Diagnocat IFU

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Dentist's virtual assistant in treatment planning

User Manual
Version 3.2

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
User Manual Information 4
Contact 4
Device information 4

Regulatory Requirements 4
Device Identification 4
Paper copy 5
Customer Notice 5
Key Features of Diagnocat 6
Intended Use 6

Contraindications 7
Warnings, precautions and limitations 8
Compatibility 12
System requirements 12
1. Start with Diagnocat 13
1.1 Sign up 13

1.2. Log in 14
1.3 Reset password 16
1.4 Plans & Pricing 17
1.5 All Patients 19
1.6 Create a new patient 20
1.7 Patient Card 21
1.8 Create a new study 21

1.9 Order analysis 22

2.0 Radiological Report 23
2.1 Panorama tools 25
2.2 Tooth chart 26
2.3 Сhange teeth numbers 26
2.4 Orthodontic screening module 27

2.5 Conditions with low probability mode 27

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
2.6 Tooth card 28
2.7 All Slices Mode 29

2.8 View and edit slices 29

2.9 3D Viewer 31
2.10 Conclusion 32
2.11 Printing a signed report 32
2.12 Printing a report without signature 33
2.13 Editing report before printing 34

3.0 STL Report 35

3.1 Order a new STL report 35
3.2 View a STL report 36
4.0 Superimposition 37
4.0 Panoramic Report 38
5.0 Intraoral analysis 39

5.1 Order and view intraoral analysis 39

5.2 View images and found pathologies and conditions 40
6.0 Additional Functions 40
6.1 Share patient 40
1. “Send invite to email” option 41
2. “Get link” option 42
6.2 Account Settings 42

6.3 For Help and Assistance 45

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
User Manual Information
This user manual is used solely for the purpose of explaining the use of Diagnocat.

This document cannot be printed or reproduced without the permission of the copyright

Users are recommended to read this manual carefully before starting using Diagnocat

In addition, this manual may be modified without notice. Also, the manual distributed
with the product may not contain the latest version of the product.

For inquiries related to the product and this manual, please contact the following contact

Website: http://www.diagnocat.com

Device information
Name: Diagnocat AI

Relevant Diagnocat Version: 3.2

Regulatory Requirements
Diagnocat AI software complies with the following regulatory requirements:

● ISO 13485:2016
● Regulation (EU) 2017/745

Compliance - This medical product software complies with relevant international and
national standards and laws. Information on compliance will be supplied on request;
manufacturer contact details are written above.

This medical product software must be installed on appropriate IT equipment that

complies with relevant international and national laws and standards on EMC (Electro-
Magnetic Compatibility) and Electrical Safety. Such laws and standards define both the
permissible electromagnetic emission levels from equipment and its required immunity
to electromagnetic interference from external sources

Device Identification

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
333 Southeast 2nd Avenue, 20th Floor#563,
Miami, Florida 33131, USA
Phone: + 1 519 619 4212


Paper copy
To receive a paper copy of this manual, please send an email to
[email protected]. Our team will be happy to provide you with a paper copy of
the manual to you via the postal service.

Customer Notice
This Instructions for Use is intended to assist users in the safe and effective use of the
medical device software described herein. The “user” is considered to be not only the
body with authority over the medical device software but also those persons who use
the medical device software.

This Instructions for Use does not describe the use of the IT equipment on which the
medical device software is installed. Refer to the documentation of the IT equipment

Before attempting to use this medical device software, you must read these Instructions
for Use thoroughly, paying particular attention to all WARNINGS, and Notes it contains.
You must pay special attention to all the information given, and procedures described,
in the SAFETY section. In addition, you must pay special attention to on-screen
Messages and On-line Help information containing WARNINGS and Notes that may be
related to the function being executed.

Directions which if not followed could cause fatal or serious injury to a user,
patient or other person, or could lead to clinical misdiagnosis, and/or loss/damage of
patient-related data.

Additional information:

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
1. Diagnocat may improve the function and performance of the product without notifying
the user.

