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Microstructure and corrosion properties of Single Layer Inconel 625 Weld Cladding
Obtained by the Electroslag Welding Process

Camila P. Alvarães, Jorge C.F. Jorge, Luís F.G. de Souza, Leonardo S. Araújo,
Matheus C. Mendes, Humberto N. Farneze

PII: S2238-7854(20)32013-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.11.048
Reference: JMRTEC 2438

To appear in: Journal of Materials Research and Technology

Received Date: 29 September 2020

Revised Date: 15 November 2020
Accepted Date: 17 November 2020

Please cite this article as: Alvarães CP, Jorge JCF, de Souza LFG, Araújo LS, Mendes MC, Farneze
HN, Microstructure and corrosion properties of Single Layer Inconel 625 Weld Cladding Obtained by the
Electroslag Welding Process, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1016/

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Microstructure and corrosion properties of Single Layer Inconel 625 Weld Cladding
Obtained by the Electroslag Welding Process

Camila P. Alvarãesa, Jorge C.F. Jorge*a, Luís F.G. de Souzaa, Leonardo S. Araújob, Matheus
C. Mendesa, Humberto N. Farnezea
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, CEFET/RJ, Av. Maracanã, 229, , CEP 20271-110, Rio
de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Departamento de Metalurgia e Materiais, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ,
Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia – COPPE, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

This work investigates the microstructure and corrosion characteristics of an Inconel 625 weld
cladding deposited by the electroslag welding (ESW) process with a single layer on an ASTM A516
Gr. 70 steel plate with a heat input of 11.7 kJ/mm. Microhardness testing, metallographic
examination and corrosion tests were performed on samples removed at 1 and 3 mm parallel to

the fusion line. Metallographic characterization was performed by optical and scanning electron
microscopy. Energy dispersive spectrometry was also used to evaluate the composition of the

secondary phases. Cyclic polarization tests in 3.5% NaCl solution were performed at the same
position as the metallographic examinations. Immersion corrosion tests following the ASTM G 48
Method A were also conducted. Equivalent corrosion results were obtained at both positions due to
the austenitic microstructure of the weld metal containing a very low amount of secondary phases.
The results of the corrosion tests were consistent with the microstructure and low dilution and
remained at a level acceptable for structures. Thus, the ESW process may be considered an
alternative for overlay welding with Inconel 625 with reduced thicknesses, because good results

were observed at only 1.0 mm from the fusion line, and this could represent a significant cost
Keywords: alloy 625, electroslag process, metallographic examination, corrosion tests, cladding.

1. Introduction
Wear mechanisms are present in all sectors of industry and protection against wear represents a

significant fraction of the overall investment made to execute activities in each industry. Holmberg
et al. [1] assumed that 3% of the global energy consumption is applied to the replacement of
structures compromised by wear and about of 970,000 million euros could be saved in a 12-year

