Optimized Design and Static, Dynamic Analysis of Disc Brake Using Finite Element Analysis

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 5 Issue 11, November-2016

Optimized Design and Static, Dynamic Analysis

of Disc Brake using Finite Element Analysis
Duvvuru Nirmala a C. Udaya Kiranb
M. Tech Student., Mechanical Department, Head of Department, Mechanical Department,
J.B institute of Engineering and Technology, J. B institute of Engineering and Technology,
Hyderabad, INDIA. Hyderabad, INDIA

Abstract—In this paper an effort is made on different 3. LITERATURE REVIEW

materials and Analysis techniques of disc brake. The term
Praveena and et al.[1] designed Disc Brake Model which had
itself indicates that slowing or stopping the disc which
low stress material and perform better. He analysed stress for
causes slowdown the vehicle. It is sandwich model with 2
different materials such as aluminium, Grey Cast Iron, HSS
pads and disc at centre. Disc is mounted to wheel & pads
M42, and HSS M2. By comparing the structural and stress
are mounted to the frame through calliper. When brake is
analysis for these four materials he concluded that
applied, it generates heat between pads and disc due to
Aluminium has suitable design and low stress material for
friction. The aim of contribution was to study different
better performance
structural & Thermal Analysis using Finite Element
Methods (FEM), cooling performance increased by T.V. Majunath and P.M. Suresh [2] studied Transient
different Cut Patterns and study of analysis of different Thermal and structural analysis of Rotor Disc and had to
materials has been reported in literature. perform better in several braking condition. He examined the
von-mises stresses of disc brake for two different materials as
Keywords— Disc Brake,cut patterns, Static Analysis, thermal well as for both ventilated and solid disc rotor. The Values
Analysis, Finite Element Method from the results obtained that ventilated cast iron disc brake
1. INTRODUCTION was best and suggested for strength and rigidity criteria under
safety condition.
Brake is Device which uses to stop motion of machine by
transferring the Kinetic Energy of the vehicle into Thermal VirajParabet al. [3] did a Transient-Thermal analysis of Disc
Energy by Mutual Slipping of contacting components of Brake with different materials such as Stainless Steel, Cast
brake system. Usually brakes made of Cast Iron or Ceramic Iron and Carbon-Carbon Composites and compared
Composites which include Aluminium, Kevlar and Silica. deformation, stresses, and temperature. Finally concluded
Brake pads also called as Friction Materials are made to that stainless steel has better brake performance in
engage both sides of disc to decelerate the system. When pad deformation view and Cast Iron had best in stress point of
is pressed Normal to the Disc, the disc absorbs Kinetic view.
Energy of vehicle and it will transfer into heat energy which VirajVijaykumarShindeet et al. [4] did Thermal and
is 90% heat energy absorbed by disc and remain absorb by Structural Analysis of Disc Brake for Different Cut Patterns
pads and calliper. When temperature exceeds the critical using aerodynamics characteristics of flow through disc brake
value of material, it will cause to Brake Failure, Thermal holes. Among circular and elliptical cut patterns he decided
Crack, Wear and Fade of Disc. that elliptical cut patterns have better in heat transfer but
For effective decrease of frictional heat, several methods weaker to withstand to brake force.
have to implement on disc. The list of following strategies Rakesh Jaiswalet et al. [5] Performed stress concentration,
can improve cooling system of disc and disc performance. structural design to choose low stress material. and explained
1. Ventilated Disc Brake. that brakes must stop with in minimum distance in
2. Circulated Brake Fluid. emergency, must not fade and wear. He used Finite element
3. High Thermal Conductivity as well as High Strength method to ind ut stress concentration, structural deformation,
Material. thermal gradient of disc brake.
In today’s growing automobile market competition for Shahabah Bagwan et al. [6] studied a review on disc brake to
better performance of vehicle is growing drastically. Disc reduce squeal noise. He investigated that brake squeal does
brakes are very important devices to decelerate the vehicle. not affect the performance of braking system even though it
The main Object of the literature work is to understand is not acceptable. He gave various parameters which
cooling system of brake, thermo-fluid mechanism, structural influence brake squeal such as braking pressure, rotational
rigidity, low stress martials to design new model and velocity, coefficient of friction, damping and modification of
optimize the design. disc & pads. He concluded that best way to reduce disc brake
squeal was to improve structural modification of disc and

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 5 Issue 11, November-2016


The process used to full fill the Objective of the study the
following steps are involved.
 Preliminary study (Done Litrerature review)
 CAD model by using CATIA

 Finite element analysis(Finite Element Software for

 Selection of parameters ( Cross-Section of Material
and shape to constraint deformation and stresses)
Figure 2. Optimized shape of the disc brake
 Design and development (Re-design of model)
Here thickness can be calculated by mesh thickness. Each
 Modification, Results & Conclusion. mesh is equally discretised with define length so we can
easily find out thickness of plate which has to place on
5.DESIGN ANALYSIS curved tooth disc centre. meshing is equally discretised with
As per actual dimensions the disc brake is designed in thickness of 1 mm after distribution of temperature it is near
about 6 mm is turn into less temperature. So from this
analysis we are taking plate thickness which cover on the top
and bottom of the disk is equal to 6 mm.

Figure 1. CAD Model Prepared in CATIA

CATIA. After importing CAD model into Hyper mesh.

the model is prepared to do Finite Element Analysis Using Figure 3. pre-final Disc
Hyper Mesh Tool for Static analysis and Optimization.
From the several literature reviews we understand that In this method fluid flow will be in straight path and mass
Cast iron is best material suitable for strength wise and flow will be high where as in drilled holes’ air has to take
temperature distribution wise. turn and due to holes’ disc may exhibit high stress
concentration along circumferential or hoop stress when
6. MESHING brake applied. Units.
In post processing we need Displacement and stresses
produces in the model which indicate strength of disc brake.
Optimization is technique used to decreases or removal of
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis has been
unwanted mass of the disc brake. Hyper mesh is best tool used
for optimize technique using topology optimization module. performed to know temperature distribution throughout disc
vent holes using air as fluid which passes through it. For CFD
In this module we have to give specific variables like Analysis in HYPERWORKS providing a powerful tool
mass or volume which is to decrees and also impotent to known as ACUCONSOLE in this material property given to
mansion at what level of stress are permissible. From the volume and boundary conditions given to surfaces such as
optimization we got several curved strip and. From the Input, output and wall.
optimization we removed unwanted mass and the resultant Here heat flux which has magnitude of 350K given to disc
disc which is optimized shape of the disc brake again it has top and bottom surface of the disc. Air is the fluid which is
been re designed with CAD Tool. But where the disc pads passed through concave side to convex side with mass flow
hold the brake and where thermal energy created that disc
2kg/s with 250k.
surface, we are not yet designed for that we need thermal
analysis at what thickness the temperature distribution is CFD Tetra mesh has been done with 3 mm and residual ratio
under permissible level of temperature, pressure, velocity of air and eddy-viscosity of
fluid with respect to time has been generated using CFD tool.

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 5 Issue 11, November-2016

Figure 4.Residual ratio of temperature , pressure, velocity and eddy viscosity

of fluid

After performing CFD analysis those results can also be

viewed in the ACUCONSOLE Figure-5,6 and HYPERVIEW Figure 8 .volumetric temperature distribution
Figure-7,8 respectively.
From the results we got an idea about final disc design
which has been shown in figure-9. which consists of free
edge at edge of the disk brake to flow fluid free and allow to
heat conduction in best way, at the same time it has to with
stand static and dynamic loading conditions.

Figure-5.flow of fluid with temperature conduction and convection.

Figure 9.Elemental stresses for Final disk brake

S.no Displaceme Elmental Factor of Weigh

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.. Temperature nt Stresses Safety t(kg)
distribution in 3 mutually orthogonal planes (mm) (MPa)
Disk without 4.3e-7 3.5e-3 81.3 4.2
Disk with 2.21e-6 3.9e-3 73.5 3.8
Difference between Optimized and without optimized disk brake

It is clear that deformation value has been decreased 5.1%.
Elemental stresses for optimized disk brake comes out to be
3.5e-3 where as with optimized disk brake elemental stresses
comes out to be 3.9e-3. It is denoted that elemental stresses
has been increased by 11.4%. In Safety without optimized
disk has factor of safety calculated as 81.3% and the
Figure 7.Temperature distribution
optimized disk has factor of safety calculated as 73.5%,
which represent 9% decreased in factor of safety.

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 5 Issue 11, November-2016

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