2023 Phyo Et Al Petrology Geothermobarometry and Geochemistry Mogok Rocks

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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

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Petrology, geothermobarometry and geochemistry of granulite facies wall

rocks and hosting gneiss of gemstone deposits from the Mogok
area (Myanmar)
Myint Myat Phyo a, c, Leander Franz a, *, Rolf L. Romer b, Christian de Capitani a,
Walter A. Balmer c, Michael S. Krzemnicki a, c
Department of Environmental Sciences, Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Basel, Bernoullistrasse 30, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany
Swiss Gemmological Institute SSEF, Aeschengraben 26, CH-4051 Basel, Switzerland


Keywords: The Mogok Metamorphic Belt (MMB) of Myanmar formed during the Paleogene collision between the West
Mogok Metamorphic Belt Burma block and the Shan-Thai block. The MMB is mainly composed of medium to high-grade metamorphic
Granulite facies metamorphism marble, calc-silicate rocks, gneiss, quartzite, peridotite and igneous rocks such as granite, syenite and gabbro.
Garnet-nepheline gneiss
The Mogok area in the central part of the MMB is well-known for magni昀椀cent quality ruby, spinel, sapphire, and
Subduction-related magmatism
peridot. To unravel the metamorphic PT-conditions prevailing during the formation of spinel and ruby from
Spinel-ruby gem deposit
primary marble deposits in the Mogok area, three different types of high-grade quartz-garnet gneiss from the
neighbourhood of gemstone mines were investigated by electron microprobe. Geothermobarometry reveals
granulite facies PT-conditions of 756–792 ◦ C at 7.4–7.6 kbar, which is reproduced by Theriak-Domino modelling
within the error of both methods at water activities of 0.34–0.4. Shoshonitic and high-K calc-alkaline ma昀椀c dykes
occur within marble forming conspicuous garnet-nepheline and clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss. Petrologic
and geochemical investigations of these metadykes verify their granulite facies metamorphism and classify them
as subduction-related magmatic rocks, which intruded the marble sequences. These investigations as well as
previous studies show that spinel and ruby in marble of the Mogok area may have formed not only by meta-
somatism around alkaline intrusions, but also by granulite facies regional metamorphism.

1. Introduction facies metamorphism, which led to the blastesis of the gemstones. As the
thermobarometry of the ruby- and spinel-bearing marble was hampered
Myanmar is well known for numerous deposits of world class by the absence of suitable mineral assemblages, we chose three types of
precious gemstones. The Mogok area, also known as the Mogok stone high-grade quartz-garnet gneiss from the vicinity of gem deposits Aun-
tract, hosts the most important gemstone deposits in Myanmar (Iyer, glan Taung, Bawpadan, Yadanar Kaday Kadar and Kinn in the central
1953). Since the 15th century, this area is a major source of 昀椀nest quality and western part of the Mogok area. Furthermore, we investigated ma昀椀c
ruby, spinel and other gemstones (Iyer, 1953; Hughes, 1997). dykes and layers occurring in several deposits intercalated with the
In two previous studies we investigated ruby and spinel, which gemstone-bearing marble, now forming unique nepheline- and
formed in marble and calc-silicate rocks of the Mogok Stone Tract. We clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss. Here, the aim was to further
found numerous high-grade mineral inclusions in spinel giving evidence examine their composition and to de昀椀ne the metamorphic grade these
for granulite-facies metamorphism (Phyo et al., 2019). Dating of zircon rocks experienced in order to investigate their possible in昀氀uence on the
and zirconolite inclusions in spinel and ruby testi昀椀ed to the formation of formation of the gemstones.
the gemstones in Oligocene to Early Miocene time (Phyo et al., 2020).
The present study is aiming to derive consistent PT-conditions of
metamorphism and obtaining 昀氀uid conditions during the granulite

* Corresponding author at: Department of Environmental Sciences, Quaternary Geology, University of Basel, Basel, 4056, Switzerland.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Franz).

Received 5 October 2022; Received in revised form 1 December 2022; Accepted 3 December 2022
Available online 7 December 2022
2590-0560/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

2. General geology the Shan-Thai block by subducted sedimentary rocks. The closure of the
Neotethys preceding the collision of India with Asia resulted in the
The recent tectonic history of Myanmar is dominated by the Ceno- Paleogene collision of the West Burma block with the Shan-Thai block
zoic closure of the Neotethys, but the involved tectonic blocks are much and the continued subduction of the Indian plate beneath the West
older, had separated – starting in the Paleozoic – from Gondwana and Burma block (Searle and Haq, 1964; Searle et al., 2007, 2017, cf. Fig. 1).
were accreted to growing Asia by the closure of various branches of the The Shan-Thai block includes two crustal domains, the Slate Belt to
Tethys ocean (e.g., Metcalfe, 2013). the east and the Mogok Metamorphic Belt (MMB) to the west, the latter
From the Triassic, the western margin of the Shan-Thai block (also extending over 1500 km from the Himalayan Syntaxis in the north to the
referred to as Sibumasu) developed into an active margin with Andaman Sea in the south (cf. Chhibber, 1934; Fermor, 1930; La Tou-
increasingly younger sutures from the east to the west (Gardiner et al., che, 1913; see Fig. 1). The Slate Belt is dominated by Carboniferous to
2014). Eastward subduction beneath the Shan-Thai block resulted in the early Permian clastic sediments that have experienced low-grade
formation of several belts of late Triassic and younger granite (Gardiner metamorphism and were intruded by I-type and S-type granite
et al., 2014), and the metasomatism of the lithospheric mantle beneath (Gardiner et al., 2014). In contrast, the MMB is mainly composed of

Fig. 1. Geological map of SE Asia, Myanmar, and the Andaman Sea showing the major structural features and terrane boundaries (modi昀椀ed after Searle et al., 2007).