period using wear protection technologies. In the oil and gas industry, particularly in offshore
applications, the highly aggressive environment represents a barrier to productivity and process
stability [2]. Degradation of equipment due to surface corrosion is one of the main problems in the
oil and natural gas industries [3]. Corrosion and corrosion prevention costs the subsea industry
billions of dollars every year; therefore, the selection of materials to ensure the safe long-term
operation of equipment such as pipelines & accessories and valves is vital, especially in deep sea
operations. Where maximum protection is needed, corrosion-resistant alloys (CRAs), including
austenitic and ferritic/martensitic stainless steels, duplex stainless steels or the more complex high
nickel chromium alloys must be considered.
As global industrialization accelerates and the demand for energy increases, oil and gas
exploration and production are rapidly spreading offshore and to regions of deep waters [4]. The
crude oil or gas produced from offshore wells contains chlorides, H2S and CO2, which form a very
corrosive environment, and the structures used to transport this production must be made with a
strong corrosion resistant alloy. Although the practical application of alloys such as Inconel 625 is
still limited due to its high cost [5-7], this problem can be overcome by overlaying Inconel 625 onto
carbon or low-alloy steels to provide excellent resistance to corrosion with reduced production
costs [5-11]. Some authors have postulated that evaluation of corrosion resistance is absolutely
essential to prevent premature damage to welded structures [12,13].
Cladding with a noble and expensive alloy is an efficient and cost-saving solution, as the surface
exposed to the corrosive elements will be protected [8,10,14]. As cited by Xu et al. [4], a clad,
which requires less corrosion-resistant alloy materials, presents only 25-50% of the cost of
structures made from the pure corrosion-resistant alloys. It is a flexible solution, that can be easily
applied during manufacturing and it can be carried out on parts with different shapes, different
geometries and in different positions. Cladding materials must have good corrosion resistant
properties in order to improve the service life of a component; however, they are not usually cheap
[10,15]. In addition, the relation between the microstructure and corrosion resistance is
fundamental for the qualification of materials selected for hostile environments [16].
In general, the deposited ‘weld overlay’ must satisfy the chemical composition requisites of the
overlay material used for a particular cladding thickness (typically from 3 to 5 mm) [17]. An Inconel
overlay can also have a synergistic effect with carbon steel. The carbon steel complements the
relatively low yield strength of the Inconel alloy and the Inconel alloy complements the corrosion
resistance of the carbon steel [18].
The majority of clad products made today use carbon steel as the substrate and Inconel (625/715
nickel alloys) and stainless steels as the clad materials to be bonded. Nickel Alloy 625 is used as a
base material or as the welding filler metal [19]. Its excellent resistance to different forms of
corrosion in aggressive environments also means that Alloy 625 is often used for low-temperatures
in the chemical industry, sea-water and power plant applications [20]. In the oil and gas industry,
the inner pipeline surfaces or connectors are often clad with Alloy 625 [8,19,21].
Inconel 625 is a solid solution strengthening type alloy that is mainly composed of Ni-Cr-Mo-Nb
elements where molybdenum (Mo) increases the overall corrosion resistance, chromium (Cr)

improves the high temperature oxidation resistance and niobium (Nb) reduces intergranular
corrosion by forming carbides [4,5,7].

However, when welding with the Inconel 625 alloy, Nb and Mo segregate aggressively towards the
liquid. This can promote significant enrichment of these elements in the interdendritic regions,
which causes precipitation of the Nb-rich Laves phase and NbC type MC primary carbides. This
precipitation causes detrimental effects on the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of
components [15,22-25]. In general, a large amount of intermetallic phases and inclusions have a
deleterious influence on the corrosion resistance [26], while a low amount of fine and distributed
Laves phases is less detrimental to the properties compared with the high amounts of Laves

phases and coarse interconnected particle morphology [27]. In addition, as the heat input
increases, the corrosion rate increases due to the microsegregation of Nb and Mo, resulting in a
higher Fe dilution in the weld pool [18,28].

The mechanical and metallurgical properties of Inconel 625 have been extensively studied. Most
studies have focused on microstructural and compositional changes due to the deposition of
Inconel 625 layers by different methods [12,26].

According to Saha et al. [9], different types of welding like explosive welding, resistance welding,
electroslag welding, arc welding, laser beam welding (LBW) and some hybrid welding methods

