Change of State of Gazes 1

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University of Biskra 2023/2024

Faculty: ST- Department: Mechanical Engineering – L3 energy

Practical work N°1
Change of state of gases

The object of this experiment is to demonstrate the laws of state changes in gases, isothermal
change of state, Boyle-Mariotte law, isochoric change of state, Gay-Lussac’s 2 nd law, by using
the ideal gas model, from which a simple relationship between the pressure, the volume, the
temperature and the number of moles of a gas is obtained, to study the behavior of a real gas.
In science, idealized models often help us understand how nature works.

The WL 102 experimental unit enables two changes of state to be studied experimentally:
isothermal change of state, also known as the Boyle-Mariotte law, and isochoric change of
state, which occurs at constant volume. Transparent tanks enable the change of state to be
observed. Air is used as the test gas.
In the first tank, positioned on the left, the hermetically enclosed air volume is reduced or
increased using a compressor and hydraulic oil. This results in an isothermal change of state.
The compressor can also operate as a vacuum pump. If the changes occur slowly, the change
of state takes place at an almost constant temperature.
In the second tank, positioned on the right, the temperature of the test gas is increased by a
controlled electric heater and the resulting pressure rise is measured. The volume of the
enclosed gas remains constant.
Temperatures, pressures and volume are measured (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Complete view of the WL102

1 tank for isothermic change of state,

2 digital displays,
3 switching between compression and expansion with 5/2-way valve,
4 heating controller,
5 tank for isochoric change of state
The volume of a gas depends on the pressure as well as the temperature of the gas. Therefore,
a relation between these quantities and the mass of a gas gives valuable information about the
physical nature of the system. Such a relationship is referred to as the equation of state. One
of the most fundamental laws used in thermal physics and chemistry is the Ideal Gas Law that
deals with the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas.
Boyle's Law
Boyle's Law gives the relation between the pressure and volume of a given amount of gas at
constant temperature. It states that the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure of the
V ∝ (1)
where V is the volume of the gas and P is the pressure. This can also be written as
P .V =constant (2)
The plot of pressure versus volume is shown in Fig. 2 below.

Figure 2: Pressure versus volume plot

Gay-Lussac's Law
At constant volume, for a given amount of gas, the pressure is directly proportional to the
temperature. This relationship is known as Gay-Lussac's Law and can be written as
P ∝T (3)
A plot of pressure versus temperature will be very similar to that of volume versus
temperature. Again, note that in Fig. 3a, the straight line graph intersects the temperature axis
at –273°C, and in Fig. 3b it passes through the origin.

Figure 3: Plot of pressure versus temperature

The Ideal Gas Law

The three gas laws discussed above can be combined to give a more general relation between
the volume, pressure, and temperature of a gas.
PV ∝ T (4)
Equation (4) describes the behavior of one variable when the other two variables are changed.
If the temperature is kept constant, then this reduces to Boyle's Law. If the pressure or volume
is kept constant, Eq. (4) reduces to Charles's Law or Gay-Lussac's Law respectively. The
more general form of the gas law includes the amount of gas present and is expressed as
PV =nRT (5)
where R = 8.314 J/(mol·K) is the universal gas constant and n is the number of moles of the
gas. n can be calculated using the definition
n= (6)
molecular mass

Note: If the pressure is in Pascal, Pa, the volume is in m3, n is in mol, temperature is in
Kelvin, and R is 8.314472 J/(mol·K).
Adiabatic Compression
Adiabatic compression happens when a gas is compressed so quickly that all the work put
into the compression goes into heating the gas, i.e. no heat escapes to the outside environment
during compression.
For adiabatic compression the pressure and volume are related by:
P V =constant (7)
where γ is the ratio of specific heats. For air γ ≈ 1.40.

Isothermic Compression
In this experiment, to check Boyle’s law a fixed quantity of gas of approx. 3 litre volume is
compressed to approx. 1 litre at constant temperature and the associated pressure change
•Turn on the unit at the main switch (9).
•Open the air discharge valve (10) on the lid of the cylinder.
•Open the needle valve (12) and set the required filling speed.
•Move the selector switch (4) to position B.
•Turn on the compressor using the switch until the oil level reaches the 3L mark on the vessel
scale (11).
•Turn off the compressor.
•Close the air discharge valve on the lid of the cylinder.
•Move the selector switch to position A.
• Turn on the compressor using the switch until the oil reaches a certain level
• fill out the following data table.
•Leave the pressure cylinder unchanged and continue immediately with the expansion
Figure 4 :Settings for the compression experiment

Volume (L) Pressure (bar) 1/V (L-1)

Tab.1: Isothermic Compression, T=const.

Isothermic Expansion

As an alternative, during this experiment a fixed volume of air is expanded and the change in
pressure plotted.
•Carefully open the air discharge valve (10) on the lid of the pressure cylinder and release the
compressed air until ambient pressure is reached.
•Close the air discharge valve again.
•Open the needle valve (12) and set the required filling speed.
•Move the selector switch (4) to position B.
•Turn on the compressor and expand the gas volume until the 3L mark on the vessel scale(11)
is reached.
• fill out the following data table..
•Carefully open the air discharge valve on the lid of the pressure cylinder and allow air to
flow into pressure cylinder until ambient pressure is reached. Similar to the compression
experiment, this experiment produces a comparable measured result.

Volume (L) Pressure (bar) 1/V (L-1)

Tab.2: Isothermic Expansion, T=const.

Figure 5 :Settings for the expansion experiment

Isochoric Heating
To check the Gay-Lussac law, in this experiment a fixed constant volume of air is heated and
the resulting pressure recorded.
•Cylinder must be at the temperature sensor(13) ambient temperature.
•Switch on unit at master switch.
•Open air discharge valve on the lid of the heatable cylinder and set the vessel to ambient
•Close air discharge valve again.
•Set the required final temperature on the heating regulator using the arrow keys.
•Switch on heater and operate as long as necessary until the final temperature is reached.
• fill out the following data table..
•Leave the cylinder unchanged and continue immediately with the cooling experiment.

Temperature (°C) Pressure (bar) P/T (KN/m2.K)

Tab.3: Heating experiment, V=const

Figure 6 :Heatable cylinder

Isochoric Cooling
•Switch off heater.
•Open air discharge valve on the lid of the heatable cylinder and set the vessel to ambient
•Close air discharge valve again.
•Leave the vessel to cool to ambient temperature.
•Open air discharge valve on the lid of the cylinder and set the vessel to ambient pressure.
•Fill out the following data table.
•Switch off unit at master switch.

Temperature (°C) Pressure (bar) P/T (KN/m2.K)

Tab.4: Heating experiment, V=const

1. Calculate the inverse of the volume and add it to your table.
2. Graph pressure versus volume in Excel.
3. Graph pressure versus inverse of volume in Excel.
4. Use the value of the slope of pressure vs 1/volume to determine the number of moles (n) of
5. From your graphs, does pressure appear to be proportional to volume, inversely proportional
to volume, or neither? Does this agree with Boyle’s Law?
6. Plot a graph of pressure versus temperature in Excel.
7. Does your graph confirm Gay-Lussac’s Law?
8. From your graph determine the value of the temperature when the pressure is zero. Is this
what you expect?
9.What advantage is there in using the absolute temperature, in K, rather than the Celsius
temperature, in °C, when doing calculations involving gases?
10.Print your Excel file graphs and attach to your report.

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