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

medium to high-grade metamorphic rocks such as marble, calc-silicate 1896; Fermor, 1930; Chhibber, 1934; Gübelin & Koivula, 1986, 2005;
rock, gneiss and peridotite and igneous rocks such as granite, char- Giuliani et al., 2005, 2015,2017; Themelis, 2008, Hughes et al., 2014,
nockite, syenite and gabbro. 2017) or on the tectonic development of the region by using regional
The latest, high-grade regional metamorphic event in the MMB geology, geochemistry, geochronology and geothermobarometry (Ber-
occurred in the Paleogene to Early Neogene due to the collision of the trand et al., 1999, 2001; Garnier et al., 2006, 2008; Mitchell, 1993; Zaw
Shan-Thai block with the West Burma Block (Fig. 1) subsequent to the et al., 2010; Sutherland et al., 2019). Only in recent years, research on
collision of the Indian and Asian plates (Dewey et al., 1989, Sone and the Mogok and adjacent areas increasingly investigated the genesis of
Metcalfe, 2008, Zaw et al., 2017, Searle et al., 2017). the gem deposits in the context of their host rocks and their tectonic
Both the Slate Belt and the MMB were intruded by Late Cretaceous development (Htay et al., 2017; Searle et al., 2007, 2020; Thu, 2007;
and younger granite (Gardiner et al., 2015), as well as ma昀椀c dikes and Thu et al., 2017; Win et al., 2016; Yonemura et al., 2013).
syenite (Barley et al., 2003; Thu, 2007). In the MMB, Triassic and Investigations of metamorphism in of the MMB demonstrate that the
Cretaceous intrusions and their sedimentary host rocks were overprinted rocks reached amphibolite to granulite facies conditions and the meta-
by Paleogene medium pressure, medium–high temperature meta- morphic grade increases from the east to the west (Thu et al., 2017).
morphism. Late Paleogene and Neogene intrusions post-date meta- Maximum PT- conditions of 780–860 ◦ C at 6.0–8.4 kbar in the Ozone
morphism (Bender, 1983; Zaw, 1989, 1990, 2017; Zaw et al., 2015). and Thabeikkyin areas to the west of Mogok are close to those obtained a
The Mogok area in the central part of the MMB is made up of gneiss, garnet-orthopyroxene granulite from the Mogok area (800–950 ◦ C at
marble, calc-silicate rock, peridotite and quartzite that have been 6.5–7.8 kbar; Yonemura et al., 2013). Htay et al. (2017) reported PT-
intruded by felsic, ma昀椀c and alkaline igneous rocks (Iyer, 1953; Searle conditions of > 840 ◦ C at > 3.5 kbar for a sillimanite-garnet gneiss and
et al., 2020). A foliated augite-biotite granite northwest of Mogok shows 770–840 ◦ C at 2.2–3.5 kbar for a migmatite from the Momeik area
Cretaceous zircon ages of 129.8 ± 8.2 Ma, whereas a syenite close to northeast of Mogok (Fig. 1) and also described polymetamorphism in
Mogok yields zircon rim ages of 30–45 Ma, which was interpreted to these low- to medium-pressure granulites. Similar PT-conditions of
mirror the Paleogene metamorphic overprint (Thu, 2007). Zircon and 780–850 ◦ C at 6.0–10.0 kbar on a granulite facies paragneiss were re-
titanite ages of charnockite and syenite fall into three age groups, i.e. ported from the Sagaing area to the west of Mandalay (Win et al., 2016),
Jurassic (170–168 Ma), Palaeocene (68–63 Ma) and Eocene-Oligocene whereas upper amphibolite facies PT-conditions of 680 ◦ C at 4.5 ± 1.7
(44–21 Ma; Searle et al., 2020). Post-tectonic biotite granite in- kbar have been determined for a granitic gneiss from the Kyanigan
trusions, also known as Kabaing granite, were dated at 16 Ma (Searle quarry to the north of Mandalay (Fig. 1; Searle et al., 2007).
and Haq, 1964). These rocks are widely distributed in the western part of
the Mogok area (Fig. 2) and extend to the Thabeikkyin area in the West 3. Sample material and analytical methods
(Themelis, 2008; Thu, 2007; Waltham, 1999; Zaw, 1990, 1998). Earlier
studies on the Mogok area either focused on gemmology (Brown & Judd, Petrologic and geothermobarometric investigations were performed

Fig. 2. Geological map of the Mogok area (modi昀椀ed after Iyer, 1953) showing the locations of the investigated samples.

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

on a biotite-garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss (ALT-03), a sillimanite-bearing 1 of the gem mine Bawpadan in the central part of the Mogok area.
biotite-garnet gneiss (BPD-02), a biotite-garnet gneiss (K-01), three Garnet-biotite gneiss K-01 was collected from an outcrop at the main
types of petrographically different garnet-clinopyroxene-nepheline road near the village of Kin (Fig. 3b). The paragneiss, which is locally
gneiss (YKK-1a; YKK-1c; M−25) and one clinopyroxene-amphibole termed Mogok gneiss, is interbedded with lenticular layers of graphite
gneiss (YKK-2d) from the central and the Western part of the Mogok and bands of marble. Close to outcrop K-01, garnet-clinopyroxene-
area (see Fig. 2). Biotite-garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss sample ALT-03 nepheline gneiss sample M−25 was sampled from an outcrop on a
originates from a road outcrop north of Pingu Taung (Fig. 3a) at the hill. It was part of a small dyke, which intruded calcsilicate rocks
slope of the Aung Lan Mountain. The gneiss is framed by a syenite (Fig. 3c). Garnet-clinopyroxene-kalifeldspar-nepheline gneiss YKK-1a
intrusion at the foot of the mountain and by spinel-bearing marble and and garnet-clinopyroxene-plagioclase-nepheline gneiss YKK-1c as well
granite at the top of the mountain. Sillimanite-garnet gneiss sample as clinopyroxene-amphibole gneiss YKK-2d were collected from a met-
BPD-02 forms the wall rock of spinel- and ruby-bearing marble in Block adyke cutting through marble of the gem deposit Yadanar Kaday Kadar
(Fig. 4h). Mineral assemblages of rock samples are shown in Table 1,
mineral abbreviations follow Kretz (1983) and Spear (1993). Selected
electron microprobe analyses of the minerals are listed in Tables S1-S8
of the electronic supplement.

