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DC Motors 1

1. In generating action, the rotation is due to 1. In motoring action, the rotation is due to
mechanical torque, therefore, Tm and  are in the electromagnetic torque, therefore, Te and  are in the
same direction. same direction.
2. The frictional torque Tf acts in opposite direction to 2. The frictional torque Tf acts in opposite direction to
rotation . rotation .
3. Electromagnetic torque Te acts in opposite direction to 3. Mechanical torque Tm acts in opposite direction to
mechanical torque Tm so that Tm = Te + Tf. electromagnetic torque Te so that Te = Tm + Tf.
4. In generating action, an emf is induced in the 4. In motoring action, current is impressed to the
armature conductors which circulates current in the armature against the induced emf (e), therefore
armature when load is connected to it. Hence, e and i current flows in opposite direction to that of
both are in the same direction. induced emf.
5. In generator action, E > V 5. In motor action, E < V
6. In generating action, the torque angle  is leading. 6. In motoring action, the torque angle  is lagging.
7. In generating action, mechanical energy is 7. In motoring action, electrical energy is converted into
converted into electrical energy. mechanical energy.

Example 5.1
A 50 HP, 400 V, 4 pole, 1000 rpm, DC motor has flux per pole equal to 0.027 Wb. The armature
having 1600 conductors is wave connected. Calculate the gross torque when the motor takes 70

Torque developed, T =
2p A
Where, P = 4;  = 0.027 Wb; Z = 1600; Ia = 70A; A = 2 (wave connected)

T = 4 ¥ 0 ◊ 2027 ¥ 1600 ¥ 70
¥p ¥2 = 963 Nm (Ans.)
Example 5.2
The induced emf in a DC machine is 200 V at a speed of 1200 rpm. Calculate the electromagnetic
torque developed at an armature current of 15 A.

Here, Eb = 200 V; N = 1200 rpm; Ia = 15 A

Now power developed in the armature,

 Te = Eb Ia

or =
Eb Ia = Eb Ia × 60
w 2p
(∵ w = 2p N )
Te 60
200 ¥ 15 × 60 = 23.87 Nm (Ans.)
= 2p ¥ 1200

Example 5.3
A four-pole DC motor has a wave-wound armature with 594 conductors. The armature current is 40
A and flux per pole is 7.5 m Wb. Calculate H.P. of the motor when running at 1440 rpm
2 Electrical Machines

Torque developed, T= 4 ¥ 594 ¥ 7.5 ¥ 10-3 ¥ 40 = 56.72 Nm (Ans.)
2p A = 2p ¥ 2
2p N
Power developed =  T watt; where  =
power developed wT 2pNT
H.P. = ; H.P. = =
735.5 735.5 60 ¥ 735.5
2 ¥ 1440 ¥ 56.72
or H.P. = = 11.63 ( Ans)
60 735.5
Example 5.4
A DC motor has 6-poles with lap wound armature. What will be its brake horse power when it
draws a current of 340 A and rotates at 400 rpm. The flux per pole is 0.05 Wb and the armature
carries 864 turns, Neglect mechanical losses.

Here, P = 6; A = P = 6 (lap wound); IL = 340 A; N = 400 rpm,
 = 0.05 Wb; No. of turns = 864
Z = 864 × 2 = 1728
Back emf, E = fZNP = 0.05 ¥ 1728 ¥ 400 ¥ 6 = 576 V
b 60 A 60 ¥ 6
Armature current, Ia = IL = 340 A
Power developed = Eb × Ia = 576 × 340 = 195840 W
E I 195840
Neglecting losses, brake HP = b a =
= 266.27 (Ans.)
735.5 735.5

5.7 Types of DC Motors

On the basis of the connections of armature and their field winding, DC motors can be classified as;
1. Separately excited DC motors: The conventional diagram of a separately excited DC motor
is shown Fig. 5.8. Its voltage equation will be;
Eb = V – Ia Ra – 2b (where vb is voltage drop per brush) …(5.4)
2. Self excited DC motors: These motors can be further classified as;
(i) Shunt motors: Their conventional diagram is shown in Fig. 5.9.
Important relations:
Ish = V/Rsh …(5.5)
Ia = IL – Ish …(5.6)
Eb = V – Ia Ra – 2vb (where vb is voltage drop per brush) …(5.7)
DC Motors 3

Fig. 5.8 Circuit diagram of separately excited DC motor Fig. 5.9 DC shunt motor

(ii) Series motor: Its conventional diagram is shown in Fig. 5.10.

