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Important Points

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; lt''J ,iJ I i:l;:ll:li';ffi::iii*'ii"''#r"'i ii""t'i'hr"urrhr$'rr'ri'{

,l \) t' 'tl
I ::$:i'I"g;i"ri''"tiir"ii.'*-:i:l:::::,]:-,.1:::-"*
J- |I .,;i"li.#i*:l,,,lfl:ffiT.[,:i,.J".:,J1il:i:,:;i"T"i,;*i1l:
rurtoctrartcr casin8 and inicctot' B
rz pr{EpARrNcADIESDLENcrND,r,oR I tru:*:ll*lillri:*:fl','Lff"'lg:.'."""'#illi$.':*';::.1*,:j
RUNNINC " I ;lli;;;i'lt:J'Ji'uii.' cooti^g passases and turboclrarsers. rhc charge
I lil li'ti"'J 'ii"'iii'"r* bc-vintcdl Urwcrrrctl spitccs cncourirs' thc H
locrl ovcrhcrlinS'
lvhcn instru(tion3 havc bccn rcccivcrl thar lhc flain cnginc ir to I formarion ofstcam. corrosion' crosion and
ift" ."nkcasc' clc- for arrv lools' otislruclions' or
prepar.d tor runninS thc folowing proccdurc should bc fo owcd: I t' f)
" tfi".i"G"t"-,igf, The prcscncc ol e y urrwrnlcd
i"i"'-","tf r antl rcruovc sa cconscqucnccs
(l) Check that thc fucl, lubricating oil and cooling watcr arc at workifie I whcn slltli s Bnd ru
Icv€t rnat thar rhc quatiry is acccptabte wirh tow conraminarion, i... I i'iiiil.iiiil-.""iJ irarc s'rious
Jrrrr! errrrrtrun(rruY
'r*'sl'tg":llii:;ll'n-lll*lll'al':J*i;Ll;:l'*j: I
I ll'llllililfi''llh'-'"u-r::*il:,'i'""*::c,shur
"- iiicssao rain rtre sysrcms. nga e. thc rnin s sear.
"' a E ru
ott and ir
roSrrc rhc rcconrrrarroco prcssurcs alo tcnrpcra(trcs.
crrtucadt{stcd II ;l,Hi,iii:i,;t!l-,j'!fTj::*
ilki"; i;i. a*k the pressures in *iil",lf,":"ill'"ii:,liL:j'
the lubricalinS oil.5y3tcmr,-
u, ill,iili'i.li.l'illLt'.lTJffl'""1:'T;"r" d.ain II
and con(ror sys,cn,s,
;U',t iyri,,,riil",ri"'toi"o.r.:,l::,:illti:1,'il'llJ,l'i,:ll'1f
il:tJIJil:;ililXiiT?iliH-'ffilllli,iiT;JilfJ:l':f1"1?l;: II fi:i'ftii;i'ti".riii:'.1::i*:::1li'.1;llXXorhavcitsownscrr-
r"r,'i.",i',? w'-':T::::,*l]"i:".:.':i'i;:'i
corlirrs w6lcr r.lutns from thc iackels, lincrsarrd pis(o rshouldbc
ra:lcd io 6{Pc (rr0" F). rhc rvairnine rr,iijiei ;r;i'Jh;"il ;il;
II . i"i;!ii;1e
r'.r iiiliill'in1"ii!r;r{;l;.i"111-tLf*:j
c}lindcr ltrbriijarors
""'_ '-l."i.Jtv r,"",t lli.'i1,1'l.i,,1l1lii}i
drould b€ op( at rc8ular i;rervals,;,
;""'n" eir rccciversiliaDhrrsrn
sho ld havc trrt
ot e r a p€riod or approri,natclv rour hours. I t sl E i'Jiiiil iiiti';i;;l"i;"" "
sla ds
(5) sra't up tub.iclrins oit pumps and .ie.r p,"ssu,es. on I ;t'"":+j ;l;* ::1t1"<l opcn Thc-rlrains fronr
havins oil cool.d pistonsihe iub,i.nr;ng oii irJ""i.i "ngin"s
tip"i I should bc slightlv opcn .
op.rarion nnd thc
inro op.ratiofl
into .ale o[
rhc.are or hcalirg
hcarirs so nrranScrl ''".,rhar lhc
rr,c II ,,",
lelcphoncs to t h; bidS,e a,,d Chiet E't8i'ujcr's
samc tinrc chcck lhe
teiirperlturc of tht piston cooling oil retuins arc :z ri ls'c (so ro i
thc appropri:'|tc svsrcms arso
,r, ii;l'""";'i,tj::i:l"":Xll:it;::"H,"':i,".* prclsurcs. Dri,,8 inro |I ,,, lrrll"Jr. ,r,"
lil ""
for cach svlrc ro asccrtli rhar thc 7
"'"'' rrrk
opernrion rh. h.arins sysrcm for rhc fuct i,l.iecror coolins varcr ir.li i!1i;;1gyt^9;viccs
ro raifi rhc rcmpcrrrurc of rhc waler to 6CfC (l40f F) ov€r a peJiod
IL. opcratc;t rhe corrcrt.settinss'
", :,f littcd, :i;;]il
::..11,:'j' -- orn
chcck the i,,i"ninr
runrrnS ., .,
Uirccrion saf"ry inrcrtocks for bor ir
irbarrt r$o hou;r. lf lhe cngi c h to uc rrarteil on tiiglt vkc6rity I ttal wher€
,ri. ,",npi,",,i,. or rtt.
"aiir shoul l r,. r"i-",i ir'i)"r. ii;i iiro . I ahead and astcrn runnins'.
-ihc tc"e'sine scrvo'motors ror corrccr
lsrF) l (18)

