UltraSonic Imager Tool (USIT) 1

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Ultra Sonic Imager Tool

 Introduction
 Objectives
 Principles of Operation
 Equipment
 Safety
 Maintenance
 Examples / LQC
 Summary
 Self Test
 References / Other Useful Links


The Ultra Sonic Imager Tool (USIT) is a cement quality and casing evaluation
tool. The USIT provides four basic measurements:

 Acoustic impedance of the cement behind the casing

 Thickness of the casing
 Internal radius of the casing
 Estimate of the condition of the internal surface of the casing.

The USIT was designed to provide the same measurements as the Cement
Evaluation Tool (CET), an earlier ultrasonic tool, but has several advantages.

 The USIT utilizes an improved processing called T 3 (Traitement Très Tôt)

processing. As the name implies this processing is done very early in the
waveform (less than 7 reflections). T 3 eliminates the need for free-pipe
calibration, and makes a direct measurement of acoustic impedance and casing
thickness, can cope with higher mud weights and compensate for fluctuations in
the mud weight.
 The USIT features an improved single transducer. A single transducer eliminates
the normalization issues that exist when using multiple transducers.
 The USIT features a choice of four rotating subs. The choice of subs can optimize
casing to the transducer standoff which allows the examination of casings from
4.5 in. to 13.375 in. (mud viscosity becomes a concern with large subs).
 The USIT features a stronger centralization system which helps keep the tool
centered even in horizontal wells.
 The single rotating transducer of the USIT gives 100% azimuthal coverage. The
100% coverage improves image resolution, cement channel detection and casing
damage resolution.
 The USIT features selectable azimuthal and vertical sampling rates. The logging
speed and vertical resolution can be adjusted to satisfy client requirements such as
corrosion evaluation or cement evaluation. The resolution requirements are a
compromise with logging speed.
 The USIT features quality control flags and threshold images for better image
understanding and interpretation.

The USIT is illustrated below in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Upon completion of this training page, you should be able to complete the
following tasks:

 List the applications of the USIT.

 List the advantages the USIT has over previous cement evaluation tools.
Specifically the CET.
 Describe the primary measurements made by the USIT and how these
measurements are made.
 Explain the effects that water, mud and cement have on the decay of an ultrasonic
 Explain in detail T 3 processing.
 Define the model that T 3 uses and the corrections that need to be made to the
processing results.
 Explain in detail the operating specifications of the USIT and the safety issues
that are specific to the USIT.
 Explain the function of each part of the USIT block diagram as well as the
function of the components of the USIT system.
 Discuss maintenance issues that are specific to the USIT.

Upon completion of the practical exercises for the USIT, you should be able to
complete the following tasks:

 Complete a fast inspection of tools (FIT) and tool review and inspect monthly
(TRIM) for the USIT and prepare the appropriate documentation.
 Set up the downhole and surface equipment related to this service for the USIT.
 Discuss USIT combinability requirements. For example how does the USIT use
of the auxiliary AC power supply impact running the USIT with other tools?
 Efficiently run a main log and a repeat analysis.
 Make a log quality control (LQC) audit of a USIT log and analyze the tool's
 Isolate real and hypothetical problems to the major component level: downhole,
cable and surface.

Principles of Operation

The goal of the USIT is to evaluate cement quality and placement as well as
casing condition. The principle is to make a small area of the casing resonate.
Good cement behind the casing causes a rapid damping of the resonance, while
an absence of cement gives a slow rate of decay. This is the same basic idea as
its predecessor, the cement evaluation tool (CET).
The heart of the USIT is a rotating ultrasonic transducer immersed in the
borehole fluid which gives full coverage of the casing at high resolution. The
transducer resonates the casing by repeatedly emitting short ultrasonic pulses.
The same transducer operating as a receiver detects the echoes from the casing.
Four measurements are made by analysis of the echoes:

 Echo amplitude is an indicator of casing rugosity.

 Internal radius is calculated from the transit time of the echo and is an indicator of
internal corrosion or casing weight changes.
 Casing thickness is calculated from the resonant frequency and is also an indicator
of corrosion on the exterior surface. The measure of casing thickness is found by
frequency analysis of the waveform using a processing called T 3 (Traitement Très
 Acoustic impedance of the material behind the casing is calculated from the
character of the resonance and is an indicator of the quality and the distribution of
the cement. The measure of acoustic impedance is found by T 3.

In order to make these measurements, the USIT has two modes of operation:

 Fluid properties mode (FPM)

 Cement mode (CEM).

Figure 2 (below) is a flowchart which illustrates the processing and outputs of the
Figure 2

Fluid Properties Measurement

The USIT needs to measure the velocity and acoustic impedance of the wellbore
fluid to be able to measure the casing internal radius and determine the cement
impedance and casing thickness. The Fluid Properties Measurement (FPM) is
made in the time domain. The properties (vmud and Zmud ) of the wellbore fluid are
usually measured while the tool is being run into the well with the transducer in
position for the fluid properties measurement and the rotating sub stationary (not
Figures 3 and 4 (below) show the transducer in the FPM position. In this position,
the transducer is rotated so that it is focused on a fixed steel plate of known
dimensions and a known distance from the transducer. While in this position the
transducer is fired and the transit time measured. The acoustic velocity of the
mud (vmud ) can then be computed and the acoustic impedance calculated from
the velocity and density of the mud. The FPM is made when the tool is run into
the well. The measured values are used during the logging of the casing and the

Figure 3 Figure 4

Cement Evaluation Mode

Figures 5 and 6 (below) shows that in the cement position the transducer is
rotated so that it is firing on the casing. The transducer is rotated while the tool is
downhole through the use of a special mechanical linkage and by changing the
sense of direction of the sub. During this measurement the transit time and
amplitude of the first arrival of the waveform are measured. Using vmud as
measured during the fluid properties measurement and the geometry of the
logging tool, the internal radius of the casing can be determined. The rugosity is
estimated by comparing the amplitudes of consecutive first arrivals. The acoustic
impedance and casing thickness are measured by using a process called T 3.

Figure 5 Figure 6

T 3 Processing (Traitement Très Tôt)

T3 Processing Multimedia

Objective: To understand the advantages of T3 processing over

CET processing

Comment: The USIT calculates the cement impedance and casing

thickness indirectly by using the planar model. This animation will
show how the computation uses the planar model to do its iteration.
Please refer to the Ultrasonic Planar model and CET Processing
animation to know about Ultrasonic Planar model and see the
difference between the CET and USIT computation.

Figure 7

As the name implies T 3 processing analyzes the early part of the waveform.
Earlier systems such as the CET processed a much longer section of the
waveform (approximately 10 to 14 reflections) where the T 3 analyzes about 7
Figure 8 illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of this processing over
other methods of analyzing the decay of a waveform.
 A measure of the echo
amplitude after many
reflections provides
maximum sensitivity to
cement impedance and
minimum sensitivity to
mud impedance.

 After many reflections

(8-10), the amplitude is
very small (i.e., -50 dB
after 10 reflections) so
the signal is primarily
noise and cannot be

 The signal to noise ratio

is very good in the early Figure 8
part of the waveform
allowing for high

 The early part of the waveform is very sensitive to the mud impedance.
A change of 1 MRayl in mud impedance has as much effect on the
second cement reflection as a change of 4.5 MRayl in cement
impedance. This is why the downhole measurement of mud properties is
so important.

The following are other advantages of processing the early part of the waveform:

 Formation reflections which arrive late in the waveform do not affect the early
part of the waveform.
 The early part of the waveform is not affected by casing weight changes.