such as LBW along with gas metal arc welding (GMAW), can successfully produce cladding.
Recently, some works [16,20,29-31] have commented that additive manufacturing (AM) has been
widely studied for this alloy in recent years, because the manufacturing of complex shaped
components out of Alloy 625 via traditional processing techniques is technically challenging and
very expensive. This production method has advantages in terms of cost reduction and lead time
[16] but the effect of inhomogeneity of the microstructure on material performance is not yet fully
understood [20].
Fusion welding procedures are the most common method due to flexibility and availability [15]. The
fusion welding process is often selected to obtain the best results in terms of quality and
productivity. On extended and regular surfaces, high deposit rate welding processes, such as
electroslag welding (ESW) or submerged arc strip welding (SASW) can be employed; whereas,
more flexible and versatile processes, such as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), shielded metal
arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), or flux cored arc welding (FCAW) can be
used when the surfaces are small or irregular [14].
Weld overlays are made by SMAW [32-38], GTAW [2,4,6,15,28,36,39-56], GMAW [3, 5, 9, 10,
19,23,26,36, 37, 48, 51, 545, 55,57-62], FCAW [34,63-65] or plasma [11,27,61,66-69]. Usually
three layers are deposited in order to attain the minimum thickness required of 3-5mm [14,25,70].
The GTAW process is widely used because, in addition to high microstructural quality, it allows
independence between the heat supplied and the speed of the material added, the low cost of the
equipment involved, relative ease of automation, and the ability to work with different materials [2].
However, for structures where the deposition rate of the process is a key factor for efficiency [21],
its application is not recommended, due to the relatively low deposition rate and high dilution.
Although the productivity increases with increasing the welding current, high current intensities
contribute toward higher levels of dilution [32,46].
The GMAW process is the most accepted method for weld cladding relatively large surface areas.
It has many advantages such as high reliability, low cost and easy to use [71]. Amongst arc
welding techniques, the GMAW process is a low cost and widespread method. It increases
efficiency with sufficient superiority if the process parameters are controlled within a definite limit.
Although cladding has lower penetration, care should be taken to ensure that the cladding layer
has sufficient shear strength to prevent detachment it from the base metal [10].
The deposition rate and dilution are among the most important factors affecting the economy and
metallurgical integrity of cladded surfaces [14]. A high deposition rate and low dilution with uniform
penetration are important to have optimum productivity [31]. Dilution, which is a critical factor
influencing the quality of an overlay weld, must be kept as low as possible, while ensuring sufficient
bonding to the base metal [14,54]. Diffusion of Fe into the clad is also regarded as a critical issue
[8]. Carbon diffusion is another big problem, due to the formation of hard martensite at the interface
on cooling [8]. Martensite near the fusion boundary is associated with hydrogen assisted cracking
for nickel-based overlays on low-alloy steels [21].
The chemical composition of the weld clad/overlay must comply with the specification of the
overlay material and, in the case of Inconel 625, the maximum allowable Fe content is 5% [72] or

10% [73].
To achieve such low dilutions, particularly the 5% requirement, processes such as the cold metal

transfer (CMT), a variant of the gas metal arc welding (CMT-GMAW) [11,43], plasma transferred
arc with powder (PTA-P) [11,66,67,70], laser [2,31,54,74] and electroslag strip cladding [7,18,75-
77] are widely applied. Usually, to obtain low dilution rates by the conventional arc welding
processes such as GTAW and GMAW, the deposition of multiple layers is necessary [14,15].
Electroslag strip cladding (ESSC) is the main welding method to manufacture overlay pipes with
Inconel alloys. Even though ESSC has the advantage of a higher welding speed due to the higher
heat input, compared to other welding methods, microstructural changes are expected owing to the

high heat input. In real industrial sites, the welding heat input is considered to be the most
important factor during welding, and multilayer welding is performed rather than single-layer
welding in order to maintain the physical properties and dilution of the welding metal [76].

The welding processes preferred for the cladding of large surface area components with simple
geometries such as inner surfaces of pressure vessels for nuclear power and oil industries are
those of the electroslag strip cladding (ESSC) and submerged arc strip cladding (SASC) types as

they offer high deposition rates combined with low dilution and high overlay quality. Benefits of
using strip feedstock materials over thick or multiple wires are low penetration, moderate dilution

(7-15%) and smooth surface finish [14,31,74].

