Canva Templates Free Guide Socially Hayley

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Selling Canva

By Hayley Amelia

Let’s Be Insta Friends!

Please feel free to message me on

Instagram with any questions that
you may have, or just to say hi!
I would LOVE to hear from you 🥰


Hello, I’m Hayley!

I started selling Canva Templates on Etsy back in 2021 & it

has provided me with a full-time income ever since. I have
spent the last two years travelling the world while running
my business from my laptop with complete time & location

Making the decision to start selling Canva Templates

transformed my life & now I’m on a mission to help other
people create a business that allows them to have this
same freedom.

I have made over $150,000 from selling Canva templates

and the best part is it’s super beginner friendly. Keep
reading to find out exactly how you can get started!

Hayley Amelia
Founder of

My Story
I'm Hayley, I’m 28 & from Sydney, Australia. I graduated
from university with a teaching degree however my
adventurous spirit and love for travel soon led me to
discovering the world of online work. I dabbled in
everything from being a Virtual Assistant, to Web Design &
Pinterest Management but none of these things allowed
me to live the life of FREEDOM that I truly craved.

I was done trading hours for dollars & working 40 hrs a

week. I wanted the freedom to work whenever I felt like it
WITHOUT having to sacrifice my income.

That’s when I discovered that I could create templates in

Canva for FREE & sell them to create passive income!

I opened an Etsy shop and listed my first few products.

Just one week later I made my first sale & my life changed

The best part was that Etsy was
driving all my traffic for me & I
didn’t have to do any marketing
at all!!

Thanks to my Canva Template

Etsy business I was able to make
my dream of travelling full time a
reality. In the last 2 years I have
lived in Bali, London & New
Zealand and have spent several
months travelling across Europe.

Whether you’re like me & want

more freedom to travel, or your a
SAHM wanting to bring in extra
income for your family, I want you
to know that it IS POSSIBLE to
create a passive income stream
with Canva Templates (even if
you’re a complete Canva

My goal is to show people that a

9-5 job is NOT the only way. I
know that there is so much more
out there for you & I am so
excited and proud of you for
starting this journey!

Wishing you every success,

Hayley xo

Six Steps To Making Money
With Canva Templates

Research the different types of
01 Canva templates & figure out which
ones are the most profitable

Create your template in Canva or
02 purchase a PLR Canva template that
you can resell as your own

Design several listing images that
03 showcase the template that you are

Six Steps To Making Money
With Canva Templates

Open an Etsy store and upload your
04 listing images & template link

Use keywords & Etsy tags to drive
05 traffic to your listing on auto pilot

06 Start getting sales!! You did it.
WOO HOO! 💸💸💸

Ready To Get Started?

My guide The Canva Template Playbook shows you

step by step exactly how to get your own Canva
Template Etsy Store up and running in just five days!

I’ll be showing you the exact strategies that I used to

make over 11,000 Canva template sales & to get my
listings in front of over half a million people
WITHOUT having to do any marketing whatsoever.

Once you have followed all of the steps inside the

playbook you will have your very own Etsy store up &
running, complete with your first five products and
will be well on your way to making your first sale.

Learn More Here


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