4. Results

4.1. Petrography and mineral chemistry

4.1.1. Samples from the central part of Mogok

Sample ALT-03 is a 昀椀ne-grained biotite-garnet-orthopyroxene
gneiss, which shows cm-sized, alternating leucocratic layers rich in
quartz and feldspar and layers enriched in biotite, orthopyroxene and
garnet (Fig. 4a). Both layers display a granoblastic texture with a slight
foliation by aligned biotite 昀氀akes. Main minerals are quartz, perthitic K-
feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, orthopyroxene and garnet, whereas
accessory minerals are ilmenite, zircon and apatite. Garnet has a pinkish
colour and often shows elongate and irregular shapes with inclusions of
quartz, orthopyroxene and plagioclase (Fig. 5a & b). A retrograde
mineral assemblage formed around the garnet rim consisting of an inner
layer of Na-rich plagioclase (albite/oligoclase) and an outer layer of
carbonate (rhodochrosite), which is partly associated with limonite.
Carbonate is also found on fractures in garnet. Electron microprobe
analyses of the garnet reveal a slight increase of almandine at the
expense of grossular from core (Alm71.6Prp11.2Sps5.3UGA12.0) to rim
(Alm74.1Prp11.4Sps5.5UGA9.1). Orthopyroxene forms granoblastic and
irregular grains with a faintly brownish colour and a rather constant
composition of En33.5-34.6Fs64.4-65.2Wo1.0-1.3. Reddish brown biotite has
elevated TiO2 contents of 5.8–6.3 wt-% and an XMg of 0.396–0.412.
Plagioclase is unzoned with an average composition of Ab72.2An25.6Or2.2
whereas perthitic K-feldspar shows a somewhat variable composition of
Or66-71.7Ab27.3-34An0-2.6. Electron microprobe analyses of sample ALT-
03 are listed in Tables S1-S5 of the electronic supplement.
Sample BPD-02 is a 昀椀ne- to medium-grained sillimanite-bearing
biotite-garnet gneiss, showing several cm-wide, more and less leuco-
cratic layers with homogeneously interspersed red garnet porphyro-
blasts (Fig. 4b). Under the microscope, a weak main foliation is visible,
formed by elongate quartz and feldspar grains and by biotite 昀氀akes
aligned parallel to the layering. Main minerals are quartz, perthitic K-
feldspar, plagioclase, garnet and subordinate biotite. Sillimanite occurs
as inclusions in garnet (Fig. 5c & d) and only rarely in the matrix.
Ilmenite, apatite and zircon are accessory. There are numerous myr-
mekites at plagioclase-K-feldspar grain boundaries. Pale red garnet
porphyroblasts show a 昀氀at zonation pro昀椀le with slight, irregular varia-
tions of the composition (Alm55.1-65.0Prp38.1-38.9Sps2.1-2.8UGA3.1-3.8).
Orangey red biotite 昀氀akes have high TiO2-contents of 7.3–8.3 wt-% and
XMg-values of 0.58–0.62. Plagioclase is virtually unzoned with an
average composition of Ab76.6An21.9Or1.5 while perthitic K-feldspar has
an average composition of Or66.9Ab30.52An2.4Cs0.2. Electron microprobe
Fig. 3. Photos of outcrops in the western and central part of the Mogok Belt; a.)
analyses of sample BPD-02 are listed in Tables S1, S2, S4 and S5 of the
Outcrop of garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss ALT-03 showing a monotonous suc-
cession of thoroughly foliated gneiss, b.) Outcrop of sample K-01 displays electronic supplement.
microfolded garnet gneiss with irregularly alternating quartz- and garnet-
biotite-rich layers, c.) Outcrop of nepheline gneiss M−25, which formed part 4.1.2. Samples from the western part of Mogok
of a massive metadyke with a thickness of 1.5–2 m. The neighbouring calcsi- Sample K-01 is a porphyroblastic biotite-garnet gneiss from the
licate rocks are not exposed. westernmost part of the MMB near the village of Kin and shows cm-

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

Fig. 4. Photos of hand specimens of the

investigated samples and the outcrop of the
metadyke; a.) Sample ALT-03: biotite-garnet-
orthopyroxene gneiss, b.) Sample BPD-02:
sillimanite-bearing biotite-garnet gneiss, c.)
Sample K-01: biotite-garnet gneiss, d.) Sam-
ple M−25: carbonate-garnet-K-feldspar-
clinopyroxene-nepheline gneiss, e.) Sample
YKK-1a: carbonate-bearing garnet-K-feldspar
clinopyroxene-nepheline gneiss, f.) Sample
YKK-1c: carbonate-bearing scapolite-garnet-
plagioclase-clinopyroxene-nepheline gneiss,
g.) Sample YKK-2d: clinopyroxene-clinoam-
phibole gneiss, h.) Open pit of the gem de-
posit Yadanar Kaday Kadar (YKK) with
spinel- and ruby-bearing marble (pale
brown) and metadyke (dark grey). The met-
adyke has a thickness of about 2 m.

sized, irregular microfolds (Fig. 4c). The matrix is 昀椀ne-grained with variations in composition from grain to grain (Ab55.9-58.3An39.9-41.9Or1.3-
aligned biotite 昀氀akes, elongate quartz and feldspar grains as well as 2.3), which is also the case for K-feldspar (Or87.4-87.9Ab11.2-13.3An07-
interspersed porphyroblastic garnet crystals. Main minerals are quartz, 1.4Cs0-1.6). Electron microprobe analyses of sample K-01 are listed in
K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, garnet and accessory apatite, zircon and Tables S1, S2, S4 and S5 of the electronic supplement.
pyrite. Poikiloblastic, pale red garnet has diameters up to 7 mm and Sample M−25, which originates from the vicinity of sample K-01
often contains numerous rounded quartz inclusions (Fig. 5e & f). Elec- near the village of Kin, is part of a ma昀椀c layer within a calcsilicate
tron microprobe analyses reveal an absence of zonation with rather marble. The medium-grained rock shows a somewhat inhomogeneous
constant compositions of Alm59.1-61.9Prp29.5-32.4Sps1.8-2.9UGA6.1-7.9 in all texture with ma昀椀c and felsic mineral accumulations (Fig. 4d). Under the
investigated garnet grains. Biotite shows TiO2-contents of 4.4–5.0 wt-% microscope, the carbonate-garnet-K-feldspar-clinopyroxene-nepheline
and XMg-values of 0.59–0.60. Plagioclase reveals slightly irregular gneiss reveals a granoblastic texture with randomly oriented minerals.

