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Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 2322–2328

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Materials Today: Proceedings

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An investigation of thermal behaviour of brake disk pad assembly with

Camelia Pinca-Bretotean a, Rakesh Bhandari b, Chaitanya Sharma c, Shri Krishna Dhakad d, Preda Cosmin e,
Arun Kumar Sharma f,⇑
Engineering and Management Department, Faculty of Engineering of Hunedoara, University of Timisoara, Hunedoara, Romania
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rustamji Institute of Technology, BSF Academy, Tekanpur, Gwalior, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SATI Vidisha, India
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, 10 Victoriei Blvd., Sibiu 550024, Romania
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The brake disk is a key part of the braking mechanism, the task of it is to slow or stop the vehicle’s wheels,
Available online 14 May 2021 on the one side, while the heat produced during the process is dissipated. In this regard, the brake pads
are pressed by mechanical strength on the surface of the brake disks. This study aims to develop a model
Keywords: of a disk brake by use of CATIA V5, on the model, finite element analysis (FEA) done by ANSYS 19 then
Composite material compare it to the findings gained by the original tests. A computational thermo-mechanical study was
ANSYS conducted on this research by use of ANSYS software for disk brake mounting inside a hydraulic brake
Brake pad
system. This study is designed to provide insight into the heat flow behavior within and around a brake
Brake disk
disk during brake testing and simulations. Two cases have been analyzed. Experimental evaluations of a
hydraulic brake system can verify the simulation models. Together with the ten successive brakes,
numerical as well as experimental tests are made. The findings permit a comparison of the numerical
and experimental temperatures to verify the models.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials and System Engineering.

1. Introduction and a low friction dependency of contact pressure, vehicle speed

and environmental conditions [1].
The key characteristic of the brake disks is to assure a fast heat Evaluating the behavior and performance of the disk brake
dissipation into the atmosphere. The braking mechanism is over- assembly under thermal stresses can indeed be determined by
heated results the braking power decrement. Mechanical as well comparing the temperature observed on numerical models
as thermal stresses on the disks and the brake pads are extremely through simulation and the temperature observed while real-
high throughout the braking operation. Thermal stresses normally time experiment. In recent years, much attention was paid to
are the major concern for the braking mechanism during intense improving the efficiency of the brake disks concerning their perfor-
braking occurring while driving automobiles in towns. Further- mance, whenever the brake pads are already in friction. This great
more, the ambient parameters and the kind of surface over which effort contributed to the advancement of products like non-ferrous
the automobile operates affect the efficiency of the disk brake copper alloys, Al and carbon-based composites. Numerous scien-
assembly. Most of this may cause severe wear, alterations in shape, tists investigated thermal dissipation between surface contacts in
the thermal stresses in extreme braking may be measured. The key vehicle brakes to forecast the distribution of temperature and in
factors that work with each other in the braking mechanism are particular the maximum heat temperature throughout braking in
friction resistance over a very large spectrum of temperatures order to prevent failure before such an expected lifecycle. In calcu-
lating the sliding surface temperature, studies have used various
computational tools, including the Finite element method (FEM),
⇑ Corresponding author.
these considerations affect the longevity of the braking system [2].
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.K. Sharma).

2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials and System Engineering.
C. Pinca-Bretotean, R. Bhandari, C. Sharma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 2322–2328

