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Safety of Mobile Robot Systems in Industrial Applications

Conference Paper · May 2019

DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-663-5-00


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6 authors, including:

Alexandra Markis Maximilian Papa



David Kaselautzke Vinzenz Sattinger

in-tech engineering GmbH Fachhochschule Technikum Wien


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Proceedings of the ARW & OAGM Workshop 2019 DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-663-5-04

Safety of Mobile Robot Systems in Industrial Applications

Alexandra Markis1 , Maximilian Papa2 , David Kaselautzke2 , Michael Rathmair3 ,
Vinzenz Sattinger2 , and Mathias Brandstötter3

Abstract— The fourth industrial revolution is in full swing hardware (wires, black lines, etc.) placed in the surrounding
and according to ”BCC Research” a compound annual growth environment of the moving robot. In contrast, an AMR
rate of 23.1 % will be expected on the global market for the can move around autonomously and performs a specific
period of 2018 to 2023. Leading new technologies as mobile
robotics and manipulator systems will facilitate more flexible task (e.g., household vacuum cleaner robot). The navigation
and efficient production processes. Unfortunately, mentioned through its environment is given by sensors mounted on
in the latest ”Statista” report, the complexity of mobile robotic the robot [5]. Mobile robots are much more flexible in
systems and missing standards are one of the major obstacles their use and allow features as dynamic customer specific
for a broad rollout of mobile robot systems. This paper presents modifications, situation aware movement planning, enhanced
a selection of what is already possible in the field of mobile
robots and mobile manipulation systems and gives an outlook collaborative operation, etc. Thus, they are highly relevant
on current and upcoming leading edge developments. We for state of the art Industry 4.0 applications. However, using
focus on the requirements of the industry and addresses the mobile robotics in industrial applications results in increased
related barriers concerning the design and implementation
af t safety requirements and a well organized co-existence be-
of safe applications. As a result, we propose best practice, tween moving machines and humans.
recommendations and first concepts to overcome the discussed
challenges in implementation. The remainder of this paper is organized in the following
manner. First, we give some background information about
I. INTRODUCTION existing types of mobile robots and how they are already
Mobile robot systems have become more and more embed- used in industry. In Section III, we present existing safety-
ded in modern industrial production systems in recent years. standards for mobile robot systems and discuss associated
In Austria 99.7 % of all companies are small and medium- problems. Based on that, we match these safety problems
sized enterprises (SMEs), however they only account for to challenges occurring by integrating mobile robots into
64 % of the net sales revenue shares [12]. Most of them could real-world applications. Finally, in Sections V and VI we
not afford the technologies needed for the fourth industrial generalize our results, propose some recommendations and
revolution (Industry 4.0) according to their limited resources. concept for successful implementation and conclude the
This difference between SMEs and large enterprises is no- paper by a summary of lessons learned so far.
ticeable in their internal warehouse logistics and production II. TYPES OF INDUSTRIAL MOBILE ROBOT
lines. Mobile robots as used by large enterprises increase the SYSTEMS
efficiency and flexibility in logistic, assembly and produc-
tion processes, whereby human resources will be relieved As already introduced above there are different types
from monotonous work [3]. When talking about mobile of mobile robots. In this section, first we briefly describe
robots different terms are used. The most common ones are two selected important components of mobile robot systems
autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and automated guided with respect to safety and second focus into two industrial-
vehicles (AGVs) and up to now, there is no absolutely clear important types of mobile robots (wheeled robots and mobile
distinction established. In general, AGVs are, per definition, manipulators) in more detail.
in-house, floor-bound conveyor systems with automatically A. General Safety-Relevant System Components
controlled vehicles whose primary task is material handling.
A robot system consists of a large number of individual
The guidance of the vehicle is realized by some infrastructure
components, which in combination provide a high degree
*This work was supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency of flexibility and application variety. These include, among
(FFG) within the project DR.KORS – Dynamic reconfigurability of collab- others, the human-machine interface, task allocation and
orative robot systems (number 864892) and by Vienna City Administration
(MA23) within the project SIP 4.0 – Sicherheit in intelligenten Produktion-
scheduling, sensors, sensor fusion and perception, motion
sumgebungen. planning, actuators and robot control. We would like to take
1 Alexandra Markis is with TÜV AUSTRIA HOLDING AG, 2345 Brunn
a brief look at the most safety-relevant components present
am Gebirge, Austria [email protected]
2 Vinzenz Sattinger, Maximilian Papa and David Kaselautzke are with in every mobile robot system.
Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, Höchstädtplatz 6, 1200 Wien, Austria
[email protected] a) Sensors: In the case of sensors that are mounted on
3 Michael Rathmair and Mathias Brandstötter are with ROBOTICS, a robot, safety instrumented systems must be separated from
Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics, JOANNEUM RESEARCH
Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria non-critical information sources. Safety-related sensors have
[email protected] high relevance for the overall safety of the system and must

