(Week 14-15) DC Machines (Analysis - Shunt)

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Topic 6

DC Machines Analysis

Dr. Zulkarnain Ahmad Noorden

P06-210, 07-5535451

School of Electrical Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Equivalent Circuit of the DC Motor

v The field circuit is represented by a resistance RF and an inductance LF in

v In steady-state operation, we can neglect the inductance. Thus, for dc field
v The induced armature voltage is given by,

K is a machine constant, ϕ is the magnetic flux by each stator pole, and ωm is

the angular velocity of the rotor.
v The torque developed in the machine is given by

IA is the armature current.

v The developed power is the power converted to mechanical form:

v This is the power delivered to the induced armature voltage, and therefore,
is also given by
Magnetization Curve
v The magnetization curve of a dc machine is a plot of EA versus the field
current IF with the machine being driven at a constant speed. (EA can be
found by measuring the open-circuit voltage at the armature terminals.)

The induced armature voltage EA is

directly proportional to speed. If EA1
represents the voltage at speed n1, and
EA2 is the voltage at a second speed n2

Magnetization curve for a 200-V 10-hp dc motor.

Shunt-Connected DC Motor



Constant voltage source

Developed torque
Induced voltage Mechanical shaft speed
Power Flow in a Shunt DC Motor
v Input power is given by:

v The power absorbed by the field circuit is converted to heat. The field loss is given

v Armature loss occurs due to heating of the armature resistance:

v The power delivered to the induced armature voltage is converted to mechanical

form and is called the developed power, given by:

Tdev is the developed torque.

v The output power Pout and output torque Tout are less than the developed values
because of rotational losses, which include friction, windage, eddy-current loss, and
hysteresis loss. Rotational power loss is approximately proportional to speed.
Torque-Speed Characteristic
v Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the equivalent circuit, we obtain


v From torque equation:

v And using

v Solving for the developed torque,

The normal operating range for most
motors is on the lower portion of the
torque-speed characteristic, as
illustrated in the figure. The starting
or stall torque of a shunt-connected
machine is usually many times
higher than the rated full-load

Torque–speed characteristic of the shunt dc motor.

Example (Shunt DC Motor):

A 50-hp shunt connected DC motor has the magnetization curve shown in the figure.
The DC supply voltage is VT = 240 V, the armature resistance is RA = 0.065 Ω, the field
resistance is RF = 10 Ω, and the rheostat is set at Radj = 14 Ω. At a speed of 1200 rpm,
the rotational loss is Prot = 1450 W. If the motor drives a hoist that demands a torque of
Tout = 250 Nm independent of speed, determine the motor speed and efficiency.
Determine the motor speed (nm @ ωm) and efficiency (η)?
n = 1200 rpm, Prot = 1450 W
Example Shunt DC Motor


14 Ω
resistance 0.065 Ω

Constant voltage source 10 Ω

VT = 240 V Developed torque

Induced voltage Mechanical shaft speed

Tout = 250 Nm
n = 1200 rpm, Prot = 1450 W

Example Shunt DC Motor

1- Motor speed (nm @ ωm)
Pdev = Pout + Prot
2- Efficiency (η)?
Tdev = Tout + Trot

Tdev ?

VT = 240 V
Tout = 250 Nm

Prot = 1450 W

0.065 Ω Trot ?

10 Ω 14 Ω
Speed = 104.3 rad/s
Efficiency = 85.3 %

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