Trailer Backing

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Ily ~ d w a r dS. Spanke and rank N.

OU WILL SEE more boats and trailers When buying a boat trailer, size and
Ythan ever before at resorts and fishing weight capacity are the first things to con-
areas this summer, and a closer look likely sider. There is no hard-and-fast rule. The
will disclose that the cars have out-of-state trailer should handle your present boat and
license plates and big-city windshield even be able to carry a somewhat larger
stickers. one that you may purchase in the future.
Yes, you've guessed it. Folks are bring- Several factors determine the weight-car-
ing their boats hundreds of milesto the wing capacity required-weight of the
waters they want to fish, explore and en- outboard motor if it remains on the tran-
joy. And they're not all country people som while towing, and weight of extra fuel,
or suburbanites who might be expected to luggage and camping gear that may be
have a boat-trailer rig and plerity of room stowed in the boat. So estimate the total
to store it during the off season. Many of weight of everything to be carried in the
these boat owners live right in the hearts boat and select a trailer accordingly. If the
of the large cities. weight comes within 100 lb. of the rated
The boat trailer did it. Now, no matter capacity, better get a trailer of the next
where you live, or how far it mi ht be from largest size. If You intend to carry the motor
the water, you can own an out oard boat. On the boat, the trailer should be designed
All you need is garage or yard space in to support the boat transom.
which to store the ouffit. As far as size is As the hitch is the most important trailer
concerned, you can go from a small utility accessory, don't attempt to - improvise at
boat all the way up to a cabin cruiser that this point. Use a standard ball-and-socket
will sleep four to six people. car hitch, preferably one with a latch
that keeps the coupling from
Everything is set for his family to enjoy a pleasant day of boating working loose. Safetv chains
are required in some states,

I but they are well worth

their small cost regardless of
where you live.
A taillight is necessary
for night-time driving, and
can be anything from a flash-
light clamped to the boat
transom to a combination
stop light and taillight. The
latter operates on the car
battery and plugs into an
extension cord kept in the
Before driving off with the
boat and trailer, be sure that
the boat is tied down secure-
ly, that the hitch is locked
tightly and that the safety
chains are in place. It's also
wise to stick some reflective
tape on the boat transom or
the rear of the trailer in case
the taillight should burn out.
Hauling the trailer over
170 I r (

For night trailering, a combination stop light and Treat your trailer tires just as you would those of
taillight either on boa* or trailer is ideal. Light is the car. Check air pressure before traveling, es-
plugged into extension cord kept in trunk of the car pecially if you haven't used trailer for a while

Being sure that hitch is clamped tightly is tops in Safety chains are as inexpensive a form of insurance
importance. Most couplers have a safety latch >o as you can get. Should the trailer hitch fail, chains 1
keep the socket from working loose while under way keep boat and trailer from taking off cross-country
. left to right, but not too hard-iust enough to
even out turn. Now, you begin to get "feel" of turn
Turn begins to straighten out here. This is done :
by bringing steering wheel a little harder to
right. To sharpen turn, bring the w h w l to Ieft

As boat starts to line up with driveway, bring If boat bow poinh either right or left, cut steer-
steering wheel to the Ieft to come out of turn ing wheel i n the opposite direction to straighten it

the road is no problem as long as you
! remember that it's there when driving
j in traffic or passing. In fact, it's a good
t idea to have something in the boat that
I will rattle and serve as a reminder. The
onIy troublesome maneuver in trailer-
ing is backing up, and this is explained
by the photos and diagrams on the
opposite page. You will find that all
trailers built by reputable manufae-
turers are designed to be towed at high
speeds--but it's wise to stay somewhat
under the posted speed limits. With a
trailer in tow, it is going to take more
distance to brake the car.
Trailer maintenance is simplicity it-
self. Your trailer wheels most lilgely
will have high-speed bearings, so be
sure they are lubricated with. wheel- Launching boat is easy. Back trail& so end af boom is
bearing grease and nothing else. Keep at water, releaso winch lock and push.boat into wahr
the tires-at recommended a i r pressure
and occasionally oil the moving parts,
such as rollers and winch. If rust ap-
pears, remove it and repaint. * *.*

1 To bring bout~autof water, fasten winch rope to bow,

line up boat with the trailer boom and reel in the boat

Transom support is shown on trailer at Idt. Rollers un-

der transom prevent its being weakened by motor weight

Modern trailers are truly one-man, or one-woman, opew

ahd. Hefty boot, below, is handled easily by one penon

JUNE 1955

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