Module - V

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Module - V

Mechanical Engineering Department

VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha-768018
Agile prototyping

• Use fast, cost-effective techniques to get the design ideas in front of

customers as early as possible in the design process. Repeat fast design-
and-test cycles to discover users' needs, to maintain focus on user
priorities, and to let users test-drive the innovative ideas.
Benefits Agile prototyping
• Obtain early user data and feedback to inform your web and application
design decisions.
• Discover what really matters to your customers and users before you've
invested too much in design or development.
• Employ customer and user data to prioritize your development timelines,
effort and resources.
• Involve and engage your users—customers, staff, etc—in your design
process to improve buy-in, communications and commitment.
What is Agile Prototyping?
• A version of (parts of) your design with just enough functionality to
compare design alternatives, and to test the unknowns and the riskier
elements of the design
• Produced using rapid-prototyping tools for fast and cost-effective
• Prototypes allow you to observe real user behaviour as they interact with
your design, and to obtain detailed feedback about your designs,
alternatives, and ideas before implementing them.
When should I do Agile Prototyping?
• When you have innovative ideas you'd like to test with users, quickly and
• When you have a complex website or application with tough design
decisions that would benefit from user data and feedback.
• When you need to prioritize your timescales, effort and resources, based on
user priorities.
Agile vs Prototyping

What is Prototyping?
• Prototyping is an attractive and feasible model for those complex and
large systems which have no manual process or existing system for
determining the requirements. Prototype development is based on
currently known requirements. Prototype gives client the actual feel of
system. It also help clients for better understanding of the desired system
• Prototype is not a complete system itself. Many details are also not built
in the prototype model. Basic goal of Prototype model is to provide a
system which gives overall functionality.
• This model is used when client is not sure about the project requirements.
Close communication between company and client is important for the
prototype model success. First Initial prototype is presented to the client.
Prototype is an iterative process which finalize the product with different
trial and errors.
When to use Prototype model
• Development team uses prototype model, when they want to add end
users interaction in the project. Mostly online systems, and web interfaces
highly need end users interaction in project. This system gives ease of use
and end users need very minimal training. In prototype development
methodology end users are constantly kept in touch with development
process and their feedbacks are valued, which make system useable.
Prototype development methodology is very good for designing the CIS
(Computer interface systems). We use Prototype model, when we need lot
of end users interaction in desired system.
Agile Methodology
• In Agile, development is divided into small iterations which are called
Sprints. This is a better development methodology due to its continuous
planning, testing, integration, risk evaluation and control on the progress of
the project and thereupon reduces the chances of project failure.
• Agile is used to plan quickly, develop quickly, release quickly and revise
• This methodology is one step forward than waterfall. Agile methodology
was created after facing the lot of disadvantages of waterfall in many
procedures. Rather than working in sequential design like waterfall, agile
works in incremental (regular series) approach.
• In Agile, a project is converted into small parts known as Sprints. Each
sprint can be completed using waterfall steps; like, Conception, Initiation,
Analysis, Design, Construction, Testing, Implementation and finally
• That’s why we can say that Agile is like micro waterfall. We split work into
tasks and then run waterfall process on each task.
2.1) Agile values 2.3) Agile Activities
• Communication Coding
• Simplicity Testing
• Feedback Designing
• Courage 2.4) Agile control variables
2.2) Agile Principles Time
• Providing rapid feedback Cost
• Adopting simplicity Quality
• Changing incrementally 2.5) Agile Phases
• Embracing change Exploration
• Encouraging quality work Planning
Iterations to the first release
Product ionizing
2.6) Risks (when adopting a new information system)
• Culture of organization and the systems development team
• Timing
• Cost
• Client’s reactions
• Measuring impact
• Programmers and analysts individual rights
Advantages of Agile
• Agile means “moving quickly indicating the dynamic approach of Agile.
• Agile is a flexible methodology.
• Agile is very accommodative to changes.
• Agile methodology caters the ever changing requirements.
• Its rapid delivery helps to satisfy customers.
• There is no guesswork between development team and customer.
• It includes continuous inputs from the client and face to face
• It is highly collaborative development process.
• It is a continuous improvements process.
• Requirements are expected to evolve and change in this process.
• It has rapid deployment for work.
• Its phases are well-processed and completed once at a time.
• This process helps to measure the progress by the amount of completed
• This is a constantly improving process since changes can be made during
the process.
• It helps you to deliver exactly according to client’s expectation.
• It is easy to add up-to-date features in program at any time.
• Project priorities are evaluated at the end of every sprint, which helps
client to add their feedback about product.
• In Agile bugs are solved in each sprint, so there are very less chances that
you face any error at the end of development cycle.
• This methodology helps to launch program at any level.
• Teams get self-motivated due to cross functionality.
• Tracing progress is very easy in this methodology.
• Structured backlog helps to monitor progress.
Disadvantages of Agile Methodology
• If the project manager is not experienced, then project can become a large
series of sprints, and come in late and over budget.
• This is a less predictable process about projects output (final product isn’t
defined clearly).
• It is very hard for the client to handover the project to any other Vendor
for more development or any maintenance.
• Final project can be different from initial plan.
• Frequent complaints for every small reason can mentally disturb
• For the completion of project every team member should be open minded
and communicative.
• Product owner and scrum master is highly pressurized in this
• Sometimes managing the backlog itself becomes too much.
Introduction to nano-technology processes