Important relations:
IL = Ia = Ise …(5.8)
Eb = V – Ia (Ra + Rse) – 2vb …(5.9)
(iii) Compound motor: Its conventional diagram (for long shunt) is shown in Fig. 5.11.
I = ; I = I – I E = V – I (R
+ R ) – 2v …(5.10)
sh a L sh; b a a se b
In all the above voltage equations, the brush voltage drop vb is sometimes neglected since its
value is very small.

Fig. 5.10 DC series motor Fig. 5.11 DC compound motor

The compound motor can be further subdivided as;

(a) Cumulative compound motors: In these motors, the flux produced by both the windings is
in the same direction, i.e.,
r = sh + se.
(b) Differential compound motors: In these motors, the flux produced by the series field
winding is opposite to the flux produced by the shunt field winding, i.e.,
r = sh – se

Example 5.5
The armature resistance of a DC shunt motor is 0.5 ohm, it draws 20 A from 220 V mains and is
running at a speed of 80 radian per second. Determine (i) Induced emf (ii) Electromagnetic torque
(iii) Speed in rpm.
4 Electrical Machines

Here, V = 220 V; Ia = 20 A; Ra = 0.5 ;  = 80 rad/s

Induced emf, E = V – Ia Ra = 220 – 20 × 0.5 = 210 V (Ans.)

Electromagnetic torque, T = a
w = 21080¥ 20 = 52.5 Nm (Ans.)
Speed in rpm, N = 60 ¥ 80
2p = 2 ¥ p = 764 rpm (Ans.)

Example 5.6
A 400 V DC motor takes an armature current of 100 A when its speed is 1000 rpm If the armature
resistance is 0·25 ohm, calculate the torque produced in Nm.

Here,V = 400 V; Ia = 100 A; Ra = 0·25  N = 1000 rpm
Induced emf, E = V – Ia Ra (motor action)
= 400 – 100 × 0·25 = 375 V
Using the relation, T = EIa or
2p NT = EI ÈBecause w = 2p N ˘
60 a
ÍÎ 60 ˙˚
 Torque produced, T = 60 ¥ 375 ¥ 100 = 358·1 Nm (Ans.)
2p N = 2p ¥ 1000

Example 5.7
The armature and series field winding resistance of a 220 V, four-pole DC series motor is 0.75 ohm.
It has 782 wave wound armature conductors. If it draws 40 A from the supply mains and has a flux
of 25 mWb, determine its speed and gross torque developed.

Here, V = 250 V; P = 4; A = 2 (wave winding); Z = 782;
Ra + Rse = 0.75 ; I = 40 A;  = 25 × 10–3 Wb
E = V – I (Ra + Rse) = 250 – 40 × 0·75 = 220 V
E = 60 A
60 AE
or N = f ZP = 60 ¥ 2 ¥ 220 = 337·6 rpm (Ans.)
25 ¥ 10-3 ¥ 782 ¥ 4
fZPIa -3
Ta = 2p A = 25 ¥ 10 2p¥ 782 ¥ 4 ¥ 40 = 248·9 Nm (Ans.)

Example 5.8
The armature and shunt field resistance of a four-pole, lap wound DC shunt motor is 0.05 ohm
and 25 ohm respectively. If its armature contains 500 conductors, find the speed of the motor when
it take 120 A from a DC mains of 100 V supply. Flux per pole is 2 × 10–2 Wb.
DC Motors 5

The circuit is shown in Fig. 5.12;
V 100
Ish = = = 4A;
Rsh 25

Ia = IL – Ish = 120 – 4 = 116 A

Eb = V – Ia Ra = 100 – 116 × 0.05 = 94.2 V.