The ESSC process is used more frequently nowadays as it is capable of ensuring higher
deposition rates, lower dilution and lower inclusion content with respect to the submerged arc strip
cladding (SASC) process. Moreover, the ESSC process allows the deposition of single layer
claddings instead of the double-layer claddings required for the SASC process, with equal,
‘undiluted’ cladding thickness [14,75].
The process is usually confined to relatively large and thick components, which need to be
manipulated to enable welding to be carried out in the flat position. Its main applications are in the
oil and gas and fertilizer related industries and in the nuclear power generation field [78].
Some works present results showing that this process is more productive and interesting due to
low dilution welds [17,77,79-81], which confirms the possibility to produce adequate single layer
deposits. However, the literature about the corrosion behavior of clads made by this process using
Inconel 625 is very limited (Table 1). Only one study by Kim et al. [7,18,76] using a 30 mm strip is
available. Sandes et al. [77] conducted a work using a 60mm strip and focused their experiments
on the comparative analysis of microstructural characterization of the overlays deposited with 1
and 2 layers; however, they also presented a few results from the corrosion tests performed. No
other reports presenting corrosion results of overlays using ESSC with a 60mm strip were found in
the literature.
A previous work [82] performed an experiment where the microstructure and mechanical properties
of the weld overlays deposited by the ESSC with a 60mm strip were evaluated at different
distances from the fusion line. Besides the high productivity and low dilution, equivalent
microstructures were observed for shorter distances from the fusion line, encouraging the
evaluation of corrosion properties in order to verify the possibility of producing claddings with lower
costs due to the deposition of reduced thicknesses.
Based on this scenario, the present work complements this previous investigation [82] and studies
the microstructural and corrosion behavior of the weld claddings obtained by ESSC with a 60mm
strip, at two different distances from the fusion line, in order to evaluate these properties at 1.0 and
3.0 mm from the fusion line.

Table 1. References addressing the corrosion behavior of overlays obtained by Inconel 625
Process Reference References with Corrosion
GTAW 2,4,6,15,28,36,39-56 4,15,25,28,36,41,48,50,52,54,56
GMAW 3,5,9,10,19,23,26,36,37,48,51,54,55,57-62 5,10,23,36,37,48,55,60
FCAW 34,63-65 65
SMAW 32-38 36,38
ESSC 7,18,76,77,79,81 76,77
AM 16,20,30,31 16,31
Laser 2,31,54,74 74
Plasma 11,27,61,66-69 66,67

2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials

ASTM A516 Grade 70 steel plates were used as the base material. The plates had dimensions of
50×400×400 mm. A 0.5 x 60 mm strip of AWS class 5.14 EQ-NiCrMo-3 (2005) was used for the
ESW process. Table 1 gives the chemical composition of the materials.
Table 1. Chemical composition of the materials (wt%).
Material C Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Nb Fe Ti
ASTM A516 Grade 70 base metal 0.15 0,20 0.95 0.01 0.02 0.01 - Bal. -

Strip for ESW 0.015 0.10 0.10 Bal. 22.0 9.0 3.6 3.6 0.23

2.2. Welding Procedure


Welding was carried out by the ESW process in the flat position; the nominal current was 1200A,
the voltage was 25 Volts and the heat input was 11.7 kJ/mm. Fig. 1 shows the deposition
sequence. A 7-mm-thick cladding was obtained, which is above the minimum of a 3-mm thick weld

overlay required after the finishing procedures [83].


Fig. 1 Welding sequence.

After welding, the samples used to estimate the chemical composition, microstructure and
corrosion properties were machined by wire cutting to obtain a surface at the distances of 1 and
3.0 mm parallel to the fusion line (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Position of samples for analysis.

2.3. Chemical Analysis
Chemical analysis was performed on the same samples used for the corrosion tests by means of

optical emission spectroscopy.

2.4. Metallographic Examination and Microhardness Tests

The metallographic examination was carried out by optical microscopy, scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and electron back-scattering
diffraction (EBSD) on samples removed parallel to the fusion line. Additional samples were
obtained transversally to the weld deposit to observe the behavior at the fusion line.
Samples were prepared by conventional grinding and polishing with diamond paste up to 0.25 µm.

A final polishing was carried out using an automatic polishing machine with colloidal silica (0.06
µm) for 60 min under 1.7 N single pressure loading. For the SEM images 2% nital was used as the

etchant for the base metal and electrolytic oxalic acid (10%) for the weld metal.
A semi-quantitative analysis of the elements appearing in the dendritic (D) and interdendritic (ID)
regions and secondary phases in the weld metal were assessed by EDS. The volume fraction of

secondary phases was investigated using the Image J software. For this analysis, five different
fields were observed with SEM using a secondary electrons signals and a nominal magnification of
1,000x at positions 1 and 3 mm from the fusion line.