• Nanotechnology is the manufacture and manipulation of nanoscopic

materials and technology. Because the field has only come into wide use
in manufacturing recently, there are competing definitions for what
counts as nano.
• It defines nano as any material made up of at least 50% of particles
between one and 100 nanometers in size — or, about one-hundredth to
one-tenth the size of the average molecules.
• Understanding, shaping and combining matter at the atomic and
molecular scale is called nanotechnology. Nanotechnology encompasses
science, medicine, engineering, computing and robotics at this scale,
called the Nano scale. Nanotechnology offers the potential for new and
faster kinds of computers, more efficient power sources and life-saving
medical treatments.
Manufacturing Approaches to Nanomaterials

• There are two broad categories of approach to nanofabrication, the

manufacturing of nanomaterials: top-down and bottom-up.
• Top-down manufacturing begins with a slab of raw material which
gradually gets broken down into nanoscale items.
• The bottom-up technique gives engineers more building alternatives
because products are developed from atomic and cellular components,
given these nanofabrication methods combine fundamental units into more
complex ones using chemical or physical forces that act at the nanoscale.
• Bottom-up methods are an increasingly significant complement to top-
down methods in nanofabrication as component sizes get smaller. Bottom-
up strategies find their inspiration in natural systems, where evolution has
used chemical forces to make all the structures required for life.
• Researchers attempt to mimic nature’s capacity to generate small clusters
of particular atoms that can subsequently self-assemble into more complex
structures. The following cutting-edge procedures enable bottom-up
nanotechnology in manufacturing:
• Chemical Vapor Deposition: By combining chemicals that react,
exceptionally pure, high-performance films are created.
• Molecular Beam Epitaxy: It is a technique for depositing single crystals
that is particularly helpful in producing semiconductors.
• Atomic Layer Epitaxy: It is a method for adding layers to a one-atom-
thick surface.
• “Dip pen” lithography: It involves writing on a substrate surface with a
chemical solution by dipping the end of the atomic force microscopy
(AFM) into it.
• Roll-to-roll technology: It creates nanoscale devices in large quantities on
a roll of extremely thin metal and polymer.
• Self-assembly: It is the process by which different chemical or biological
molecule structures naturally associate with one another to create an
ordered structure without external guidance.
Applications of Nanotechnology in Manufacturing

1. Industry of Semiconductors
• Recent research has shown conclusively that the semiconductor industry’s
technological advancements have significantly boosted productivity
growth and raised living standards in the United States.
• In 1950, the semiconductor business had sales of just a few thousand
dollars but today it generates hundreds of billions of dollars.
• The dimension of the transistors, for instance, “a switch” used by us on a
day-to-day basis is the primary indicator of technological advancement in
this sector.
2. Nanomachines
• Researchers have successfully created functional nanomotors, nanorobots,
and nanomachines from physiochemical to biological molecules. These
nanoparticles self-assemble into programmable, useful machines at the
3. Fuel Economy
• To create compounds for adhesives, sealants, coatings, potting, and
encapsulating, polymer nanotechnology entails dispersing nanoparticles into
an existing polymer matrix.
• These applications may acquire properties like thermal properties, moisture
and resistance to chemicals, better tensile strength, and even fire resistance
by using nanoparticle fillers.
4. Friction Reduction
• The application of nanotechnology in manufacturing lubricants has opened
the door to more creative manufacturing options. Nanoparticles can be
utilized where lubricants are usually used to lessen friction between two
• These nanoparticles reduce the possibility of heat, wear, and oil failure by
rolling between both the surfaces like tiny ball bearings. This discovery
could be transformational for the industry’s future and the environment due
to the finite availability of fossil fuels.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Nanotechnology in

• Almost every produced product is made quicker, sharper, safer, greener,
and with more precision.
• New materials are already becoming available thanks to nanotechnology,
which might completely change the manufacturing industry.
• For instance, aerogels, are made of extremely light and durable material
with extraordinary insulating qualities.
• Nanites and nanobots are only a few nanometers long and can be used to
create innovative materials and products. They’re already being used to
revolutionize medical device construction.
• The absence of employment in traditional farming, manufacturing, and
the industrial sector due to the rapid advancement of nanotechnology is
one of the most significant drawbacks the world is currently
• To operate more quickly and correctly, nanotech devices and machines
have replaced humans, diminishing the significance of men’s power in
the world of practical work.
• Non-material and manufacturing at an industrial scale have several
effects on the environment and human health.

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