' the lucl rcaching thc injectors is raiscit to such i poi;t that lltc nhcad s d istcrn running' -
t the injec (ors
viscosity is tesr rhsn 27 certisrrokcs ( I t 2 Rcdwood Nor I, tr EtrEIrr), f zot ilriii" irl" r""i p" -ips ' fu,'et'n'cssu rc pipes and v?n

,i ,lis rhcrcro,. u.r.ssary lo

ir is rlrcrclor. hcar llre
ro hcal rlre rucl rri,r lhc
rhc syslcrr
sysrc,r and ci,lulatc
a,rd crrrulalc iili L-i".i ,r* p'"ti""s" ii' tlt::li:t]18-?jr.lajlks;-..,,.
':it"iii""ii, lank, ensurc rh. autonraric
thar th.
rhrcu8h ro rhe iniccrorl. when hcavy fuets havc a viscosirv ir crcess i ifzt opcn shol-off valvc fot 'h.' 'trr(

starting air nranilold. !

(23) Turn on conlrol air to all syslcms.
(24) Cfieck and, if lecessary, adjusl oil, u'aler and luet pressures and
ternpe ratu res.
(25) DiscnSage tlre turning gcar and.sccure lhe operaling lever.
(26) Ss.itch tire corrtrols on ttre auxiliary blou'er to tlre atttolnatic position
anrl starl tlrc frrel booster punlp.
(27) lnforrrr bridge tlrat cngineroorn would like lo turlt ellglttc ovcr slowly I3. \AINTCIIKL,E,PINC DUTIES AT SEA
on air.
On engines with bridge control the control selector must be turned to which cotrtributes to avoiding
Constant inspection is a precaution
tlre desircd position.
(28) Close all indicaling cocks. rroubleandtlrcfollowingroutinesmustbecarriedoutatregularintervals
(29) Rcport lo the bridge when tlte engine is ready for stand-by. ,,,i,J", norn'ttl ope rating conditions:. ard tentperatures arrd enter
(l) Ilegularlv clrcck ol'J"to'O all pressures
(30) ]'he oil nrist delector alarm [unctiort can be chcckcd accordiltg to tlre to diffcrentials in telttpe-ralure
sante in ttre e"girrcioo'u log' Adirererrce
maker's instructions.
atd pressure f i"titt it""ttyimportant'
lf a temperature or prcssurc rs rn
instrunrent. a rough gude to
doubt it strould ui .i,..iJo +"nst
tclnperature' is by the feel of the.hano'
(2) Due corrsicicrati'on'-'nu'i it gittn
to engine speed and to the
condilions of,the loacling of the ship "nO
rt ihe cleanliness of the hull
tire engine are'being assessed shop
rshen pcr[or,""";;;;;;"tt"ttlior
are-a rcliable reference and
tcsr Ieports i;;;;;ont"nuurt
but partic-ulal-":t-*:::
bc trcatcd ""d -io Aii;;;J;;tt irnpoitant scavenge air recerver
must be ",
_ua" turbocharger re.votutions,
prcssules cvlinder exhaust ga< lerrrperatures'
tt'ipti;i;;;' ";; rlrc
"no tiuii-f" giuin to calorific value of the fuel when