be components certified by standards (e.g., EN 61508) that
guarantee a certain safety level.
b) Robust Navigation with Sensor Fusion: Robust nav-
igation of mobile robots is necessary, especially if it does
not move in a static manner steered by fixed tracks. The
localization of the mobile robot, the mapping of the envi-
ronment as well as the path planning from one station to
another are important areas of the robust navigation [10].
Problems with sensor failures or inaccurate results can lead
to misinterpretations of the current environmental situation
or robot status, resulting in potential safety risks. Sensor
fusion is a proven solution for this problem, as information of
different types of sensors is used. Strictly speaking, a sensed
value is validated by at least a second sensor using a different
measuring method. This approach enables, that the failure
of one sensor can be compensated by a set of other sensors
Fig. 1. Mobile manipulator (compilation of an UR10 and MiR100) solving
built in. For example, a slipping wheel will not be detected an assembly task in a prototype industrial application
by two or more odometry sensors but in combination with
an accelerometer and gyro sensor or a global sensor such as
Indoor-GPS [23]. strategically placed throughout the plant. By sensing the
c) Robot Control: The robot operating system (ROS) is
af t landmarks, the vehicle can then triangulate its position.
an open source software framework, which enables an easy On the other hand, researchers are working mostly on
implementation of robot application [17] and control of a AMRs using probabilistic methods. They suit better for real
robot system. Most of the mobile robot systems today are world problems such as localization in dynamic environ-
working with ROS, because the framework delivers many ments, obstacle detection and collisions free navigation in
useful packages for various different problems. Therefore, a real time according to the detected obstacles. Furthermore,
problem does not have to be solved always from zero knowl- AMRs do not need any kind of mechanical installation such
edge. Different sensors and actuators are preprogrammed as rails or guiding tracks, allowing more flexible movements
in this framework, ready to use. Different localization and of the mobile robots [9], [14], [16], [21].
navigation methods for mobile robots were programmed with
ROS hence, see [7], [1]. C. Mobile Manipulation
A major advantage of using ROS with mobile manip- A mobile manipulator as illustrated in Fig. 1 can be seen
ulators in terms of safety is that the two main hardware as a system that combines a mobile robot and a serial manip-
components (mobile base and robot arm) are controlled in ulator equipped with sensors and at least one actuator. The
one software framework. In case a safety-relevant situation actuator usually corresponds to a gripper system in order to
occurs in one of these two components, it can be transferred manipulate objects in the necessary manner. The combination
directly and adequately to the other component. of a mobile and a serial robot unites the advantages of both
robot systems and has the potential to be used flexibly.
B. Wheeled Mobile Robots
Numerous handling tasks can be performed with such a
As already mentioned in the introduction we differentiate system, regardless of a predefined location. Depending on
between automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous the field of application or the task assigned to them, such
mobile robots (AMRs). AGVs are working with deterministic robot systems are operated remotely, semi-automatically or
methods, which deliver a simple binary result. A line tracking completely autonomously.
sensor for example will decide whether it is on the line or In addition to remote-controlled exploration and rescue
not. However, fixed tracks are required for the navigation robots, which this article does not want to focus on, sen-
of such AGVs [20], [22], [6]. Concerning this guidance of sitive mobile manipulators are also used as service robots.
AGVs there are three different types: Service tasks can be fulfilled in the public and private
• Wire guidance uses wires embedded in the plant floor sectors. Examples of applicable platforms are Tiago from
that are sensed inductively by the vehicle in order to PAL Robotics [18] and Care-O-bot 4 from Fraunhofer IPA
determine its lateral position. [11]. For the economical operation of a mobile manipulator
• Inertial guidance uses transponders, embedded in the in a production environment, the design differs from that of
floor, for verifying the course of the AGV and gyro- a service robot platform. Robustness, payload, adaptability,
scopes to identify and correct the inevitable drift of the programmability are some of the important features and
system. Magnets can be placed in strategic locations for functions that such a system must provide. The implementa-
the AGV to read and to reset the system. tion of these requirements is still the subject of research by
• Laser guidance uses a laser transmitter-receiver car- numerous institutions and consortia. Within the EU project
ried by the AGV. It senses retroreflective landmarks STAMINA [13], the company is working intensively on the

