The Case For AntiGravity-booklet

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The document discusses the history of antigravity research and experiments, alleged government projects, and theories about the nature of gravity.

Gravity is described from both the Newtonian and Einsteinian perspectives.

Examples of things that are not considered anti-gravity devices like chairs, balloons, propeller engines are given.

The Case For


Basic Questions:
What is Gravity?
What is Anti-Gravity?
What evidence is there that technology, other than
conventional aerospace technology exists which could be
thought of as being Anti-Gravity or something attempting
to control Gravity?

We will look at:

Some of the history of Antigravity Research
Some of the Research of Nick Cook
The Hutchison Effect
Some Antigravity Experiments
Coral Castle (Florida)
Alleged Black Projects in the USA
Sightings of Flying Triangles
Hints of New Technology which have come from NASA

What is Gravity 1?
Newtonian theory says:
gravity, Force of
attraction that arises
between objects by virtue
of their masses. (Chambers
English Dictionary CD ROM edition

The force of gravity

obeys an inverse
square law at twice a
given distance, the force
is only 1 quarter as

What is Gravity 2?

Einsteinian Gravity (Relativity)

A planet's orbit around the Sun (as observed in
three-dimensional space) arises from its natural trajectory
in modified space-time; there is no need for a force of
gravity coming from the Sun and acting on the planet. This
explains oddities in the orbit of Mercury (the precession of
the Perihelion), not explained by Newtonian Gravitation
(Hutchinsons Concise Encyclopaedia, CD-ROM Edition 1996)

What is Gravity 3?
Gravity is WEAK in comparison to the other forces of
String theory suggests, then, that:
Gravity may be similar to other forces.
Part of its force acts in another dimension.
Alternatively, it may be a force leaking from another
dimension into our own.

This could account for it being difficult to measure G,the

gravitational constant accurately (it is given a value of
6.67 x 10-11).
Though String Theory seems to be the most popular as a
way of explaining Gravity, there is another theory called
Loop Quantum Gravity.
Does any of this sound like a good explanation of

What is NOT Anti-Gravity/An

Anti-Gravity Device?
A chair is NOT an anti-gravity
device (by my definition!) simply
because it stops you falling down. (A
chair is simply a rigid structure which resists the
force of gravity.)

A balloon is NOT an anti-gravity

device it floats because of mass
displacement (Archimedes
A Propeller/Jet/Rocket Engine is
NOT an anti-gravity device. It works
by displacing mass from one place
to another to generate thrust.
An Ion engine is not an Anti-Gravity
device it also works by massdisplacement, but is rather more
efficient with propellant mass than
Chemical rockets.

What is Anti-Gravity/An AntiGravity Device?

Any device / method capable of changing the local
gravitational field strength or having the effect of reducing
an objects weight. (No propellant)
Another term might simply be Gravity Control.
TT Browns Experimental
Gravitator Disk

Lifter 1 JL Naudin
Experimental Model

McMinville Saucer (Paul

Trent, May 8, 1950)

General Characteristics of AntiGravity Devices & Experiments

When working through Anti-gravity research, several things
seem to recur
Devices spinning very quickly or having spinning
components at high speed.
Feeding in High Voltage Electrogravitics
Using Strong Magnetic Fields Magnetogravitics
High Frequency Oscillations of Electric Current or Magnetic

Simulation of Gordon Coopers

1955 Sighting near Edwards AFB

Andreason Microwave
Propulsion Paul Potter

History of Anti-Gravity Research - 1

This may have even started in the early
days of electric power, around 1900.
According to Nick Cooks research
(discussed later), there was open
discussion of the subject among groups
of scientists until about 1956, when it
seemed to become the subject of
ridicule and/or went underground.
There are many historical, even
mythological, figures who have
supposedly experimented with gravity
Two prominent names are Nikola Tesla
and Thomas Townsend Brown.