The electron backscattering diffraction technique (EBSD) was also performed to confirm the
occurrence of partially diluted zones (PDZs) using a CAMSCAN 3200 LV SEM with an Oxford
EBSD camera and HKL system, operating at 20 kV, and the maps were obtained with a 0.3 µm
The global dilution was determined in the transverse cross section by the ratio between substrate
diluted area and total diluted area with the aid of the AutoCAD software. Both areas were
measured, and the ratio between them was calculated.
Vickers microhardness (HV0.5) tests were performed at the same positions where the
metallographic and corrosion tests were conducted. An average of 10 measurements was
recorded. Measurements along the transverse cross-section of the deposits at points located at
positions related to the weld metals, fusion line and base material were also performed.

2.5. Thermodynamic Calculation

Thermodynamic calculations were performed using ThermoCalc software with the TCFE8
database [84] in order to predict the secondary phases which can occur after welding. A Scheil
diagram was constructed based on the composition of the ESW weld overlay at 1.0 mm from the
fusion line.

2.6. Corrosion Tests

Cyclic polarization tests based on the guideline in the ASTM standard G61-09 [85] were performed
to evaluate the pitting corrosion resistance of the welds. A 3.5 % NaCl solution prepared with de-
ionized water was used for the electrochemical tests at room temperature. A three-electrode cell,
with a working electrode of the material being analyzed, a reference and a counter-electrode were
used. Working electrodes were prepared with the specimen to be analyzed embedded in epoxy
resin with a copper wire for electric contact. In order to ensure test accuracy, the testing surface
was prepared using metallographic procedures to guarantee consistent surface roughness. A
saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was used as reference and a Pt wire was used as the counter-
electrode. The tests were conducted with the solution at 22 °C (room temperature). After
stabilization of the open circuit potential (EOCP) the anodic polarization with a sweep rate of 1 mV/s
was initiated. The sweeping was reverted to the cathodic direction when the current density
reached 1mA/cm2. The parameters obtained from the polarization curves and used to compare the
corrosion characteristics of all samples were the open circuit potential after 1 h (EOCP), the pitting
potential (EPIT) and the repassivation potential (ERP). The results were post-processed by the Nova
2.1.2. software.
The specimens were ground with emery paper and polished with 1 μm diamond paste. This
surface preparation is different from that recommended in the ASTM G61 standard [86], but it was
adopted in order to be able to observe the pits formed and the microstructure after the cyclic
polarization tests.
The corrosion tests were performed at 22 °C for 72 hours according to the ASTM G 48 Method A

3. Results

3.1. Chemical Composition
Table 2 shows the chemical composition of the weld metal that clearly has a homogeneous
behavior. The ESW weld presented acceptable results even at 1.0 mm from the fusion line.
Table 2. The main alloying elements (wt.%) at different distances from the fusion line.

Position (*) C Cr Ni Mo Nb Fe PREN(**)


1.0 mm 0.02 21.9 61.3 8.3 3.2 4.8 49.3

3.0 mm 0.02 21.6 61.7 8.4 3.2 4.6 49.2

(*) Distance from the fusion line (mm); (**) PRE=Cr+3.3(Mo+0.5W )+16N

3.2. Microstructure and Microhardness


Fig. 3 shows the macrograph of the overlay with a homogeneous profile due to the uniform
penetration. This important characteristic of the ESW deposits provided a low global dilution rate
(~4%) and contributed to avoid the presence of partially diluted zones, as showed in the Fig. 4.

The partially molten zone (PMZ), shown in Fig. 4a, forms as a result of a partial melting of the base
metal and insufficient diffusion of filler material on the Inconel 625 side of the fusion line. The PMZ
region, which resolidifies into a laminar form by dilution of the base metal that is not being exposed
to the molten pool of filler metal, shows differences based on the filler metal composition [26].
This Figure also clearly shows that there is no martensite close to the fusion line; the
microstructure of the heat affected zone is composed of bainite, pearlite and ferrite. This is due to
the slow cooling rates of the ESSC process.

Fig. 3 Macrograph of the welded joint after etching with oxalic acid.
Fig. 4 Low magnification (200x) images obtained from the fusion line of the overlay after etching
with oxalic acid.
(a) Optical microscopy; (b) Phase map obtained by EBSD technique, where the FCC phase is
shown in white and the BCC phase is in gray.

