
Some Basic Ideas
What does the term social studies mean?
• You might define social studies as something similar to any of the following:
• It is a study of how people live and work together at the local, national or
international, level.
• It is an inquiry to realize how the people today all over the world are
economically and politically interdependent.
SOCIAL STUDIES -is the integrated study of Social Science and humanities to
promote effective citizenry
Understanding Social Studies In Relation To Other Areas Of Study
The field of social studies is distinct from other fields of learning for the
fact that its contents well as purpose emphasize human-beings and their various
As already stated, all other fields of study also have a social purpose
and utility. They form a significant part of the curriculum as they serve the needs
of human-beings. Arithmetic has social utility and enhances human relationships
too, but its content is not inclusive of human-beings and their relationships.
Science deals with material objects, language with communication,
and mathematics with quantity but social studies deals mainly with the
relationships among the people.
The actual format, however, will vary from time to time and from
country to country, because assumptions about individual needs
and societal needs vary.
Also people think differently about which aspect of academic
knowledge is of greatest worth.
Society’s needs and Areas of formally
priorities organized body of
-Direct Influence
,,…………Possible influence
Curricular goals and educational programs
ii) Relevant understandings. If the teaching of social studies is not the mere
transmission of unrelated isolated facts, understandings relevant to the
organized set of facts are very important. The teacher has to help the child to
receive this information in the proper perspective. The teacher can help in
promoting an understanding of concepts by encouraging relevant experiences
and activities inside and outside the classroom.
Learning Outcomes in Social Studies
iii) Desirable attitudes. An attitude is a feeling developed towards an object
or an event or a person or a group or anything else. The facts are forgotten
easily, while attitudes continue to last in an individual’s mind. However,
attitudes are also subject to change with circumstances. Hence, the teacher
can help develop desirable attitudes by various activities and learning
experiences. Attitudes are formed unknowingly and that is why the teacher
should be more conscious in projecting the proper attitudes through his own
model behavior, to enable the child to imbibe the same.
i)' Skills in studying and learning. This means students should develop
skills which pertain to finding, comprehending, organizing, interpreting
and evaluating information. Interpreting maps, tables, charts, graphs,
timeline, reading newspapers, magazines, distinguishing facts from
fiction, and facts from opinions, building a social studies vocabulary,
classifying information, summarizing data, arranging events in a
chronological order, putting questions and ideas in a clear manner are all
such specific skills that students are expected to develop in a graded
ii) Skills in enquiry and decision-making. The skills related to enquiry
and decision-making help in enhancing students' ability to think and learn.
These skills can be acquired through guided discovery learning. Guided
discovery learning occurs when students find their own answers to a
problem designed by their teacher to meet the selected specific objective.
This strategy for teaching enquiry skills include:
• Social studies can help students address their own individual needs.
To put this broad idea specifically the social studies, help students:
Policy Framework
The child at this stage, could be initiated into the study past in all its major aspects
such as social, cultural and scientific development. He should also be helped to
appreciate the diversities in ways of living and the interdependence of various
regions of India and the world. He should know the civic arid political institutions
and understand contemporary social and economic issues and problems. Social
skills and civic competencies and a national perspective would, thus, equip him to
participate in the task of social and economic reconstruction. The direction and
expectations put before the nation for achieving these purposes is a challenging
task to be achieved through social studies.
Emerging Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Studies
If social studies are study of the people and their interaction with one another and
their environment, some general aims of social studies instruction could be
formulated as under: