Lesson Plan-Grade 3-Math

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GRADE 3 School Grade THREE

Daily Teacher Learning Area MATH

Lesson Date and Quarter THIRD
I. Objectives
The learners demonstrate understanding of odd and
A. Content Standard
even numbers.
The learners are able to recognize and represent odd
B. Performance Standard
and even numbers in various forms and contexts.
Identifies odd and even numbers. (M3NS-IIIa-63)

1. Identifies odd and even numbers.
2. Demonstrate understanding of odd and even
C. Learning Competencies numbers.
3. Appreciate the importance of odd and even
numbers in daily living. - Alertness

Day 1: Identifies odd and even numbers.
II. Content (Subject Matter)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Mathematics 3 pp. 215 – 217
DBOW pp. 6 - 7
2 Learner’s Material pages Mathematics 3 pp. 215 – 217
3. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource LR portal

B. Other Learning Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, pictures from the

Resources internet videos.

Daily Routine: KRA 2 Objective 5.

1. Prayer Established safe and secure learning
2. Checking of Attendance environments to enhance learning
3. Health Inspection through the consistent
4. Classroom Rules implementation of policies,
5. Math Song guidelines, and procedures
A. Reviewing the previous
Lesson or presenting new
Review: They need to be able to answer the division Indicator 7
equation before they sit down. Apply a range of successful
strategies that maintain learning
environments that motivate learners
to work
productively by assuming
responsibility for their own learning
B. Establishing a purpose for Game: “Open the basket” KRA 1 Objective 1
the lesson. Apply Knowledge of Content
Instructions: within and across curriculum
1. Form 5 pairs of pupils. Let each pair hold hands to teaching Areas.
form a basket. Instruct the remaining pupils that at
your signal, they will go inside the baskets. Indicator 1
2. Say, “Open the basket, three pupils can go inside a Apply knowledge of content within
basket”. Only three pupils should be inside one and across curriculum teaching areas
basket. The pupil/s who was/were not able to go
inside any one of the baskets should sit down.
3. Remove one basket. Say Again, “Open the basket,
two pupils can go inside a basket”. Only two pupils
should be inside one basket. The pupil/s who
was/were not able to go inside any one of the baskets
should sit down.
4. Repeat the game until only basket remains and only
one pupil is inside the basket.
Story Problem. KRA 1 Objective 4
Used of effective verbal and non-
Ms. Quilang’s class is going to join the school verbal classroom communication
program, so the pupils are lining up in pairs. Today strategies to support learner
she has 24 pupils in class. Does each pupil have a understanding, participation,
partner? Why? What if there are only 23 pupils, will engagement and
C. Presenting examples/ all the pupils have a partner? Why? achievement
instances of the new lesson.
Indicator 3
Use effective verbal and non-verbal
classroom communication strategies
to support learner understanding,
participation, engagement, and
Let the learners solve the story problem. KRA 1 Objective 4 Used of
effective verbal and non-verbal
The teacher will lead them to figure out the answer by classroom communication strategies
asking them to have a pair.
to support learner understanding,
All even numbers make pairs. participation, engagement and
D. Discussing new concepts achievement
All odd numbers have one without pair.
and practicing new skills. #1 Indicator 3
Even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
It can be divided into two exact numbers. Use effective verbal and non-verbal
classroom communication strategies
Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. to support learner understanding,
It cannot be divided into two exact numbers. participation, engagement, and
E. Discussing new concepts Check the numbers and write if it is ODD or EVEN. KRA 1 Objective 4.
and practicing new skills #2. Write the correct answer in your notebook. Used effective verbal and nonverbal
classroom communication strategies
______1. 45 ______6. 30 to support learner understanding,
______2. 212 ______7. 437 participation,
______3. 318 ______8. 195 engagement and achievement
______4. 169 ______9. 513
______5. 174 _____10. 156 Indicator 3
Use effective verbal and non-verbal
classroom communication strategies
to support learner understanding,
participation, engagement and
KRA 2 Objective 6.
Exhibited effective practices to
foster learning environments that
promote fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning

Group activity: “Learning Station” KRA 2 Objective 6. Exhibited

effective practices to foster
Station 1: The group will identify odd numbers learning environments that
Station 2: The group will identify even numbers
promote fairness, respect and care
F. Developing Mastery (Lead Station 3: The group will solve problems and identify
if it is odd or even numbers. to encourage learning
to Formative Assessment 3)
Indicator 5
Maintain learning environments
that promote fairness, respect, and
care to encourage learning
Using money pictures, the learners will solve the KRA 2 Objective 6.
problem and identify if is odd or even numbers. Exhibited effective practices to
foster learning environments that
promote fairness, respect, and care to
G. Finding practical
encourage learning
application of concepts and
skills in daily living
Indicator 5
Maintain learning environments that
promote fairness, respect, and care to
encourage learning
When is a number even? KRA 1 Objective 1
When is it odd? Apply Knowledge of Content
within and across curriculum
H. Making Generalizations
teaching Areas.
and Abstraction about the
Indicator 1
Apply knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas
Write the correct answer in your notebook. KRA 1 Objective 4.
Displayed a wide range of effective
1. I am an even number that is greater than 19 but verbal and non-verbal classroom
smaller than 21? ___________. communication strategies to support
learner understanding, participation,
2. What is the sum of 2 odd numbers that do not engagement, and achievement
exceed 9? _________
I. Evaluating Learning
Indicator 5
3. What are 2 even numbers that are consecutive but Maintain learning environments that
do not exceed 15 in total? __________ promote fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning
4. I am an odd number between 106 and 110? ______.

5. What is the sum of 123 and 456 which is an odd

number? ___________.
J. Additional Activities for Copy the exercise in your notebook and write the KRA 1 Objective 4
Application or Remediation correct answer. Used of effective verbal and non-
verbal classroom communication
1. I am an even number that is greater than 15 but strategies to support learner
smaller than 17. understanding,
participation, engagement and
2. I am an odd number between 4,191 and 4,195. achievement
What number am I?
Indicator 3
3. I am an odd number smaller than 80 but larger than Use effective verbal and non-verbal
77. classroom communication strategies
to support learner understanding,
4. I am an odd number greater than 122 but smaller participation, engagement, and
than 125. achievement

5. I am an even number that is greater than 1,396 but

smaller than 1,400
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching ___Experiment
strategies worked well? Why ___Role Play
did these work? ___Collaborative Learning
___Discovery Why?_____________
___Complete IMs
___Bullying among pupils
F. What difficulties did I ___Pupils’ behavior/attitude
encounter which my principal ___Colorful/Ms
or supervisor can help me ___Unavailable technology equipment (AVR/LCD)
solve? ___Science/Computer/Internet lab

G. G. What innovation or ___Localized videos

localized materials did I ___Making big books from views of the locality
used/discover which I wish to ___Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
share with other teachers ___Local music composition

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