The goals of the T 3 process are to determine casing thickness and the acoustic
impedance of the material behind the casing. The steps involved in T 3 can be
summarized as follows:

 Measure the acoustic properties (velocity and impedance) of the drilling fluid.
This measurement is made while running in the hole (RIH) before logging during
the FPM measurement.
 Determine the cement impedance that best fits each measured casing echo, by
theoretical modeling using the planar model.
 Apply precalculated corrections for the nonplanar geometry of the casing and

The T 3 process is described in detail in Figure 9. You can click on the individual
blocks for more information on the process at each function.

Figure 9
Data Acquisition Modes

As illustrated in Figure 10 (below), the ultrasonic rotating sub (USRS) houses the
transducer and rotates at approximately 7.5 rps (revolutions per second). The
tool electronics generate 18 firings per revolution, which is translated into the
transducer being fired every 20 degrees azimuthally.

Figure 10

By combining time offsets to the first transducer firing of each revolution and
different logging speeds, a range of sampling rates from 5 to 10 degrees
azimuthally and from 0.6 to 6.0 inches vertically can be accomplished. This
process is called interlacing. The interlace pattern for 10 degree sampling is
illustrated in Figure 11 (below).
Figure 11

The azimuthal and vertical sampling is selected based upon the information
needs of the client. General cement evaluation does not require as high a
resolution as corrosion evaluation. Table 1 (below) lists the USIT working modes
along with the vertical and azimuthal sample rates and theoretical logging speed
associated with each mode.

USIT Azimuthal and Vertical Sampling Rates

Mode Compression Azimuthal Vertical Theoretical
rate sampling sampling logging speed
1 high 10 degrees 1.5 in. [38 mm] 1600 ft/hr [500 m/hr]
2 low 10 degrees 1.5 in. [38 mm] 1600 ft/hr [500 m/hr]
3 high 5 degrees 6.0 in. [152 mm] 3200 ft/hr [1000 m/hr]
4 low 5 degrees 6.0 in. [152 mm] 3200 ft/hr [1000 m/hr]
5 high 5 degrees 3.0 in. [76 mm] 1600 ft/hr [500 m/hr]
6 low 5 degrees 3.0 in. [76 mm] 1600 ft/hr [500 m/hr]
7 high 5 degrees 1.5 in. [38 mm] 800 ft/hr [250 m/hr]
8 low 5 degrees 1.5 in. [38 mm] 800 ft/hr [250 m/hr]
9 high 5 degrees 0.6 in. [15 mm] 400 ft/hr [125 m/hr]
A low 5 degrees 0.6 in. [15 mm] 400 ft/hr [125 m/hr]
B high 10 degrees 6.0 in. [152 mm] 6400 ft/hr [2000 m/hr]
C low 10 degrees 6.0 in. [152 mm] 6400 ft/hr [2000 m/hr]

Table 1

Signal Flow and Block Diagrams

Figure 12 is a simplified block diagram for the USIT. For more in-depth
information please refer to the USIT section of the WRM and the USIT
maintenance manual. This block diagram should be used in conjunction with the
following brief electronic description to understand how the USIT acquires and
processes the signal.

 Two relays allow the connection of AC AUX to power the sonde in the logging or
FPM position providing for the direction of sub rotation.
 Sense of direction and rotating sub period information provided by the sonde is
amplified and translated by the Ultrasonic Imager Cartridge (USIC). This is
commonly referred to as the tachometer.
 One pulse per turn signal is used by the downhole controller (DHC) to fire the
transducer at a rate depending on the azimuthal resolution.

Signals to and from the transducer are transmitted to the Ultrasonic Sonde
Cartridge (USSC) through the six ratating toroidal transformers.The signals being
transmitted are:

 Firing voltage. The firing voltage is derived from the emitter-exciter (EMEX)
 Acquired data from the transducer.
 Control functions.
 Power.
The received signal is amplified in the Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA),
filtered, then digitized in an 8 MHz, 9-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
The output of the ADC is memorized in a first in - first out (FIFO) buffer.
The FIFO is read by the digital signal processor (DSP). The DSP compresses
and compacts the data without information loss in order to match the telemetry
channel. The DSP also controls the gain used by the PGA.
The downhole controller (DHC) controls the different modes of the tool as well as
the auxiliary measurements of the tool.

