312 Physics Eng Lesson6

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Work Energy and Power MODULE - 1

Motion, Force and Energy



You know that motion of objects arises due to application of force and is
described by Newton’s laws of motion. You also know how the velocity (speed
and direction) of an object changes when a force acts on it. In this lesson, you
will learn the concepts of work and energy. Modern society needs large
amounts of energy to do many kinds of work. Primitive man used muscular
energy to do work. Later, animal energy was harnessed to help people do
various kinds of tasks. With the invention of various kinds of machines, the
ability to do work increased greatly. Progress of our civilization now critrcally
depends the on the availability of usable energy. Energy and work are,
therefore, closely linked.
From the above discussion you will appreciate that the rate of doing work
improved with newer modes, i.e. as we shifted from humans  animals 
machines to provide necessary force. The rate of doing work is known as

After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
 define work done by a force and give unit of work;
 calculate the work done by an applied force;
 state work-energy theorem;
 define power of a system;
 calculate the work done by gravity when a mass moves from one point to
 explain the meaning of energy;
 obtain expressions for gravitational potential energy and elastic potential

MODULE - 1 Work Energy and Power

Motion, Force and Energy

 apply the principle of conservation of energy for physical system; and
 apply the laws of conservation of momentum and energy in elastic collisions.

6.1 WORK
The word ‘work’ has different meaning for different people. When you study,
you do mental work. When a worker carries bricks and cement to higher floors
Notes of a building, he is doing physical work against the force of gravity. But in
science, work has a definite meaning. The technical meaning of work is not
always the same as the common meaning. The work is defined in the
following way :
Let us suppose that a constant force F acting on an object results in
displacement d i.e. moves it by a distance d along a straight line on a
horizontal surface, as shown in Fig. 6.1. The work done by a force is the
product of the magnitude of force component in the direction of displacement
and the displacement of this object.

Fig 6.1 : A force F on a block moves it by a horizontal distance d. The direction of
force makes an angle  with the horizontal direction.

If force F is acting at angle  with respect to the displacement d of the object,

its component along d will be F cos  Then work done by force F is given by
W = F cos.d (6.1)
In vector form, the work done is given by:
W = F. d (6.2)
Note that if d = 0, W = 0. That is, no work is done by a force, whatever its
magnitude, if there is no displacement of the object. Also note that though
both force and displacement are vectors, work is a scalar.

You and your friends may try to push the wall of a room. Irrespective of the
applied force, the wall will not move. Thus we say that no work is done.
The unit of work is defined using Eqn.(6.2). If the applied force is in newton
and displacement is in metre, then the unit of work is joule.

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