NCM104 Summative Semifinal

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Supervised by the Lasallian School Supervision Office

Ramon M. Durano Foundation Compound
Guinsay, Danao City
Tel. No. (032)344-4709

College of Nursing/Midwifery
Nursing Care Management 104
First Semester - Semifinal Summative
School Year 2021-2022

Name: ____________________________________________Program & Year: __________Date: ________

General Instruction: Observe HONESTY and neatness in answering the exam.


Directions: Read and analyze each item below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (1 point each item)
Situation: Andrea is a 31-year-old lawyer who has been married for 6 months and a patient in the clinic where
you work. She consults you for guidance in relation with her menstrual cycle and her desire to get pregnant.
1. Andrea tells you she is worried because she develops breasts later than most of her friends. Breast
development is termed as:
A. Adrenarche B. Mamarche C. Menarche D. Thelarche
2. Mark, Andrea’s husband tells you that he is considering vasectomy after the birth of their new child.
Vasectomy involves the incision of which organ?
A. The testes C. The scrotum
B. The vas deferens D. The epididymis
3. Andrea typically has menstrual cycle of 34 days. She told you she had coitus on days 8, 10, 15 and 20 of her
menstrual cycle. Which is the day on which she is most likely to conceive?
A. Day 8 B. Day 10 C. Day 15 D. Day 20
4. She wants to know the length of her menstrual cycle. Her previous menstrual period is October 22 to 26.
Her LMB is November 21. Which of the following number of days will be your correct response?
A. 29 B. 28 C. 30 D. 31
5. You advised her to observe and record the signs of ovulation. Which of the following signs will she likely
note down?
1. Mittelschmerz
2. One-pound increase in weight
3. Cervical mucus becomes copious and clear
4. A 1 degree Fahrenheit rise in basal body temperature
A. 1,2,4 B. 1,2,3 C. 1,3,4 D. 2,3,4
6. You instruct Andrea to keep record of her basal temperature every day, which of the following instructions
is incorrect?
A. BBT is lowest during the secretory phase
B. If coitus has occurred, this should be reflected in the chart
C. It is best to have coitus on the evening following a drop in BBT to become pregnant
D. Temperature should be taken immediately after waking and before getting out of bed
7. She reports an increase in BBT on December 16. Which hormone brings about this change in her BBT?
A. Estrogen C. Gonadotropine
B. Progesterone D. Follicle stimulating hormone
8. The following month, Andrea suspects she is pregnant. Her urine is positive for Human chorionic
gonadotrophin. Which structure produces Hcg?
A. Pituitary gland C. Uterine deciduas
B. Trophoblastic cells of the embryo D. Ovarian follicles

Situation: Andrea came back and she is now pregnant.

9. At 5-month gestation, which of the following fetal development would probably be achieve?
A. Fetal movement are felt by Andrea
B. Viable if delivered within this period
C. Vernix caseosa covers the entire body
D. Braxton hick’s contractions are observed
10. The nurse palpates the abdomen of Andrea. Now at 5-month gestation, what level of the abdomen can the
fundic height be palpated?
A. Umbilicus
B. Symphysis pubis
C. Midpoint between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process
D. Midpoint between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus
11. She worries about her small breasts, thinking that she probably will not be able to breastfeed her baby.
Which of the following responses of the nurse is correct?
A. “You can switch to bottle feeding”
B. “Manual expression of milk is possible”
C. “The size of your breast will not affect your lactation”
D. “You can try to have exercise to increase the size of your breast”
12. She tells the nurse that she does not take milk regularly. She claims that she does not want to gain too much
weight during her pregnancy. Which of the following nursing diagnosis is a priority?
A. Fear related to the effects of pregnancy
B. Ineffective individual coping related to physiologic changes in pregnancy
C. Potential self-esteem disturbance related to physiologic changes in pregnancy
D. Knowledge deficit regarding nutritional requirements of pregnancies related to lack of information
13. Which of the following interventions will likely ensure compliance of Andrea?
A. Consistently counsel toward optimum nutritional intake
B. Respect her right to reject dietary information if she chooses
C. Inform her of the adverse effects of inadequate nutrition to her fetus
D. Incorporate her food preferences that are adequately nutritious in her meal plan

