Prac. Research 2

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SY 2022-2023




Submitted to

Josine Calijian

Submitted by

Baccol Princess Edrelyn

Mabao Honeylene

Gallego Miya Lynn

Salazar Allen Jay



The effects of 12 students status of living towards thier academic performance. The
transition from high school to post-secondary education or the workforce is a critical
juncture in the lives of young people. One key factor that can impact a student's academic
performance during this time that affect thier status of living is a multidimensional
construct that encompasses a variety of factors, including income, education, and

There is a growing body of research that suggests that students from lower SES
backgrounds may face a number of obstacles that can negatively impact their academic
performance, including limited access to resources and opportunities. In particular,
students from low-income families may struggle to afford the cost of post-secondary
education, making it more difficult for them to attend and complete college or university. In
this study, we aim to investigate the relationship between the socioeconomic status of
grade 12 students and their academic performance. Specifically, we will be examining
data on a large sample of grade 12 students to investigate how factors such as income,
education, and occupation of their parents are related to the students' academic
achievement as measured by their grades in various subjects. We will also explore any
possible moderating factors that may influence this relationship, such as school location,
student gender and ethnicity.

This study has important implications for educators, policymakers, and families. It may
provide valuable insight into the barriers that students from lower SES backgrounds face,
and can help identify ways in which schools and communities can support these students
and improve their academic performance.
A. Background of the study

The background of the study for a research on the effects of Grade 12 students'
status of living on their academic performance would include information on the current
state of research in the field, as well as the specific research question being addressed.

The purpose of this research is to investigate the specific effects of the status of living
of Grade 12 students on their academic performance. This study will focus on the
relationship between students' home environment, family income, and academic
achievement in order to identify potential factors that may contribute to academic success
or failure among Grade 12 students.

The findings of this research will contribute to the understanding of the relationship
between socioeconomic status and academic performance, and may inform the
development of policies and interventions aimed at improving academic outcomes for
students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
B. Statement of the Problem

The problem addressed in this research is the potential relationship between the living
status of Grade 12 students and their academic performance. Specifically, this study aims to
examine the effects of living conditions, such as access to basic necessities and
opportunities, on the academic performance of students in their final year of high school.
This research is important because it can provide insight into the factors that may contribute
to academic success or struggles among students, and can inform educational policies and
interventions that may improve academic outcomes for disadvantaged students.

C. Significance of the Study

One advantage of using modules for instruction is that students develop better self-
study or learning skills. Students actively participate in learning the concepts presented in
the module.

D. Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this practical research is to investigate the effects of Grade 12

students' status of living on their academic performance. This research will focus on the
socioeconomic status of the students and how it affects their academic performance in terms
of their grades, attendance, and participation in class.

The research will only be conducted on Grade 12 students in a specific school in

the Philippines.

The study will only focus on the socioeconomic status of the students and how it
affects their academic performance, not other factors such as family dynamics or
extracurricular activities.
E. Definition of Terms

Academic performance - refers to the level of achievement of a student in terms of

their grades and scores in school.

Grade 12 students - refers to high school students who are currently in their senior year,
typically ages 17-18.

Status of living - refers to the overall socio-economic and living conditions of a student,
including factors such as family income, living environment, and access to resources.

Effects - refers to the impact or influence that the status of living has on the academic
performance of Grade 12 students.

Review of Related Literature

The literature review on the effects of Grade 12 students' status of living on their
academic performance has revealed a strong correlation between the two factors. Studies
have found that students from low-income households tend to have lower academic
achievement compared to those from higher-income households. This is due to a variety of
factors such as inadequate resources and support, lack of access to educational
opportunities, and exposure to stress and poverty-related issues.

One study by Lee and Burkam (2002) found that low-income students were more likely
to attend schools with fewer resources and fewer experienced teachers. This, in turn, led to
lower academic achievement for these students. The study also found that low-income
students were less likely to have access to educational opportunities such as advanced
classes and extracurricular activities, which further contributed to their lower academic

Another study by Duncan and Magnuson (2011) found that students from low-income
households were more likely to experience stress and poverty-related issues, which
negatively impacted their academic performance. The study found that these students were
more likely to experience emotional and behavioral problems, which made it difficult for them
to focus on their academic work. The study also found that these students were less likely to
graduate from high school and were less likely to attend college.

In contrast, studies have found that students from higher-income households tend to
have higher academic achievement. These students have access to more resources and
educational opportunities, which helps them to achieve better academic performance. A
study by Jencks and Phillips (1998) found that students from higher-income households
were more likely to attend schools with more resources and experienced teachers, which led
to higher academic achievement for these students.

Overall, the literature suggests that there is a strong correlation between the status of
living of Grade 12 students and their academic performance. Students from low-income
households tend to have lower academic achievement compared to those from higher-
income households due to a lack of resources and educational opportunities. It is important
for educational policies and programs to address this issue to ensure that all students have
access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed academically.


A. Research Design

The research will use a quantitative research design to investigate the effects of
Grade 12 students' status of living on their academic performance.

B. Data Collection

Data will be collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire will

consist of questions about the students' living status, family background, and academic
performance. The questionnaire will be validated by experts in the field before it is distributed
to the participants.

C. Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics to determine the
distribution of the variables, and inferential statistics to establish the relationship between the
students' status of living and their academic performance.

D. Limitations

The study will only be able to investigate the effects of the students' status of living
on their academic performance, and it will not be able to explore other factors that might also
have an impact on academic performance. Additionally, the study will only be able to capture
a snapshot of the participants' status of living.

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