DLL Tle 9 q1 w5 Daily Lesson Log
DLL Tle 9 q1 w5 Daily Lesson Log
DLL Tle 9 q1 w5 Daily Lesson Log
B. Performance The learners shall be able to set up computer networks based established procedures and system requirements for hardware.
C. Learning LO 1 Install network cables LO 1 Install network cables LO 1 Install network cables LO 1 Install network cables
Objectives. Determine cable routes in Determine cable routes in Determine cable routes in Determine cable routes in
accordance with network accordance with network accordance with network accordance with network
design and actual installation design and actual design and actual installation design and actual installation
site installation site site site
B. Establishing a purpose Show the laboratory hub into Show the laboratory hub Show the laboratory hub into Show a modem into students
for the lesson students into students students
Ask: Can you cite the purpose
Ask: Can you cite the purpose Ask: Can you cite the Ask: Can you cite the purpose of his device?
of his device? purpose of his device? of his device?
C. Presenting examples/ Computer Network Computer Network Computer Network Network Devices
instances of the new
D. Discussing new Three Basic Types of Network Three Basic Types of Three Basic Types of Network Common Network Devices
concepts and Network
practicing new skills.
E. Discussing new Local Area Network (LAN) Local Area Network (LAN) Local Area Network (LAN) Hub
concepts and Metropolitan Area Network Metropolitan Area Network Metropolitan Area Network Switch
practicing new skills (MAN) (MAN) (MAN) Router
#2. Wide Area Network (WAN) Wide Area Network (WAN) Wide Area Network (WAN) Modem
Network Interface Card
F. Developing Mastery Showing examples of Showing examples of Showing examples of networks Showing examples of
(Lead to Formative networks to students networks to students to students Common Network Devices to
Assessment 3) students
G. Finding practical Why it is necessary to know Why it is necessary to know Why it is necessary to know the Why it is necessary to know
application of concepts the type of networking a the type of networking a type of networking a the Common Network
and skills in daily living laboratory has? laboratory has? laboratory has? Devices?
H. Making Generalization What have you learned? What have you learned? What have you learned? What have you learned?
and Abstraction about What are the three basic What are the three basic What are the three basic types What are the 9 basic common
the Lesson. types of network? types of network? of network? network devices?
I. Evaluating Learning In a piece of paper, draw an In a piece of paper, draw an In a piece of paper, draw an Directions: Complete the
example of a network set up example of a network set up example of a network set up crossword puzzle by filling in a
and label it? and label it? and label it? word that fits each clue.
J. Additional Activities for
Application or