collection and delivery of assembly-related components in 2006/42/EC. It obligates the manufacturer of a machine or
the production halls of the car manufacturer Groupe PSA plant to perform a risk assessment (according to EN ISO
(formally PSA Peugeot Citroën). The intralogistics transport 12100:2010) and, if necessary, to take measures to decrease
tasks are supported by a fleet of mobile manipulators. the risks for the operator [8]. Besides the machine directive,
Although a number of research and service platforms of national and international standards are in place. The EN
this type of robot systems are available on the market, the 1525:1997 (Safety of industrial trucks - Driverless trucks and
variety of industrial solutions is limited. Examples: KUKA their systems) is the main standard concerning AGVs. The
KMR, Stäubli HelMo; Compilation examples: OTTO 1500 present problem is that this standard no longer addresses the
and Yaskawa SDA20D, MiR100 and UR10. Research and current state of the art technology (release date 1997) and
development projects are currently aiming to make mobile is also not harmonized with the Machinery Directive. EN
manipulators usable for the picking of heavy or bulky ISO 3691-4:2018-05 is currently in development and should
components. By using mobile manipulators for this kind of replace EN 1525:1997. This means that manufacturers are
tasks failures, which can cause high follow-up costs, should currently obliged to fulfill the requirements of the Machinery
be prevented. In addition, human workers would be freed Directive without a corresponding state of the art standard.
from long-term, highly repetitive and therefore unhealthy Similar to AGVs, a comprehensive applicable standard
tasks, which becomes more and more relevant as the average for autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) is still missing and
age of the workforce increases further. The use of sensitive the promised standard EN ISO 3691-4:2018-05 is still in
mobile manipulators in manufacturing environments (assem- development. Until this standard is published, there exists
bly, production and logistics) is currently reaching the limits only one comparable standard called ISO 13482:2014-02
of safety engineering. Especially when such a mobile robot (Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for per-
system has to perform non-deterministic pick and place tasks
af t sonal care robots) concerning personal care robots, which is
[19]. not applicable to industrial applications.
III. SAFETY STANDARDS FOR MOBILE ROBOT B. Standards for Mobile Manipulators
For mobile manipulators, which are a combination of a
Before discussing selected standards for AGVs, AMRs movable platform and a robotic arm, different standards have
and mobile manipulators in detail, we present a general to be applied, depending on the purpose of the robotic arm:
overview of relevant documents for the standardization of
mobile robotic applications. Fig. 2 illustrates selected laws, 1) Robot arm rests, when AGV is in motion: The robot
ISO and IEC standards as well as guidelines. At the head arm can be considered as a load and the risk assess-
of all documents and thus most important are laws as the ment for the total hazard by analogy to regular AGV
Machinery Directive and national laws for the protection standards has to be assessed. A critical aspect is the
of human safety. The main purpose of the Machinery Di- clear definition of a safe position in which the robot
rective is to ensure an equal safety level for machines will be transported. For the interfaces on which the
placed on the market or put into service in all European report performs its task, robotic standards have to be
member states and to enable freedom of movement within considered.
the European Union. The second stage of the illustrated 2) Robot arm does assembly or processing steps during
hierarchy contains international ISO and IEC standards. ISO motion: All relevant (collaborative) robotic standards
Standards are categorized in A, B and C types, whereas must be applied for the robot arm when performing
type A are basic safety standards including general aspects the necessary risk assessment.
and design principles, type B are generic safety standards The corresponding standards are given by ISO TS
covering aspects applicable for a wide range of machinery, 15066:2016 (Robots and robotic devices - Collaborative
and type C are safety standards dealing with requirements robots) and ISO 10218-1:2011 (Robots and robotic devices -
for particular machines. Standards highlighted by a green Safety requirements for industrial robots) The core standard
check mark are harmonized with the overriding importance EN ISO 10218-1 is currently in revision as it no longer
Machine Directive. This means, using such a harmonized represents state of the art technology. The whole application,
standard a developed product/application comply with the meaning the moving platform, robot arm and the surrounding
relevant legislation. Last, there are recommended guidelines environment (roads and work areas), must then be evaluated
and technical specifications (TS) which reflect the field’s according to part 2 of the EN ISO 10218 standard, which is
technological state of the art but are not obligatory for any dealing with the integration of industrial robot applications.
standardization. There are currently no fully-compliant standards, guide-
lines or design proposals for this type of robot, so the
A. Standards for Wheeled Mobile Robots potential legal consequences of injury or damage are difficult
AGVs operate on general in-house traffic routes while to predict. When interacting with human workers, completely
the demands on their safety are correspondingly high. The new hazards arise that are currently not covered in the present
regulations for the usage of AGVs is nationally and at EU standards. To avoid a severe limitation of the extent and
level mostly clearly regulated by the Machinery Directive flexibility of enforceable solutions compared to the already

