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Work, Energy and Power

force Ydisplaces a body through a
Give some to the line of action of the force or indistance sparallel
1 When is the work said to be done ?
the direction of
amples. force.
Work. Work is said to be done
whenever a force acts on a Work done Force x distarnce moved in the
hty and the body moves through some
ncion ofthe distance in the
force.Thus work is done on abody only if direction of force
be following two W = Fs
conditions are satisfied : (ii) Measurement of work done when
(0) Aforce acts on the force and
() The point of
body. displacement are inclined to each other.
the direction of the of the force moves in
Examples. Work is done when a horse
aengine pulls a train, aman pulls a
goes up a hill, etc. cart, Fcos
LHow is work done CONSTANT FORCE
gthe measured when (i) the force acts
Fig. 6.2 Work done, when force is incined to displacement.
Mdimeddirection of
to the motionofof the body and (i) the force
direction motion of the body ? Work done =Component of force in the
Ag the of work done
when the force acts
direction of motion. As shown
direction of displacement
X magnitude of
in ig. 6.1, a
F W= Fcos xs
Or W= Fs cos
Fig. anddispla
6.1Work aredone,in when force and displacement productoffore
Thus work done is the dot scalar quantity.
same direction. ment vectors. Hence work is a
What is meantSITUAIONS
zero works by
() When brakes are applied to a rmoving vehicle
the work done by the braking force is negative. This inis
Gioe positive of eachwork, negative work md because the braking force and the displacement at
NCalar ot wok
or zero,quantity,
doe type. oPposite diretions.
by the
yet its ()) When a body is lifted, the work done
diN CUNNed below. may be work done in a gravitational force is negative, This is because the
Posittvein work.
positive, negative gravitational force acts vertically downwards while
uork done by the
lf a foree
direction of thecting on a body has a the displacement is in the vertically upward
(iv) When apositive charge is moved
towards another
when 0 is acute, cos force is positive. diANsplacement, then the positive charge, the work done by the force of repulsion
0 is
positive. shown in Fig 6.3,
Wscos 0a positive value (between them) is negative because displacement s is
force F.
in the opposition direction of repulsive
Zero work. Work done by force is zero if the body gets
displaced along adirection perpendicular to the direction
if F or s
the applied fore. Also, the work done is zero
both are zero.
COs 0
ixamples: path, the
Fig. 6.3 Positive work (0 (i) For a body moving in a circular
<90). perpendicular
centripetal force and displacement are
:xamples to each other, as shown in Fig. 6.5. So the
work done by
(i) When a body falls freely the centripetal force is zero.
the work done by the gravity under gravity (0 =0°),
is positive.
(ii) When ahorse pulls a cart, the applied force and
displacement are in the same direction, the work done 90°
by the horse is positive.
(iii) When a gas filled in acylinder fitted with a
movable piston is allowed to expand, the work done
by the gas is positive, because the force due to gas
same direction.
pressure and displacement act in the Fig. 6.5 Work done by centripetal force.
both the stretching
(iv) When a spring is stretched,
act in the same direction.
force and the displacement (ii) When acoolie walks on ahorizontal platform
it in the
with a load on his head, he applies a force ondisplace
So work done is positive. acting on the body has a upward direction equal to its weight. The
Negative work. If a force
direction of displacement, the ment of the loadlis along the horizontal direction.
component in the opposite shownin Fig. 6.4, when is 90° =0
negative. As
uork done is negative. the angle between F and s is 90°. So W = Fs cos
obtuse, cos 0 is i.e., the work done by the coolie on the load is
=a negative value (iii) As shown in Fig. 6.6,
W= Fs cos
the tension in the string of a
simple pendulum is always
perpendicular to its dis 7

placement. So the work

done by the tension is zero. 90%
(iv) The work done in
>90) an immovable
Negativework (0 pushing
Fig. 6.4 stone is zero,
horizontal displacement of the stone is Fiq. 6.6 Work
againsta to the force of rough by tension.
Fmles slides zero.
body opposite
When asplacement is friction is negative.
() the

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