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Evaluation of the AISI 904L Alloy Weld Overlays Obtained by GMAW and
Electro-Slag Welding Processes

Article  in  Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance · May 2018


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1 author:

Jorge Carlos Ferreira Jorge

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ)


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The Titanium Effect in Ferritic Weld Metal View project

Soldagem Híbrida LASER GMAW View project

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JMEPEG (2017) 26:2204–2212 ASM International
DOI: 10.1007/s11665-017-2631-9 1059-9495/$19.00

Evaluation of the AISI 904L Alloy Weld Overlays Obtained

by GMAW and Electro-Slag Welding Processes
Jorge C.F. Jorge, O.G. Meira, F.C.A. Madalena, L.F.G. de Souza, L.S. Araujo, and M.C. Mendes

(Submitted July 22, 2016; in revised form March 9, 2017; published online March 21, 2017)

The use of superaustenitic stainless steels (SASS) as an overlay replacement for nickel-based alloys can be
an interesting alternative for the oil and gas industries, due to its lower cost, when compared to superalloys.
Usually, the deposition is made with several welding passes by using conventional arc welding processes,
such as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) or gas metal arc welding (GMAW) processes. In this respect,
electro-slag welding (ESW), which promotes high heat inputs and low dilution of the welds, can also be
attractive for this application, as it provides a higher productivity, once only one layer is needed for the
deposition of the minimum thickness required. The present work evaluates the behavior of an AISI 904L
SASS weld overlay deposited on a carbon steel ASTM A516 Grade 70 by ESW and GMAW processes. Both
as-welded and heat-treated conditions were evaluated and compared. A multipass welding by GMAW
process with three layers and 48 passes was performed on 12.5 3 200 3 250 mm steel plates with average
welding energy of 1.0 kJ/mm. For ESW process, only one layer was deposited on 50 3 400 3 400 mm steel
plates with average welding energy of 11.7 kJ/mm. After welding, a post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) at
620 °C for 10 h was performed in half of the steel plate, in order to allow the comparison between this
condition and the as-welded one. For both processes, the austenitic microstructure of the weld deposits was
characterized by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with electron backscatter diffrac-
tion. A low proportion of secondary phases were observed in all conditions, and the PWHT did not promote
significant changes on the hardness profile. Martensite for GMAW process and bainite for ESW process
were the microstructural constituents observed at the coarse grain heat-affected zone, due to the different
cooling rates. For ESW process, no evidences of partially diluted zones were found. As a consequence of the
microstructural findings, the hardness results for ESW were lower than those usually observed for other
electric arc welding processes. In addition, specimens subject to bending tests performed in accordance with
the current standards used for qualification of welding procedures were approved. These evidences allow
the conclusion that the ESW process can provide deposits with high quality despite the high welding energy
levels, in order to achieve the desired productivity, being an interesting alternative for AISI 904L weld

superaustenitic is related to the higher molybdenum, chromium,

Keywords AISI 904L, electro-slag welding process, GMAW
process, mechanical properties, microstructure, over- nickel and nitrogen contents (Ref 3). The use of SASS is
lay, post-weld heat treatment particularly interesting as they fill the cost-wise gap between
the relatively cheaper austenitic stainless steel and the more
expensive nickel-based superalloys (Ref 4). However, due to
the considerable amount of alloying elements, such as Mo, N
and Cr, the microstructure is more susceptible to the precip-
1. Introduction itation of intermetallic phases, usually r, v and Laves, which
are known to be deleterious to the mechanical and corrosion
Due to the challenges imposed by the exploration of oil and properties (Ref 1, 2, 4).
gas under the pre-salt layer, there is a continuous drive for the The AISI 904L steel is a low carbon, highly alloyed
development of alloys with high corrosion resistance under superaustenitic stainless steel, presenting high impact properties
chloride environments, concomitantly with high strength and and good weldability, due to its high molybdenum content,
competitive cost. The superaustenitic stainless steels (SASS) which avoids hot crack formation during welding (Ref 4, 5).
(Ref 1) are candidates for these applications. They present The SASS show an improved resistance to corrosion in relation
improved resistance against stress corrosion cracking and to the conventional 300 series austenitic stainless steels (Ref 5,
pitting, when compared to the conventional austenitic stainless 6). According to Bogdanowicz et al. (Ref 5), despite the wide
steel, often used in applications where corrosion resistance is a use of superaustenitic 904L steel in construction, refineries,
primary requisite, such as chemical, gas, oil, pulp and paper nuclear power and chemical industry, the information available
industries, marine and offshore applications (Ref 2). The term in the literature, regarding the properties of this alloy, is still
limited. Considering that SASS are an attractive alternative for
some applications, even in offshore installations with very
J.C.F. Jorge, L.F.G. de Souza, and M.C. Mendes, CEFET-RJ, Rio stringent requirements for approval (Ref 7), it is essential to
de Janeiro, Brazil; O.G. Meira and F.C.A. Madalena, Petrobras study the effect of welding thermal cycle on its mechanical and
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and L.S. Araujo, microstructural properties, especially in regard to the effect of
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
different cooling rates.
Contact e-mail: [email protected].