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG
National Law for the Protection of Health and Safety (ASchG 1995)

EN ISO 12100
Type A Safety of machinery-
Integrated manufacturing systems-
Risk assesment and risk reduction

ISO EN ISO 11161 EN ISO 13849

Type B Safety of machinery- Safety of machinery-
STANDARD Integrated manufacturing systems- Safety-related parts of
Basic requirements control systems

ISO 10218 EN 1525 EN ISO 3691-4

Type C Robots and robotic devices- Safety of industrial trucks- Industrial trucks-
Safety requirements for Driverless trucks and their systems Driverless industrial trucks
industrial robots and their systems (draft)

IEC EN 61508 EN 62061

Functional safety of e/e/pe Safety of machinery-
safety-related systems Functional safety of safety-related e/e/pe control systems

ISO TS 15066 VDI 2510 VDI 2710

GUIDELINE Robots and robotic devices- Automated guided Interdisciplinary design of automated
Collaborative robots vehicle systems guided vehicle systems

Fig. 2. Overview over relevant laws, standards and guidelines for mobile robot systems (automated guided vehicles and mobile manipulators). Standards
highlighted by a green tick are harmonized with the machinery directive.

technically feasible ones, new approaches and safety models

af t be omitted by strictly limiting the velocities to the mentioned
are highly needed. borders or that a risk assessment in consideration of the
In the USA the Robotic Industries Association (RIA) in whole work system and the interfering inner-factory traffic is
cooperation with the American National Standards Institute not necessary. On the contrary, a risk assessment might even
(ANSI) are working on a conjunct national standard for mo- help to allow higher velocities in some cases to increase the
bile robotic systems called ANSI/RIA R15.08 (Draft). This overall productivity of the implemented application.
proposed standard tries to bridge any gaps between regula- Furthermore, employees in production environments are
tions for AGVs, AMRs and mobile manipulators. ANSI/RIA afraid of getting replaced by mobile robots (however, this
R15.08 is in draft state since 2017 and is announced to be is not the only fear). A survey resulted that the probabilistic
published in the early 2019 [2]. navigation and autonomous obstacle avoidance with dynamic
plan reconfiguration at high speed leads to a skeptical attitude
of the workers. Deterministic navigation, on the other hand,
results to a less scary feeling, because employees know
Implementing any kind of mobile robot or mobile manipu- exactly where the mobile robot is moving and do not have
lator for practical applications will lead to different problems. to be afraid of any unexpected movement behavior. Slower
We discuss selected challenges within this section consider- and ”relaxed” movements of the mobile robot resulted also
ing the present situation of missing applicable standards. positive in this survey. However, the production time will
A. Challenges Associated with Wheeled Mobile Robots increase according to the slower driving mobile robots.
Therefore, a compromise including the production time and
A common drawback for authorities implementing a mo- the employees’ opinion has to be made [15].
bile robot application is the lack of know-how in the form
of missing standards and guidelines. Talks with industrial B. Challenges Associated with Mobile Manipulators
partners have shown that most of the SMEs do not know The practical application opportunities for the use of
which robot they need, and which criteria are important to sensitive mobile manipulators are extensive. Handling tasks
differentiate between available products on the market. of all kinds dominate, especially in the industrial context.
A significant structural challenge is a required safety dis- The tasks in the production areas are usually assigned to
tance as required by the standard. For example, a minimum intralogistics or internal goods handling. Transporting crates,
distance of 500 mm besides the robot track has to remain free removing and inserting components from and into machines
to enable potential escape possibilities for humans. Industrial or shelves, simple positioning tasks for work preparation, are
experiences showed that this minimum safety-distance is the main assignments. Sensitive mobile manipulators are ba-
difficult to reach, especially when AGVs are integrated into sically capable of carrying out these activities during normal
existing systems where space requirements are not planned operation with humans in the transport area. Nevertheless,
for their usage and paths are not intended to be utilized for the currently customary transport speeds of around 4 km/h
mixed man-machine usage. do not compete with those of, e.g., motorized industrial
Additionally, the standard requires a limitation of veloci- trucks. In so-called ghost shifts, undisrupted progress of work
ties (0.3 m/s in linear/driving direction and 0.7 m/s in angular is possible and is less critical in terms of cycle time. In
direction). This strict velocity constraints lead to the (erro- addition, risks for humans are largely reduced during this
neous) assumption that safe and certified components could period. However, if the above operations are to be performed