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

Table 1
Mineral assemblages found in metamorphic rocks from the Mogok area; mineral abbreviations after Kretz (1983) and Spear (1993).
Sample Location Grt Bt Pl Kfs Opx Cpx Ne Amp Scp Qtz Ilm Mag Py Zrn Sil Cc Ttn

ALT-03 22 55 32.30 N
◦ ′ ′′
+ + + + + – – – – + + – – + – – –
96◦ 25′ 34.54′′ E
BPD-02 22◦ 56′ 5.31′′ N + + + + – – – – – + + – – + + – –
96◦ 27′ 22.16′′ E
K-01 22◦ 55′ 49.06′′ N + + + + – – – – – + – – – + – – –
96◦ 19′ 6.99′′ E
M¡25 22◦ 56′ 50.00′′ N + – – + – + + – – – – + – – – + +
96◦ 19′ 22.52′′
YKK-1a 22◦ 54′ 42.14′′ N + – – + – + + – – – – + + – – + +
96◦ 23′ 17.35′′ E
YKK-1c 22◦ 54′ 42.14′′ N + – + – – + + – + – – + + – + +
96◦ 23′ 17.35′′ E
YKK-2d 22◦ 54′ 42.14′′ N – – + – – + – + – – – + – – – +
96◦ 23′ 17.35′′ E

Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of the different types of quartz gneiss (parallel polarizers on the left side, crossed polarizers on the right side). a. and b.) sample ALT-03
showing a granoblastic fabric with the peak metamorphic assemblage Grt-Opx-Bt-Kfs-Pl-Qtz. Note the corona of carbonate and plagioclase around the garnet in the
upper right corner c. an d.) sample BPD-02 is rich in Kfs, Pl, Qtz and Grt while Bt is rare and Sil only appears as tiny inclusions in Grt. e. and f.) sample K-01 contains
porphyroblastic Grt, Bt 昀氀akes and granoblastic Kfs, Pl and Qtz.