2204—Volume 26(5) May 2017 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

The cladding of C-Mn steel with corrosion resistant alloys thick cladding was obtained, this dimension being above the
(CRA) is widely used in industry. The C-Mn steel acts as the required 3-mm-thick weld overlay after the finished procedures
structural element, and the corrosion resistance is provided by (Ref 7). For the GMAW process, a 98%Ar-2%CO2 mixture
the cladding with one or more layers of SASS (Ref 8), once it was used as shielding gas, with a flow rate of 15-20 L/min.
improves the corrosion resistance without increasing the cost of Direct current, with a preheat of 20 C and an interpass
manufacture of massive equipment. Although the welding of temperature of 150 C, was adopted. The welding parameters
SASS can be performed by different processes such as gas are shown in Table 2.
tungsten arc welding, gas metal arc welding, submerged arc After welding, the joints were submitted to a post-weld heat
welding (SAW), laser welding, friction and plasma (Ref 3-6, 8- treatment (PWHT) at 620 C for 10 h, followed by air-cooling.
10), the two most productive systems for the cladding of large The overlays were analyzed in both as-welded and after PWHT
components which are subjected to corrosion or wear are conditions.
submerged arc and electro-slag cladding (Ref 11). Although The metallographic examination was conducted on samples
submerged arc welding (SAW) is more frequently used than taken transversally to the weld bead. The samples were
electro-slag welding (ESW), according to Paschold (Ref 12), carefully ground with emery paper up to 1200 grid and
single-layer electro-slag strip cladding is recommended, instead polished using diamond paste with 6, 3 and 1 lm. The
of double-layer procedures with submerged arc strip cladding, microstructure was observed via optical microscopy (OM) and
when higher productivity and restricted dilution rates are scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in secondary electrons
required. and backscattered modes. Additionally, quantitative analysis of
This work evaluates the behavior of the AISI 904L steel secondary phases was performed by selecting five different
weld overlays—both in as-welded and post-weld heat-treated fields which were observed with SEM by using the backscat-
conditions—for the electro-slag welding (ESW) and gas metal tered mode with a nominal magnification of 10009. The
arc welding (GMAW) processes. The cladding was made on a images were collected at around 3 mm from the fusion line.
carbon steel ASTM A516 Grade 70. Then, the binarization of the images was performed, followed
by the calculation of phase fraction and the average size of the
secondary phases. A statistical analysis of the results was
performed. For the binarization and particle analysis, the Image
2. Materials and Experimental Procedures J software was used.
Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis was
ASTM A516 Gr. 70 carbon steel plates with dimensions performed as well. In this case, after polishing, the samples
of 50 9 400 9 400 and 12.5 9 200 9 230 mm (thickness 9 were submitted to an additional final polishing in a colloidal
width 9 length) were used as substrate material, for the welding silica solution with 0.25 lm. The EBSD maps were collected
by electro-slag welding (ESW) and gas metal arc welding with SEM operating at 20 kV and with step size between 1 and
(GMAW) processes, respectively. 4 lm. Semi-quantitative analysis of the main elements was
For the ESW process, a 0.5 9 60 mm strip of the class SFA assessed by energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The global
5.9:EQ 385 (Ref 13) and a flux (E) FB 2 CrNiMoCu, according dilution was determined in the transverse cross section by the
to EN 760 (Ref 14), were used; while, for the GMAW process, ratio between substrate diluted area and total diluted area with
a 1.2-mm-diameter wire with the chemical composition based the aid of the AutoCAD software. Both areas were measured,
on AWS 5.9 class ER385 (mod.) specification (Ref 15), with a and the ratio between them was calculated.
higher Mo content, was used. Table 1 shows the chemical For the evaluation of mechanical properties, bending and
composition of the materials. hardness tests usually apply, as required by the procedures used
ESW was performed at flat position with three passes for qualification of welds (Ref 16). In this respect, four guided
forming one layer. For the GMAW process, forty-eight passes side-bend tests with bend radius of 180 were performed at
were performed, forming three layers. In both cases, a 5-mm- room temperature on test specimens removed transversally to

Table 1 Chemical composition of the filler and base metal (wt.%)