It is confirmed by the mcrohardness results showed in Fig. 5,where low hardness values are
observed at the heat affected zone close to the fusion line.


Fig. 5 Results of Vickers microhardness.

Although as-deposited Inconel 625 cladding normally exhibits hardness in the range from 250 to
280 HV [20], the lower values obtained in this work are consistent with other investigations
applying high heat inputs [2,31,38,67,77].

Dendritic (D) and inter-dendritic (ID) regions with a low volume of secondary phases (<2.5%) are
observed in the austenitic matrix (Fig. 6). The EDS analysis confirmed that the interdendritic
regions contained higher contents of Nb and Mo.
The spectra in Fig. 6 shows that the square-shaped precipitates are rich in C and Nb and are
classified as NbC type MC primary carbides, while the irregular shaped phases are defined as
Laves phase rich in Nb and Mo, because it presents eutectic-type morphology with a chemical
composition which fit A2B type and showing a spectrum with a known characteristic. The
occurrence of these phases are predicted by thermodynamic simulation (Fig. 7) and are in
agreement with other experimental works [15,26,36,40,43,69,77,79,82,87-91].
Although the distribution of elements in the γ-phase is predicted very accurately in the first part of
the solidification, there is some discrepancy between the results because the Scheil model
overestimates segregation at the end of solidification [92]. A part of the discrepancy is related to
the Scheil model and also to the fact that the distribution coefficients for Nb and Mo in the
experiments are found to be twice as high as predicted by the model. This means that the model
predicts stronger segregation of Nb and Mo than is found in practice
Fig. 6 SEM image and EDS analysis of the weld metals showing the secondary phases occurring
along the interdendritic region after etching with oxalic acid. Where: D – Dendritic; ID –
Interdendritic. 1.0 mm from the fusion line ; (b) 3.0 mm from the fusion line.

Fig. 7 Scheill diagram of the weld metal at 1.0 mm from the fusion line obtained by Thermocalc

The distribution coefficient (k) denotes the intensity and direction of a microsegregation expected
for a given element, during the solidification of an alloy k = Cs/Co [40], where CS represents the
composition of the dendrite core and Co represents the nominal composition. Table 3 summarizes
the k-values of the major alloying elements for the welds investigated. These values are important
from a corrosion perspective because they dictate the dendrite core composition of the weld [90]. A
k-value near one indicates that particular element will show little tendency to segregate and the
core composition will be close to the nominal composition. The lower the k value, the lower the
dendrite core composition. From Table 3, the values of the partition coefficient (k) calculated for Nb
and Mo are lower than 1, while they are superior to 1 for Cr and Ni. These results are consistent
with other works [4,5,39,40,43,51,65,68,69,77,90,93,94].
Table 3. Elemental composition range (wt.%) of the austenitic matrix measured via EDS
microanalysis and k values.
Distance from the fusion line Position Cr Ni Mo Nb Fe
1mm Matrix (ID) 21.9 59.6 10.0 4.0 4.4
Matrix (D) 22.5 61.5 8.8 2.4 4.8
General 21.8 59.5 9.9 4.2 4.5
K 1.03 1.03 0.88 0.57 1.06
3mm Matrix (ID) 21.5 58.5 10.5 4.9 4.3
Matrix (D) 22.8 63.2 7.9 1.7 5.0
General 21.7 59.6 9.2 3.9 4.5
k 1.05 1.06 0.85 0.43 1.11
Key: D - dendritic, ID - interdendritic

3.3. Corrosion Tests

Fig. 8 and Table 4 show the corrosion test results of the weld deposits:
a) All welds showed a high corrosion potential (EPIT) and the curves did not show negative
hysteresis, which means that their repassivation potentials (ERP) are closer to EPIT. This behavior

indicates a high corrosion resistance in the test solution;
b) The passivation interval of welds was similar. Although there are minor differences in the EPIT
and ERP values, they can be considered to be within the error range. Thus, it is confirmed that there

is no difference between the pitting resistance levels of each condition and;
c) No apparent pitting trend was found (Fig. 9).
These results are in accordance with other works [56] showing that besides the high corrosion
resistance of the Inconel 625, weld metals can also provide appropriate results. In this work, the
pitting potential was superior to that observed for some wrought base metals

[12,25,50,68,74,95,96], which can be due to the low dilution rates which allowed high PREN values
even for the dendritic regions (Table 3). Corrosion occurs preferentially in regions with smaller
PREN, i.e., with lower molybdenum and chromium content [68]. Thus, the results are consistent
with the k values obtained for Cr and Mo (Table 3).