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In the ma昀椀c sections, aggregates of green clinopyroxene and poikilo- analyses of garnet show a composition of Alm11.5-14.9Prp0.4-0.7Sps2.1-
blastic garnet are found while felsic sections show granular K-feldspar 3.4Grs57.4-59.9Adr25.5-27.4 and TiO2-contents of 1.3–1.7 wt-%, which
and nepheline (Fig. 6a & b). There are subordinate accumulations of strongly resembles garnet from the nepheline gneiss M−25. Clinopyr-
carbonate and accessory amounts of apatite, titanite and magnetite. oxene is aegirine-rich augite with a composition of Q80.5-85.8Aeg13.3-
Electron microprobe analyses of yellowish brown garnet reveal elevated 17.3Jd0.8-2.84, which varies from grain to grain. Nepheline yields Si-
Ca- and Fe-contents with a composition of Alm7.6-10.6Prp0.9-1.2Sps0.9- contents of 8.191–8.456p.f.u. and XK-values of 0.117–0.147. Plagio-
1.8Uv0-0.3Grs51.9-58.9Adr28.0-37.0. TiO2 contents of 1.4–1.8 wt-% are con- clase shows slight variations in composition from grain to grain (Ab55.9-
spicuous. Compositional variations occur from grain to grain whereas 58.3An39.9-41.9Or1.3-2.3). Electron microprobe analyses of scapolite prove
zoning is not present. Clinopyroxene is identi昀椀ed by electron micro- a composition halfway between the Ca-endmember meionite and the
probe analyses as aegirine-rich augite following the classi昀椀cation of Na-endmember marialite (XMe = 0.499–0.51) with Cl-contents of up to
Morimoto et al. (1988) with a composition of Q(=En + Fs + Wol)81.5- 1.67 wt-%, but no 昀氀uorine and sulphur. Carbonate is almost pure calcite
86.7Aeg12.7-16.6Jd0.5-2.3 and minor variation from grain to grain. Nephe- with CaCO3 > 98.7 mol-%. Electron microprobe analyses of sample YKK-
line was calculated on a base of 32 oxygens, which typically revealed 1c are listed in Tables S1, S3, S4, S6 and S8 of the electronic supplement.
more silicon and less aluminium than is represented by the formula Sample YKK-2d originates from the lower part of the ma昀椀c layer and
(Deer et al., 1992, 2004) with Si contents of 8.283–8.508p.f.u. An is distinctly more melanocratic than the gneiss from its central section
elevated K-content is indicated by XK-values (=K/(K + Na + Ca)) of (Fig. 4g). The 昀椀ne-grained rock is classi昀椀ed as a clinopyroxene-
0.168–0.183. K-feldspar shows a variable composition from grain to clinoamphibole gneiss, which consists of ultrama昀椀c laminae formed
grain with Or73.3-75.4Ab22.4-24.6An1.3-1.8Cs0.5-1.1. Carbonate is almost by brown Ti-hornblende and clinopyroxene while more felsic,
pure calcite with a CaCO3-content of > 99 mol-%. Electron microprobe plagioclase-bearing sections are subordinate (Fig. 6g & h). Accessories in
analyses of sample BPD-02 are listed in Tables S1, S3, S5 and S6 of in the this rock are biotite, apatite, titanite and pyrite. Clinopyroxene is augite
electronic data supplement. after the classi昀椀cation of Morimoto et al. (1988) showing a composition
Samples YKK-1a, YKK-1c and YKK-2d originate from different sec- of Wo38.2-41.9En45.0-47.2Fs13.1-15.2. Remarkably, stoichiometric calcula-
tions of a m-wide ma昀椀c layer within a calcsilicate marble succession at tions using the method of Ryburn et al. (1976) yield only low amounts of
the ruby mine Yadanar Kaday Kadar near Kyauk Pyat That (Fig. 4h). The ferric iron (1–8.3 % of total Fe). Clinoamphibole is Ti-rich pargasite
structure of this layer and its appearance within the metasedimentary following the classi昀椀cation of Hawthorne et al. (2012) and yields TiO2-
unit strongly remind of a magmatic dyke. Sample YKK-1a, a medium- contents of 1.2–1.5 wt-% and XMg-values of 0.70–0.74. Biotite shows
grained ma昀椀c gneiss with patchy felsic sections (Fig. 4e), originates somewhat variable TiO2-contents of 1.9–3.1 wt-% and XMg-values of
from the central part of the layer and resembles to the nepheline gneiss 0.70–0.74. Plagioclase is calcic with small variations from grain to grain
M−25 concerning its mineralogy and rock fabric. Based on its mineral (Ab14.7-17.3An82.7-85.1). Electron microprobe analyses of sample YKK-2d
assemblage, the rock is a carbonate-bearing garnet-K-feldspar are listed in Tables S2, S3, S4 and S7 of the electronic supplement.
clinopyroxene-nepheline gneiss. Under the microscope, it shows a
random orientation of granoblastic nepheline and K-feldspar as well as 4.2. Geothermobarometry
irregular intergrowths of garnet and clinopyroxene (Fig. 6c & d).
Accessory minerals are calcite, apatite, titanite and magnetite, which is Geothermobarometric investigations were performed using a com-
in part mantled by pyrite. Garnet shows reddish brown core and dark bination of geothermobarometric methods and equilibrium assemblage
brown rim sections, with the latter often displaying irregularly lobate diagrams calculated with the Theriak-Domino software (De Capitani and
and symplectitic shapes. The rim sections of the garnet are always Petrakakis, 2010). The Theriak-Domino software is based on Gibbs free
intergrown with nepheline while other phases are absent. Electron energy minimization of phases and solution models in a thermodynamic
microprobe analyses testify to rather constant compositions of the red- database. The database used in this work is mainly tcdb55c2, from
dish brown central garnet sections with Alm6.8-10.1Prp0.2-0.5Sps1.3-2.4Uv0- Holland and Powell (1998), with solution models by Baldwin et al.
0.3Grs38.1-42.2Adr47.3-50.6 while the dark brown rim sections show a (2005), White et al. (2007) and Diener et al. (2007). For sample YKK-2d,
distinct decrease of andradite at the expense of grossular (Alm6.7- the clinoamphibole-clinopyroxene gneiss, the database used is tcds62c,
7.9Prp0.3-0.6Sps1.5-2.0Uv0-0.3Grs28.6-32Adr57.6-61.1). As also observed in from Holland and Powell (2011), with solution models by White et al.
sample M−25, garnet from YKK-1a contains elevated TiO2 contents of (2014a, 2014b) and Green et al. (2016). We chose this database as it
2.3 wt-% (core) to 3.1 wt-% (rim). Green clinopyroxene is virtually supplies an elaborated clinoamphibole model for high-grade ma昀椀c rocks
unzoned aegirine-rich augite and aegirine-augite (classi昀椀cation after (cf. Green et al. 2016), which is not compatible with the tcdb55c2
Morimoto et al., 1988) showing slightly variable compositions (Q75.7- dataset. The databases used in this work can be downloaded at htt
82.5Aeg13.9-18.2Jd2.4-7.9) from grain to grain. Nepheline also yields ps://titan.minpet.unibas.ch/minpet/theriak/theruser.html. For the ac-
elevated Si-contents of 8.338–8.413p.f.u. and XK-values of 0.151–0.169. tivity of water, the standard state is the pure phase at P and T and thus is
Electron microprobe analyses of K-feldspar vary from grain to grain a measure of the “effective concentration” in a mixture.
(Or53.2-76.4Ab21.8-45.2An1.1-1.5Cs0.5-1.1) and carbonate is almost pure For rocks with H2O-bearing phases (i.e., the quartz-garnet gneiss),
calcite (CaCO3 > 99.3 mol-%). Electron microprobe analyses of sample using these two independent methods not only determines the meta-
YKK-1a are listed in Tables S1, S3, S5 and S6 of the electronic morphic PT-conditions, but also allows estimating the water activity
supplement. during metamorphism. In granulite facies terrains, the water activity is
Sample YKK-1c (Fig. 4f) was also part of the central section of the distinctly reduced as otherwise the rock would melt and form migma-
ma昀椀c layer and resembles sample YKK-1a. The blurry ma昀椀c gneiss yields tites (cf. Bader et al., 2014 and citations within).
cm-sized leucocratic patches and does not show any parallel texture
(Fig. 6e & f). Microscopic investigations classify the sample as a 4.2.1. Quartz-garnet gneiss
carbonate-bearing scapolite-garnet-plagioclase-clinopyroxene-nephe- In sample ALT-03, the biotite-garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss (Fig. 5a &
line gneiss. Its melanocratic sections prove to be sieve-like intergrowths b), the garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase quartz geothermobarometer of
of green clinopyroxene and nepheline with minor poikiloblastic to Lal (1993) yields granulite facies conditions of 758 ◦ C at 7.3 kbar for the
granular, pinkish brown garnet. In the felsic lenses elongate, anhedral garnet analysis with the highest XMg-value from the core section of the
nepheline crystals are intergrown with large subhedral plagioclase and garnet. Temperatures are well in accord with the Ti-in biotite geo-
locally with poikiloblastic scapolite and minor anhedral carbonate. The thermometer of Henry et al. (2005), which yields 766–779 ◦ C. For the
mineral and grain size distribution of the sample is rather inhomoge- garnet rim section, the geothermobarometer of Lal (1993) points to PT-
neous. Accessories are titanite, apatite and pyrite. Electron microprobe conditions of 725 ◦ C at 6.1 kbar, which highlight a part of the retrograde

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

Fig. 6. Microphotographs of nepheline gneiss and clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss (parallel polarizers on the left side, crossed polarizers on the right side). a.
and b.) sample M−25 yields granoblastic brown Grt, dark green, aegirine-rich Cpx, Ne, Kfs, Cc and accessory Tit. c. and d.) sample YKK-1a has the same mineral
assemblage as sample M25 with Grt showing dark brown rim sections. e. and f.) sample YKK-1c displays sieve-like intergrowths of green Cpx and Pl surrounding
irregular Grt grains and Ne. g. and h.) sample YKK-2d presents a granoblastic fabric made up of brown Ti-rich Cam, Pl and accessory Tit.