Now, Eb
P f ZN
= 60 A
or 94.2 = 6 ¥ 2 ¥ 10
60 ¥ 6
¥ 500 ¥ N Fig. 5.12 Circuit diagram

or N = 565.2 rpm (Ans.)

Example 5.9
A 6-pole, 440 V DC motor has 936 wave wound armature conductors. The useful flux per pole is
25 m Wb. The torque developed is 45·5 kg-m. Calculate the following, if armature resistance is 0·5
ohm; (i) Armature current (ii) Speed

Here, P = 6; Z = 936;  = 25 m Wb = 25 × 10–3 Wb

A = 2 (wave wound armature); V = 440 V; Ra = 0·5 ohm;

Torque developed, T = 45·5 kg-m = 45·5 × 9·81 = 446·35 Nm

PZ f Ia
(i) Using the relation, T =
2p A

Armature current, Ia 2p A ¥ T = 2p ¥ 2 ¥ 446 ◊ 35 = 39·95 A

= PZf (Ans.) 6 ¥ 936 ¥ 25 ¥10-3
(ii) Induced emf, E = V – Ia Ra (motor action)

= 440 – 39·95 × 0·5 = 420 V

Using the relation, T = EIa

2p N
or ¥
I = EIa
60 ¥ E I 2 60 ¥ 420 ¥ 39 ◊ 95
Speed N= = = 359 rpm (Ans.)
pT 2p ¥ 446 ◊ 35
Example 5.10
The electromagnetic torque developed in a DC machine is 80 Nm for an armature current of 30 A.
What will be the torque for a current of 15 A? Assume constant flux. What is the induced emf at a
speed of 900 rpm and an armature current of 15 A?
6 Electrical Machines

Torque developed, T1 = 80 Nm
Armature current, Ia1 = 30 A
Armature current, Ia2 = 15 A
Let the torque developed is T2 Nm when the armature current is 15 A.

Now T  Ia

When flux  is constant, T Ia

T2 I
 T1 = Ia2
or T = Ia2 ¥ T1 = 15 ¥ 80
= 40 Nm (Ans.)
2 I 30
Power developed in the armature = E2 Ia2 = w2 T2

where 2
N = 2p 60
¥ 900 = 30p
 Induced emf = E
w2T2 30p ¥ = 251·33 V (Ans.)
= =
Ia2 15

5.8 Characteristics of DC Motors

The performance of a DC motor can be easily judged from its characteristic curves, known as
motor characteristics. The characteristics of a motor are those curves which show relation between
the two quantities. On the basis of these quantities, the following characteristics can be obtained:

1. Speed and Armature current i.e., N – I a Characteristics: It is the curve drawn between
speed N and armature current Ia. It is also known as speed characteristics.
2. Torque and Armature current i.e., T–Ia Characteristics: It is the curve drawn between torque
developed in the armature T and armature current Ia. It is also known as electrical characteristic.
3. Speed and Torque i.e., N–T characteristics: It is the curve drawn between speed N and torque
developed in the armature T. It is also known as mechanical characteristics.
The following important relations must be kept in mind while discussing the motor characteristics:
Eb  N  or N  b
and T   Ia

5.9 Characteristics of Shunt Motors

The conventional diagram of this motor is shown in Fig. 5.13. In these motors, the shunt field
current Ish = V/Rsh remains constant since the supply voltage V is constant. Hence, the flux in DC
DC Motors 7
shunt motors is practically constant (although at heavy loads, somewhat flux decreases due to
armature reaction).
728 Electrical Machines

9.6 Frequency of Rotor Currents

The frequency of rotor currents depends upon the relative speed between rotor and stator field.
When the rotor is stationary, the relative speed between stator revolving field and stationary rotor
conductors is (Ns– 0 = Ns) the frequency of rotor currents is the same as that of the supply
frequency. But once the rotor starts rotating, the frequency of rotor currents decreases depends
upon relative speed or slip speed (Ns – N).
Let at any speed N, the frequency of rotor currents be fr. Then
(Ns - N )P (N - N ) Ns P
fr = 120 = s ◊ = S¥ f
Ns 120
Example 9.1
A 3-phase, 4 pole induction motor is connected to 400 V, 50 Hz supply. Determine: (i) Synchronous
speed. (ii) Actual speed of the motor when running at 4% slip (iii) Frequency of emf induced in rotor.