;;;;ti.s tlre clailv fuel consuntptiott'
rfi-,r]. cooling and lubricatirtg svsienrs
(3) check rhat rhe ljil;;i;;i;.i prc-ssure in a.nv svstem thcn
arc ser nrop.rty'."ii';,.;;'i;i;;fficicnt
accelcrated and the crtgine stoppcd'
ttre safery .f"ui.!'"i"r- Jli be
be checked'
excessive pressure drops must
. Lri"g-any abttornrally high or lorv
(4) Adjusrnrent,
"r;r;'#;;;4. presc'itea""ngt but this ntust be attained
lerttperature, ,o"**itriin rt'l
gracluallv. Ab;;'i;;tii;.:t'tlnts
itn increase therrttal stress
aii temperalure after.the chatger
and nray cause-t'rouble. chect the low as possible' a high
air cootcr. ftris"["n",p"eri"t. tr,trra-U.available
"i for contbustiolt and
rernperature ,",uf ti i'i tess oxyge n
gas lenrpe Ia-
fu"f ilnrrn,pijo,r-'"r tr"tl. ai hig'er exltaust
the air coolcr ;t;; iii;"t; outlet
fronr lltc cooler is about 17c'
(5) carc must bc raken, in clinrates_ *iii-"-r,iet humidity' that the
ii possibl-e' k:f't
lernt)cralur€ of the scavenge air is-' 1!::e
in thi air'recci'er and the
poinr, olher*i'"';;;;;"'"fion.will-form formalion' whcn
avoid rust
drain will ,"qu'ii" a'u. cra.trc.t o-p"n-io a check must be made to ,l
walcr is rcceiuer then
vcrify *,'1crt,.'
'it f'csft
i;'i'';;;;'tt'o' if it is sca r*'aler thcn tlrc


cootcr is lcrllirrg lttrtl rcclilicltlittrl is r r:tlirirctl'
(6) Drain scavcnge space and jackct tlraitts, also pis(on rod glarrds if
there is an excess leakage of lubricatirrg oil lrorrr ttre glan<I. t[c1 llre
scraper arrd sealing rings shorrld bc altcrrtlcd to al tlre first
(7) Ciieck, oui if necessary, adjust tlre ratc of fccd oI tlrc cylirrder
(8) Check the tenrperatureof thecrarrk case doorsby lrand'
itt inrur. that thc fuel in the daily service tanks has been properly
cleanetl antl that water and sludge have bccn drained off. Drain
sludge from fuel filtcrs and purificrs'
(10) Whelr burning heavy fuclensure tlrat there is strfficient hcat available
to bring rlre viscosity of tlrc fucl (o witlrin tlrc prcscribcd linrits.
(l l) ErrstrrJlhat vents fiorn cooling rvnlcr spilccs arc kept opcrl t0 pcrrttit
air to escape.
(12) Check theprcssure <trop across fuel and lubrication oil filtcrs. Turn
all manualiy operated filters ancl check that automatic filters are
operating, satisfactorily, drain sludge if necessary'
(13) Chcck th-e pressure drop across the clrirrge nir coolcrs ;e1 [ptlr sc1 attd