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

PT-path of the rock (Fig. 7a). clinopyroxene, which should permit the application of the garnet-
Equilibrium phase diagram calculations with the Domino program clinopyroxene geothermometer. However, calculations using various
are strongly dependent on the water activity. Due to the presence of the calibrations of this geothermometer yield widely variable results, which
hydrate mineral biotite in sample ALT-03, water has to be present in the is probably due to the high concentrations of ferric iron in both garnet
rock. At strongly reduced water activity, the stability 昀椀eld of the and clinopyroxene. Ferric iron, however, is not considered by any of the
observed mineral assemblage is found at rather low temperatures available calibrations. The only geothermobarometric method, which
whereas high water activity leads to its reduction and 昀椀nally to its could be applied to this sample, is the nepheline-K-feldspar thermometry
complete disappearance. Furthermore, high water activity strongly en- of Powell & Powell (1977). To avoid effects of unmixing or in-
larges the 昀椀eld of anatexis in the rock. For this reason, calculations with homogeneity, both minerals were mapped with an enlarged electron
the Domino program in the TiCaNaKFMASH system were performed for microprobe beam of 200 μm and the average compositions were used for
the garnet core section of sample ALT-03 with H2O in excess and for the calculations, which results in temperatures of 709 ◦ C. Phase equi-
variable water activities (aH2O) ranging from 0.1 to 1. From these cal- librium calculations with the Theriak-Domino program highlight a sta-
culations, which are shown in detail and commented in the electronic bility 昀椀eld for the assemblage calcite - K-feldspar - garnet -
supplement (Electronic supplement - Phase diagram calculations at clinopyroxene - nepheline - leucite - magnetite at temperatures > 680 ◦ C
variable aH2O), it becomes evident that the best 昀椀t between the Domino and pressures > 5kbar (Fig. 7d). The presence of leucite in the calculated
calculations and the geothermobarometry is obtained aH2O = 0.4 with assemblage is due to the occurrence of elevated amounts of K and Si in
garnet isopleths intersecting at 743 ◦ C and 6.9 kbar (Fig. 7a). Another nepheline (Deer et al. 2004). The garnet isopleths for almandine, gros-
method to estimate the water activity in the sample is given by the sular and andradite do not have a common intersection. The intersection
Theriak-Domino program, which calculates the modal mineral amount of the KD-value of the nepheline-K-feldspar thermometry (dotted red
of the sample at the intersection point of the garnet isopleths at different line) with the stability 昀椀eld of the observed mineral assemblage in
aH2O-values. For sample ALT-03, the best 昀椀t between the calculated Fig. 7d, however, points to high-grade metamorphic PT-conditions
modal amount of minerals and the modal amount determined by point- similar to the neighbouring host rocks (taking into account an error in
counting of the thin section is given at aH2O = 0.2, which is slightly lower excess of ± 50 ◦ C for the nepheline-K-feldspar geothermometer; cf.
than the estimate using the geothermobarometry data. Powell & Powell, 1977).
Sample BPD-02, the sillimanite-bearing biotite-garnet gneiss (Fig. 5c Sample YKK-1a, a carbonate-bearing garnet-K-feldspar-clinopyrox-
& d), was investigated thermobarometrically using the garnet compo- ene-nepheline gneiss (Fig. 6c & d), displays the same mineral assem-
sition of the rim section with the highest XMg. The garnet-biotite geo- blage as sample M−25 and permits the application of the same type of
thermometer of Holdaway (2000) in combination with the GASP geothermobarometry. Similar to sample M−25, garnet- clinopyroxene
geobarometer of Koziol and Newton (1988) calculate 792 ◦ C at 7.6 kbar. thermometry yields highly variable results. The nepheline-K-feldspar
As garnet in sample BPD-02 is virtually unzoned, calculation using other thermometry of Powell & Powell (1977) calculates temperatures of
garnet analyses yields almost identical results. Temperatures of 790 ◦ C for the integrated nepheline and K-feldspar analyses. Equilibrium
819–828 ◦ C are calculated with the Ti-in-biotite geothermometer of phase diagram calculations with the Theriak-Domino program reveal a
Henry et al. (2005) reproducing the results of the garnet-biotite ther- wide stability 昀椀eld for the assemblage calcite-K-feldspar-garnet-
mometry within the error of the methods. Calculations with the clinopyroxene-nepheline-leucite-magnetite at high temperatures
Theriak-Domino program in an analogous manner as described for (Fig. 7e). Remarkably, the intersections of the garnet isopleths (Alm, Grs
sample ALT-03 indicates the closest 昀椀t of the phase diagram with the & Adr) plot in a PT-range of 784–812 ◦ C at 7.8–8.4 kbar, which is close
geothermobarometry at a water activity of 0.34 with garnet isopleths to the estimates of the quartz-garnet gneiss from the central part of the
intersecting at 789 ◦ C and 8.4 kbar (Fig. 7b). The best 昀椀t between the Mogok Metamorphic Belt (Fig. 7a-c). There is no intersection for the
modal mineral amount calculated at the garnet intersections by the garnet isopleths of the dark brown garnet rim.
Theriak-Domino program and the modal mineral amount determined by Thermobarometry of sample YKK-1c, a carbonate-bearing scapolite-
point-counting is at aH2O = 0.4. garnet-plagioclase-clinopyroxene-nepheline gneiss (Fig. 6e & f), does
In biotite-garnet gneiss sample K-01 (Fig. 5e & f), a combination of not yield reasonable results as the composition of this K-feldspar-free
the garnet-biotite geothermometer of Holdaway (2000) with the rock does not permit the use of garnet-clinopyroxene and nepheline-K-
garnet-biotite-plagioclase-quartz geobarometer of Wu et al. (2004; feldspar thermometry. Furthermore, the plagioclase-scapolite geo-
Fe-calibration) calculates PT-conditions of 756 ◦ C at 7.4 kbar using a thermometer of Goldsmith and Newton (1977) is restricted to Na-poor
garnet analysis from the rim section. Despite of the absence of a scapolite and calcic plagioclase. Equilibrium phase diagram calcula-
Ti-bearing oxide phase in this sample, the Ti-in-biotite geothermometer tions using Theriak-Domino do not show a stability 昀椀eld of scapolite,
of Henry et al. (2005) supplies very similar temperatures of 758–764 ◦ C. possibly due to the lack of an appropriate solid solution model for
Phase diagram calculations using the same approach as in the two scapolite in the tcdb55c2 dataset. Therefore, no P-T conditions are re-
foregoing samples yield the closest 昀椀t between the Theriak-Domino ported for this sample.
program and the geothermobarometry at a water activity of 0.4
(Fig. 7c). The best 昀椀t of the modal mineral amount calculated at the 4.2.3. Clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss
garnet isopleth intersections by the Theriak-Domino program and the In the clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss YKK-2d (Fig. 6g & h),
one determined by point-counting is at aH2O = 0.5 and thus quite close to the Ti-in-amphibole geothermometer of Colombi (1988) on the Ti-rich
the water activity derived using the geothermobarometric estimates. pargasite estimates temperatures of 729–765 ◦ C. This agrees with the
amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer of Holland & Blundy (1994),
4.2.2. Garnet-clinopyroxene-nepheline gneiss which calculates 774–784 ◦ C. Due to the lack of critical mineral as-
Thermobarometric investigations of these unusual rocks are strongly semblages, a pressure estimate is delicate. A combination of the
aggravated by their exotic chemical composition, by the lack of ther- Ti-in-Hbl geothermometer of Colombi (1988) with the
modynamic data and mixing models for some of the minerals as well as amphibole-plagioclase P1-geobarometer of Bhadra and Bhattacharya
by the elevated oxygen fugacity of the nepheline gneiss, which is (2007) using the average composition of all clinoamphibole and
mirrored by the high andradite and aegirine components in garnet and plagioclase analyses yields 10.7 kbar at 746 ◦ C. However, due to the
clinopyroxene. Despite of these complicacies, a general estimate of their absence of quartz in the rock, this pressure estimate represents a
metamorphic conditions is possible. maximum value. Equilibrium phase diagram calculations with the
The carbonate-garnet-K-feldspar-clinopyroxene-nepheline gneiss Theriak-Domino program and the tcds62c dataset, which supplies a
M−25 (Fig. 6a & b) shows a tight intergrowth of garnet and clinoamphibole model for high-grade ma昀椀c rocks of Green et al. (2016),

