TX Robo RaceRulebook

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Compe on Overview . . . . . . . . 1.0
2.1.0. Field Dimensions


3.1.0. Size & Weight
3.1.1. Ba ery and Communica on
3.1.2. Wireless Communica on


5.1.0. Referee
5.1.1. Assistant Referee
5.1.2. Bot Handler
5.1.3. Race Prepara on


6.1.0. Prohibited Ac vi es
6.1.1. Prize
6.1.2. Rule Changes During Compe on
6.1.3. Final Authority
1.0 Compe on Overview
The Robo Race Challenge is an electrifying showcase of technological prowess and innova on. Teams
from across the globe converge to pit their autonomous robots against each other on challenging
tracks. With precision engineering and strategic programming, these robots navigate obstacles and
race towards victory, demonstra ng speed, agility, and real- me decision-making capabili es.
Spectators are cap vated by the seamless interac on of technology and compe on, witnessing
firsthand the future of robo cs. The Robo Race Challenge not only pushes the boundaries of
engineering but also inspires the next genera on of innovators to explore the limitless possibili es of
autonomous systems in transforming industries and everyday life.


2.1.0. Field Dimensions
The Racing track has 5 bot lanes of a total length of 80-100 Feets (approximately) with a dimension
of 32X24 SqF arena. At star ng point, each bot lane would be 40cm appx and track would be 180cm
wide. At certain checkpoints before the hurdles, track can be 80cm wide. The surface and course line
may have un-evenness as well as different hurdles will be there on the race track trying to slow down
the Bot. Predefined Obstacles for the compe on will include Switch Bridge, speed breakers, marble
pit, slippery path, rota ng ng disc, curve ramp down, seesaw, etc.

3.0 The BOT

3.1.0. Size & Weight
Bot must fit inside a box of 30cm length, 30cm width and 40cm height at any point in me.
Maximum weight should not be more than 5Kgs including ba ery, however a tolerance of 5% is
acceptable in weight. Par cipants need to ensure:

3.1.1. Ba ery and Communica on

Ba eries must be sealed, immobilized electrolyte type (gel cell, lithium, NiCad, or dry cells).
The electric voltage anywhere in the machine should not be more than 12V DC at any point in
me for each robot.
The Bot must not emit infrared light. However, op cal sensors (e.g. infrared-distance-sensors)
may be used if they do not affect other Bots. Teams may use RF module but must ensure that
RF module should have func on to change different frequencies/channels and not affect
other bots.
If a team claims that their robot is affected by the other team’s robot in any way, they must
show proof/evidence of the interference. Any interference must be confirmed by a Referee if
a claim is placed by the other team.

Robots must be constructed and programmed in a way that their movement is not limited to
only one direc on and must move in all direc ons.
Any robo c parts/building material can be used un l the robot meets the above
specifica ons and if the design and construc on are primarily the original work of the team
as ready-made robots are not allowed to compete in the compe on.
3.1.2. Wireless Communica on
Par cipants using wireless communica ons must no fy the organizing commi ee of the method of
wireless communica on, power, and frequency. The organizing commi ee must be no fied of any
change a er registra on as soon as possible. In order to avoid interference, a team must be able to select
from two carrier frequencies before the race.


The bots must start behind the star ng mark and is considered to have crossed the finishing line.
Bot must be manually/autonomously controlled, and it should be capable of traversing over
different terrain and hurdles without going outside the track. The compe on area has a special
place defined for the robot’s opera on (herea er COMPETITION FIELD). There would be mul ple
rounds in Compe on un l top 3 winning teams are selected. Racing tracks for each round can be

