Practical Strategies For Technical Communication With 2016 Mla Update 2nd Edition Markel Test Bank

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Practical Strategies for Technical

Communication with 2016 MLA Update

2nd Edition Markel Test Bank
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1. According to Chapter 6, one benefit of using a conventional pattern to organize
technical information is that the pattern serves as a template or checklist, helping you
remember what information to include. What is the main benefit for your readers,
according to the chapter?
A) It helps readers relax.
B) It keeps readers from becoming bored.
C) It makes a positive impression on readers.
D) It helps readers associate new information with other information presented in the
same pattern.
E) None of the responses are correct.

2. Your supervisor has asked you to write a brief description of an abandoned silver mine
that is slated for hazardous-waste cleanup. Of the organizational patterns discussed in
Chapter 6, which would be most logical and effective for describing the mine?
A) classification or partition
B) general to specific
C) problem-methods-solution
D) spatial

3. Of the options listed below, which is the most effective way to organize a document
describing the events that led to an Internet company's bankruptcy?
A) classification
B) comparison and contrast
C) problem-methods-solution
D) chronological

4. The following two headings indicate which type of organizational pattern?

Two Tasks You Must Complete Today
Other Tasks That Need Your Attention
A) more important to less important
B) general to specific
C) cause and effect
D) problem-methods-solution

5. Of the options listed below, which is the most effective way to organize a document
explaining which of three different trucks your company ought to buy for its fleet?
A) classification
B) comparison and contrast
C) spatial
D) chronological

Page 1
6. Of the options below, which is the most effective way to organize a discussion
highlighting important events in your company's 31-year history?
A) partition
B) comparison and contrast
C) spatial
D) chronological

7. What is an advance organizer?

A) an outline of the document you are drafting, showing its content and organization
B) the text that introduces a list
C) any text that indicates the background, purpose, scope, and organization of the
discussion that follows it
D) transitional words and phrases, such as first, therefore, furthermore, or
E) None of the responses are correct.

8. A local bank uses this slogan in its advertising: "Integrity. Experience. Trust. Local."
What about this slogan violates readers' expectations?
A) The items in the list are not parallel.
B) The list does not follow the general-to-specific pattern.
C) The hierarchy of the list is confusing.
D) None of the responses are correct.

9. Which of the following is an example of a coherence device?

A) replacing nouns with demonstrative pronouns
B) removing transitional words
C) repeating key words
D) None of the responses are correct.

10. To create an effective title for your document, what should you focus on?
A) key words that describe the document's subject and purpose
B) key words that describe the attitudes of your audience
C) key words that you used in an Internet search during research
D) key words that establish coherent transitions

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11. A writer at ColdTec Accounting has just completed a draft of an internal report
describing a recent drop in enrollment in a training course for new employees entitled
"Web Linking and Publishing with Microsoft Excel 2007." Which of the following titles
would be most appropriate for the report?
A) The Changing Needs of New Employees at ColdTec
B) Choosing a Training Class: "Web Linking and Publishing with Microsoft Excel
C) An Analysis of Declining Enrollment in "Web Linking and Publishing with
Microsoft Excel 2007"
D) Declining Enrollment in Training Classes Offered at ColdTec

12. Which of the changes listed below would make the following paragraph more coherent?

As an undergraduate student, you can satisfy the university writing requirement and
meet an important graduation requirement by scoring a 4 or 5 on either of the Advanced
Placement English exams (Language & Composition or Literature & Composition).
You can also meet this requirement by receiving transfer credit for an approved
college-level writing or writing-intensive course you have taken elsewhere and in which
you have received a grade of B or higher. Finally, you can meet this requirement by
taking and receiving a passing grade in a writing course at this university. The following
two courses, for example, are dedicated primarily to the development of writing skills
and can be used to meet the writing requirement: English 205 (Technical
Communication) or English 200 (Rhetoric and Writing). If you have any further
questions, please call Professor Lee Klein, Director of Writing Programs, in the
Department of English at (518) 555-8122.
A) Insert transitional words and phrases.
B) Turn the paragraph into a list.
C) Begin with a topic sentence.
D) Use demonstrative pronouns.

13. Which of the following words or phrases should be used in the excerpt below to signal
to readers that because land-use problems are causing high bacteria levels, landowners
must take action?

Bacteria levels are often above state standards and are due to localized, specific land-use
problems. _______, landowners must take action to address these problems and reduce
the high bacteria levels.
A) Nevertheless
B) For example
C) Next
D) Consequently

Page 3
14. Which of these examples shows the most effective transition from the first sentence to
the second?
A) New screening techniques are being developed to combat computer viruses. They
are the subject of a new research effort at Big State University.
B) New screening techniques are being developed to combat computer viruses. These
techniques are the subject of a new research effort at Big State University.
C) New screening techniques are being developed to combat computer viruses. A new
research effort at Big State University is focused on fighting computer viruses.
D) New screening techniques are being developed to combat computer viruses.
Nevertheless, they are the subject of a new research effort at Big State University.

