Hazard Checklist
Hazard Checklist
Hazard Checklist
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WHS general work area hazard identification, risk assessment and control checklist
Risk Entered on
Item Inspected Describe the problem
Level Risk Register
Storage adequate and convenient and free of rubbish?
Bookshelves not overloaded or leaning forward?
Are heavy items stored at waist height?
Electrical appliances & leads, tested & tagged and current?
No unprotected leads over traffic or access ways?
No broken plugs, sockets or switches?
No frayed cords?
No double adaptors in use?
Are heating/cooling units effective for the work area?
Are heaters in good working condition?
Are heaters situated clear of flammable items?
Have bar heaters been replaced with safer heaters?
Bins emptied regularly?
Recyclable materials stored safely?
Are emergency numbers (poison etc) displayed?
Common rooms clean and tidy?
Are food preparation areas clean and hygienic?
Are fridges and food storage areas kept clean & hygienic?
Adequate drinking, washing facilities, soap and towels?
Adequate and clean toilet facilities / supplies?
Does the work area have a fire warden?
Fire extinguishers been tested, tagged and current?
Does area require fire blanket?
Are fire, and sprinkler heads clear of obstructions?
Clear instructions displayed for evacuation?
Adequate direction signs for emergency exits?
Access to all fire safety equipment unobstructed?
Correct operation of fire doors?
Fire doors and emergency exits clear of obstruction?
Are First aid signs clearly displayed?
Are First aid kits and their contents clean orderly
and adequately stocked and not expired?
Do kits have contact details for the nearest First Aider
and emergency personnel clearly displayed?
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WHS general work area hazard identification, risk assessment and control checklist
If you are assessing hazards in an office/common room environment please note that where consumer products like
dishwashing/cleaning chemicals are used only in ways and quantities consistent with household use and in a way that is incidental to
the work carried out by a person, you do not need to list these on a Register, nor undertake a risk assessment or have an SDS
If you are assessing hazards in a small laboratory or workshop where chemicals are used all of the Chemical Safety matters on
this page should be answered.
Item Inspected Any further comments?
CHEMICAL SAFETY Ask your local WHS Officer about Safety
Are all chemicals correctly labeled and stored? Data Sheets.
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WHS general work area hazard identification, risk assessment and control checklist
The checklist is used to identify hazards and determine the level of risk of each hazard.
Use the table below to determine the level of risk and transfer this information to the Risk Register.
The level of risk is a combination of the Likelihood that the hazard will cause an accident and the probable consequence if it does
Ranking Risk Factors by Likelihood Ranking Risk Factors by Consequence
Expected to occur in most May cause death and/or severe irreversible
Very Likely Fatality
circumstances disability, and/or permanent ill health
Will probably occur in most
Likely Major Severe injury or illness
Minor (usually reversible) injury or illness Control Hierarchy
Possible Might occur occasionally Minor
resulting in days off work Elimination Remove hazard
Unlikely Could happen at some time
Likelihood First Aid First aid level medical treatment
Very Highly Substitution Use a less hazardous alternative
Highly May happen Likely
only in exceptional Possible Unlikely
likely unlikely
Negligible No treatment required Eg. Restrict access, use in a closed
Unlikely circumstances Isolation
Fatality Extreme High High High Medium container, fume cabinet
Eg. Trolleys to move loads, guards on
Major injury High High High Medium Medium Engineering
machinery, Fume cupboard
Minor injury High Medium Medium Medium Medium Eg. Training, Safe Work Procedure,
First aid Medium Medium Medium Low Low PPE - Personal
Negligible Medium Medium Low Low Low Protective Eg: Gloves, respirator, safety glasses
Prioritising Risks
Risk Timeframe for implementation
Priority Action
Level of corrective action
The activity should cease immediately and
Extreme 1 short term safety controls implemented. Immediate
Notify manager and assess activity.
Implement short term safety measures
High 2 immediately. Within 24 hours
Notify manager and assess activity.
Implement short term safety controls. Notify
Medium 3 Within 14 days
manager and assess activity.
Within 28 days (if possible) or
Implement long term safety controls. demonstrate that it is not
Low 4
Notify manager and assess activity. reasonably practicable to achieve
further minimization of the risk
See Work Health and Safety Risk Management Policy for further details.
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WHS general work area hazard identification, risk assessment and control checklist
Fill in your WHS Risk Register, take action to control hazards and send a copy of the WHS Risk Register to your College/Portfolio
Health and Safety Committee. If you have not completed all actions you must follow up later and send a further WHS Risk Register
to the Committee when all jobs are completed.
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