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

(caption on next page)

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Fig. 7. Equilibrium phase diagrams of quartz- and nepheline and clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss; stability 昀椀elds of the observed mineral assemblage are shown
in yellow and 昀椀elds of anataxis in reddish-brown, error bars indicate the PT-estimates of the geothermobarometry (see text),), bulk values in ions. a.) Bt-Grt-Opx
gneiss ALT-03 (bulk = Si(4.525) Ti(0.021) Al(1.137) Fe(0.507) Mg(0.173) Ca(0.167) K(0.217) Na(0.438) H(50) O(36.972)) with isopleths of Alm (red), Grs
(green), Prp (violet) and XMg of Bt (brown) for the peak metamorphic conditions (core); second error bars highlight the retrograde PT-evolution based on the rim
composition of the garnet. b.) Sil-Bt-Grt gneiss BPD-02 (bulk = Si(4.339) Al(1.413) Ti(0.031) Fe(0.363) Mn(0.014) Mg(0.245) Ca(0.078) K(0.506) Na(0.363) H(50) O
(36.98)) with isopleths of Alm (red), Grs (green), Prp (violet) and Sps (orange); c.) Bt-Grt gneiss K-01 (bulk = Si(4.138) Al(1.336) Fe(0.810) Mg(0.500) Mn(0.026) Ca
(0.185) K(0.131) Na(0.161) H(50) O(36.963)) with isopleths of Alm (red), Grs (green), Prp (violet), Sps (orange) and An-content in Pl (blue); d.) Ne gneiss M−25
(bulk = Si(3.252) Al(1.913) Fe(0.341) Mg(0.149) Ca(0.891) Na(1.223) K(0.360) C(0.167) O(12)) with result of the Ne-Kfs thermometry (dotted red line); e.) Ne
gneiss YKK-1a (bulk = Si(3.409) Al(1.656) Fe(0.674) Mg(0.068) Ca(0.898) Na(1.147) K(0.343) C(0.037) O(12)) with isopleths of Alm (red), Grs (green), Adr (violet)
and result of Ne-Kfs thermometry (red dotted line); f.) Cam-Cpx gneiss YKK-2d (bulk = Si(3.360) Ti(0.082) Al(1.246) Fe(0.590) Mg(1.309) Ca(1.122) K(0.095) Na
(0.280) H(50) O(37)) with range of the Ti-in-Hbl thermometry (red dotted lines). Note that the error bar only displays maximum pressures for the rock.

shows a wide stability 昀椀eld for the observed mineral assemblage in the
sample (Fig. 7f). An intersection of the Ti-in Hbl barometry with this
stability 昀椀eld indicates PT-conditions of 730–765 ◦ C at 6.2–9.5 kbar at
aH2O = 0.4, which is in accord with the results from the other samples.