Situation: Overpopulation is one problem in the Philippines that causes economic drain. Most Filipinos are
against in legalizing abortion. As a nurse, Mastery of contraception is needed to contribute to the society and
economic growth.
14. Supposed that Fiona, 17 years old, tells you she wants to use fertility awareness method of contraception.
How will she determine her fertile days?
A. She should monitor her emotions for sudden anger or crying
B. She should assess whether her breasts feel sensitive to cool air
C. She will notice that she feels hot, as if she has an elevated temperature.
D. She should assess whether her cervical mucus is thin, copious, clear and watery.
15. Fiona chooses to use COC as her family planning method. What is the danger sign of COC you would ask
her to report?
A. A stuffy or runny nose C. Slight weight gain
B. Arthritis like symptoms D. Migraine headache
16. Fiona asks about subcutaneous implants and she asks, how long will these implants be effective. Your best
answer is:
A. One month B. Twelve months C. Five years D. Ten years
17. Fiona asks about female condoms. Which of the following is true with regards to female condoms?
A. Female condoms, unlike male condoms, are reusable
B. She should coat the condom with spermicide before use
C. She should insert the condom before any penile penetration
D. The hormone the condom releases might cause mild weight gain

Situation: The infant and child mortality rate in the low to middle income countries is ten times higher than
industrialized countries. In response to this, the WHO and UNICEF launched the protocol Integrated
Management of Childhood Illnesses to reduce the morbidity and mortality against childhood illnesses.
18. The IMCI guidelines are based on the following principles, EXCEPT:
A. All children must be examined for curative interventions
B. All sick children must be examined for general danger signs
C. Only a limited number of carefully-selected clinical signs are used
D. Only sick children must be routinely assessed for major symptoms
19. IMCI Case Management Process is presented in sequence of steps with information on how to carry them
out. Which is the correct sequential process?
A. Assess child, counsel mother, classify illness, identify treatment, treat child and follow-up care
B. Classify illness, assess child, identify treatment, counsel mother, treat child and follow-up care
C. Assess child, classify illness, identify treatment, treat child, counsel mother and follow-up care
D. Classify illness, assess child, identify treatment, treat child, counsel mother and follow-up care
20. The IMCI guidelines are based on the following principles, EXCEPT:
A. All children must be examined for curative interventions
B. All sick children must be examined for general danger signs
C. Only a limited number of carefully-selected clinical signs are used
D. Only sick children must be routinely assessed for major symptoms
21. Step by step process use in IMCI chart that aids in decision-making for either referral, home management,
or treatment at the outpatient facility is called:
A. IMCI assessment tool
B. Evidenced based syndromic process
C. Integrated case management process
D. Integrated management for childhood illness process
22. Diarrhea in IMCI implies which of the following:
A. The stool contains mucus and with foul odor
B. More than the usual amount of bowel per day
C. The stool contains more water than the normal
D. More than the usual episodes of bowel movements per day
23. In assessing the patient condition using the IMCI strategy, the first thing that the nurse should do is to:
A. Check for the main symptoms C. Ask what are the child’s problem
B. Check the general danger signs D. Check the level of consciousness
24. The following is not a part of IMCI case management process:
A. Treat the child C. Counsel the mother
B. Identify the illness D. Know when to return
25. Jeric, 3 years old, has had diarrhea for 5 days and irritable. He has sunken eyeballs but has no blood in his
stools. He drinks eagerly when offered liquid. Skin pinch at the abdomen shows slow return. Jonel’s illness
may be classified as
A. Persistent Diarrhea B. No Dehydration C. Some Dehydration D. Severe Dehydration
26. Which of the following treatments should be immediately considered in Jeric’s case?
A. Continue feeding
B. Explain to the mother how to prepare ORS
C. Give 900 – 1, 400 ml ORS during the first 4 hours
D. Reassess the child after 4 hours and classify his dehydration
27. A child who had recently traveled to a malaria-risk area developed fever with stiff neck. The child can be
classified by the public health nurse as:’
A. Malaria C. Fever: Malaria Unlikely
B. Very Severe Disease D. Very Severe Febrile Disease/Malaria
28. The above condition of a child is treated with the following, EXCEPT;
A. IM Quinine C. Give Paracetamol
B. Give Chloroquine D. Treat to prevent lowering of blood sugar
29. In giving Chloroquine, you should:
A. Heavily guard the patient
B. Instruct the mother to give the first dose at home
C. Explain to the mother that it is should be given for 3 days
D. Explain to the mother that she should watch her child carefully 1 hours after giving the medicines
30. Anabelle has measles with pus draining from the eye. The nurse should classify Anabelle’s condition as:
A. Measles C. Measles with Eye Complication
B. Severe Complicated Measles D. Measles with Mouth Complication
31. For pus draining from the eye, you should give which of the following?
A. Vitamin A C. Tetracycline eye ointment
B. Gentian violet D. First dose antibiotic – Amoxicillin
32. Which among the following is incorrect about specific treatment of Complicated Measles using the yellow
A. Administer Vitamin A
