Revealing Secrets of Antigravity

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Revealing the Secrets of

Anti-Gravity Technology

Presented by William Alek, Pres. & CEO

AuroraTek Space Division
Thursday, July 30th 2015
7th Conference On Future Energy
What is Gravity?
Aristotle’s (384 BC – 322 BC) Theory – Heavier objects
fall faster than lighter ones.
Modern work on gravity began with Galileo (16th century),
who showed that gravitation accelerates all objects at the
same rate.
In 1687, English mathematician Sir Isaac Newton
hypothesized the inverse-square law of universal
In 1915, Einstein presented his General Theory of
Relativity – space is curved because of the presence of
matter – doesn’t answer how or why.
Finally, it’s mostly a mystery to modern science.
The Electromagnetic
Properties of the Aether
Virtual Resistance or Impedance of Free Space:
Z0 = 376.7Ω
Electric Permittivity of Free Space:
ε0 = 8.854 x 10-12 Farad / meter
Magnetic Permeability of Free Space:
μ0 = 1.257 x 10-6 Henry / meter
Dirac Sea of Negative Energy (includes both positive
and negative energy states):
E = ±mc2
Vacuum Energy or Zero-Point Energy Density:
ρa = 10113 Joules / meter3
Torsion Theory of Gravity
All atoms are spinning -
they have angular
momentum and curve
the Electromagnetic
The curvature of the
Aether forms a torsion
field effect.
This produces a net
attractive force between
The Real Barrier
to Motion
Is Einstein’s Theory of
Special Relativity
(1905) and the
introduction of gamma.
The limiting factor is the
gamma, which is
applied to the mass of
an object.
As the object
approaches the speed
of light, the mass
approaches infinity.
German Pre-WW II
Gravity Research
Scientists and engineers were the most
brilliant on the planet before WW II!
Rejected Einstein’s General Theory of
Relativity (1915).
Gravity was linked to certain quantum
effects and spin (reported by NEXUS
Magazine, March-April 2009, p. 80)
The German “Bell” Device
Author and Researcher,
Igor Witkowski, wrote a
book called, “The Truth
About the Wunderwaffe”
He uncovered evidence
of a highly classified
WW II German Nazi
project called “Die
Glocke,” which
translates to “The Bell.”
The German “Bell” Device
Began development in
the late 1930s.
Classified as “War
Decisive” – highest
classification possible –
higher than their atom
bomb development!
Used counter-rotating
Required huge amounts
of D.C. electric power?
-- But why?
The German “Bell” Device
The “Bell” was built by
“expendable slave
laborers” from the
Concentration Camp.
Eyewitnesses at the
camp observed the
device levitating when
But, how did the “Bell”
actually work???
The German “Bell” Device
Author Igor Witkowski
(Truth About The
mentions counter-
rotating drums, which
produces gyroscopic
motion – key!
Cancels out angular
momentum – key!
-- But this is only half
the answer.
(see demonstration)
Gyroscopic Motion
Bruce DePalma
graduated from the
Institute of Technology
in 1958. He attended
graduate school in
Electrical Engineering
and Physics at M.I.T.
and Harvard
Gyroscopic Motion
The two pinballs did
NOT fly along identical
parabolic arcs (as they
should have);
unmistakably, the steel
ball that was rotating (at
~27,000 rpm) flew
higher and fell faster
than the companion ball
that was not rotating!
Gyroscopic Motion
Did Bruce discover a way of modifying the
mass-gravity effect using gyroscopic
motion? YES!
A British research named Eric Laithwaite
(1970s) did a lot of work with gyroscopes
and his work was strongly ridiculed!
Gerber & Merritt did some intriguing work
with gyroscopes.
The Wilson and Lear Anti-Gravity Lifter.
Gerber & Merritt’s
Gyroscopic Research

Measured the elapsed time of

dropping a non-spinning and a
spinning gyroscope a fixed distance.
Gerber & Merritt’s
Gyroscopic Research

They observed the spinning gyroscope

fell faster than the non-spinning
Wallace Morgan Experiment,
An Example of Counter-
A flywheel was mounted on the shaft of an electric motor.
Another flywheel was mounted on a ball-bearing shaft
aligned with the motor shaft. The two flywheel's parallel
faces were separated by about 1/16. When the motor was
energized, it accelerated the flywheel towards it's top rated
speed. The latter flywheel, in response to the changing
angular velocity and momentum of the former flywheel,
started turning briskly - in the opposite direction! The
changing momentum field of the lead flywheel induced a
torque in the other flywheel across an air gap. Newtonian
mechanics does not predict that reaction!
The Wilson and Lear
Anti-Gravity Lifter
Larry Wilson was one
of the top alternative
science researchers
back in the 1950’s.
Larry developed a lifter
for William Lear,
founder of Lear
When properly tuned,
the device would lift off
the floor of the lab.
Key to Controlling Gravity --
Spin and Angular Momentum
In regards to “The Bell”, we know counter-
rotation or the cancellation of angular
momentum played a key role. But, what is
the other missing half? Why did “the Bell”
consume a huge amount of electric D.C.
power when levitating?
The answer: MAGNETISM!
Key to Controlling Gravity --
Spin and Angular Momentum
Spin alignment occurs with magnetism.
So, to complete the model of “The Bell,” we
setup strong opposing magnetic fields. This,
in turn, creates a strong anti-gravitic torque
field effectively canceling out angular
Replicating “The Bell”

I present to you – “The NAZI Bell Device”

From “The Bell” to a
“Manned” Disk

The complete key to ANTI-GRAVITY is a

counter-rotating opposing magnetic field.
From “The Bell” to a
“Manned” Disk

The X42 Flying Disk.

From “The Bell” to a
“Manned” Disk

The X42 Flying Disk.

The X42 Flying Disk
Estimated cost to build - $30 Million.
Estimated time to build – 2 years.
Crew of four – Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator,
and Mission Specialist.
Suggested Mission – Mining the Asteroids.
Near Earth Asteroid 2011 UW-158 has a
100 million ton core of platinum and other
precious metals valued at $5.4 Trillion.
“LIVE” Demonstration!

See a “LIVE” demonstration of ANTI-GRAVITY at

this Conference.
Stop by our booth and ask for a demo.
The BOSON Spin ‘0’ Macro Particle Experiment.
Get Involved with
AuroraTek Space Division!

To discuss our various

business options that
are available, call
Aurora Light at
Contact Information
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