2. Modelling Software’s 3.3. Carbon fiber

Catia V5 is a new CAD software. It allows its users to construct a Carbon fibers have good strength and the excellent module of
right solid pattern or an image drawing. When the component or ideal thermal and electrical conductivity with excellent resistance
assembly’s mathematical model is linked to the characteristics of towards wear relative to other fibers so extensively used in making
the components, obtain a model, which can be used to simulate of aircraft, nuclear power, industrial, maritime and mechanical
and forecast the part or model’s behavior using the finite element parts such as roller blades, rollers, cams, fan blades and automotive
and other simulation applications. To produce the item, the same parts [8].
solid model may be used and also contains the requisite details
to inspect and assemble the component. This model was used to 3.4. Ceramic
create the blueprint for the ventilated disk. Two types of pads
was built precisely the same were then imported to Ansys Work- Ceramic breaks provide high braking efficiency, good wear
bench to test the behavior under various pressure material proper- resistance and are extremely light these all critical for high perfor-
ties [3]. mance in driving. As these brake components are ceramic, they dis-
ANSYS software is a framework for the greatest range of state- sipate heat effectively, maintaining high output, even after
of-the-art simulations in new engineering technologies. The whole frequent hard stops. They often emit reduced dust compared to
simulation method is an advanced development tool that leads other brake varieties [9].
users to every move. Drag and drop flexibility is often available
for complicated multiple physics analyses. The ANSYS framework 4. Materials and method
automatically creates a link to fluid and structural studies, mini-
mizes data storage and facilitates geometric changes analysis 4.1. Materials
effects [4].
Because of the technological and economic benefits, the brake
disk material is Gray cast iron. There are two separate materials
3. Brake disk for the brake pads: one semi- metallic and the other organic com-
posite, brake pad made from this used in small and medium auto-
Two kinds of disks exist, complete disk and ventilated disk. The mobiles. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the brake disk which
whole disks are made from a simple fabrication process and have made of cast iron and brake pads (semi metallic, composite). In this
basic geometry; they are usually mounted on the rear axle of the study, composites sample made in the laboratory, for road vehicles.
vehicle. Ventilated disks have more complicated geometry. They
are seen more and more on rear and front cars with two crowns, 4.2. Modeling
which leads to the convective transfer of heat. The ventilated disk
consists of more material than the complete disk, ventilated disk Mechanical energy is converted into heat energy in a braking
used for this study since it is more often used by all car brands mechanism. Absolute heating of the disk and pads during the brak-
around the globe [5]. ing stage is indicative of this energy. High temperatures may result
Material generally used in the brake disk is given below. from frictional energy. For effective braking efficiency, the dissipa-
tion of the frictional heat produced is essential. The variations in
brake temperature affect axial and radial deformation and impact
3.1. Aluminum alloy on pad-disk interaction. This is why the mechanism can be
regarded as a thermomechanical system that is fully integrated.
A widely popular lightweight metal is aluminum. In many aero- In two ways, modeling of pad-disks assembly was done
space applications aluminum alloy is commonly used. Aluminum
has a range of essential features such as excellent conductivity,  Case I: the disks of cast iron ventilated and the semi-metallic
low density, strength, resistance to corrosion and recycling [6]. pad.
 Case II cast iron ventilated disk and composite pad of organic
3.2. Gray cast iron
CATIA V5 was used for the pads with disk brake modeling and
Gray Cast Iron a kind of cast iron, is known for its grey color, was assembled for evaluation. For behavior analysis through vary-
owing to the existence of graphite. It is the most popular cast iron ing material properties under various pressure, these elements
as well as the most often used weight-based cast material. A stan- were applied in ANSYS Workbench. Modeling simplifies theories
dard chemical mixture of 2.5 to 4.0 percent carbon and 1 to 3 per- are:
cent silicone to achieve a graphical microstructure. Grey cast iron’s
key benefits are simple to form and to attain whatever shape. The  All of the kinetic energy mostly on the surface of the brake disk
content has high compressive strength with damping capability, is converted into heat.
serves as a lubricant because of the use of graphite [7].

Table 1
Properties of disks and brake pads in the modeling phase [7]

Type of material Thermal conductivity (W/ Density (kg / Specific heat (J /Kg Poisson’s Coefficient of linear expansion (K- Young Modulus,
mC) m3) C) ratio 1) GPa
Disk (Cast iron) 52 7200 447 0.28 1.1 10–5 110
Pad 1 (Semi 60 7800 420 0.29 1.2 10–5 19
Pad 2 (Composite) 38 1270 750 0.21 2.5 10–5 25

C. Pinca-Bretotean, R. Bhandari, C. Sharma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 2322–2328

as analyzed to obtain the contact zone detailed results of disk and

pad. This is essential since the temperature in this area increases

4.4. Meshing of the brake pad

The Fig. 2 below represents the meshed model of the brake pad
used for analysis. From meshing analysis, the results for the num-
ber of nodes are 2895 and 483 elements.