2. Some features of the product may not be available in all countries, languages and

3. It is illegal to reproduce and distribute the product without the consent of Diagnocat.

4. Users should read this manual thoroughly before using this product.

5. In order to use the full functions of Diagnocat, please follow the specifications
described in this manual.

6. Backup - Backup is the responsibility of the user and it should never be assumed that
any backup is taking place unless it is actively monitored by the user.

Key Features of Diagnocat

Diagnocat allows users to perform the following functions:

1. Managing patient information

2. Acquiring images from equipment and manage storage

3. Viewing patient images (provides tools for image processing and viewing functions)

4. Reinforcing counseling through counseling content support

5. Generating a report using patient oral images

Diagnocat is a web application. It can be used in a network environment. Patient

information, studies and reports can be accessed from multiple workspaces.

Intended Use
The Diagnocat AI automated information system is designed for cloud-based storage
and processing of digital dental images using artificial intelligence. Diagnocat AI has
been developed to automate the activities of dental organizations in radiological
examinations, including examination uploading, screening of diagnostic images, saving,
sharing, editing and drawing conclusions.

Diagnocat AI processes files of any area of the patient's maxillofacial region. Diagnocat
AI is designed for use by medical professionals (dentists, orthodontists, radiologists,
etc.) for education purposes and highlights anatomical areas, common conditions, and
previous treatments.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
Diagnocat AI automatically produces radiological reports for easier viewing and
documentation of investigation for a particular patient. Diagnocat AI can also be used by
managers and administrators of clinics to document patient treatment history and
maintain personal records.

This is a reusable, non-invasive device for image processing and documentation. The
Software cannot be used to make a decision about the diagnosis, presence or absence
of a disease on the basis of the online screening, without additional investigation.

The Software cannot be used for direct diagnosis and clinical decision making.

Full list of detected pathologies:

Maxillofacial Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans: Artificial crown,

Canals, Caries signs, Crown defect over 50%, Cast post and core, Endodontically
treated tooth, Filling, Impaction, Implant, Missed canal, Overfilling, PDL space widening
along root, Periapical radiolucency, PDL space widening in periapical region, Periapical
radiopacity, Periodontal bone loss, Pontic, Roots, Short filling, Voids present in the root
filling, Tooth germ, Root fragment, Impaction, tooth germ, root fragment, tooth, missing

X-Ray scans: Pulp stone, Dental calculus, Pulpotomy, Periapical radiolucency,

Overfilling, Overhang, Caries signs, Short filling, Cast post and core, Open margin, Lack
of interproximal contact, Implant, Artificial crown, Post, Canal filling, Filling, Voids
present in the root filling, Furcation lesion, Periodontal bone loss, Secondary caries,
Pontic, tooth, missing tooth.

Panoramic scans: Dental calculus, Periapical radiolucency, Overfilling, Overhang,

Caries signs, Short filling, Cast post and core, Secondary caries, Lack of interproximal
contact, Implant, Artificial crown, Post, Canal filling, Filling, Voids present in the root
filling, Furcation lesion, Periodontal bone loss, Pontic, Impaction, tooth germ, root
fragment, tooth, missing tooth.

Although Diagnocat neural networks are trained on a large diverse dataset it is
necessary to remember that in order for the analysis to work correctly, it is necessary to
exclude studies of poor quality.

Applying the Software to poor quality dental pictures is forbidden. (This can lead to
incorrect data collection)

The Software cannot be used for direct diagnosis and clinical decision making.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
Warnings, precautions and limitations

It is forbidden to download or transmit any messages or content of any type that may
disregard or violate any of the rights of any party.

It is forbidden to use this Software for any purpose in violation of local, state, national
or international laws.

You may not use this application to publish or transmit any material that is illegal,
obscene, threatening, abusive, slanderous, hateful or embarrassing to any other
person or organization

Diagnocat does not give any guarantees regarding the time required for processing
any request; and if you are faced with an emergency you should not seek assistance
from this guide but instead should call emergency medical service immediately.

Clinicians should review Diagnocat reports concurrently with original images before
making a final determination on a case.

Diagnocat is an adjunct tool and does not replace the role of the clinician. Clinicians
must not use the CAD generated output as the primary interpretation.