B. Advise for follow – up check - up in 2 days
C. Give tetracycline eye ointment QID until eye problem is gone
D. Give full strength gentian violet BID extended 48 hours from the time the mouth problem is gone
33. Aaron, 2 years old is Febrile. His fever has been traced from a Dengue risk area. No pain, no signs of
bleeding, no rashes had been noted. The nurse should classify Aaron as:
A. Dengue Fever C. Severe Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
B. Fever: No Dengue
C. Fever: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Unlikely
34. If the child’s symptoms are under the classification of Severe Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever of the IMCI
strategy, which of the following treatments should be done immediately?
A. Immunize the child before referral
B. Observe the child at the health center and refer urgently to the hospital
C. Give first dose of appropriate antibiotics and refer urgently to the hospital
D. Give IV fluids (if with bleeding) or ORS (with other signs) and refer urgently to the hospital
35. If a child has an ear problem, the nurse should do the following for assessment, EXCEPT?
A. Look for ear discharge
B. Ask if there is any fever
C. Determine presence for ear pain
D. Check for swelling behind the eras
36. If the child does not have any of the signs of ear problem like tender swelling, ear pain and ear discharge,
what should the nurse do?
A. Document it as no ear infection, use green card
B. Give Vitamin A and advise the mother to bring back the child in 5 days
C. Give Amoxicillin, Paracetamol and Quinolone drops if signs would develop
D. Insert a tissue pare as a wick in the ear of the child to confirm assessment
37. Nurse Jefferson needs further training on the use of IMCI protocol if he would consider which one as
correct about ear problem?
A. Ear infection should have a follow-up check-up in 2 days
B. Presence of tender swelling behind the ear should be classified as Mastoiditis
C. Quinolone drops are given after drying the ear by wicking to treat Chronic Ear Infection
D. Ear discharge of less than 14 days is known as Acute Ear Infection while 14 days or more means
Chronic Ear Infection
38. Visible severe wasting means the following, EXCEPT:
A. Baggy pants C. Presence of marasmus
B. Edema of both feet D. MUAC less than 115 mm
39. A 3-year-old child weighing 14 kgs has anemia with some palmar pallor and needs Iron and Mebendazole.
The card shows he was not given Mebendazole previously. As the nurse, you should give the child Iron
Folate and Mebendazole in what dosage?
A. 5 ml or 1 tsp of Iron daily for 14 days and Mebendazole 500mg single dose
B. 10 ml or 2 tsp of Iron daily for 30 days and Mebendazole 250mg single dose
C. 10 ml or 2 tsp of Iron daily for 30 days and Mebendazole 500mg single dose
D. 7.5 ml or 1 tsp of Iron daily for 14 days and Mebendazole 500mg single dose
40. The nurse knows that a child should be given albendazole 400mg as single advised dose in the health center,
A. Child is 2 years of age or older
B. Child complains of severe abdominal pain
C. Child did not have a dose of the drug in the previous 6 months
D. Hookworm/whipworm infection is a problem among children in the area
41. Aling Linda brought her child to the clinic for palmar pallor suggestive of anemia. The doctor prescribed
Iron medications and it was only the 3rd day of taking such medication. Your next action would be to:
A. Give Iron and return tomorrow
B. Give Iron medications 3X a day
C. Refer the child immediately to the hospital
D. Instruct the mother to continue giving iron for 14 days
42. Bronchodilator will be given to a child with cough having other signs such as fast breathing and wheezing to
confirm presence of pneumonia. Which of the following is the appropriate way of giving bronchodilator?
A. 3 cycles in 15 – 20 minutes interval C. 5 cycles in 5 – 10 minutes interval
B. 3 cycles in 10 – 15 minutes interval D. 5 cycles in 10 – 30 minutes interval
43. Josh is an 18-month-old child who has cough for 7 days, with no general danger signs, with temperature of
37. 5ºC and RR of 41 breaths/min. How will you classify Josh’s breathing?
A. Normal breathing C. Slow breathing
B. Fast breathing D. Very fast breathing
44. Josh’s illness can be classified as:
A. Pneumonia C. No Pneumonia: Cough and Colds
B. Some Pneumonia D. Very Severe Disease/ Severe Pneumonia
45. In very Severe Febrile Disease/Malaria, giving of the first dose of Chloroquine should be given:
A. Under medical supervision or if the hospital is not accessible within 12 hours
B. Under medical supervision or if the hospital is not accessible within 8 hours
C. Under medical supervision or if the hospital is not accessible within 6 hours
D. Under medical supervision or if the hospital is not accessible within 4 hours
46. In managing the child who is difficult to awaken, the initial step that the registered nurse to follow is to:
A. Refer to the doctor for any pre-referral urgent treatments
B. Administer the appropriate dose of antibiotic or urgent treatments
C. Refer to the doctor if rehydration of the child resolves the problem
D. Refer to the doctor for any urgent treatments before referring to other hospital or health care institution
47. A severely dehydrated child who is able to drink was brought to the health center. He is to be referred to the
hospital for IV therapy. While waiting to be transported, the health workers should do the following:
A. Give the mother 2 packets of Oresol to be brought to the hospital
B. Instruct the mother to force the child to drink sterilized water
C. Prepare and give Oresol to the child while waiting for transportation and during transport
D. Lecture mother lengthily on prevention of diarrhea and dehydration