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

Thomas TownsendBrown (1905-1985)

Nikola Tesla
Tesla was born in Serbia and emigrated to
the US in 1884.
Tesla was mainly a pioneer in the fields of
Electrostatics and Electricity Generation (with
Thomas Edison) and invented the Alternating
Current-based electricity distribution system
we use today.
It was his work which paved the way for similar
pioneering work in the field of Electrogravitics
by people like Brown.
The unit of Magnetic Field Flux Density is
named after Tesla.
It is claimed that Tesla built and operated Over
Unity (energy for nothing) devices.
After his death, most of his notes and papers
Many stories about him have also been
snowballed in myth and legend, in much the
same way as those in the UFO field.

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)


Thomas Townsend Brown - 1

Thomas Townsend Brown was born in
Townsend Brown never obtained a
degree. He spent time studying at several
schools including Caltech, Kenyon College
and Denison University.
He has been called a Physicist but was
probably an Electrical Engineer more than
anything else.
He served in the US Navy in the 1930s at
the Naval Research Laboratory.
He was involved in Project Winterhaven
a research proposal to build an Anti
Gravity craft, based on the work Townsend
Brown had already completed.
He died in California in 1985.
Much of his work still seems to be kept
under wraps and his family keep a low
public profile.

Thomas TownsendBrown (1905-1985)


Thomas Townsend Brown - 2

He worked with Dr. Paul Biefeld
(friend of Albert Einstein), Director
of Swazey Observatory in Denison,
In 1923, they started to experiment
with gravitators and found an
interaction between electric charge
and the force of gravity.
Separate to his study of Physics,
Townsend Brown founded NICAP
(National Investigations Committee
on Aerial Phenomenon) in 1956, to
serve as a clearing-house and
"listening post" for information
regarding Saucer sightings and
He served for some time as
Director of NICAP (as did Major
Donald Keyhoe).

Thomas Townsend Brown - 3

He worked in a field which has come
to be known as Electro-gravitics.
TTB patented a number of his
In the 1950s, he worked at the
Bahnson Lab.
In a response letter written to an
interested person in January 1982,
TTB wrote:
I regret to advise you that
electrogravitic research has been
taken over in its entirety by a
Californian corporation which has
imposed secrecy - at least until their
investigations are completed.

Electrokinetic Apparatus at the Bahnson

Lab, January 3, 1958 43 inch foil.

Dr Tom Turner, TTB and someone else,

April 5, 1958.

The Biefeld-Brown Effect

This effect was originally discovered when they
were working with high voltage X ray tubes
they moved excessively when turned on and
When a Capacitor is Charged up, it LOSES
Biefeld set Brown to work
on the phenomenon
More on this later

X ray tube


The Hunt For Zero Point

Nick Cook, journalist and former editor of Janes
Defence Weekly became intrigued when
someone sent him an article about anti-gravity
He tried to follow up a contact, George S.
Trimble, whom, he had read, had worked in the
field of anti-gravity research in the 50s.
Trimble initially agreed to be interviewed, but
then withdrew suddenly reportedly scared.
Cook continued his research quietly over 10
years and journeyed some way into the black
world of defence research during World War II.
His book The Hunt For Zero Point is the story
of that journey.
Here, he talks about some of his findings,
initially about American Research.

Hans Kamler
One of the figures Nick
Cook encountered during
exploring German wartime
Anti-Gravity research was
Hans Kamler.
Hans Kamler seemed to
have been in charge of
Nazi Black Projects.
It is not known what
became of Kamler, as there
are 4 different accounts of
his death, for example.


German Research & The Bell

A number of unusual experiments seemed to
have been carried out by the Germans in the 40s
e.g. Schaubergers Repulsine, which was an
over-unity implosion device, possibly similar to the
Hydrosonic Pump, but Schauberger reported his
actually lifted off during testing.
One of the experiments Nick Cook found some
evidence of was The Bell. It was conducted in a
mine in what is now Poland (but was Germany in
As with similar experiments, it had components
rotating at very high speed and it has been said
that this would have the bizarre effect of
influencing the space-time field.
This seems to be a recurrent theme and such
experiments are often said to produce anomalous
energy or field effects much like those observed
near Flying Saucers.

