Important Points
Important Points
Important Points
' the lucl rcaching thc injectors is raiscit to such i poi;t that lltc nhcad s d istcrn running' -
t the injec (ors
viscosity is tesr rhsn 27 certisrrokcs ( I t 2 Rcdwood Nor I, tr EtrEIrr), f zot ilriii" irl" r""i p" -ips ' fu,'et'n'cssu rc pipes and v?n
(l) Close the slarting air valves on the air s{orage tanks and open all
rlrain valvcs on tlre air lrranif old.
(D lllrsure lhal llte lrrnrirtg gear is errgaged and secure tlre operalilrg lever
bcforc enlcring llrc crankcase and carrf ing ouf u'ork on an1'runnirrg
g,ear parts.
(l) llc[ore turrring the errgirre by means of a tunriltg gear nlake sure lhal
lhcre arc lro ol;structions in wuy of llre running gear and tlrat the
irtrlicator cocks are open arrd stay opcn as lolrg as any overlraulirrg
work is being carried out.
(4) E,nsurc tlrat thc covcr provided is placcd over the opcn cylinder uhen
a pislon has bcen renroved.
(5) Alrvay.s usc atlct;ualc (s'ciglrlcd) lifting gear and check its condition
bcforc usc. Pcriodicalll'chcck tlre brakc in the electricalcrane.
(6) S(and clear of any parts during lifting by crane.
(7) Ilrrstrrc lhal porvcr alrd light cables are kept free and not trapped in
doors or under toads.
(8) Ensrrre that all ladders and walk ways are free of oil, grease and loose
nuts, bolts, lifting cquipment elc.
(9) Makc sure llrat fire cxtinguishers are atways iopped up and read)' lor
(10) Ncver use an ungrrarded light to inspect an air vesset, luet tank,
lrrbricating oil tarrks, air pipe, fuel pipe, crankchanrber. or an)'part
oI tlrc engine wlralsoeler
(tl) lf llre crrgine lras becn stopped on account of overheating then the
apJlroprialc aclion as outlined in section l8 must be taken.
(lD ll CO2 or any othcr method of extinguishing has been used in tlre
crankcase or scavenge space lhen these must be very thorouglrly
velrted bclore an)'one is allowed lo walk inside.