Figure 12

This topic includes a figure showing the key pieces of equipment associated with
the USIT, describes the equipment and lists the ratings and specifications for the
Figure 13 illustrates the USIT, identifies its assets and lists the ratings and
specifications of the USIT. The USIT consists of the following equipment:
Ultrasonic Imager Cartridge (USIC)
The USIC provides the power and motor control for the ultrasonic
imager sonde (USIS), acquisition control and signal processing as well
as the downhole tool bus (DTB) interface for the telemetry system.
Ultrasonic Sonde Cartridge (USSC)
The USSC is located inside a rotating housing of the sonde. This is a
small electronics cartridge which directly serves the transducer.
Ultrasonic Rotating Sub (USRS)
The USRS is available in four sizes for
logging different size casings. The
USRS has the following functions:

 Support of the ultrasonic

 Provides electrical connection
to the USSC
 Provides the mechanism to flip
the transducer between the
measurement and the FPM
 Incorporates the FPM target
 Includes balancing weights and
hydrofoils to ensure smooth sub
Figure 13

Ultrasonic Imager Sonde (USIS)

The USIS provides the mechanical
functions of the USIT and has three
principle functions:

 To maintain the USRS centered

in the borehole
 To rotate the USRS so the
sensor scans the entire borehole
 To transmit signals to and from
the sensor and associated

The first of these functions is ensured by two in-line centralizers that are
designed to give a constant centering force in a range of casing sizes. There is a
small casing kit available to enhance the performance of these centralizers in
small casings. Rollers on the arms of the centralizers ensure a smooth tool
movement despite the large centering forces.
The power to turn the USRS is provided by an AC induction motor. This power is
transmitted to the rotating head through a reducing gear box, a rotating
transformer shaft and the rotating housing.
To transmit signals to and from the sensor, the USIS incorporates a special
rotating housing which contains the electronics for the transducer. The
electronics for the transducer are called the USSC. These electronics are directly
connected to the sensor in the USRS to increase the signal to noise ratio as
much as possible. The electrical connection between the USSC and the USIC is
made through a set of six rotating transformers.
The tool motor is separated from the wellbore through the use of special rotating
seals. These seals resemble the shaft seal used between a motor and pump on
a spa or swimming pool filter system or the water pump in an automobile.
However, the rotating seal is specially designed to keep the frictional losses
between the seal faces very lowthrough special metalic seals and a designed
seapage of oil onto the seal faces. Note that the technology to bring the
transducer electronics close to the transducer in a rotating cartridge, such as the
USSC, and the ability to keep the frictional losses very low were the primary
factors in allowing the USIT system to be developed.


This topic covers important safety issues for field engineers working with the

 The centralizer arms of the sonde can open with violent bone-breaking force. A
restraining strap which slowly releases the arms can minimize this risk.
 The rotating subassembly, turning at 7.3 rps, can centrifuge solids and liquids
with considerable velocity as well as be a hazard to the hands. Keeping a
reasonable distance away while it is operating is a prudent precaution.
 The transducer can contain high internal pressures, which may cause the face
plate to jump out.
 The transducer is internally compensated and should not be opened in the field.
 The transducer is very fragile and should always be transported separately in a
special transport case.
 The rotating seal is designed to seep oil during operation. This is the same oil that
is used to pressure compensate the sonde. If the tool is run in the hole while
lacking oil, mud enters the tool causing permanent damage to electrical parts in
the sonde.
 The unusual sonde architecture (a rotating sub located at the bottom of the tool)
calls for special care during the logging operation:
o Do not exceed 10,000 ft/hr while going down.
o Do not touch bottom, particularly with a heavy tool string combination.
o Make absolutely sure the rotating sub is free and off-bottom before
starting the rotation.
 The tool is powered with 250 VAC from the AC main, up to 400 VAC from the
AC AUX and up to 125 VDC from the EMEX supply. These supplies can cause
severe shocks and deliver potentially lethal voltages.
 Do not connect or disconnect the transducer or open the transducer housing when
the tool is powered, as the amplitude of the excitation pulse can be as high as 150

