Krushi Seva E-Commerce

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Krushi Seva E-Commerce

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Prashant Bhandare Avadhut Changdev Shinde
Department:- Computer Engineering Department:- Computer Engineering
Sveri College Of Engineering [Poly], Pandharpur Sveri College Of Engineering[Poly], Pandharpur

3 4
Anand Nagnath Nalawade Pravin Deepak Kamble
Department:- Computer Engineering Department:- Computer Engineering
Sveri College Of Engineering [Poly], Pandharpur Sveri College Of Engineering[Poly], Pandharpur

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Onkar Shatrughna Chougule Vaibhav Rohidas Bagade
Department:- Computer Engineering Department:- Computer Engineering
Sveri College Of Engineering[Poly],Pandharpur Sveri College Of Engineering[Poly],Pandharpur

Abstract:- The program is a web-based platform that diverting water from streams onto farmland, farmers are able
aims to provide farmers with easy and cost-effective to create land once thought unsuitable for agriculture. In
solutions to purchase pesticides, herbicides, herbicide Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China, people studied and worked
toilets and other agricultural products. Using a together to build and maintain better water systems.
combination of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and HTML,
the platform keeps costs under control while providing [8] Early farmers also developed many plants. For
farmers access to quality agricultural products. The example, around 6000 BC, various types of rice appeared in
main goal of the project is to increase affordability, South Asia and Egypt. It is stronger than previous grains, its
quality and availability in Essen.It is a solid foundation shell is removed more easily and it can be made into bread.
that aims to enable farmers to make informed decisions
that will further increase productivity by developing  Problem Statement
affordable, efficient and effective methods. More
importantly, the platform provides a reasonable price  Why choose a farm e-commerce site?
allowing farmers to access Farmers need agricultural ecommerce sites for easy acc
ess to a wide range of agricultural products, efficient purcha
Keywords:- Partners, Agriculture, Farmers' Response, sing, and the ability to make informed decisions. These platf
Government, Krushi. orms, which have userfriendly interfaces and mobile usabilit
y, provide businesses with time savings and security.
 Why is agricultural e-commerce better?
[1]Agriculture[1] Agriculture is the lifeblood of our The advantage of agricultural ecommerce is simplicity
civilization and faces constant challenges in finding essential , cost effectiveness, product diversity and user power.
products in a sustainable economy. In response to these
challenges, a revolutionary project was created that was a  Who will benefit from the Krushi Seva website initiative
combination of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and HTML. The ?
main aim of the program is to support farmers who care for Krushi Seva website has many good features for farme
our food. The constant dilemma of establishing a balanced rs and agriculture. First, it provides farmers with a platform
relationship between affordable prices and quality products for a variety of agricultural services and products, including
in the supply of agricultural inputs is at the forefront of the crop management information, business information and pro
project. As farmers work to grow crops and ensure global ducts for good agricultural use. This centralized service prov
food security, they often find themselves facing financial ides convenience and saves time for farmers who do not nee
insecurity and the need for reliable supplies. [7] d to visit multiple locations.

Agriculture has also developed over the years. Ancient II. I.FEATURES / FUNCTIONALITIES OF
farmers tilled small amounts of land by hand, using axes and PROJECT
digging sticks to plant trees and create soil. At the same time,
advanced bone, stone, copper and metal agricultural tools A. Features of Krushi-Seva:
were created. New storage systems are constantly emerging.
When there was a famine, people started storing food in jars  User-friendly interface::
and clay pots. They also began to make clay pots and other Krushi Seva has an intuitive user interface that allows f
containers for carrying and cooking food. Around 5500 BC, armers of all skill levels to easily navigate the platform.
farmers in Mesopotamia developed simple water systems. By

IJISRT23NOV166 117

Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 User-Friendly Interface:  Licensing and Permits.
The platform has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface,  Government Exam Registrations.
allowing users to easily access and use the services,
regardless of their digital experience.  Payment Gateway Module:

 Online Payment Gateway:  Secure Online Payment Processing.

Krushi Seva integrates security features into its online  Integration with Multiple Payment Methods
payment gateway that allows users to pay for services (Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking, Mobile Wallets)
hassle-free. This ensures that financial transactions are safe,
fast and hassle-free.  Document Verification Module:

 Speed:  Digital Submission of Documents

The website offers fast loading times and performance,  Verification and Authentication of Submitted
allowing farmers to quickly access the information and Documents
services they need.
 Communication Module:
 Government-to-Citizen Notifications
[6]The launch of Krushi Seva is a significant step  Alerts for Application Status Updates
forward in agriculture ecommerce. In recent years,  Citizen Feedback and Query Resolution
agriculture has gradually started to use technology to
provide good results to farmers. Krushi Seva is a prime B. Krushi-Seva Users:
example of this model, which focuses on improving the
supply process of pesticides and herbicides required for crop  Citizens: -
management. The ecommerce platform recognizes the Persons with online access to government services, pay
specific needs of farmers who often face the challenge of ment and certificate.
assessing the quality and price of agricultural products.
Krushi Seva solves this problem by offering a wide range of  Key Personnel: -
pesticides and insecticides at competitive prices by Managers who manage the platform, monitor service re
providing a digital store for these products. This cost- quests and ensure timely service. 3) Service Providers: Man
effective purchasing is one of the best features of the y government institutions and organizations (such as electric
platform, allowing farmers to get quality products without ity offices, municipal companies, health directorates) provid
compromising their budget. Userfriendliness is another ing services through this platform.
feature of Krushi Seva. Its userfriendly interface allows
farmers to easily access and purchase agricultural equipment C. Stakeholders of Krushi-Seva:
through the digital portal. Focusing on accessibility is
especially important in areas where adoption is uneven.  Citizens:
Key stakeholders benefit from valuable, efficient and tr
The platform's commitment to security is also notable. ansparent services.
With strict data protection and secure online payment
options, Krushi Seva increases the trust of its users by  Government of Justice:
creating a secure environment for financial transactions and Stakeholders who oversee the use, maintenance and de
personal information. Additionally, the platform's emphasis velopment of E-Mitra services.
on providing valuable information and advice for product
management sets it apart from others. Farmers can access  Service Provider:
valuable information and advice to make informed decisions Participants participate in digital services and ensure i
about their crop care needs. It is particularly useful to have ntegration with the E-Mitra platform.
market information and weather forecasts available; It
allows farmers to improve their marketing strategies and  Financial Institutions:
adjust their operations according to the weather. Participants providing secure payment gateways and fi
nancial services for E-Mitra business.
 Entrepreneurs and Businesses:
A. Modules of Krushi- Seva: Participants benefit from easy authorization, authorizat
ion and registration processes that promote business and econ
 Service Module: omic development.

 Utility Bill Payments.

 Certificate Issuance (Birth, Death, Income, etc.).
 Tax Payments (Property Tax, Goods and Services Tax,

IJISRT23NOV166 118

Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
D. Figures and Tables

Fig 2 DFD Level-2(Agri Management)

E. Algorithm  User-Friendly Interface: Krushi Seva's user-friendly

design ensures that even farmers with limited digital
 Step 1: Users register with Krushi Seva by entering their literacy can easily navigate and make purchases.
name, email, phone number and farm address.  Diverse Product Range: It offers a comprehensive range
 Step 2: After registration, the user will automatically log of agricultural supplies, making it a one-stop destination
in and receive the login information via email or SMS. for farmers' needs.
 Step 3: Users enter the website and search for pesticides,  Information Resources: The platform provides valuable
antibiotics, botanicals, etc. Searches for products includi information and expert advice on crop management,
ng. market trends, and weather updates
 Step 4: The user selects the product he wants and adds it  Community Engagement: Farmers can engage with
to the shopping cart. fellow farmers through forums, sharing experiences and
 Step 5: The user evaluates the shopping cart and proceed knowledge Mobile Accessibility: Krushi Seva's mobile
s to the payment process. app ensures that farmers can access services on the go,
 Step 6: User pays securely online for the selected produc improving accessibility
 Step 7: The user receives an order confirmation with pay  Cons of Krushi- Seva:
ment details.
 Step 8: The system prepares the shipment.  Internet Access: Availability of the service depends on
 Step 9: Notify the user of the estimated delivery date and reliable internet access, it can be limited in some rural
get tracking information. areas.
 Step 10: The order will be sent to the farm provided by t  Digital Literacy: Farmers with limited digital literacy
he user. might find the platform challenging to use.
 Data Privacy: Concerns about data privacy and security
F. Pros & Cons may deter some users from making online transactions.
 Dependence on Technology: Overreliance on the
 Pros of Krushi -Seva : platform could potentially reduce faceinteractions
between farmers and local suppliers.
 Convenience: Krushi Seva offers a convenient way for  Language Barriers: Accessibility may be limited for
farmers to access agricultural products, especially farmers who do not speak the primary language used on
pesticides and herbicides, without the need to travel to the platform.
physical stores.  Delivery delays: Depending on the delivery, delivery may
 Cost-Effective Sourcing: The platform provides cost- be delayed, which may affect farmers' schedules.
effective sourcing, allowing farmers to compare prices
and choose products that fit their budget while
maintaining quality.

IJISRT23NOV166 119

Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Overall, Krushi Seva has emerged as a key player in the

digital transformation of agriculture by focusing on
improving the supply process for pesticide and herbicide
lines. This ecommerce solution solves a problem farmers
have been facing for a long time, providing customers with
quality, costeffective and safe solutions that make the
difference between cheap and good.

Krushi Seva is committed to providing valuable

information and advice on crop management, economic
information and weather forecasting to enable farmers to
farm. The platform supports the agricultural community by
providing easy and affordable access to agricultural products,
especially in regions where access to digital is
limited.Despite issues with digital literacy and information
privacy, the potential of Krushi Seva to promote agriculture
in the digital age is undeniable. It is a beacon of hope, giving
farmers the tools they need to increase productivity, improve
resources, and secure the world. The field is changing rapidly.



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