The same behavior was confirmed by the immersion tests performed according to ASTM G48,
where no loss weight (Table 5) and evidences of pitting (Fig. 9) were observed.

These results are not surprising, because the critical pitting temperature (CPT) of each specimen
calculated by the equation below in accordance with the composition of the specimen is superior to
75 oC, as expected [97].

CPT = 2.5 Cr + 7.6 Mo + 31.9 N – 41.0 [7].

Fig. 8 Cyclic polarization curves of specimens: 1.0 mm from the fusion line; (b) 3.0 mm from the
fusion line.
Fig. 9 SEM image in the BSE mode of the weld metals after corrosion tests at 1.0 mm from the
fusion line.

Table 4. Results of the cyclic polarization tests.


1 mm -0.12 0.68 0.87 0.80
3 mm -0.13 0.71 0.88 0.84
Where : EOCP - Open Circuit Potential; EPIT - Pitting Potential; ERP - Repassivation Potential; ∆E -
Passivation Interval
Table 5. Results of corrosion tests according to G48 Standard [86].
Position Pitting Weight loss,

1 mm No 0.00
3 mm No 0.00

4. Discussion
Mechanical and metallurgical properties of Inconel 625 have been extensively studied and the

major focus has been microstructural and compositional changes consequent to deposition of
Inconel 625 layers by different methods, mainly by the GTAW and GMAW processes (Table 1).

Although, the addition of Nb and Mo in the Inconel 625 was originally intended to increase strength
and corrosion resistance, these two elements are easily enriched in the interdendritic region during
arc welding. However, the Nb and Mo content at the interface between the interdendritic region
and the dendrite core region may be reduced during arc welding processes which could contribute
to the formation of corrosion defects in this region [4,15].
Table 1 confirms that most of the investigations were made by the GTAW and GMAW processes
and shows that the literature concerning the ESSC process is very limited. Besides its high
deposition rate, lower dilution and cost-effectiveness, ESSC cladding can be indicated as an
interesting alternative to produce high quality overlays [77], because the lower amount of
secondary phases produced by the ESSC process is crucial for superior corrosion resistance [79].
This work demonstrated that single layer overlays were able to generate a clean austenitic
microstructure with very low amount of secondary phases. This result is consistent with other
experimental works [77,80].
Due to the formation of a thin passive oxide layer on nickel based superalloys exposed to corrosive
media, these alloys are prone to localized corrosion attacks [15]. Although the literature states that
the resistance of Ni alloys to localized corrosion can be benchmarked using PREN [97], this
resistance is in fact related to the Cr and Mo contents. The presence of Cr may control the initiation
to pitting corrosion, because it is the main alloying element in Ni-based alloys and is added to
promote the formation of a stable passive oxide layer that is highly resistant to corrosion, but it is
the Mo content that appears to control the repassivation ability of the material.
The effects of Mo on corrosion resistance are remarkable, and are directly related to the formation
of the passive layer, helping Cr in maintaining the layer, especially against attack by chlorides,
responsible for the localized corrosion process [39]. When included as an alloying element, Mo is
incorporated into the passive film, producing oxides with different states of oxidation. The most
common corrosion product incorporated into the Cr oxide layer is MoO4, which is extremely stable
and fixes this layer [25].
The present results shown in Fig. 8 and Tables 4 and 5 agree with these statements, since the
single layer deposits that have a low dilution rate deposited by the ESSC process, produced
equivalent microstructures and the Cr and Mo contents underwent few changes as expressed by
the k values (Table 3). Despite using a much more stringent procedure than that required by the
Standards [86], the low segregration level contributed to the limited evidence of pitting (Figs. 6 and
9). It is expected because the localized corrosion mechanism of Inconel 625 weld is related to the
galvanic corrosion between the interdendritic region (or Laves phase) and the dendrite core
[10,55,98]. Although Zahrani et al. [55] comment that the corrosion performance of Inconel 625
weld is directly affected by the microstructure, slightly different results were obtained for the
samples taken 1.0 and 3.0 mm from the fusion line as can be seen in Table 4. This may be due to
the differences in k values, evidencing the importance of the Mo contents in interdendritic regions
and dendrite cores.
However, the corrosion properties should be considered equivalent and the superior results that
were obtained in comparison to some wrought materials, reinforces the effect of low dilution rates.