4.5. Boundary conditions

In the ANSYS Workbench module, border conditions shall be

Fig. 1. 3D model with the mesh.
applied by selecting the first mode of the simulation and specifying
its physical properties. These parameters are the initial require-
 The heat conversion involved in this analysis is through ments for simulation. After fixing these parameters, the boundaries
conduction and convection, radiation may be neglected owing of each area are set and the following parameters are defined
to the minimal volume of 5 to 10%; Total simulation period = 45 s.
 The brake disk content is assumed homogeneous and isotropic;
 The area of analysis shall be considered axially-symmetrical;  Increase in the original period = 0.25 s.
 Throughout the study, inertial forces are negligible;  Increase in the minimum initial period = 0.125 s.
 The pressure applied to the disk by the brake pad was known to  Increase in maximum initial period = 0.5 s.
be uniform.  Initial disk temperature = 20°C.
 Materials: For brake disk Grey Cast iron and semi-metallic/
A finite element approach was used to prepare the structural ceramic for the brake pads
model of the disks and pad assembly. Fig. 2 displays the 3D disk  The Coefficient of friction = 0.3
brake concept and Fig. 3 shows the 3D brake pad model. In the
ANSYS workbench, the boundary requirements are used. Thermally Fig. 3 demonstrates the disk-pad brake assembly mesh in finite
transient analysis of 150 rad/s angular speed after 10 s of braking elements.
was considered for the disk and the brake pads. The initial period The different pressures 1 MPa and 1.5 MPa were analyzed in
0.01 s and the initial temperature of the disk was considered to this research on the Disk-Pad assembly. In the lab on the experi-
increase by 22°C. The models include structural conditions that mental plant, the numerical simulation is validated.
have a defined cylindrical support allowing the y-axis to rotate at
an angular speed of 150 Rad/s. 4.6. Thermal stress analysis

4.3. Meshing of the disk The temperature distribution in duration of single-stop braking
was expected to cause thermal stress. The expected compressive
The disk brake model for the thermal analysis method is shown surface stress, which is associated with the increase in the temper-
in Fig. 1. To be tested Using a triangular surface masher, a venti- ature will lead to a resulting material compression in the disk sur-
lated disk brake was measured. In this study, the number of nodes face since the thermal stresses on the friction surface are much
is 13,450 and the elements are 5718. The model is mashed as well greater than just the mechanical stresses.

Fig. 2. 3D model with the mesh.

C. Pinca-Bretotean, R. Bhandari, C. Sharma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 2322–2328

Fig. 3. Boundary conditions on the disk-pad assembly.

4.7. Validation of experiment shown in Fig. 4 has been used to verify the simulation models.
To study the laboratory behavior of the pad-disk-brake mounting,
Simulation is a method for conducting conceptual studies using the plant permits sustained braking [10].
computer models. These models explain the action over time of
some elements of a real device. A validated model of simulation
can comport in a similar fashion to the phenomenon. The results 5. Results and discussions
generated with the simulation software, taking into consideration
both measures errors and mathematical solving methods, would During the ten consecutive brakes for pads and disk brake
be comparable to those obtained experimentally. As the simulated assembly, the thermal and thermo-mechanical examination was
solution approaches the test solution, the simulation model is done. The aim of the combined impact of thermal and mechanical
accurate. The objective of the experimental assessments was for analysis is to get the simulation nearer to the current operating
the disks and the brake pads to receive input during 10 consecutive conditions when the brake disk is not only subject to a pad load
frequencies. Together with the ten successive brakes assessments but also to a temperature effect. Information on the behavior of
are made. The findings permit contrasts of the numerical and pads and disk brake assemblies was collected in numerical and
experimental temperatures to verify the models. The test plant graphical form in the test reports under dry friction conditions.
The Maximum brake temperature varies depending on the heat
storage capacity of the disk. This would lead to disk asymmetry
due to the increase in temperature. The cumulative number of
deformations found on the disk’s circumference is caused by the
fact that the brake pad deformation due to heat generation. Ther-
mal stresses can interfere with mechanical stresses that result in
a disk cracking. Reduced braking effectiveness of the pad to disk
contact due to thermal deformation.
Fig. 5 reveals that the total disk temperature at the end of the
simulation is 256.19°C for semi-metal pads. Fig. 6 shows that it
is 161.7°C in the case of the composite pad. In Figs. 7 and 8 all tem-
perature values during simulation is showing. In case of pads con-
structed of ceramic material, the temperature at the end of the
simulation phase is lower than in case of a semi-metallic pad. This
indicates that the substance of the brake pad determines the
impact area’s temperature. Improvements in design will modify
the aero-thermal flux behavior of the brake disk because of the
dynamics of the wheelhouse movement.
A few of the temperature images obtained in laboratory tests
while installing a brake pad made of semi-metallic material at
the testing plant. It is apparent that the temperature improves
quite rapidly at the beginning of the braking. The temperature
was 104°C at the fourth brake, and it was 245°C at the end of
breaking. The thermal heat dissipated by convection and radiation
depends both on the disk design and the feature of its substance,
including variation in local emissivity, for such braking frame-
works. Disk surfaces are crucial for the fast heat dissipation of
Fig. 4. Experimental plant for laboratory validation of the models. the disk mass. A comparative study of available thermal images,
C. Pinca-Bretotean, R. Bhandari, C. Sharma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 2322–2328