(t4) ii$ftJlill;els in governor ancl ollrer atrxiliarv equip'tertl'

(15) Check all higlr pressure fuel lines for any sigrrs of leakage'
(t6) Check carnshafts, luel pump bearings antl ot|er sntall bearirtgs for
letnperature increase using tlre palrrt of the harttl'
(r7) Exarnirre jacket, piston and fuel injector cooling rvaler rctttrns for
iig"r'.f coiriarnination, any fouling ntust be investigntecl arrd
Clrcck air starting pigrc to each cylir,clcr, if ovcrltcatirrg is tliscgvercd
' -' e,.rgi,,'e
tnlst be sioppecl, startitlg air valvc artd flarne trap exarrtirted
artd replaced as lleccssarY'
(19) lnspeci access doors and tlrrust block alt scal [or atty sigtts of
(20) Checl'. oillevclin ntain engine lubricating oildrain tank.
(21) Check water levcl in jacket rvater cooling tank.
(22) Check lcvels in fuel tanks, cylindcr lLrbricating oil antl ttrrboclrargcr
lubricating oil header tattks.
(23) t-)rain o[[ rvater front s(arling, air tanks arrd top up pressure if,
necessa ry "

i24) Check lubrica{ir:g'oii sanrples as lecessary and check opcration of

(2i) I{ccortl rcvt'liitlit'rts oi cltgitic tr';r.rr t i';iili rvirlcilkcclring pcriotl'
(26) ^l'nkc indicntor diagrnrrts to clrcck powcr ntrd prcsstrre irr cylinders.
(27) Operr drain valle on starting air manifold to check that valves irt the
systeln are tight.
(28) Water rvash turbocllargcrs ns tlccctsary. '{
(29) Clean air coolers at recollllllelttled irttervals'



t5.I Snrrly I'nL,cnurroNS: Therc are certain basic rules to be follou,ed
r*'lrcn ovcrhauling or re pairing the nrain engine and thcse are as follou.s:-

(l) Close the slarting air valves on the air s{orage tanks and open all
rlrain valvcs on tlre air lrranif old.
(D lllrsure lhal llte lrrnrirtg gear is errgaged and secure tlre operalilrg lever
bcforc enlcring llrc crankcase and carrf ing ouf u'ork on an1'runnirrg
g,ear parts.
(l) llc[ore turrring the errgirre by means of a tunriltg gear nlake sure lhal
lhcre arc lro ol;structions in wuy of llre running gear and tlrat the
irtrlicator cocks are open arrd stay opcn as lolrg as any overlraulirrg
work is being carried out.
(4) E,nsurc tlrat thc covcr provided is placcd over the opcn cylinder uhen
a pislon has bcen renroved.
(5) Alrvay.s usc atlct;ualc (s'ciglrlcd) lifting gear and check its condition
bcforc usc. Pcriodicalll'chcck tlre brakc in the electricalcrane.
(6) S(and clear of any parts during lifting by crane.
(7) Ilrrstrrc lhal porvcr alrd light cables are kept free and not trapped in
doors or under toads.
(8) Ensrrre that all ladders and walk ways are free of oil, grease and loose
nuts, bolts, lifting cquipment elc.
(9) Makc sure llrat fire cxtinguishers are atways iopped up and read)' lor
(10) Ncver use an ungrrarded light to inspect an air vesset, luet tank,
lrrbricating oil tarrks, air pipe, fuel pipe, crankchanrber. or an)'part
oI tlrc engine wlralsoeler
(tl) lf llre crrgine lras becn stopped on account of overheating then the
apJlroprialc aclion as outlined in section l8 must be taken.
(lD ll CO2 or any othcr method of extinguishing has been used in tlre
crankcase or scavenge space lhen these must be very thorouglrly
velrted bclore an)'one is allowed lo walk inside.