Situation: There are other important basic knowledge in the performance of our task as Community Health
Nurse in relation to IMMUNIZATION, these include:
48. The correct temperature to store vaccines in a refrigerator is:
A. between 2 deg C and +8 deg C C. between -8 deg C and 0 deg C
B. between -4 deg C and +8 deg C D. between -8 deg C and +4 deg C
49. Which of the following vaccines is not done by intramuscular (IM) injection?
A. DPT B. Hepa-B vaccine C. Measles vaccine D. Tetanus toxoids
50. This vaccine content is derived from RNA recombinants.
A. DPT B. Hepa-B vaccine C. Measles vaccine D. Tetanus toxoids
51. This is the vaccine needed before a child reaches one (1) year in order for him/her to qualify as a: fully
immunized child”.
A. BCG B. DPT C. Hepatitis B D. Measles

52. Which of the following dose of tetanus toxoid is given to the mother to protect her infant from neonatal
tetanus and likewise provide 10 years protection for the mother?
A. Tetanus toxoid 1 B. Tetanus toxoid 2 C. Tetanus toxoid 3 D. Tetanus toxoid 4

Situation: You are a nurse assigned for nutrition education class in your barangay. The following questions
deals with teaching clients with regards to improving their health through health promotion.
53. One of the client asks you what is the normal allowable salt intake in a day. Your best response is:
A. 5 grams of salt a day or 1 teaspoon of salt a day
B. 1 teaspoon of salt with no fish sauce and soy sauce
C. 1 tablespoon of salt with some fish sauce and soy sauce
D. 1 teaspoon of salt a day with iodine and sprinkle of monosodium glutamate
54. You would educate him with regards to lowering his salt intake using which of the following instruction
A. Eat foods with little or no salt added
B. Limit table salt but condiments is advisable
C. Use spices, fruits, vegetables and herbs instead
D. Minimize the intake of tocino, longanisa and other processed foods
55. Which of the following is the best method of teaching young mothers with regards to nutrition education?
A. Diets limited in salt and fat C. Commercial preparation of dishes
B. Harmful effects of drugs and alcohol intake D. Cooking demonstration and meal planning

TEST II: FILL IN THE BOX. (1 point per item)

A. Breastmilk
Storage Full term Preterm
56. Room temperature
57. Refrigerator
58. Freezer

B. Expanded Program on Immunization.

Vaccine Age Doses Interval Route Dosage
59. BCG
60. DPT
61. OPV
62. Hep B.
63. Measles
TEST III. ENUMERATION. (1 point per item)
64-78. Principles of Vaccination.
79-84. Disorders detected by Newborn Screening (NBS).
85-88. Four Pillars of Philippine Family Planning Program (PFPP).
89-91. Three Principles of Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI).
92-95. Mandatory Fortification of Foods
96-100. Benefits of Breastfeeding (BF) to the infant.

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