Diagnocat is not designed to detect findings other than is listed in paragraph 2.2.
Clinicians should review original images for all suspected pathologies.

All radiographic images must have proper quality. Diagnocat performance may be
reduced on images with poor quality.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
Diagnocat should be used according to the manual.

Required Training and Qualifications

Users of this medical product software must have received adequate training on its safe
and effective use before attempting to use the product described in this Instructions for
Use. Training requirements for this type of product will vary from country to country. It is
the responsibility of users to ensure that they receive adequate training in accordance
with local laws or regulations which have the force of law. If you require further
information about training in the use of this medical product software, please contact

Device Security and Privacy

Customer Role in the Product Security Partnership

Security of Diagnocat products is an important part of each healthcare institution’s

overall security strategy. However, these benefits can only be realized in combination
with a comprehensive, multi-layered strategy that includes policies, procedures and
technologies to protect information and systems from external and internal threats.

In accordance with security and industry best practices, security strategies should

• Physical security restricts unauthorized access to the servers where the Diagnocat AI
product is running.

• Operational security, for example, access / authorization controls and change


• Procedural security, for example, locking unattended workstation, no sharing of

access credentials, termination checklists, etc.

• Continuous monitoring of security protection effectiveness.

• Security risk management.

• Security policies, for example, ensuring that client systems are in line with the
institution's IT security policies.

• Awareness Training.

• Contingency planning.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
• Backup

The practical implementation of technical security elements varies by the institution and
may employ a number of technologies, including firewalls, virus scanning software,
authentication technologies, etc. As with any computer-based system, firewalls and
other security products must be in place between the medical system and any externally
accessible systems or users.

CAUTION: Diagnocat is not responsible for security of institution managed

systems (servers, including servers of hosting applications, desktop PCs, laptops) that
are used for running the software of the product and access to information managed by
the product.

Regulatory Controls

Protecting Personal Information

One of the most important assets to protect with security measures is the patient health
information (PHI). Many governments require maintaining the confidentiality of this
information. Therefore, strict security measures must be taken to guard this protected
information. (Users in the USA may find guidelines at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/hipaa/).

Protecting Personal Health Information

Protecting personal health information is a primary component of a security strategy.

Considering the nature of the Diagnocat AI software, the information processed is highly
personal and sensitive and should be protected in accordance with local legislative
requirements (HIPAA security and privacy rules for US, or European General Data
Protection Regulation for EU).

The Diagnocat AI software does not store the patient's health information. However, the
information transferred to the product is not encrypted. Unencrypted patient health
information will be present in transferred DICOM data and algorithm analysis results.

Thus, particular care must be taken with this information to ensure the utmost security
and confidentiality in data transferring to and from the product.

Removable media, such as paper, may be used for purposes of theDiagnocat AI

software analysis results transfer and long-term storage. Patient data written to
removable media is identifiable. Treat removable media containing patient data as
confidential and take appropriate measures to protect this information, so that unwanted
access by unauthorized individuals is avoided. Procedures to maintain removable
media must be part of the institution's security policy.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
CAUTION: It is the whole responsibility of the user to guard removable
media, which contains sensitive private information, at all times.

CAUTION: Dispose media such as printouts in a secured manner when the

media are no longer needed, since the media may contain sensitive private information.

Malware Prevention and Detection

The server(s), on which the Diagnocat AI software is running, must be placed on a

secure local computer network that has protections against viruses and other harmful
computer system intruders.

Make sure the equipment is connected to a local network that uses appropriate
protection, such as a virus scanner.

When using removable media like USB storage products, CDs, DVDs, be aware that
inserting removable media can introduce a virus to the medical product.

Prevent Unauthorized product Modification

Diagnocat is required to follow government-regulated quality assurance procedures to

verify and validate modifications to Diagnocat AI software.

Users and owners of this medical equipment must permit only Diagnocat authorized
changes to be made to this product, either by Diagnocat personnel or under Diagnocat
explicit published direction.