Repulsine - 1

Repulsine - 2

impression of
the Bell


The Biefeld-Brown Effect - 2

Capacitor-weighing Balance (Jean Louis Naudin).


Schematic of Capacitor-weighing

When Voltage
Hat goes up

Capacitor in Plastic Bag

The Ion Wind explanation seems less likely to be correct when you
see the experiment operating inside a plastic bag


The Biefeld-Brown Effect - 5

Many scientists say that there is no electrogravitic effect it is a by-product of air
ionisation or an ion-wind
However, calculations seem to show that Ion
Wind alone is not enough to account for the
amount of lift/thrust produced.
With the Electric Balance, the Ion Wind should
cease when the power is switched off (I think),
but the balance levels as the capacitor
It is fairly easy to build a Lifter using a High
Tension source (old TV), Balsa Wood and
Aluminium Foil

Lifter 1


The Hutchison Effect - 1

This the name given to what appeared in
the video clip with Boyd Bushman & Nick
Cook (which some say is just a fraud).
Bushman hinted to Nick Cook he should
take a trip to Vancouver to see John
Hutchison the person who did the
tricks in the video.
Hutchison can produce this effect with
between 75 W and 1.5 kW of power.
In November 2008, he reproduced the
levitation effect as part of a challenge.
Melting and Fusion of metals also seems
to be an occasional side effect as
shown in the photo (right).

The Hutchison Effect - 2

John Hutchisons Lab Equipment was confiscated on 24 February 1990 by
the direct order of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. The
Government has retained the lab in spite of a court order by Judge Paris of
the Supreme Court of British Columbia to return it.


Wilbert Smith Gravity Control

(Anti - Gravity)
Wilbert Smith, who became the
Superintendent of Radio Regulations in
Canada, postulated (in simple terms)
that the force of Gravity was actually the
result of interacting magnetic fields that
objects themselves generated.
He suggested that a motional magnetic
field might be used to influence gravity
and he and his team designed
experiments to test this.
It seems very unlikely that Smith would
lie about his experimental results, or
misinterpret them.

Eugene Podkletnov /
Ning Lee

In 2002, Boeing, approached Podkletnov to work with

them on further research into blocking gravity.
He has also done experiments with a force beam and
weight reduction.
Information is decidedly sketchy.
Ning Li worked on a Gravity Shielding Device at U. of
Alabama, but an article on said:
The main university professor involved with the project,
Ning Li, has since left the school. She said she has
founded a company in Huntsville that also will market a
gravity-shield device.
Li said she dropped the NASA collaboration and decided
to work independently after the agency "wasted" the
project's money and resources.


Coral Castle Built Using AntiGravity Methods?

This is a tourist attraction in Florida.
It seems to have been built singlehandedly by a Latvian immigrant,
Edward Leedskalnin.
Some of the blocks at Coral Castle
weigh 30 tons, yet he seemed to have
moved them without heavy lifting
Statements he made and equipment at
the site suggest he may have used
Anti-Gravity techniques to construct it.
This idea is not taken seriously,
despite the difficulties in explaining the
structures in any other way.


Black Projects - Research at Lockheed

Some people seem to dismiss the idea that AntiGravity technology has been researched by US
defence companies or the Air Force.
In a documentary broadcast in 1999 on Channel 5,
Boyd Bushman confirmed their research.
Boyd Bushman also appeared to confirm that this
research had produced results.
Nick Cook of Janes Defence Weekly spoke to him in
about 1998.
Bushmans words were:
What we have is wonderful and it comes from
miracles occurring, but that that we will see is not what
we have.
I am refining and heading towards something that all
you have to do is charge and it is lifting up it is losing
When we complete the technology, it should fly.

