Achievement Test Analysis - Class VI - Sonal Jain

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Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer

Department of Education
Internship in Teaching Programme
Session: 2020-2022

Development, Administration and Analysis

Name of the Intern: Sonal Jain

Name of the Programme: Bachelors in Education (B.Ed.)

Name of the Cooperating School: Little Angels Secondary School, Ajmer

Name of Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Teena

Date of Conduction of Test: 23rd February, 2022

Date of Submission of Report: 7th March, 2022

Submitted to: Mr. Sanjay Kumar Yadav

Achievement Test

Subject: Science
Class: VI

The weightage of the distribution of marks over the different dimensions of the question paper shall
be as follows:

WEIGHTAGE TO INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Objectives Marks Allotted Percentage of marks

1 Knowledge 21 42%
2 Understanding 16 32%
3 Application 8 16%
4 Analysis 5 10%
TOTAL 50 100%


Section Units Marks Allotted Percentage of marks

Motion and Measurement 4 8%
A Light and Reflection 2 4%
Water 3 6%
Motion and Measurement 6 12%
B Light and Reflection 6 12%
Water 9 18%
Motion and Measurement 5 10%
C Light and Reflection 5 10%
Water 10 20%
TOTAL 50 100%

WEIGHTAGE TO DIFFERENT FORMS OF QUESTIONS: Form of Question No. of Marks Allotted Percentage of marks

1 Objective type (O) 5 5 10%
2 Very Short Answers (VSA) 4 4 8%
3 Short Answers (SA) 7 21 42%
4 Long answers (LA) 4 20 40%
TOTAL 20 50 100%
WEIGHTAGE TO DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Difficulty Level Marks Allotted Percentage of marks

1 Easy 9 18%
2 Average 21 42%
3 Difficult 20 40%
TOTAL 50 100%

SCHEME OF SECTION: Sections Question type

1 Section- A Multiple Choice Questions and Very Short Answers
2 Section- B Short Answers
3 Section- C Long Answers


Objective Knowledge Understanding Application Analysis Total


Form of

Motion and 1(1) 1(1) 1(3) 1(1) 1(1) 1(3) 1(5) 15
Light and 1(3) 1(1) 1(1) 1(5) 1(3) 13
Water 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 2(3) 1(5) 1(5) 1(3) 22
Total Marks 2 2 6 2 3 9 10 3 5 3 5 50
Grand Total 50


O: Objective type questions Outside bracket: Number of questions

VSA: Very Short Answer Inside bracket: Marks

SA: Short Answers

LA: Long Answers

Little Angels Secondary School, Ajmer
Session 2021-2022

Date: 23 February, 2022

Subject: Science Max Marks: 50

Class: VI Duration: 1 hour

General Instructions:

I. All the Questions are compulsory.

II. This question paper contains 20 questions in all divided into three Sections A, B and C.
III. ‘Section-A’ consists of 5 objective type questions of 1 mark each and 4 very short answer
type questions of 1 mark each.
IV. ‘Section-B’ consists of 7 short answer type questions of 3 marks each.
V. ‘Section-C’ consists of 4 long answer type questions of 5 marks each.

Section A

[A] Choose the correct option: [5*1=5 marks]

1. Motion in straight line is called ______________ motion.

(a) Rectilinear

(b) Circular

(c) Periodic

(d) Linear

2. We are able to see different objects us around through ____________________.

(a) their shadow

(b) Regular reflection

(c) Reflection

(d) Irregular reflection

3. Motion of child on swing is called ________________.

(a) Circular

(b) Rectilinear

(c) Periodic

(d) Translational

4. Process of changing water into water vapour is called _______________.

(a) Condensation

(b) Drought

(c) Sublimation

(d) Evaporation

5. Loss of water by plants is known as ________________.

(a) Vaporization

(b) Transpiration

(c) Evaporation

(d) Condensation

[B] Answer the following questions: [4*1=4 marks]

6. What is the SI unit of length?

7. What can be the result of excessive rains?

8. Which objects do not allow light to pass through them?

9. Arrange these lengths in their increasing magnitude order:

1 meter, 1 centimeter, 1 kilometer, 1 millimeter

Section- B

Answer the following questions: [7*3= 21 marks]

10. Briefly explain any 3 sources of water.

11. Define and give one example each:

Periodic motion

Rectilinear motion

Circular motion

12. Define luminous objects. Also give two examples of luminous objects.

13. What is rainwater harvesting? Describe any two techniques of harvesting rainwater.

14. The distance between Suraj’s home and his school is 3250m. While the distance between school
and Mona’s home is 3.5 Km. Whose house is nearer to the school?

15. Take out a chilled water bottle from the refrigerator and keep it on the table. After sometime, you
observe there are water droplets present on the outside surface of the water bottle. Why does that

16. Classify the following objects as Opaque, transparent or translucent:

Glass, butter paper, mirror, plastic sheet, stone, clear water, air, cardboard, tissue


Answer the following questions: [4*5=20 marks]

17. What are the different types of object based on their ability to pass the light? Briefly describe them
and give suitable examples of each.

18. Draw a diagram of water cycle and explain it in steps.

19. Write any 5 ways in which you can conserve water in your daily life.

20. While travelling in a train, it appears that the trees near the track are moving whereas co-
passengers appear to be stationary. Explain the reason.
Marking Scheme/Scoring Key

Question No. Answer Key Marks

1 a 1
2 c 1
3 c 1
4 d 1
5 b 1
6 Meter 1
7 Flood 1
8 Opaque 1
9 1mm<1cm,1m<1km 1


Question No. Answer Key Marks Total

Surface water, ground water, rain water 0.5 * 3=1.5
10 3
Each explanation 0.5 * 3=1.5
Each Definition 0.5 * 3=1.5
11 3
Each Example 0.5 * 3=1.5
Objects that produce light of their own 2
12 3
Each example 0.5*2=1
Rainwater harvesting is the collection of rainwater
and storing for future use.
Explanation of any 2 methods:
13 3
Rooftop rainwater harvesting
Rainwater harvesting from open spaces around
Distance between Suraj’s home and her school =
3250 m
Using the following relations;
1 km = 1000 m 2
Or 1 m = 1 ÷1000 = 0.001km
14 3
Distance between Suraj’s home and school in km
= 3250 m ÷ 1000 = 3.25km.
Distance between Mona’s home and school=
3.5km. Therefore, we can say that Suraj’s home is 1
nearer to the school.
When a cold bottle is taken out from the
15 refrigerator, the water vapour present in the air 3 3
surrounding the bottle condenses and form
droplets of water on the surface of the bottle. This
is called condensation.
16 Opaque- Stone, cardboard, mirror 1
Transparent- Air, clear water, glass 1 3
Translucent- Plastic sheet, butter paper, tissue 1

Section- C

Question No. Answer Key Marks Total

On the basis of ability to pass light through an object,
objects are classified into three main groups, i.e.,
(a) transparent 0.5
(b) translucent and
(c) opaque.
(a) Transparent objects: Objects through which light can
pass easily are called transparent objects.

(b) Translucent objects: Objects through which light can

pass partially and through which we cannot see clearly
17 3 5
are called translucent objects.

(c) Opaque objects: Objects through which light cannot

pass at all and through which we cannot see are called
opaque objects. Only opaque objects can make shadows,
(a) transparent- e.g., clean glass, clean water, clean air,
(b) translucent- e.g., greased paper, wax paper, butter
paper, etc.
(c) opaque- e.g., wall, blackboard, stone, etc.
Water cycle diagram 3
18 Explanation of steps: Evaporation, transpiration, 5
condensation, cloud formation, precipitation
19 5 ways to can conserve water in daily life 1*5= 5 5
When we see the trees from a moving train, their
position is changing with respect to us. Hence they
20 appear to be moving. On the other hand, the position of 5 5
co-passengers is not changing with respect to us, hence
they appear to be stationary.
Score Sheet (Class VI)
Subject: Science
Date of Test: 23-02-2022
Maximum Marks: 50

S. No. Roll No. Name of Student Marks Obtained Percentage (%)

1 156 Afreen Khan 25 50

2 157 Bhavya 28 56

3 158 Dev 41 82

4 159 Devendra 30 60

5 160 Ghanshyam 28 56

6 161 Govind 35 70

7 162 Harsh 38 76

8 163 Harshit 28 56

9 164 Inder Singh 40 80

10 165 Ishita 35 70

11 166 Mamta 26 52

12 167 Mayur 43 86

13 168 Nomita 45 90

14 169 Piyush 38 76

15 170 Prashant 29 58

16 171 Rishabh 37 74

17 172 Rudraksh 29 58

18 173 Sakshi 48 96

19 174 Sonakshi 33 66

20 175 Supreet 37 74

21 176 Viraaj Awasthi 43 86

22 177 Vivek Khatri 44 88

Result Analysis

Maximum Marks: 50

Passing Percentage: 33%

Passing Marks: 16.5

Total number of students: 22

Number of students who appeared in test: 22

Average Marks: 35.45

Number of students who passed: 22

Number of students who failed: 0

Students who scored:

 33% or less- 0

 33% to 59%- 7

 60% to 74%- 6

 75% to 89%- 7

 90% or above- 2

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