Other works have also obtained similar results [12,25,31,68,74,95].
As mentioned previously, the observed lower corrosion behavior with arc welding processes can

be ascribed to a disturbance in the uniform distribution of chemical elements, caused by
microsegregation, secondary phase development and contamination of a superalloy by Fe, thus
making the passive layer unstable [36,55]. Repassivation can be enhanced by the addition of more
layers, which contributes to a significant drop in Fe content [15]. Smith et al. [99] comment that
because there was an initial concern that dilution with iron from the underlying carbon steel would
be detrimental to performance, maximum iron levels of only a few per cent were specified, even
though it has been shown that up to 20% iron can be tolerated for seawater service. Some current

standards for overlaying are more relaxed and allow up to 10% iron [73,83]. Despite
acknowledging that such layers have equivalent corrosion resistance to other solid alloys (such as
alloy 825), which are frequently used within the same environment [98], some customers like

Petrobras limit the iron content of clad, lined and overlay of steels to 5%, and this also applies to
the root content of girth welds. However, the distance between the carbon steel and alloy 625
interface plays an important role in the iron content [100]. In this respect, the precise evaluation of

this distance for multipass deposits obtained by other welding processes can be a big issue due to
the irregular profile of the fusion line, mainly for the GMAW process due to its finger type effect. On

the contrary, single layers deposited by the ESSC process can provide a better behavior due to a
more uniform penetration (Figs. 3 and 4).
In this work, an appropriate microstructure, good corrosion properties and PREN were obtained
even at 1.0 mm from the fusion line (Tables 2, 4 and 5) despite having an iron content very close to
to the limit (Table 2). Thus, since it seems that higher Fe contents can be tolerated and associated
with other controlling factors then it might be appropriate to start a discussion about the
requirements for approval of overlays. This suggestion is supported by Gittos et al. [36] who stated
that in general the iron content should be below 5% for optimum performance, corrosion behavior
is determined not by the iron level per se but by the bulk composition and the minimum alloy
content developed in the solidification structure. Theses authors also commented that even with no
iron dilution, the inevitable segregation of alloying elements in a weld deposit will reduce corrosion
resistance relative to the base metal and control of iron content to below 5% is unlikely to be of
practical advantage. They proposed that an iron content of up to 10% has been regarded as
acceptable for sea-water service of weld deposits using ERNiCrMo-3 wire consumables. The
present authors are in agreement with these statements.
Finally, based on the microstructural and corrosion results associated with the uniformity of
penetration which allows a more homogeneous result along the entire weld, confirms the previous
proposal indicating the possibility for approval of welding procedures by the ESSC process and
reducing the thickness with a single layer [65,77]. A similar behavior has also been demonstrated
for overlays deposited with superaustenitic stainless steel [80].
5. Conclusions
The main conclusions that can be drawn from the present analysis are the following:
(a) Besides the significant improvement in productivity, the ESW process is able to provide weld
claddings with adequate microstructure and corrosion properties at room temperature;
(b) The single-layer weld overlays obtained by ESW presented corrosion results at room
temperature equivalent to those produced by other processes and even some base materials:
(c) The weld overlay obtained by ESW produced a weld deposition with an adequate and
equivalent microstructure and corrosion properties at 1.0 mm and 3.0 mm from the fusion line;
(d) ESW should be proposed as an interesting alternative for application in industrial equipment
due to its high potential to produce single layer cladding with adequate mechanical properties
and high productivity.

The authors are grateful to CEFET-RJ, COPPE-UFRJ, TECMETAL and Petrobras for the support
in the execution of the present work.

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Declaration of interests

☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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