Secret US Projects?
Over the last 50 years, there have been repeated
stories and claims that the US has developed
advanced craft, which seem to mimic some of the
behaviour of the craft flown by the people topside.
People like Bob Lazar are fairly well known in the
field for these claims (Whilst Stanton Friedman does
not believe Lazars claims, it is interesting to hear
Boyd Bushmans opinion - Bushman gives Lazar
some credit)
Disclosure Project Witness, Mark McCandlish
testifies to knowledge of ARVs (Alien Reproduction
Perhaps less well known is Edgar Fouch. He had
top secret/crypto clearance and worked as an
Engineering Programme Manager and Site
Manager for US DoD contractors involved in
classified development between 1987 and 1995.

Bob Lazar

Mark McCandlish

Edgar Fouch 29

Fouch in Area 51
Edgar Fouch spoke to a number of people
involved in Black projects including people
who piloted the SR-71 (Blackbird)
Fouch describes a story of secretly being
driven to an unknown desert location to work
on Crypto equipment, in which he was an
expert. But he knew this was somewhere near
Groom Lake, where secret aircraft, such as the
F-117 Stealth Fighter were tested.
He states that, in the late 1970s, when he had
to fix some equipment, he came across and
inspected a module labelled "Direct Orbital
Code Link, which contained advanced
electronics. The meaning of this was confirmed
in later conversations about satellite
He states he overheard conversations, while
working there, about Quasi-Crystals which
were an enabling technology for advanced
communications and propulsion.


F-117 Stealth Fighter


Fouch tells of More Advanced,

Edgar Fouch describes a number of advanced
Even though the full specifications of the 30-odd
year old SR-71 are still classified, it is known
that it could fly at 85,000 feet at speeds up to
Mach 3.3.
The USAF now reportedly has the SR-75 which
can travel at up to 120,000 feet and Mach 5
Russia in 3 hours! This was part of
Project Aurora.
He describes SR-75 as a launcher for the SR74, which can reach a height of 151 miles.
SR-75 can also launch a 2-ton satellite payload.
Fouch describes the Space Shuttle as an
He also describes 2 orbital vehicles - Space
Orbital Nuclear Service Intercept Vehicle
(SON-SIV), code named Locust.

SR-75 may look

similar to this

A vintage piece
Madam, have you had it
valued recently?

TR-3B Secret USAF Craft - 1

Fouch describes how he has seen
photographs of a triangular craft called
TR-3B, taken by someone who was
giving Mission Support on a C-130.
The TR-3B is thought to be part of the
Aurora (Advanced Aircraft Development)
One of Fouchs associates states he
saw the TR-3B at Papoose (part of Area
51). It hovered silently in the same
position, for some 10 minutes, before
gently settling vertically to the tarmac. At
times a corona of silver blue light glowed
around the circumference of the massive
The operational model is 600 feet across.
Fouch states that at least 3 of the billion
dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994.
The craft can travel at up to Mach 9 in
any direction (due to reduced G-forces).


TR-3B Secret USAF Craft - 2

The TR-3B's outer coating is reactive and
changes with radar stimulation and can
change reflectiveness, radar
absorptiveness, and colour.
Quasi-Crystals are used in the vehicles
Fouch describes part of the propulsion as
being by Magnetic Field Disruption (MFD),
which has been reverse engineered.
Mercury based Plasma, pressurised at
250,000 atmospheres & at a temperature
of 150K (-123OC) is rotated at 50,000 rpm.
This reduces the weight of the centre of the
craft by 89%. This increases
manoeuvrability by 89% as well.
Fouch states that MFD research had
started as early as 1955.
TR-3B uses Nuclear Thermal Hydrogen /
Oxygen Engines for manoeuvring (technology
mentioned by Fouch before recent NASA briefings see later)


Results of the Research?