5.2 OvrnllnuLrNc AND SrRvtctNc

(l) Evcry griccc of nrachinery rnusl be ovcrtrautcd and cleaned ar rcgular
ilrlcrvals so that it is constantly in good running order. Ail engirre
buildcrs supply.guidance and advice as to llre inlervals al slrich
('i pi
servicing slrould be carried out, tlris depends to a grcat cxtcnt on llte t'L5;rrr.bc-ptrrrr'ecr otrt a*r crearred of arr [,
power loading of the engine. r,rl li,Tl,ii,iilTi'[:'lilil]l
ilite'i"t' Prior to ti;;;''t,,.,!"";i'ti'i ""tl
tlte rJiriv I
(2) Classification Socielies have thcir orvn rules regardirtg nrajor service sludgc and gritrv
ili and continuous service and adherence to tltese rules is vital. lubricatingoirtanrshouia,t,obeexanrinedindclearedifnecessary.
rirl"lu.r.ih. nraster valvc
(l) One of tlre factors wlriclr OcrEffiiiiG-itre freqrrcircy of ovcrlrarrl is the
(15) Clrcck ,r,. op.r"'Ji;;i:;tt;;J.; t,"t,i'.'e neccssar, Chcck stattInli
and othcr o,,.iU"ri"q]r'ip,',.|.,.'t,lubricatJasin corrlrol svslelrrs are not
loncl at rvhiclt llte crrg,ine opcrfltcs irt scn'icc as rvcll as llrc gra<le o[
air pipc .nupri"ei ;;; il;;i;" n;'
fuel and lubricating oil trscd. 5"itrt#J t'e giverr tutt' lruse couplings can
(4) Before slarting any ovcrlratrling.it is.intporlanl to chcck tlrat tlrc
always obviotts "iitu
proper tools are available attd (lral they are in good rvorking order. e,,sure rhsr thc rvhore svstenr
Tlte use of rvroltg or worn tools can causc datrtagc, loss of valrrable (r6) 6;::"',::Ii3,i:l',i,T1i.,,o,, !y halcr-to
.r,"..r.",rt", nii*. coupli'gs
tinre and injury (o personncl. Ensure that tlre.startilrg air is off and bcen
tras r,rinr",l';i.l'j;'i;;.,ion"r,
tlrat the turning gear is engaged. to be checked
11,]liil,lli,FiS"dirig those rirtedl,on rlre crankcaec,
(5) "l'lrc lnstrucl16n lvlanual ntust bc available to and tlroroughly rcad by ,,.,1
all engineroom personnel involvcd in ntairtlcttartce attd the and oilrer a'ciIIarv-
reconr rncndcd procedu res shou ld be follou'ed. t,r, tL1,1,""-'l';JJ'1,1'lil'"'JlJt1", _,1,_1-rou.,nor
appropriate time'
(6) equipment i"oitita oui at rhe rvitlr tlrt g'reatest of care'
Before shutting dorvn thc lubricating oil pump clrcck tlrat tlre oil is
(19) All disrnantlinglooif t't t"t'itJ lur
florving freely from the crosshead and olher bearings, any
all rrarts shotrl<iil:l;;;il i"J
't.louttt lr"""ilt ,i'.v ,,.-b.ingof
inlerruption of flow may nlearl that thc bearing rnctal is squccr-cd. against tlre inBress.J JitiUy "ttt* slreet
Seal all opcrrings
Open up crankcase for full running gear and crankcase inspcction. A rags for this purpose.
sanrple of the lubricating oil should be taken and scnt to thc suppliers ii *"",1." uloJt<s.bo norf orusecleaning engine parts'
for analysis. (20) Do not use cotion s aste and screrv tltreads etc''
(7) E,xanrine all,lubricatirrg oil an<l fuel oil filter clerncnls for signs oI (21) 'l'ake r,"ot t"'""to';;;i;" ut"'ing-'u'i"le"