Material C Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu N

ASTM A516 Gr.70—base metal 0.23 0.24 1.11 0.02 0.02 0.01 … …
Strip for ESW 0.01 0.20 1.00 25.0 20.2 6.1 1.3 …
Wire for GMAW 0.02 0.70 4.70 25.4 20.0 6.2 1.5 0.12

Table 2 Welding parameters

Welding Nominal heat
Process Current, Å Voltage, V velocity, cm/min input, kJ/mm Number of passes Number of layers Deposition rate, kg/h

ESW 1150-1250 24-26 17 11.7 3 1 19.36

GMAW 205-215 28-30 40 0.96 48 3 2.03

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 26(5) May 2017—2205

Fig. 1 Macrography of the weld overlays. Etchant: aqua regia

Fig. 2 Optical microscopy with Nomarski technique near the fusion line for both processes showing occurrence of PDZ for GMAW process
and no evidence of this region for ESW process. Etchant: oxalic acid for weld metal and Nital 2% for base metal

Table 3 Results of bending tests

Process Condition Results (a) Comments

ESW As welded Approved No evidence of discontinuities

ESW PWHT Approved No evidence of discontinuities
GMAW As welded Approved No evidence of discontinuities
GMAW PWHT Approved No evidence of discontinuities

(a) Acceptance criteria (ASME IX-QW 163)—no open discontinuity exceeding 1.6 mm measured in any direction in the cladding and no open
discontinuity exceeding 3.2 mm along the approximate weld interface

the weld deposits, in accordance with ASME IX Standard 3. Results and Discussion
(Ref 16). Vickers hardness measurements with a load of 500 gf
were taken along the transverse cross section of the deposits at In the execution of overlay welds, for the manufacture or
points located at the weld metal, fusion line and substrate. repair of large equipment, the use of higher welding energy is
Chemical analysis was performed at different positions from usual, in order to allow an increased productivity. In the case of
the fusion line, by means of optical emission spectroscopy. electric arc welding processes, this increase in deposition rate

2206—Volume 26(5) May 2017 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

may cause damage to the quality of the overlay, as a welding (ESW) process may become an attractive alternative,
consequence of alterations in penetration, dilution and mechan- precisely due to its characteristics of high deposition rate
ical properties of welded joints. In this aspect, the electro-slag associated with a low dilution (Ref 11, 12, 17).
Nevertheless, it is important to evaluate whether the high
welding energy values usually applied on this process are not
deleterious to the properties and, consequently, to the behavior
of the overlay.
Table 2 shows that the deposition rate obtained with the
ESW process achieved the minimum required overlayer
thickness (Ref 7) with only one layer; while, for the gas metal
arc welding (GMAW) process, three layers of multipass
welding were needed (Fig. 1). With such characteristics,
ESW is able to provide a significant gain in productivity, once
Fig. 3 Aspect of test pieces after bending tests it allows the deposition of the minimum required overlay

Fig. 4 Detail of martensite present at different positions for the overlay deposited by GMAW process. Etchant: Nital 2%. (a) Martensite at
CGHAZ and (b) martensite at PDZ

Table 4 Secondary phase fraction and mean particle size for the ESW and GMAW as-welded conditions
Condition Phase fraction of secondary phases, % Average size of particles

ESW 0.668 ± 0.1306 6.718 ± 0.998

GMAW 0.615 ± 0.217 1.236 ± 0.119

Fig. 5 Optical microscopy with Nomarski technique of the welds. Both images are in the as-welded condition. Etchant: oxalic acid

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 26(5) May 2017—2207

Fig. 6 SEM images of the weld metal in the as-welded condition for the ESW and GMAW processes. D dendritic region, ID interdendritic
region, SP secondary phase

Table 5 Elemental composition range (wt.%) of secondary phases and the austenitic matrix measured via EDS
Process Position Cr Mo Ni Fe

ESW Matrix (ID) 23.43 8.34 25.97 43.58

Matrix (D) 22.15 5.43 25.46 46.85
SP1 27.02 28.26 14.34 30.39
SP2 28.22 15.93 18.51 37.34
GMAW Matrix (ID) 18.48 7.33 20.84 53.35
Matrix (D) 16.73 4.43 19.17 59.64
SP1 22.77 22.42 18.56 36.24
SP2 21.55 23.35 17.94 37.15
D dendritic, ID interdendritic, SP secondary phase

Table 6 Chemical composition (wt.%) at different distances from fusion line

Element Creq
Process position (a) C Cr Ni Mn Si Mo N Ti Cu Nb Creq/Nieq (Ref 29)