Synchronous speed, NS
= 120 4¥ 50 = 1500 rpm (Ans.)
Actual speed of motor, N = NS (1 – S) where, S = 0·04
N = 1500 (1 – 0·04) = 1440 rpm (Ans)
Frequency of rotor emf, fr = Sf = 0.04 × 50 = 2 Hz (Ans)

Example 9.2
A 3-phase, 10 HP squirrel cage induction motor is wound for 6 poles. When the motor is
connected to 230 V, 50 Hz supply, at full-load, it operates at 4% slip. Determine (i) full loud
speed. (ii) full load torque in Newton-metre. (iii) frequency of rotor current under this condition
and (iv) speed of rotation of the stator mmf


Synchronous speed, NS
= 120 6¥ 50 = 1000 rpm
Full load speed, N = NS (1 – S) = 1000 (1 – 0.04) = 960 rpm (Ans)
Output =  T = 10 × 735.5 W (where  = 2 N/ 60)
10 ¥ 735·5 ¥
60 T= = 73·16 Nm (Ans)
2p ¥ 960
Rotor current frequency, fr = S f = 0.04 × 50 = 2 Hz (Ans)
Speed of rotation of stator mmf = NS = 1000 rpm (Ans)

Example 9.3
Power to an induction motor is supplied by a 12 pole, 3-phase, 500 rpm alternator. The full load
speed of the motor is 1440 rpm Find the percentage slip and number of poles in the motor.
Three-Phase Induction Motors 729


Speed of the alternator, Nsa = 500 rpm

No. of poles of the alternator, Pa = 12
P N 12 ¥ 500
Generated or supply frequency, f = a sa = = 50 Hz
120 120
Motor Speed, N = 1440 rpm
No. of poles of motor, P = ¥ 50
f = 120
1440 = 4·16 = 4 (Ans)

Synchronous speed, NS
= 120 4¥ 50 = 1500 rpm
Ns - N 1500 - 1440
Percentage slip, S = ¥ 100 = ¥ 100 = 4% (Ans)
Ns 1500
Example 9.4
A 500 HP, 3-Phase, 440 V, 50 Hz induction motor has a speed of 950 rpm at full load. The machine
has 6 poles. Calculate the slip. How many complete alternations will the rotor emf make per
Here, f = 50 Hz, P = 6, N= 950 rpm

Synchronous speed, NS
= 120 6¥ 50 = 1000 rpm
Ns - N
Slip, S=
1000 - 950
= 1000 = 0·05 or 5% (Ans)
Frequency of rotor emf fr = Sf = 0.05 × 50 = 2.5 Hz or 2.5 c/s
Alternations of rotor emf per min = 2.5 × 60 = 150 c/ min (Ans)

9.7 Speed of Rotor Field or mmf

When three-phase currents are supplied to the stator winding of a poly phase induction
motor, a resultant field is set up which rotates at a constant speed called synchronous speed
(NS = 120f/P).
This rotating field induces poly phase emfs. in the rotor winding and if rotor winding is closed,
poly phase currents circulate in it. These currents set up a revolving field in the rotor which rotates
at a speed
Nr = 120 fr /P with respect to rotor.
Now Nr = 120 × Sf/P = SNS
When rotor itself is rotating at a speed N rpm in the space.
 Speed of rotor field in space = N + Nr =(1 – S) NS + SNS = NS – SNS + SNS = NS

728 Electrical Machines

Starting Methods and Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motors 839

Combining eqn. (viii) and (ix), we get,

S2 S3 Smax RS RS 4
= S4 RS3 K(say) …(x)
= º = = = = =
S1 S2 S3 Sn - RS1 RS RS3 RS(n -1)
1 2

From eqn. (viii), total rotor circuit resistance per phase at stud-1,

= S1 R2 (Since S1 = 1) …(xi)
¥ Smax = Smax
as well as, RS 2 = K RS1; RS3 = K RS 2 = K 2 RS1