damage. .;
nraks sure tlrat a'll residtre
(E) Drain cocks on lurboclrargers to be oJrcned. lns;rectitrrt covers operred ,r, i;""lfgl,t;"XXll['riled.orp"rts
rernovecl ancl tlrat acljaccnt
trJJ.'uJ.n.o".,.d before
',:1",?."1 r*ork is
up arrd turbine rvlrecls and nozzles eranrined for deposils. lf records
sltorv that the air florv is reduccd tlrcrr lhc protcctiorr grids lrrust bc vro-r'k mrrst be
pt) ;iitl;i]rtnti;""o overhautcd <l.uring ntaitttenance^ opcration irr the
opcned up arrtl clearrcd, befoie bcing prrr inlo
(9) clreckcd tor correct functioning
Clean scavengc air receiver attd nll scaverrge draitt cortnccliorrs. Turn pipt' nlJ'Ut pit""t ttste<l for possib'c leaks'
engine arrd exarnirtc pislon ro<Is arrd llre pistorr rirrgs tlrrouglr llre engine. '.r*ri,i"f p"ri, jt',L--U. clrgg.\cd .against the
scavenge porls, check rirrgs for frtctlonr oI lnovcrrrcrrt an<l rvlrelher (24) The .t."rnn.""ii' ,ff prrr, o,,tii,te-prcsctibetl ,lirnits are to be
inlacl. During this inspcctiorr, cooling u'aler alrd/or oil slrould be lnakcrs irrstruction nranuals.
circulated for leakage cxarnirrrlion. replaccd[romthespareS'car"t-it'otfjuttctttogivctltccorrccl
(10) tf required bridge gauge readings of nrain bearirrgs arrd crarrkslraft nur arld. irrto spare gear
if possibrc, bc repairecr
dellections may be taken. Tlrese records should be taken wlren the trrl flllllLT parrs shoutd, tl';-p;;i; it.out'J be.r-e.ordercd tc
ship is afloat. stock. If thi; is not possible ai to that rshen the engir:e
(ll) nll bolls and nutfin tlre crankcase to be checkecl for tightrress and nraintain an adequate level o[ 'p"""'itif
kxkirrg plates exnntincrl, Main enSirre holtlirrg rlurvlr bolts arrtl rrrlin was-cottrtlrissioned' - ---..r^, irrrprvnls
-, rcgulnr prolecttrt
irtlervals a'cl
tie bolts lo be clrecked for lightncss. All rrrairr rruls to bc tiglrtcrrctl to (26) All corrosic''n or oilter
rccom mendcd torque valrres. coatings be rcnewcd as nt'ccssary*'to ]'"t"nr
(12) \ltl,err clrains are fillc(l for canrslra[t <Jrivc tirc icnsiorr lo be daa;,;li1e. ,. ^-^_r i-r \" , rloie<l
i"iirl ';r " tlosccl
t$g,,, ,.,rre ai i,,
:irclkcri arrd guide bars antl bcarings cxanrilrcd. sprockct rvlrccls (o bc (27) Synthctic rrrbbcr seals shoultl bc storcti
exa:;iincd for u'car. rirc cngine rr*sr bc tirorougrl;-
(13) Thc control mechanisrn slrould bc checkcd for nrovcrucnt and the ,r'
' -' X;::::ilill''"""":ililt',1;,t,",ri's,,
clcaned using cloths and not cotlorl
pistons ofithe pneumatic or lrydrarrlic cylin<lers operatcd by lrand lo checke<r, and replaced
ensure freC{orn, ball ends and bearings examined and greased. On (2e) Ail ,oor, ,,,ti't;'il;;,;i;,-;i;';;i";;d
tools must be replnced'
IHffi proper;;fi#;' ;",n"ittr
IH ; complelion of tlris work the rvhole of the control systenr to bc their

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