First Round: Minimum 3 to 5 Racing Bots would be playing in each round. Team schedule would
be announced before compe on day. If 1 bot is missing in first round, 2 other bots would be
compe ng in Race and so on. If 2 Bots are missing, present one bot would be declared winner for
that round.
Each round would have maximum 8 minutes racing me including 2 minutes for readiness.
Readiness me will not be included in racing me. Bot reaching first to finish line, will be
declared winner for respec ve round.
There would be restart points a er every 5 feets appx. If bot lose the track or stuck up or stop
func on, Bot operator can check the bot and restart from previous point. Any me used to
adjust the robot between runs is included in the 6 minutes
All bots are expected to cross all hurdles on the track.
Each run will start from the star ng point. The operator may abort a run at any me. Each
team will get maximum 3 chance to touch the bot in each round. If an operator touches the
robot during a run, the team will start from the previous checkpoint. If a robot has already
crossed the finish line, it may be removed at any me without affec ng the run me of that

During run, team may change ba ery or fix minor technical issues.

The run mer will start when the front edge of the robot crosses the start line and stops
when the front edge of the robot crosses the finish line.
If there is a e, both bots will be selected for next round.

Qualifying Round: There can be mul ple qualifying rounds, depending upon number of teams
compe ng. In each round, minimum 1 team will be qualified for next round whosoever reaches to
finish line first as well as within 6 minutes meline.

Final Round: Elimina on in qualifying round will go on un l last 3 teams are le . Final round
would happen among last 3 teams and 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners will be decided as per
performance of team in final round.

5.0.0 Compe on Structure

During official racing, there are key posi ons must be filled.

5.1.0. Referee
Each race is controlled by the referee. He has full authority to enforce the rules of the race to which he
has been appointed. The referee is encouraged to use the designated walking area next to the field. The
decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play are final.
The referee may only change a decision on realizing that it is incorrect or, at his discre on, on the advice
of an assistant referee, provided that he has not restarted play.
The referee is not held liable for any kind of injury suffered by an official or spectator, any damage to
property of any kind nor any other loss suffered by an individual, club, organiza on, ins tu on or other
The bot handlers are the only team member that may talk to the referee.
Du es
The referee ensures a safe race for all par cipants and bots
The referee ensures a fair race according to the rules of the race.
The referee ensures that there is no interference by unauthorized persons or team members.
The referee ensures that the race is started and resumed in me.

5.1.1. Assistant Referee

The assistant referee supports the referee wherever he can. He is encouraged to use the
designated walking area next to the field, opposite the referee. No team members are allowed
to talk to the assistant referee.
Du es
The assistant referee indicates when misconduct or any other incident has occurred out of
the view of the referee.
The assistant referee discusses unclear situa ons with the referee
5.1.2. Bot Handler
Before the start of the race, every team has to designate bot handlers and a captain.
Du es
The captain asks the referee for meouts if necessary
The bot handler can subs tute a bot during race.
The bot handler asks the referee for the permission to subs tute a bot in the next stoppage
and, if the referee agrees, subs tutes the bot.
5.1.3. Race Prepara on
All people that fill a role in the race have to be ready at least 10 minutes before the start of the
race to allow the referee to make the following prepara ons
Race Result Sheet: The referee obtains a race result sheet from the organizing commi ee.
A er the race, the referee fills in the final score, collects the required signatures and submits
the sheet to the organizing commi ee.
Designa ng Bots: The referee asks both captain which bot they will use if team has mul ple

6.0. General Rules of Tournament

6.1.0. Prohibited Ac vi es:

IFES expects all Compe tors to act in a safe and legal manner. The ac ons of a single Team
member may be grounds for Disqualifica on or Expulsion of the en re Team. The following
ac vi es are prohibited; viola on of any of these terms may result in Compe tor and/or Team
Disqualifica on, as determined by IFES. and/or Producer in their sole and absolute discre on.

Unruly Behaviour: Figh ng, belligerence, threat of physical violence or other unruly behaviour,
including abusive physical contact with any IFES Official, will not be tolerated and can result in
the immediate Expulsion of the offending Team member’s en re Team from the Tournament.

Vehicles in Pit Areas: Scooters, bicycles, skateboards, skates and similar vehicles cannot be used
in any of the Pit Areas. In addi on, powered vehicles such as Segways, hoverboards or powered
scooters cannot be used or stored in the Pit Areas. The only excep ons are wheelchairs (manual
and powered) occupied by disabled persons, and vehicles used by authorized personnel for
Tournament opera ons.