ESW 6.57 0.02 21.08 28.08 1.15 0.33 6.89 0.077 0.0012 1.69 0.024 0.91 40.48
4.10 0.02 21.10 27.90 1.18 0.40 6.73 0.075 0.0014 1.67 0.024 0.91 40.31
2.10 0.02 21.27 27.01 1.17 0.41 6.18 0.081 0.0014 1.67 0.026 0.92 39.32
1.10 0.02 21.16 26.85 1.18 0.41 6.20 0.084 0.0015 1.65 0.025 0.92 39.21
0.10 0.02 21.40 26.88 1.16 0.42 6.16 0.081 0.0014 1.67 0.025 0.92 39.24
0.90 0.16 0.02 0.02 1.07 0.19 … … … 0.008 …
GMAW 7.00 0.043 19.25 25.04 4.48 1.03 5.37 0.142 0.004 1.86 0.043 0.83 37.54
5.05 0.040 19.10 25.05 4.52 1.02 5.66 0.137 0.004 1.89 0.043 0.84 37.89
3.05 0.042 18.95 24.85 4.34 1.02 5.59 0.141 0.004 1.82 0.044 0.83 37.52
2.05 0.076 15.14 19.91 3.67 0.88 4.50 0.089 0.004 1.38 0.036 0.80 30.22
1.05 0.077 15.18 19.78 3.69 0.86 4.30 0.087 0.004 1.39 0.037 0.79 29.86

(a) Distance from fusion line (mm)

thickness in only 13% of the time spent by GMAW process. result, once the dilution has a strong effect on the corrosion
These results are in line with Farkade (Ref 17), in an industrial resistance (Ref 23). In this respect, there is a great concern
case of overlay welding of up to 280-mm-diameter nozzles, about the metallurgical aspects of the fusion line, mainly in
with a saving of thousands of hours by the use of ESW in regard to the formation of very small, brittle and hard zones
replacement of GMAW. along the fusion line, referred to as partially diluted zones
In addition, a calculated dilution rate of 4.0% can be (PDZs) (Ref 24). These zones are usually associated with the
considered low, when compared to the GMAW process, where presence of high-hardness martensite (400-550 HV) (22, 24-
a rate of 11.2% was obtained, being these results in accordance 28) and can promote a deleterious influence on the corrosion
with other technical works (Ref 18-22). This is an important resistance of dissimilar metal welds for sour service.

2208—Volume 26(5) May 2017 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Although the occurrence of PDZ has been observed (Fig. 2), fraction and the mean particle size, as well as the statistical tests
no evidences of cracking or disbonding were verified at the conducted for significance and normality. Figure 5 and 6 show
overlay obtained by GMAW process. The same behavior was the microstructures observed at OM and SEM, respectively,
observed in bending tests, which did not present any evidence where the difference in size of particles and dentritic and
of discontinuities (Table 3 and Fig. 3). interdendritic regions is evident. EDS analysis of weld metal in
As expected (Ref 22, 24-28), martensite was the microstruc- dendritic and interdendritic regions confirmed that interden-
tural constituent observed at this region, being important to dritic regions presented higher percentage of Cr and Mo
notice its different morphology in comparison with the (Table 5), as expected (Ref 4).
martensite observed close to the fusion line (Fig. 4). Indeed, The chemical compositions of the weld metals and Creq/Nieq
an intense carbide precipitation due to the multiple passes was ratios at different distances from fusion line are presented in
observed at the CGHAZ (Fig. 4). Table 6, where it shows that the level of oxide-stabilizing
At the weld overlay, PDZ were not observed in both GMAW elements, such as carbon, titanium and niobium, is low at all
and ESW samples. In relation to the weld microstructure, the positions in the weld metal. Due to this fact, the formation of
ESW weld presented coarser dentritic and interdendritic carbides could be minimized (Ref 4). Based on the studies of
regions. As a consequence, the particle size of secondary David et al. (Ref 29), a modified Schaeffler diagram, which
phases was significantly higher than the ones occurring at the incorporates high cooling rates involved in welding process,
GMAW samples. However, no significant difference was indicated a relationship between Cr and Ni equivalents and the
observed for the phase fraction of the secondary phases. The phases present in the microstructure, being important to
size difference can be attributed to the difference in cooling mention that, when the ratio of Creq/Nieq is lower than 1.35,
rates of each process. Table 4 presents the secondary phases solidification results in austenitic formation.