Logical Access Control

Regular users do not have direct access to Diagnocat AI software. Only authorized
specialists (like institution’s IT specialists/administrators, Diagnocat AI software
administrators) have access to the product. However, they have privileged access
which requires strict control.

Implement stringent control of access to the system:

● Allow access only to the personnel who is responsible for service and administration
of the product;

● Ensure use of strong passwords by the users;

● Ensure that the users keep their password secretly;

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
● Ensure periodic change of passwords.

Product Environment

External circumstances can influence the availability of the product and its operation,
e.g. network failures, power failures, environmental disasters, etc.

Take appropriate controls to ensure the reliability of the environment in which the
product is used.

Information Security Incident Reporting

Although the Diagnocat AI software incorporates state-of-the-art security and privacy

protection, a remote possibility remains that a security or confidentiality breach may

Advise the users of the product and analysis results to contact Diagnocat promptly and
report about occurred security events to allow Diagnocat to respond to the incident with
no delay.

The medical product software described in this Instructions for Use should not be used
in combination with other software, equipment or components unless such other
software, equipment or components are expressly recognized as compatible by
Diagnocat AI.

Changes and/or additions to the medical product software should only be carried out by
Diagnocat AI or by third parties expressly authorized by Diagnocat AI to do so. Such
changes and/or additions must comply with all applicable laws and regulations which
have the force of law within the jurisdiction concerned, and with best engineering

System requirements
Diagnocat software requirements:

- Any operating system capable of running requires a Google Chrome version.

- Browser: Google Chrome 75+ and should be updated.

Diagnocat hardware requirements:

- Minimal processor with at least 2 CPU cores

- 2 GB RAM or more
- Recommended: Processor: 4 core. Memory: 4 GB RAM.
- 50 Mbps or faster Ethernet interface to your institution’s DICOM network

Compatible Radiological Data Sources:

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved

Diagnocat AI can be configured in 2 options:

1. You can upload patients' studies manually using a web-browser that doesn't
require any specific configuration.Please contact your sales representative or
email [email protected] for more information.
2. Desktop integration. DC Desktop App is an application that can capture dental
images from imaging software and upload them to Diagnocat Web Application.
Please contact your sales representative or email [email protected] for
more information.

1. Start with Diagnocat

1.1 Sign up
There are two main ways to create an account in Diagnocat.

1. Sales team

- Go to https://diagnocat.com/ and click “Book a Demo”.

- Select your region and then go to “Sign up for a free trial or book a demo”.
- You will be redirected to a contact form. Please fill all required fields.

*It’s also available to book a phone call with our Sales manager in order to speed
up the process.

- Our friendly Sales team will get in touch with you shortly afterwards. They will be
able to assist you with account creation and choosing the right subscription
option for your business.

2. Signup form

Go to diagnocat.com and click the “Sign up” button.

You will be prompted to the account creation screen where you need to provide account
details and click the “Create Account” button.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
NOTE: It’s important to note that specifying your country is critical. There are two main
reasons for that:

1. We don’t offer Diagnocat services in the countries where we don’t have an official
approval from medical authorities.
2. Each country has its own set of products and pricing policy.

1.2. Log in
Open Chrome browser and go to www.diagnocat.com.

Select your region.

Select your region or country.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
Click the “Login” button.

You will be able to log in to the Diagnocat application by providing your email and

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
1.3 Reset password
If you need to reset your password, click the Reset Password link and enter your email
address you used to register your Diagnocat account.

You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
1.4 Plans & Pricing
To start using Diagnocat you need to buy a subscription plan that will give you access to
the main functionality.

Step 1: Go to your Account Setting and select the Plans & Pricing tab.

Step 2: Select the required plan and click Purchase.

Step 3: For the first payment, you will be asked to provide your billing information and
phone number, so we can keep it on file.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
Step 4: After you provide your billing information, you will be prompted to Stripe where
you can complete your purchase.

Once you finish, you will see your purchase on the Billing History tab, where you can
also download your invoice and view your usage.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
NOTE: Without an active subscription or package (for corporate clients only) you will
only be able to view a Demo case. You won’t be able to create patients, upload new
studies or order reports.