For more safety precautions and procedures refer to the USIT section of the
WRM and safety practices manual.


Due to its unusual tool architecture, the USIT has some maintenance items that
require special attention:

 The rotating seal maintains its seal by pressing two metal surfaces together. These
surfaces must be kept very clean in order for the seal to function properly. The
seals should be thoroughly cleaned after every descent into a well.
 The rotating seal is designed to seep hydraulic oil during its operation. It is
imperative to maintain the oil level in the sonde to ensure proper hydrostatic
 The in-line centralizers keep the tool centered in the casing. Proper centralization
is critical to the accuracy of the USIT measurements. The centralizers must be
thoroughly inspected and cleaned after every descent into a well.
 The faces of the target plate and the transducer must be kept clean to ensure
measurement accuracy.

Tool checks should be performed according to the FIT and TRIM. TRIM check
requirements are spelled out in the USIT maintenance manual or in the USIT
section of the WRM. Refer to these manuals for further details.

Examples / LQC

Figure 14 shows the primary outputs of the USIT. This image is

called the USIT composite presentation. From left to right, the
following information is shown:
Auxiliary curves
These are the sub rotation speed and sonde eccentering.
These curves are primarily quality control curves.
Processing flags
These colored flags help identify problems with the T 3
processing. Ideally there would be no flags.
Amplitude image
This image presents the amplitude of the first echo. It is a
qualitative look at the rugosity of the casing.
Casing profile
This presents the inside and outside diameter of the
casing. This is primarily used to identify exterior Figure 14
corrosion or holes in the casing.

Internal radius image

This image presents the internal radius as measured at each of the 18 firings of the
transducer. The colors are coded to represent metal loss with red indicating severe
metal loss on the interior of the casing.
Thickness curve
This graphically presents the thickness of the casing. It is used to identify casing
weight changes and metal loss on the outside of the casing.
Raw acoustic impedance image
This is the azimuthal presentation of the acoustic impedance as measured by the
T 3.
Bond index
This is a presentation of the distribution of material behind the casing. Yellow
indicates cement, blue indicates water and red indicates gas.
Acoustic impedance image with thresholds
This is an interpretation of the distribution of materials behind the casing . The
interpretation is made by using impedance thresholds defined by the field
engineer. Again, red indicates gas and blue indicates water.
For more examples and details on quality control procedures refer to the USIT
section of the LQC manual.


This summary is an overview of the most important points presented in this

training page. It is included to help you review the information. In this training
page, we have presented the following:

 Features, benefits and applications of the USIT.

 Principle measurements of the USIT.
 Fluid properties measurement.
 Cement evaluation mode.
 T 3 processing.
 USIT equipment.

Self Test
1. What are the four basic measurements made by the USIT ?
2. What are the advantages of the USIT over the CET ?
3. What are the disadvantages ?
4. Describe why the fluid properties (Zmud and vmud ) are measured and how these
measurements are made?
5. How much does the measurement of Zmud affect the accuracy of the cement
acoustic impedance measurement ?
6. How is the internal diameter and rugosity measured ?
7. What process does the USIT use to measure the acoustic impedance of the
material behind the casing and the casing thickness? Fully describe this process.
8. How is the azimuthal and vertical resolution of the USIT controlled ?
9. What are some of the special maintenance requirements of the USIT ?
10. What are the minimum and maximum hole sizes in which the USIT can be run ?

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