15. Which of the following options is the best lead-in for a sentence list?
A) Our three main competitive advantages are:
B) The reasons are the following:
C) We offer advantages over the competition.
D) We offer three main advantages over the competition:

16. Chapter 6 suggests that the passive voice is generally more appropriate than the active
voice in four circumstances. One is when the agent is clear from the context, as in
"Students are required to take both writing courses," in which it is clear that the college
sets the requirements. Under what other circumstances is the passive voice generally
more appropriate?
A) when the agent is less important than the action
B) when the agent is unknown
C) when a reference to the agent is embarrassing, dangerous, or in some other way
D) All responses are correct.
E) None of the responses are correct.

17. Which of the following examples shows a comma splice?

A) The 728B polo shirt is our most popular model, and it offers an unequaled blend of
comfort and durability.
B) The 728B polo shirt is our most popular, comfortable, attractive, durable, and
cost-effective model.
C) The 728B polo shirt is our most popular model, because it offers an unequaled
blend of comfort and durability.
D) The 728B polo shirt is our most popular model, it offers an unequaled blend of
comfort and durability.

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18. Which of the following sentences illustrates the best approach to writing about people
with disabilities?
A) An arthritis sufferer typically takes medications daily.
B) People with advanced cases of scleroderma should avoid cold climates.
C) A person with severe rheumatoid arthritis is likely to be confined to a wheelchair.
D) Systemic lupus is an abnormal disability for young males.

19. How should you punctuate a restrictive modifier?

A) Use commas to separate it from the rest of the sentence.
B) Use dashes to separate it from the rest of the sentence.
C) Add no extra punctuation.
D) Precede it with a comma and the word which.

20. What level of formality does technical communication usually require?

A) very informal to informal
B) informal to moderately formal
C) moderately formal to highly formal
D) None of the responses are correct.

21. According to Chapter 6, long, complex arguments can most often be organized
according to one pattern.
A) True
B) False

22. Classification is an organizational pattern in which a unit is divided into its components.
A) True
B) False

23. According to Chapter 6, you should jot down a working title before you start drafting a
document to give you a sense of direction, then come back and revise it at the end.
A) True
B) False

24. Whenever possible, you should combine two or more ideas into one paragraph to create
a paragraph of 75 to 125 words—the ideal paragraph length.
A) True
B) False

Page 5
25. The only proper way to create a sentence list is by using bullets.
A) True
B) False

26. To test a title, you should ask whether readers will be able to paraphrase it in a clear,
meaningful sentence.
A) True
B) False

27. New and important information should come at the beginning of a sentence, where
readers will be sure to notice it.
A) True
B) False

28. In a passive-voice sentence, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed by
the verb.
A) True
B) False

29. Nominalized verbs help you communicate clearly and concisely.

A) True
B) False

30. A sentence with a negative construction uses a word or phrase to describe what
something is not. One example is the use of not many rather than few.
A) True
B) False

31. According to Chapter 6, one benefit of using a conventional pattern to organize

technical information is that the pattern serves as a template or checklist, helping you
remember which information to include where. According to the chapter, what is one
benefit for your readers?

32. Your supervisor has asked you to write a completion report about a project you carried
out to improve the employee onboarding program at your company. Of the
organizational patterns discussed in Chapter 6, which would be most logical and
effective for your report?

Page 6
33. Why should you avoid back-to-back headings, such as the following?
6. Approaches to Neighborhood Policing
6.1 Community Policing

34. What is the phrase "Special Restricted Incoming Materials Storage Area" an example

35. Therefore, furthermore, consequently, and next are all examples of what category of

36. According to Chapter 6, what are the two types of paragraphs?

37. Identify two coherence devices discussed in Chapter 6.

38. What is a euphemism?

39. For accountants and human-resources personnel, the phrase per diem is an example of
what type of language?

40. Identify one of the four cases in which it is better to use passive voice than active voice.

Page 7
Answer Key
1. E
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. D
17. D
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. B
28. B
29. B
30. A
31. A conventional pattern makes your document easier to read and understand.
32. Problem-methods-solution
33. Readers expect you to use headings to introduce text, not to introduce another heading.
Additionally, back-to-back headings can be confusing.
34. It is a noun string.
35. They are transitional words.
36. Body paragraphs and transitional paragraphs
37. The coherence devices discussed in Chapter 6 are adding transitional words and phrases,
repeating key words, and using demonstrative pronouns followed by nouns.
38. A euphemism is a polite way of saying something that makes people uncomfortable.
39. The phrase is jargon.
40. It is better to use passive voice when the agent is clear from the context; when the agent
is unknown; when the agent is less important than the action; or when a reference to the
agent is embarrassing, dangerous, or in some other way inappropriate.

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