1.5 All Patients

Once you log in successfully, you will see the “All Patients” screen.

#1: Main folders:

“All patients” gives you access to all your patients.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
“Shared” gives you access to all studies shared with you by other users.

“Favorites” gives you quick access to your favorite studies.

“Archive” contains the archived patients.

#2: Using the “Search” field you can search for studies by patient name, treating doctor
or ID.

#3: Show you the list of all your patients.

#4: Shows existing study types.

#5: “New” allows you to create a new patient

#6: Allows you to change the interface language

#7: Gives you access to your account settings

#8: Allows you get access to customer success team

1.6 Create a new patient

You can create a new patient by clicking “New” on the main screen.

Fill in a short form and click “Create”.

A new patient will appear in the patient list.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
1.7 Patient Card

#1: Patient details.

#2: Edit patient details.

#3: Add a treating doctor.

#4: Share a patient with another doctor.

#5: Study details.

#6: Show study info, Download, Reclaim study, Delete study.

#7: Report details.

#8: Order a new analysis.

#9: Download (as PDF file) or Delete the report.

1.8 Create a new study

Once you open patient details you will be able to create a new study by clicking “New”.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
1. Select the study type you want to upload

2. Attach a file or folder by browsing your computer

3. Click the “Upload” or Upload+Analyze button

Diagnocat supports the following file formats: *.dcm, *.jpg, *.png, *.tiff

1.9 Order analysis

When you order 2D reports (FMX and Pano), Diagnocat generates reports

With 3D reports, only the Radiological Report can be generated automatically during
CBCT file/s upload.

To order other reports go to the patient's card, choose the type of study and order the
report by clicking “Order report”.

Type of reports available in the CBCT study:

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
2.0 Radiological Report
You can open a radiological report by clicking the link.

Here is what you will find inside the radiological report:

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
#1: Patient details

#2: Panorama image derived from CBCT

#3: Tooth chart

#4: Referral recommendations

#5: Orthodontic screening

#6: Conditions with low probability mode

#7: Tooth card

#8: Panorama tools

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
2.1 Panorama tools

#1: Brightness and contrast

#2: Sharpness

#3: Zoom in

#4: Grab to move

#5: Invert

#6: Create a panorama for each jaw

#7: Reset all changes

#8: Full screen mode

#9: Download an image as a jpeg file

#10: Collapse panorama tools

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
2.2 Tooth chart

White – healthy teeth

Red – teeth with pathologies

Blue – treated teeth with no pathologies

Yellow - detection with low probability

Cross icon - missing teeth

Red lines (one, two or three) - periodontal screening (periodontal bone loss mild,
moderate or severe stage)

NOTE: by default, all the teeth are enabled and for each tooth there is a tooth card. You
can disable some teeth. Use the “Choose region of interest” option to select what teeth
you would like to have in the report.

2.3 Сhange teeth numbers

If the tooth numbers are incorrect, use the “Edit teeth number” option.

Once done click the “Confirm” button.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
2.4 Orthodontic screening module
This module is for detection of dental and skeletal discrepancies.
To achieve the most accurate indicators, it is recommended to do a study with closed

2.5 Conditions with low probability mode

This mode switches on attributes of "sign of caries" and "periapical lesion" with
probability rate as 30-50%.

NOTE: Yellow attributes don't appear in the report. If you click the "Approve" button, the
yellow attributes become the red one. Then they will appear in the report.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
2.6 Tooth card

You can find detailed information about a specific tooth inside the tooth card.

#1: Add pathology or condition

#2: Add comment

#3: View all slices for the tooth

#4: Use the 3D Viewer

#5: Approve changes

#6: Reset tooth original conditions

#7: Remove the tooth card from the report

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
2.7 All Slices Mode

#1: Main panel that allows to view and edit detected pathologies and conditions. All
pathologies and conditions are grouped according to the anatomical and topographic
features in the form of tabs.

#2: A list of detected pathologies and conditions. You can also change a tooth by
clicking a tooth number.

#3: A collection of slices. Diagnocat automatically creates a collection of slices in three

projections: axial, mesio-distal and vestibulo-oral.