Fig. 7 Pseudo-binary diagram (PBD) for the weld metal of the GMAW and ESW samples

400 400

350 350

Weld metal Base metal Weld metal Base metal

300 300
Microhardness (HV0.5)
Microhardness (HV0.5)

250 250
As welded
200 As welded 200

150 150
100 100

50 50

0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4

Distance from fusion line (mm) Distance from fusion line (mm)


Fig. 8 Results of hardness tests

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 26(5) May 2017—2209

Some investigations (Ref 1, 4, 30) have shown that the most the chemical composition in the weld metal. The range of
commonly observed intermetallic phases are Sigma (r), Chi (v) analysis of Mo content varied from 0 to 40% in weight and the
and Laves, which are treated in some cases as one phase due to temperature from 600 to 1500 C. In all cases, the diagrams
their very similar morphology. Low carbon solubility has been indicate that, during cooling, Sigma phase occurs previously to
found in Sigma phase, while a high solubility of interstitial Laves and Chi phases. The Sigma, Chi and Laves phases are
elements in the austenite matrix tends to lead to the formation favored by increased concentrations of Mo in the alloy, which
of Chi and Laves phases. An increased Mo content on the alloy corroborates its formation in the interdendritic/intercolumnar
can accelerate the Chi formation kinetics (Ref 31). The liquid, where the Mo is segregated during cooling. The weld
prediction of the occurrence of Sigma and Chi phases was metal for the GMAW process presents a stronger tendency to
also suggested experimentally by Hull (Ref 32), being expected form Laves phase than the ESW weld metal, with the formation
Sigma phase formation for Creq higher than 17.8% and Chi of Sigma and Chi phases occurring for higher Mo contents.
phase in alloys containing Mo. This can be explained by the differences in chemical compo-
In order to provide more information regarding the occur- sitions of the electrodes. The GMAW electrode presents higher
rence of Sigma, Chi and Laves phases during the welding weight contents of C, N, Si and Mn. Kato et al. (Ref 33)
process, pseudo-binary diagrams (PBD) were calculated for described that Si promotes the stabilization of Laves phase for
both processes using the Thermo-Calc software, using a Fe- several alloys, while Jargelius-Petterson (Ref 34) showed that
alloys database, TCFE6 (Fig. 7). The base composition used higher contents of Mn and N in austenitic steels promoted the
for the GMAW process was the one measured at about 3 mm precipitation of Sigma, Chi and Laves phases, becoming the
from the fusion line, once this point marks the stabilization of last one stable at lower temperatures (700 C).

Fig. 9 Optical microscopy showing the microstructure observed at CGHAZ in the as-welded condition. Etchant: Nital 2%

Fig. 10 Martensite (M) at CGHAZ as observed by EBSD technique

2210—Volume 26(5) May 2017 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Considering the above-mentioned statements, the secondary (b) As a consequence of the different cooling rates, con-
phases (SP) observed in the present work, Fig. 7 and Table 5, cerning the substrate, bainite for ESW process and
were characterized as Sigma and Chi phases. These findings are martensite for GMAW process were the predominant
consistent with the results reported by other authors (Ref 1, 2, constituents observed at CGHAZ;
4, 30, 35). In addition, a quantitative analysis performed on (c) No evidence of PDZ was observed for ESW process;
these weld metals showed a low proportion of secondary (d) Weld overlays performed by ESW process presented
phases, around 0.6% for both cases (Table 4). slightly lower values of hardness at weld metal and sub-
Figure 8 shows the hardness measurements for both pro- strate than those obtained for GMAW weld overlays.
cesses for the as-welded and heat-treated conditions. By Concerning the effect of the PWHT in both processes, a
comparing the results, it was observed that the GMAW process decrease in hardness was observed for the substrate, due
presented higher values than the ESW process. The heat to the stress relief and tempering of the microstructure,
treatment induced a decrease in the hardness of the base metal, but no significant difference was observed at the weld
but no significant difference was observed for the weld metal. metal. Samples for both conditions did not present
The reduction in hardness at HAZ after PWHT can be attributed cracks after bending tests;
to the tempering of the microstructure, being it more intense for (e) ESW process can be an interesting alternative for AISI
GMAW process where martensite was present. Although 904L weld overlays, due to the low dilution rate and
PWHT can promote the occurrence of secondary phases which higher productivity when compared to GMAW process.
are detrimental to mechanical and corrosion properties of SASS
(Ref 1, 2), these treatments are necessary to relieve residual
stresses of the components (Ref 8, 36, 37). In this respect, it can
be observed that a PWHT performed at 620 C did not cause Acknowledgments
significant alterations in the mechanical behavior of the
material, once the hardness did not change drastically and no The authors would like to thank CEFET/RJ, COPPE/UFRJ and
cracks on the weld were observed after bending tests. Petrobras for the support in the execution of the present work.
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2212—Volume 26(5) May 2017 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

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