Someone has suggested to me the following
equation may give an answer to what has been
produced by this research

(Tesla + Thomas Townsend Brown)

x 30 years x ?billion dollars =

So now, lets review some history and a
connection which spans across history


The Quicksilver Connection

I am not the first to notice this, but
here is a video that I made about
Mercury seems to be important in
It is spoken of
in relation to the Nazi Bell
The TR-3B
In the Vaimanika Shastra the
ancient Indian Vedic text about

Flying Triangle Sightings

Thousands have now been documented in a study by NIDS and other
individual researchers such as Omar Fowler
One was in the Sheffield Area in 1997
One was in Cannock Chase, UK, Staffordshire in 2002


John Lenard Walsons Images

No clear answers as to what these show. (Find various
videos on YouTube).
A series entitled Far Above Space and Time


A Link Between Gravity and

A NASA Science Story from 20th April 2004 talks
of a new probe
In Search of Gravitomagnetism
Gravity Probe B has left Earth to measure a
subtle yet long-sought force of Nature.


NASA Briefings on the New Mars/Moon

Missions 11 Feb 2004
So where is this technology, and how much is
there? Maybe General Les Lyles and General Tom
Stafford know
Tom Stafford spoke on Nuclear Electric and
Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Edgar Fouch
spoke of this in 1998!
These hearings /briefings were deleted off the
special website that was set up only a few months
after they were posted
Stafford was heard to say The Air force does have
a lot of technology
I thought it was NASA that developed space faring


So if there is something real in

all this

Free energy for everyone (not allowed)

Freedom for everyone who has the tech (not
BUT Also




What Technology Can do this?

Steel turns to dust.

What Technology Can do this?

80-90% if 2 if the worlds tallest buildings
disappeared in 20 seconds Where is the rubble?


Levitation Effects on 9/11

Dr Judy Wood has proposed that an undisclosed type of
Directed Energy Weapon was used to destroy most of the
World Trade Centre Complex on 9/11.

John Hutchison Levitation

Demonstration 01 Nov 2008
at his Vancouver Apartment

Shortly after 9/11 (How did

the NYPD car get inverted?)


Bent Beams






Levitation Effects on 9/11

File no 9110506 - Michael Macko (P4 - P5) I realized I
couldn't get out from under the collapse. I dove under an
ESU truck that was facing north on the west side of West
Street. I dove under that and waited for the building to
come down. When the building did come down, I actually
thought I was trapped, and the truck was blown off me,
pushed off me, I guess. It was not there. At that point I
was just really shocked and didn't know what was going
on at that point. I didn't know -- I was really, really
File No. 9110075 - RENE DAVILA - While we're walking
I realize that we only have two people. I see my vehicle.
The seats are covered. I've still got my bag. I hold it like a
trophy. Like people collect basketballs. I haven't touched
-- whatever the force was, it was so strong that it went
inside of the bag.

The End
In a story Thomas Townsend Brown once told to
his family, he made an analogy, comparing a
person and UFOs/ET craft to a fish looking up at
the bottom of a passing ship.
"That fish looks up at that strange thing in his
sky. It may have different properties, maybe size,
prop wash or turbulence. Some fish will scatter
and never look again, some fish will wonder, but
none of them will really know what that form
represents. They will never know about what
other things man is capable of other than sailing
across that particular part of the ocean. We in
many ways are those fish, and the lights we see
in our skies are the hulls of those ships."

Sources of Information
JL Naudins marvellous site
Nick Cooks The Hunt For Zero Point (2002) (Available from Amazon
American Antigravity
Archive of (no longer
Jeff Rense sound archives
UFO Casebook -
Fouche Presentation -
Channel 5 Documentary Billion Dollar Secret (1999)
Channel 4 Documentary Welcome to the 11th Dimension (2003)
Channel 4 3-part Documentary Riddle of the Skies (1999)
NASA Briefings at (no longer available)
Thomas Townsend Brown
Coral Castle

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