Also, R2
= KRS(n - = K (n -1) = K (n - Smax
1) 1)
RS1 .

or K = (Smax)1/(n-1)
where (n-1) represents the number of sections of the starter.
Hence, the resistance of various sections of the starter are determined as,
r1 = RS1 - RS 2 = RS1 (1 - K )

r 2 = RS 2 - RS1 = RS1 (K - K 2 ) = K r1

r 3 = RS3 - RS 2 = RS1 (K 2 - K 3 ) = K 2 r1

Example 10.1
Calculate the ratio of starting torque to full-load torque of a 3-phase induction motor having short-
circuit current 4 times the full-load current with a full-load slip of 3%.

Hence, Isc = 4 I fl ; S f = 3% = 0.03
T ÊI ˆ
Ratio of starting to full-load torque,
Tfl = Ë I fl ¯ ¥ S = (4) ¥ 0.03 = 0.48 (Ans.)
sc 2

Á ˜ f

Example 10.2
Determine the ratio of starting current to full-load current and starting torque to full-load torque
for a small 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor having short-circuit current 5 times the full-load
current. The motor is started with a stator resistance starter which reduces the impressed voltage
to 70% of rated value. The full-load slip of the motor is 4%.

Here, Isc = 5 I fl ; x = 70% = 0.7; = 4% = 0.04
840 Electrical Machines
Starting current, Ist = xIsc
= 0.7 ¥ 5 ¥ I = 3.5I fl

or I fl
= 3.5 (Ans.)
Starting Methods and Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motors 841

ÊI ˆ
Starting torque, Tst = Tst = Á I st ˜ ¥ ¥ Tfl
¯ fl
or Tfl
= (3.5)2 ¥ 0.04 = 0.49 = 49% (Ans.)
Example 10.3
A 10 H.P. 3-phase induction motor with full load efficiency and p.f. of 0·83 and 0·8 respectively
has a short circuit current of 3·5 times full load current. Estimate the line current at the instant of
starting the motor from a 500 V supply by means of star delta starter.

Output of the motor = 10 H.P. = 7355 W
Power factor, cos  = 0·8
Efficiency,  = 0·83
Supply voltage (line value), VL = 500 V
output 7355
Input to the motor = = = 8861.45W
h 0.83
Input 8861 ◊ 45
Full load current, I = = = 12 ◊ 79 A
3 VL cos f 3 ¥ 500 ¥ 0 ◊ 8
Ratio of, = 3·5
I fl

 Short circuit current, Isc = 3·5 × 12·79 = 44·76 A

Staring current, Is = 3 = 44.76 = 14·92 A (Ans.)
Example 10.4
Determine the starting torque of a 3-phase induction motor in terms of full load torque when started
by means of:
(i) Star delta starter; and
(ii) An auto-transformer starter with 50% tapings.
The motor draws a starting current of 5 times the full load current when started direct on line.
The full load slip is 4 percent.

Ratio of short circuit current to full load current,
I fl = 5

Full load slip, S = 0·04

842 Electrical Machines

(i) For star-delta starter.

Ratio of starting torque to full load torque,
T jI ˆ 1
= K Á sc × Sfl = (5)2 ¥ 0 ◊ 04 = 0 ◊ 3333
Tfl 2 Ë I fl 3
 Starting torque = 33·33% of full load torque (Ans.)
(ii) For Auto-transformer starter:
Transformation ratio, or tapings,
K = 50% =
Ratio of starting torque to full load torque
2 1
T jI ˆ
Tfl = K Á × Sfl = ¥ (5)2 ¥ 0.04 = 0.25
2 Ë I fl 2
˜ sc
 Starting torque = 25% of full load torque (Ans.)

Example 10.5
A 20 H.P., 3-phase, 6-pole, 50 Hz, 400 V induction motor runs at 960 rpm on full load. If it takes
120 A on direct starting, find the ratio of starting torque to full load torque with a star-delta
starter. Full load efficiency and p.f. are 90% and 0·85.