Fig. 5. Temperature and time variation graph for semi-metallic material.

Fig. 6. Graph for Temperature and time variation (composite material Pad).

experimentally during braking in real time, and simulated thermal In simulation and experimental assessment, the temperature
images with suitable analytical or numerical model with the same rises linearly mostly during braking phase. The experimental tem-
features, geometric and material properties of a virtual brake disk’s peratures are significantly greater than in a simulation test. This is
action under thermal stress evaluated. The best-known, utilized since a variety of simplifications have been made in the modelling
and admired approach is contactless thermography with regard phase and have resulted in certain variations in outcomes. The
to the capture of thermal images in actual environments. in respect validity of the simulation models is confirmed by no substantial
to simulation, methods that enable displays of the temperature variations between experimental and computational values.
distribution upon the brake disk surface are presently the most Regarding thermo-mechanical study, the conclusions are that the
appropriate methods, namely: Finite element method. It is as a perfect scenario is the one with the brake pad produced of compos-
numerical simulation method. This procedure is used in the brake ite. The temperature released by convection as well as radiation for
system design phase. Surface temperature increases during each these braking systems depends on the disk design and its material
braking period the temperature was 183.1°C in the contact region characteristics. Disk surfaces are important because the heat stored
at the end of the 10 brakes. In both scenarios, temperature in the volume of the disk is rapidly dispersed. The materials nor-
increases are found during breaks. The temperature of the compos- mally used for creating the brake disk responsible for internal
ite pad was well below the semi metallic pad at the end of the stresses. A comparative study of thermal pictures in experimental,
braking intervals [11]. real times, during braking and thermal images simulations, in

C. Pinca-Bretotean, R. Bhandari, C. Sharma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 2322–2328

Fig. 7. Temperature results for case I.

Fig. 8. Temperature results for case II.

suitable analytical or computational models with the same  The FEM has emphasized regions which have been more vulner-
geometrical features and the same content of a virtual disk will able to mechanical stress and the temperature between the disk
evaluate the brake disk behavior. The best-known, utilized and and the brake pad in the contact area.
admired approach is contactless thermography with regard to  Significant deformation occurs in the external radius zone of the
the development of thermal images in real time [12]. braking disks.
 Taken into account the thermal influence in modeling, the tem-
perature has a substantial impact on the conduct of the disk and
6. Conclusions
pad brake surface.
 Complete deformation and temperature of the composite brake
In this article, the thermo-mechanical characteristics of contact
pad is less than for the semi-metallic pad within both computa-
between disk and pad were investigated using ANYS as well as
tional simulation as well as in experimental assessments.
Inventor simulation software. To test the models, experiments
 The thermo-physical features of the substance through which
were done in a hydraulic brake plant laboratory, these results are
the brake pads are produced affect the temperature range.
as follows: These results are as follows:

C. Pinca-Bretotean, R. Bhandari, C. Sharma et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 2322–2328

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