Running and Playing: Running in the Pit Area, except in an emergency, is not allowed. Running
while carrying a charged pneuma c tank, or any sharp or otherwise dangerous part, may result
in the revoking of the Pit Pass of the offender. Engaging in horseplay, tossing balls or other
items, or opera ng remote-control vehicles or equipment in the Pit Area is also not allowed.

Team Property: No Team member may deliberately touch, handle or otherwise come in contact
with any Robot, parts, tools or other equipment belonging to another Team, without the
explicit verbal authoriza on from a member of the other Team

Smoking: Use of either tobacco products, nico ne vapor devices (e-cigare es) or similar
non-nico ne delivery devices is specifically prohibited in any of the Pit Areas, and in any other
indoor or nearby outdoor area that is marked as “No Smoking”.

Alcohol Use: No alcohol may be consumed at the Tournament by any Team member at any
me. In addi on, no alcoholic beverage may be brought into any of the Pit Areas. A Team
member under the influence of alcohol is not allowed in any of the Pit Areas, and cannot
par cipate in any ac vity involving the prepara on, transport or opera on of any Robot at the

Illegal Drugs: No possession of illegal drugs or other substances or any use thereof will be
tolerated at any me or place during the en re produc on, on camera or off. Penalty is
immediate dismissal of the en re Team of the offender from the Compe on and Program.

Firearms and Explosives: No firearms, weapons, explosives or other dangerous items or

materials of any kind may be possessed or brought to any Tournament loca on by any
Compe tor or anyone else other than authorized law enforcement personnel.

Lasers: Deliberate poin ng of any laser at any other person at the Tournament will not be
tolerated and may result in the immediate Expulsion of the offending Team member’s en re
Team from the Tournament.

No Pets: No pets of any kind are allowed anywhere at the Tournament. The only excep on is a
cer fied service dog being used to assist a disabled person

6.1.1. Prize: Winner of the tournament will be awarded cash prize, cer ficate and trophy. IFES
reserve the right to make changes to the total prize pool amount and/or the prize pool alloca on
prior to the commencement of the Tournament.
Prize Forms: Each Team Member will be required to fill out and sign his/her Team’s Team
Member & Prize Alloca on Form prior to commencement of the Tournament. The Team
Member Prize & Alloca on Form specifies how that Team wants its prizes (if any) allocated
amongst the Team Members. Only Team members listed on the Team Member & Prize
Alloca on Form are eligible to receive a prize (if any). Addi onally, prior to the awarding of any
Tournament prizes, each Team member en tled to part of the prize will be required to
execute a Prize Acceptance Form outlining the amount of the total prize that the Team is
en tled to, and por on of the Team prize to which the individual Team member is en tled.

6.1.2. Rule Changes During Compe on: Rule changes between years can have unforeseen
consequences. If a rule is found to cause significant nega ve impact to the compe on, the rules
may be adapted under the following condi ons:
Only between phases of the compe on
Only for major problems, as a last resort.
The change must be approved by all team leaders (by an unanimity vote)

6.1.3. Final Authority: Organizer shall have final authority over the interpreta on and applica on
of all Rules and decisions regarding the Rules shall be made by IFES in their sole and absolute
discre on. Decisions by IFES in regards to the interpreta on and applica on of the Rules, the
Tournament and the Program shall be final and not subject to challenge or appeal.

No ce: These
T Design Rules may change at any me with or without specific no ce to you. Any
changes made to these rules will be noted in a revised Design Rules document with a higher
Rev number. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to read, understand, and
comply with any and all rules provided herein or otherwise by IFES. It is strongly encouraged
that you check these Design Rules o en for any changes that may affect your design, build,
and/or ability to compete in the Tournament. IFES reserves the right to remove any Team from
the Tournament at any me for any reason (including, without limita on, failure to meet safety
and/or technical requirements) in its sole and absolute

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