Advanced Strength Glutes Part 1

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Glutes Part 1

Updated 5-26-14
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Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series Glutes 1
Week 1: Day 1
Week 1: Day 2

Week 2: Day 1
Week 2: Day 2

Week 3: Day 1
Week 3: Day 2

Week 4: Day 1
Week 4: Day 2

Part of building great glutes is making sure they are actually working like they
are supposed to and this means they need to actvate with big, glute-focused
lifs. The frst superset does just this - actvates your glutes - so make sure that
you focus on contractng them on every rep!

RO - rep out - as many reps as possible with good form. Try to beat the previous
week's reps and/or weight. Use 80% of the previous set's weight. Pauses
indicate pausing at the top of the range of moton and squeezing your but as
hard as you can… don't just pause without locking everything in.

Week 1

Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series glutes 1
Day 1
. Exercise Sets x Reps Rest (Secs)
A1 Bodyweight Hip lif (2s pause at top) 2x10 0
A2 Plank (focus on squeezing but and abs) 2x20s 30
B Dumbbell Hip Lif (1s pause at top) 3x10 <60
C1 Goblet Squat 3x15 0
C2 Band Walk 3x15 ea <60


Week 1

Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series glutes 1
Day 2
. Exercise Sets x Reps Rest (Secs)
A1 Bodyweight Hip lif (2s pause at top) 2x10 0
A2 Side Plank (focus on squeezing but and abs) 2x15 ea 30
B Stff Leg Deadlif (1s pause at top) 3x10 <60
C1 Step Ups 3x12 ea 0
C2 Reverse Hyperextension 3x15 <60


Week 2

Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series glutes 1
Day 1
. Exercise Sets x Reps Rest (Secs)
A1 Bodyweight Hip lif (2s pause at top) 2x10 0
A2 Plank (focus on squeezing but and abs) 2x25s 30
B Dumbbell Hip Lif (1s pause at top) 3x12 <60
C1 Goblet Squat 3x18 0
C2 Band Walk 3x20 ea <60


Week 2

Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series glutes 1
Day 2
. Exercise Sets x Reps Rest (Secs)
A1 Bodyweight Hip lif (2s pause at top) 2x10 0
A2 Side Plank (focus on squeezing but and abs) 2x20 ea 30
B Stff Leg Deadlif (1s pause at top) 3x12 <60
C1 Step Ups 3x15 ea 0
C2 Reverse Hyperextension 3x20 <60


Week 3

Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series glutes 1
Day 1
. Exercise Sets x Reps Rest (Secs)
A1 Bodyweight Hip lif (2s pause at top) 2x10 0
A2 Plank (focus on squeezing but and abs) 2x30s 30
B Dumbbell Hip Lif (1s pause at top) 2x15, 1x RO <60
C1 One and a Quarter Goblet Squats 3x10 ea 0
C2 T-Bend 3x15 ea <60


Week 3

Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series glutes 1
Day 2
. Exercise Sets x Reps Rest (Secs)
A1 Bodyweight Hip lif (2s pause at top) 2x10 0
A2 Side Plank (focus on squeezing but and abs) 2x15 ea 30
B Stff Leg Deadlif (1s pause at top) 2x15, 1x RO <60
C1 Reverse Lunge 3x12 ea 0
C2 Single Leg Hip Lif 3x15 ea <60


Week 4

Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series glutes 1
Day 1
. Exercise Sets x Reps Rest (Secs)
A1 Bodyweight Hip lif (2s pause at top) 2x10 0
A2 Plank (focus on squeezing but and abs) 2x30s 30
B Dumbbell Hip Lif (1s pause at top) 2x15, 1x RO <60
C1 One and a Quarter Goblet Squats 3x18 ea 0
C2 T-Bend 3x20 ea <60


Week 4

Venus Factor
Advanced Strength Series glutes 1
Day 2
. Exercise Sets x Reps Rest (Secs)
A1 Bodyweight Hip lif (2s pause at top) 2x10 0
A2 Side Plank (focus on squeezing but and abs) 2x20 ea 30
B Stff Leg Deadlif (1s pause at top) 2x15, 1x RO <60
C1 Reverse Lunge 3x15 ea 0
C2 Single Leg Hip Lif 3x20 ea <60



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