#4: The “Panorama” button. This button will show a panorama and tooth chart on top of
existing slices.

#5: Navigation allowing to choose different teeth in the edit mode

#6: Go back to a tooth card

#7: The “Approve” button. When clicked this button lets the system know that a user has
not changed anything and approves the detected pathologies and conditions. Or if the
user has made edits and confirms changes.

NOTE: Each pathology has %. This is the level of confidence Diagnocat platform has in
regards to the found pathology. If the likelihood of a pathology is less than 50% then the
system won’t show it in the report. The user can still see this pathology on the slices.

2.8 View and edit slices

When you click any slice a tool panel will appear: brightness, ruler, arrow, eraser, hide
“overlays” button, and magnifier.
The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
By default, the system adds 6 slices to the tooth card in different projections. You can
change these slices and create a new set, which will be added to the final report.

Click the “Change slices”, then click a slice you want to delete. If you want to remove all
slices then click the “Remove all” button.

If you want to add your image, use the “Additional slices” option.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
After you finish removing / adding slices, click the “Save slices” button.

2.9 3D Viewer

#1: You can edit information in this section. Changes will be available inside the tooth

#2: View mode

#3: Brightness/contrast

#4: Grab to move

#5: Zoom

#6: Depth of the slice

#7: Reset all changes

#8: Enable/disable axes. Disable axes if you want to end a slice to the tooth card.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
#9: Download slices as JPEG files

#10: Add slices to the tooth card

#11: Go back to the report

2.10 Conclusion
Add a conclusion to the report, attach a link or an image.

#1: Font settings

#2: Add a link

#3: Attach an image

#4: The main text field

2.11 Printing a signed report

To sign a printed report, enter a doctor’s name in the “Doctor” field. Once you add a
doctor the “Sign” button becomes active.

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
Also to sign a report you need to approve all detections of all selected teeth. If any
detection is not approved, the system will give you a warning.

If all teeth are approved, click the “Sign” button and then the “Print” button.

2.12 Printing a report without signature

To print a report without signature use the “Print” and “Print report without signature”
buttons. The system will generate a report without the doctor's signature and

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
A note added to the bottom of every page of the report: “This report was generated with
Diagnocat using Artificial Intelligence. The conditions and pathologies in this report can
not be considered a medical diagnosis and must be interpreted by the attending

2.13 Editing report before printing

In the preview mode you can add final edits to the report before printing it.

#1: Select clinic to add clinic’s information and branding to the report.

#2: Select a report type (Full or Motivation). In the Motivation version there will be only a
panoramic image and the tooth chart.

#3: Invert colors in a panoramic image and the tooth slices.

#4: Enable / disable the likelihood of pathologies and conditions in the report.

#5, #6, #7: Enable / disable the tooth chart and upper and lower jaws in the report.

#8: Enable / disable detected pathologies and conditions in the report.

#9: Enable / disable the tooth slices in the report.

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#10: Enable / disable referral recommendations in the report.

#11: Enable / disable the orthodontic screening results in the report.

#12: Enable / disable study meta information.

#13: Select print type (Color or Black & White).

#14: Download the report as a PDF file.

#15: Print the report.

3.0 STL Report

3.1 Order a new STL report
Click the “Order Analysis” button under a desired study.

Select the output files.

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the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
#1: STL of teeth and maxillomandibular anatomy in one file

#2: STL of teeth and full anatomy (maxilla, mandibula, airways, cranial base) as
separate files

#3: STL of items selected below as separate files

Once you click the“Order” button, the system will start generating a new report. It will
take a few minutes. Once it’s finished, you will see a new report in the list.

3.2 View a STL report

In the list, click a STL report you want to view.

Inside the STL viewer, using the navigation panel on the left you will be able to:

- enable/disable different elements of the model

- change the colors of the model’s elements

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- change transparency of the model’s elements

- rotate the model

- zoom in / zoom out

4.0 Superimposition
Diagnocat allows you to create IOS-CBCT Superimposition. In study choose STL, click
“New” and upload the file or folder.