during normal operation, the safety assessment of the robot Tradeoff between AGVs and AMRs: An established tech-
system comes to the fore again. nology might be a better option even if a newer technology is
available. As seen at the LogiMAT the ratio between AGVs
V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCEPTS TO compared to AMRs was still 50:50. Probabilistic robotics
OVERCOME THESE CHALLENGES used in AMRs is often preferred because of its flexibility.
However, the paths of the mobile robot will not change daily
Many of the previously mentioned problems were solved
in industrial environments and employees do not completely
already by different companies successfully implementing
trust the automatically dodging mobile robots.
mobile robots in industrial environments. Therefore, rec-
ommendations are mentioned in the following as lessons B. Concept to Overcome the Safety Issue for Mobile Manip-
learned and a concept to overcome the safety issue for mobile ulation
manipulation are introduced. Especially in collaborative robotic applications, it must
be ensured that forces and pressures remain below defined
A. Recommendations for Wheeled Mobile Robots limits before being taking them into operation. However, the
The UAS Technikum Vienna is currently working robot system or plant must not be modified without restarting
on a research project named ”SIP 4.0 - Sicherheit in this process. This circumstance poses a major challenge for
intelligenten Produktionsumgebungen” funded by Vienna applications with mobile manipulators because the robot
City Administration. One output of this project will be a best system operates in a dynamic and therefore mostly non-
practice guiding document, which should enable a low effort deterministic environment.
implementation of mobile robots in intelligent production We propose an alternative approach to partially solve this
systems, considering the small budget and know-how of
af t practically highly relevant problem. Not only a specific robot
SMEs. Most important, every robot application has to pass application is to be approved in terms of safety, but also a
a risk assessment and has to prove that potential hazards kind of class of an application. This means that, for example,
are tolerable. As defined in ISO 12100:2010 a group of a pick location is not considered explicitly, but a space as
several people have to line up different risks in touch with generous as possible in which an object can be picked up
the robotic system demarcated to the predefined system safely. The challenge is (a) to define reasonable limits of
boundaries. the space and (b) to demonstrate that all picking points
within the defined limits are safe. This space is a so-called
Environment: The perfect mobile robot for an enterprise modification dimension, in which the application can be
depends on the needs and cannot be generalized. Most modified without the need for a new risk assessment. Other
of the enterprises do already have a given infrastructure modification dimensions can be, for instance, a geometrical
making it difficult to integrate mobile robots. Regardless, dimension of the workpiece, the position of the robot base
if an infrastructure is already given or a new one has or the manipulation velocity.
to be built, it is important to include safety experts and
Systems Use Case Parameter Modification
labour inspectors from beginning to avoid problems in
the final implementation state. In addition, different non- Modelling Analysis Identification Operation
safety-certified components could be considered to provide
a more comfortable feeling for the employees with mobile
Fig. 3. Simplified structure of the proposed approach; the main action
robots. Furthermore, rules for human-machine-collaboration blocks and their input information.
with defined routes for mobile robots, traffic light systems
at intersections and priority rules can accomplish this. To enable a permitted modification on one or more dimen-
All mentioned measures are applicable regardless of the sions some steps are required to show that safety guaranteed.
implemented navigation method. Fig. 3 shows a simplified structure of the proposed task
sequence that can lead to this goal. Based on a set of
Sensor systems: Additional sensors for detecting humans mathematical models of different robots and safety devices
are highly recommended. As seen at the LogiMAT 2019, all (Systems) the actual application is analyzed and modeled
manufacturer of AMRs had safety-certified laser scanners (Use Case). An important next step is the identification of
implemented for detecting hindrances/humans in their specific parameters that characterize the application and the
products, independent of any velocity constraints given in system in use (Parameter). The decisive step is the merging
the standards. Even most of the AGVs at the LogiMAT had of all system and application describing models into one
safety laser scanners installed, apart of AGVs working in overall model [4]. It is able to assess whether a variation
human free areas. In addition to human safety, the safety of within a modification dimension is actually admissible during
mobile robots itself should also be considered especially for operation (Modification). This is achieved by (a) assigning
industrial environments. For instance, a mobile robot may limits to a modification dimension, (b) performing selected
destroy itself at low passages or dropping objects leading to biofidelic measurements at the edge and within the range,
an economical damage. and (c) demonstrating through the mathematical models that
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