Robo Sumo 1kg (Reviewed With FP)

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3.1 Ring Interior

3.2 Ring Exterior

3.3 Game principles

3.4 Beginning of a match

3.5 End of a match

3.6 Match cancellation and rematch

3.7 Winning a match

3.8 Violations

3.9 Disqualification

3.10 Objections

3.11 Specifications of robot tagging

3.12 Injuries and Accidents during the Match

3.13 Miscellaneous



Robo Sumo is a sport that involves designing and programming a robot

equipped with sustainable features to push its opponent out of a circular ring.
The robots are equipped with sensors, motors, and other mechanical
components that allow them to navigate the arena and react to their opponents.
The aim is to create a resilient autonomous robot that can outmaneuver and
outsmart its opponents, pushing them out of the ring while remaining inside

Robo Sumo 1kg category challenged young innovators aged 7-17 years
old to build and program a resilient autonomous robot integrated with
sustainable features which capable of propelling its opponent out of the
ring. The robot that remains inside the ring will be declared the Robo
Sumo champion.


2.1 The Robo Sumo challenge involves deploying a self-built autonomous robot
to push the opposing robot out of the ring.

2.2 A team must consist of a maximum of two (2) participants aged between 7 to
17 years old and one (1) guardian/teacher.

2.3 Each team must have their own robot.

2.4 Competition Phases:

I. Registration: Each team is required to register through the RBTX

website. Each participant can register for one team ONLY.
II. Online Learning: Participants are required to complete the learning
modules and passed the assessment in the RBTX Portal to proceed for
the next level. Passing marks is 80%.
III. Zone Qualifying: The zone qualifying stage will be held physically.
Participants need to attend physically at the zone qualifying venue. All
costs incurred shall be borne solely by the participating teams.
IV. Grand Finals: Top teams from the Zone Qualifying Stage will be
selected to move on to the onsite Grand Finals. All finalists will be
informed of the competition schedule right after the completion of the
qualifying stage.

2.5 The robot

2.5.1 Specifications of the robot

i. The robot (when all parts are fully extended) must be within a width
(w), length (l) and height (h) of 15cm x 15cm x 15cm. Participants must
show the judges that the robot can fit in the printed measurement box
before every game.
ii. The robot must be self-operated (autonomous) with a start button on the
robot body. Disqualification will be imposed if the robot is found to be

2.5.2 Restrictions on robot design

i. The robot cannot expand in size during the game.

ii. The robot must not be equipped with any parts that might damage or
deface the ring.
iii. The robot must not be equipped with a device that can release liquid,
powder or gas.
iv. The robot must not be equipped with detachable parts or a firing/
throwing device.
v. The robot must not be equipped with a device that obstructs the
opponent's operation, such as a jammer or strobe light.
vi. The robot must not cause danger to the operators and audience.


3.1 Ring Interior

3.1.1 The Ring interior is a circle Plywood plate with a minimum height of
250 mm and a diameter of 1000 mm including the borderline (refer to
Appendix A). It has a black matte surface.
3.1.2 The borderline is indicated as a white circle with a width of 30 mm.
"On the border" is defined as being within the interior of the Ring.
3.1.3 Shikiri lines (starting lines) consist of two painted parallel brown (or
equivalent for absorption of IR light) lines centred in the ring with
appropriate width and spacing. The separation distance between the
lines is measured to their outside edges.
3.1.4 During the games, it is up to the referee to decide whether the Ring
can continue to be used or whether it should be changed when a
scratch or tear appears on the Ring surface.

3.2 Ring Exterior

There will be a space appropriate outside the outer edge of the ring for the
referee and contestants. This space will be of different colours, and any
material or shape as long as the basic concept of these rules is not violated.

3.3 Game principles

3.3.1 A game consists of three one-minute matches. There will be no breaks

in between the matches.
3.3.2 The contestant with the most wins out of the three matches will be the
winner of the game.
3.3.3 In the event of a tie after the third match, the lighter robot will be
declared the winner.

3.4 Beginning of a match

3.4.1 Following the referee’s instructions, the contestants will enter the Ring
area and place their robots (facing any direction) centred behind their
starting point.
3.4.2 At the referee's start signal, the operator must press the start
button/flick a switch on their robot. The robot should be designed to
begin action about 5 seconds after it is turned on. During these 5
seconds, players must clear out of the ring area.
3.4.3 No changes to robot components and batteries are allowed during the

3.5 End of a match

The match will end when the referee calls the winner of the match time limit
is reached.

3.6 Match cancellation and rematch

A match will be cancelled for a rematch under the following conditions:

3.6.1 Both robots touch the exterior of the Ring at the same time.
3.6.2 Any occurrence of violations.
3.6.3 Any other conditions under which the referee decides that there are
no winners.
3.6.4 In the case of a rematch, maintenance of competing robots is
prohibited, and the robots must immediately be placed back at the
starting point. The one-minute timer will not be reset.

3.7 Winning a match

3.7.1 The robot which manages to push its opponent out of the Ring with a
fair action will be declared the match winner.
3.7.2 A robot will be declared a match winner if the opponent's robot steps
out of the Ring on its own (due to any reason).
3.7.3 A robot will be declared as a match winner if the opponent is
disqualified or has more than one violation.
3.7.4 The match will be considered a tie if both robots manage to stay in the
Ring until the match timer ends.
3.8 Violations

3.8.1 The operator enters the Ring before the referee's call to end the
3.8.2 The robot begins action before the referee's start signal or before the
‘5 seconds’ mark.
3.8.3 The robot does not move at all or is not powered on during the match.
3.8.4 Any other actions that may be deemed unfair by the referee.
3.8.5 A warning will be given for the first violation. A second violation will
result in disqualification.

3.9 Disqualification

3.9.1 A contestant is not present for robot inspection five minutes before the
beginning of the game.
3.9.2 The contestants’ robot does not meet the "Specifications of the robot"
and “Restrictions on robot design”. For example, the robot size is
bigger than 15cm x 15cm x 15cm or the robot is equipped with parts
that will damage the Ring.
3.9.3 A contestant ruins the game. For example, by intentionally breaking,
damaging or defacing the Ring.
3.9.4 A contestant displays unsportsmanlike behaviour. For example, using
rude and offensive language, or injuring an opponent or a referee.

3.10 Objections

3.10.1 Contestants with any objection must express the disagreement to the
secretariat before the end of the game.
3.10.2 Objections to the judgment of the referee will not be entertained.

3.11 Specifications of robot tagging

Contestants must clearly display the registered robot numbering code during
the competition.

3.12 Injuries and Accidents during the Match

3.12.1 A contestant can request to stop the game when he/she is injured or
his/her robot has an accident which can prevent the game to
3.12.2 In the event that the game cannot continue due to a contestant’s
injury or robot’s accident, the contestant who is the cause of such
injury or accident will be forfeited. When it is not clear which team is
the cause of the such incident, the contestant who is unable to
continue the game, or who requests to stop the game, shall be
declared as the loser.
3.12.3 The game can continue in the event of any injury or accident if
decided by the referee and the Committee members. The decision
process shall take no longer than five minutes.

3.13 Miscellaneous

As long as the concept and fundamentals of the rules are observed, these
rules shall be flexible enough to encompass the changes in the number of
players and the contents of the matches.


Appendix A

Sumo Robot (1kg Category): Game Field Setup

• 3cm white border

• Separation of Shikiri lines 10 cm
• Length of Shikiri lines 10 cm
• Width of Shikiri lines 1 cm
• The diameter of the Ring (including the white border) is 100cm

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