Output power = 20 H.P. = 20 × 735·5 = 14710 W
No. of poles, P = 6
Supply voltage (line value), VL = 400 V
Supply frequency, f = 50 Hz
Short circuit current, Isc = 120 A
Efficiency,  = 90% = 0·9
Power factor, cos  = 0·85
Rotor speed, N = 960 rpm

Full load current, Ifl 14170

= = 27·75 A
3 ¥ 400 ¥ 0 ◊ 9 ¥ 0 ◊ 85

Synchronous speed, Ns 120 ¥ 50

120 = = 1000 r. p.
f m6

Full-load slip, Sfl

N2 - - 960 = 0.04
N = 1000
Starting Methods and Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motors 843
Ratio of starting torque to full load torque,
844 Electrical Machines

T 1jI ˆ
Tfl = 3 ÁË I fl ¯ × S

( )
1 120
= ¥ 0.04 = 0·2493 ( )
3 27.75
Example 10.6
Find the suitable tapping on an auto-transformer starter for an induction motor required to start
the motor with 36% of full load torque. The short circuit current of the motor is 5 times the full
load current and the full load slip is 4%. Determine also the starting current in the supply mains
as a percentage of full load current.

Ratio of starting torque to full load torque,
Tfl = 0.36

Ratio of short-circuit current to full load current,

I fl = 5

Full load slip, S = 0·04

T jI ˆ
Now st = K2 sc
Tfl ËÁ I fl ¯
0·36 = K2 × (5)2 × 0·04
 Transformation ratio or tapping of auto-transformer,

K= 0.036
5 ¥ 5 ¥ 0.04 = 0·6 or 60% (Ans.)
In an auto-transformer starter, ratio of starting current to short-circuit current,
Isc = K where Isc = 5 If

 I f = 5K2 = 5 × (0·6)2 = 1·8 or 180% (Ans.)
Example 10.7
Find the ratio of starting to full load current for 10 kW input, 415 V, 3-phase induction motor with
star-delta starter at full load efficiency 0·9 and the full load p.f. 0·8. The short circuit current is 40
A at 210 V and the magnetising current is negligible.

Input power, P = 10 kW = 1000 W
Supply voltage (line value), VL = 415 V
Starting Methods and Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motors 845

Power factor, cos  = 0·8

Short circuit current at 210 V = 40 A

Short-circuit current at 415 V, ¥ 40 = 79 A

= 415210
P 10000
Full load current, Ifl = = = 17 ◊ 39 A
3 VL cos f 3 ¥ 415 ¥ 0 ◊ 8
In case of star-delta starter;

Starting current, Ist Isc 79

= = = 26 ◊ 33 A
3 3
Ratio of starting to full load current, st
26 ◊ 33
I fl = 17 ◊ 39 = 1·514 (Ans.)

Example 10.8
The full-load slip of a 3-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz slip-ring induction motor is 2% and its starting
current is 1.5 times the full-load current. Design a five-section 6-stud rotor starter if the resistance
of rotor circuit per phase is.03 ohm.

Here, full-load slip, Sfl = 2% = 0.02

Rotor current at full-load, I S fl E2S

= I2 fl
= 2
R2 + (S fl X2S
) small and can be neglected, therefore,
When slip is very small, the value of (Sfl X2S)2 is very
S fl E2S
I2fl = R2

Thus, slip  Rotor current

At the starting current, slip is maximum, Smax = 1.5  Sfl = 1.5  0.02 = 0.03
Total resistance in the rotor circuit per phase on stud-1,

RS1 R2 = 0.03 = 1.0 ohm

= Smax 0.03
1 1

and K = (Smax )n-1 = (0.03)5 = 0.496

Resistance of various steps,
r1 = (1–K) RS1 = (1–0.496)  1 = 0.504 ohm (Ans.)
r2 = K  r1 = 0.496  0.504 = 0.245 ohm (Ans.)
r3 = K2  r1 = (0.496)2  0.504 = 0.124 ohm (Ans.)
r4 = K3  r1 = (0.496)3  0.504 = 0.0615 ohm (Ans.)
r5 = K4  r1 = (0.496)4  0.504 = 0.0305 ohm (Ans.)

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