*Note: you need to upload one of the following file types: *STL, *OBJ, *PLY, *DRC.

Then click “Order CBCT superimposition”:

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4.0 Panoramic Report
When you open a panoramic report for the first time, the system will ask to confirm the
teeth numbers.

After confirmation you will be able to start working with the report. The panoramic report
has the exact same tools and functionality that are used in the Radiological Report.

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#1: Tool panel

#2: Tooth chart

#3: Edit tooth numbers

#4: Choose region of interest

#5: Referral recommendations

#6: Conditions with low probability

#7: Tooth card

#8: Add pathology or condition

#9: Add comments to the tooth card

#10: Remove the tooth from region of interest

#11: Reset the tooth condition to the original state

#12: Approve the tooth

5.0 Intraoral analysis

5.1 Order and view intraoral analysis
After uploading an intraoral scan, the system will analyze them and prepare a report.

The intraoral report has the exact same tools and functionality that are used in the
Radiological Report.

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the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
NOTE: In case there is a validation conflict. The system will ask you to check teeth
numbers. The red marked images have tooth-duplicates. The system won’t allow
complete validation until it’s fixed.

5.2 View images and found pathologies and conditions

When you hover over detected pathologies or conditions, the system will show a location of the
found pathologies or conditions in a form of rectangles. You can edit the location and the size of
detection as well as create new ones.

6.0 Additional Functions

6.1 Share patient
Using this function, you can give access to patient’s study to other specialists who are
not a part of your practice.

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the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
Click the “Share” button. There are two ways to share a patient’s study:

1. “Send invite to email” option

Enter the recipient email address and click the “Send invite” button.

On the left side in the menu “Shared with” you will see a list of doctors a patient study
has been shared with.

To revoke access click the “cross” icon.

A doctor who you share a patient study with will receive an email notification inviting
them to go to Diagnocat.

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the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
If the doctor doesn’t have a Diagnocat account, they will be able to create a new one by
entering a secure password. Once finished they will be prompted to their account where
they can view reports of the shared patient.

2. “Get link” option

To use this option, enter the recipient email address and click the “Get link” button. the
system will generate a unique link you can send to the recipient.

NOTE: A new Diagnocat account a doctor creates is a full Diagnocat account that they
can use from other devices. This account will have limited functionality. They will be
able to view and edit only existing data and reports until they purchase their own license

6.2 Account Settings

To get access to Account settings click the arrow icon in the top right corner.

Inside you will find 5 main tabs:

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#1: Account. You can change the account owner name and the format of the tooth

#2: Organization. You can add, delete and edit clinics so you can use different
branding when printing reports.

#3: Staff. You can add, remove and edit employees, as well as resend an invite.

#4: Billing history. You can view your current plan, packages, consumption and
invoices. You can also pay and download your invoices. Additionally you can cancel
your current plan. What it does is cancel your recurring payment. You will still have an

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the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
active plan but it will not renew when a new billing cycle starts.

#5: Plans & Pricing. You will be able to view available in your region plans and
packages you can purchase.

#6: When you click the “Go back to my patients” you will be prompted to your patient

How to buy extra uploads:

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In case you want to expand the amount of uploads, please follow these steps:

- Log In to your account.

- Open an icon in the lower right corner with the Support team.
- Tell us how many uploads you want to buy.
- Our Sales manager will contact you immediately with all information and add
uploads to your account.

6.3 For Help and Assistance

For general and product-related comments, questions, or concerns, please contact the
local reseller.
333 Southeast 2nd Avenue
20th Floor#563
Florida 33131,
Phone: + 1 519 619 4212
E-mail: [email protected]
Please report of any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device injury or
adverse event to the local competent authority and to Diagnocat LLC. Please refer to the

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of DGNCT LLC. All unauthorized use and/or reproduction of
the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved
manufacturer’s website for the updated contact info: https://www.diagnocat.com, if

Freyr Life Sciences GmbH,
CH-6300 Zug,
Tel: +41 225083729
email: [email protected]

Please report of any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device injury or
adverse event to the local competent authority and to [email protected]

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the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved

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