4.3. Whole-rock geochemistry of carbonate-bearing clinopyroxene-

nepheline gneiss and clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss

The carbonate-bearing clinopyroxene-nepheline gneiss and

clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss are high-K calc-alkaline (YKK-1c,
YKK-2d) and shoshonitic (M−25, YKK-1a) rocks (cf. Fig. 8a). The
nepheline bearing rocks are characterized by variable, but low to
moderate SiO2 contents (39.1 to 50.4 wt-%), relatively low MgO con-
tents (0.62 to 1.39 wt-%), and high Na2O + K2O contents (7.57 to 11.1
wt-%) and correspond chemically to foidite, phonotephrite, or teph-
riphonolite (Fig. 8b). The low contents of the compatible elements Ni
and Cr in combination with the low MgO contents indicate that these
rocks have experienced signi昀椀cant fractionation. These rocks have high
CaO contents that range from 6.96 wt-% to 19.6 wt-% (Table S9).
Alkaline magmatic rocks with these chemical signatures may be ob-
tained by fractionation of clinopyroxene, which reduces the contents of
Mg, Ni, and Cr and allows for an increase of SiO2 (Table S9). The high
CaO contents may represent a source signature, as for leucitites and
foidites (e.g., Lustrino et al., 2019; Prelević et al., 2015) or re昀氀ect
assimilation of carbonate wall-rocks. The clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole
gneiss has high MgO (12.5 wt-%) and relatively low contents of Na2O +
K2O (2.43 wt%) and may originally have been a picrobasalt. This sample
has high contents of the compatible elements Co, Ni, and Cr (Table S9)
and, therefore, did not experience signi昀椀cant fractionation. Calculations
of the CIPW normative mineralogy (total Fe = Fe2+) show that all these
rocks are nepheline-normative and that samples YKK-1a and M−25 also
contain leucite.
The MORB-normalized spidergrams of the nepheline-bearing meta-
dykes (YKK-1a, YKK-1c and M−25) from Myanmar are strongly enriched
in Cs, Rb, Ba, Th and U, show positive anomalies in K and Pb and var-
iably negative anomalies for Ti, Nb and possibly Ta (Fig. 9a). Whereas
the negative anomalies (Ta, Nb, Ti) are hallmark geochemical 昀椀nger-
prints for magmatic rocks that formed in a subduction setting, the pos-
itive anomalies in K and Pb are typical for melts derived from the
lithospheric mantle that had been modi昀椀ed by 昀氀uids or melts released
from subducted continent-derived sedimentary rocks (Lee et al., 2016;
Lustrino et al., 2019; Campbell et al., 2014). Although the
Fig. 8. (a) K2O vs SiO2-diagram with series boundaries after Rickwood (1989)
clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss YKK-2d has a broadly similar
and b.) Total alkali vs silica diagram after Le Bas et al. (1986). Reference 昀椀elds
pattern as the other rocks and also has negative Nb and Ti anomalies, it for mantle-derived rocks from Lee et al. (2016), Lustrino et al. (2019) and
does not have such a strong enrichment of alkali and alkaline earth Campbell et al. (2013).
metal elements (Fig. 9a).
The Pb isotopic compositions of all metamorphosed dykes fall in a crustal material also includes contribution of material that had high Th/
relatively narrow range with 206Pb/204Pb values of 18.32 to 18.97 and Pb ratios for a geologically extended period. There are two processes
very high 207Pb/204Pb values of 15.71 to 15.76 (Fig. 10a and Table S10, that result in high Th/Pb ratios, i.e., high-grade metamorphism (Zart-
recalculated data). Such high 207Pb/204Pb values imply derivation of Pb man and Doe, 1981) and intense chemical weathering (e.g., Franz et al.,
from very old, i.e., Paleoproterozoic or Archean, continental crust. The 2013; Romer et al. 2014). Both processes result in the preferential loss of
relatively high 208Pb/204Pb values of 38.47 to 39.16 at a given Pb and U relative to Th, which retards the increase in 206Pb/204Pb with
Pb/204Pb (Fig. 10b) make these samples fall above typical upper time relative to the increase in 208Pb/204Pb (Zartman and Doe, 1981).
crustal and orogenic Pb growth curves and therefore indicate that this

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

Fig. 9. MORB-normalized spidergrams for a.) Myanmar metadykes (this study); b.) Mid-Miocene calc-alkaline arc volcanites from Mt. Popa, Myanmar (Lee et al.,
2016); c.) leucitites from the Eastern Mediterranean and Iran (cf. Lustrino et al., 2019) d.) Subduction-related shoshonites from Eastern Tibet (Campbell et al., 2013).
N-MORB normalization values from Pearce and Parkinson (1993).

In the 143Nd/144Nd vs 87Sr/86Sr diagram, the metamorphosed dykes their protoliths as high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic magmatites
fall in a cluster between the 昀椀elds for the depleted mantle (MORB) and (Fig. 8) that are derived from the partial melting of lithospheric mantle.
continental crust (Fig. 11 and Table S10), which typically de昀椀nes sub- Typical for such mantle-derived rocks are high contents of K2O and
horizontal 昀椀elds re昀氀ecting the relatively narrow range of 147Sm/144Nd incompatible trace elements (Figs. 8 and 9) re昀氀ecting a two-stage pro-
ratios and the broad range in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of crustal rocks. The lower cess in the subduction zone, i.e., depletion of the mantle by partial
the initial 143Nd/144Nd ratio of the crustal 昀椀eld, the older the average melting followed by metasomatism of the depleted mantle by 昀氀uids and
age of the crustal source. Typical Neoproterozoic and Archean conti- melts derived from subducted sedimentary or crustal material. Later
nental crustal has εNd30 values around −18 and −30, which indicates changes in the slab geometry resulted in extension with adiabatic
that the Nd isotopic compositions of the ma昀椀c metadykes re昀氀ect 60 to melting of metasomatized domains (e.g., Lustrino et al., 2019; Prelević
70 % contribution of old crustal Nd from the subducted material (Fig. 11 et al., 2015). Such melts have high Mg, Ni, and Cr contents and high
and Table S10). contents of incompatible elements. Fractional crystallization reduces the
contents of the compatible elements Mg, Ni, and Cr in the melt. All
5. Discussion samples of nepheline gneiss have low XMg-values and low Ni and Cr
contents, indicating that these melts fractionated before emplacement.
Metamorphosed ma昀椀c dykes occur throughout the Mogok Stone In contrast, the clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss has a higher XMg-
Tract and typically occur in close spatial relation with marble-hosted value and a different trace element pattern, possibly re昀氀ecting both a
spinel and ruby gemstone deposits. It is a priory not clear whether this different degree of fractionation and a different magma source.
spatial relation is coincidental (better exposure in the mining areas also This process explains why mantle-derived ma昀椀c rocks have trace
exposes more dykes) or whether the dykes contributed to conditions that element patterns and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions typical for crustal
favoured formation of gemstone deposits during later high-grade rocks. Typically, these rocks show an enrichment in Cs, Rb, K, Ba, Pb and
metamorphism. The close spatial relation between dykes and the light REE and a depletion in Ti, Nb and Ta in MORB-normalized
gemstone deposits allows to use PT conditions of the dykes to constrain spidergrams (Fig. 9). This two-stage process explains why comparable
the PT conditions of gemstone deposits, which have restricted mineral rocks from different regions such as the trachyandesites from Mt. Popa,
assemblages that do not allow for PT determination. In the following, we shoshonites from eastern Tibet as well as Mediterranean leucitites have
discuss the origin of the ma昀椀c rocks, the relation of the ma昀椀c dykes with similar trace element patterns (Fig. 9a-d). The Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic
their carbonate host and their common metamorphism. composition of these rocks also re昀氀ects their crustal source, but may
The chemistry of the ma昀椀c dykes (now nepheline gneiss) classi昀椀es show regional differences depending on the age of the source. For

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

local sedimentary rocks also would produce a metasomatized mantle

with too high εNd30 values (Fig. 11). Instead, the ma昀椀c dykes compo-
sitionally resemble to shoshonitic rocks that are derived from a mantle
metasomatized by Paleoproterozoic or Archean crust (or sediments
derived from such a crust; Fig. 11). If the crustal component is derived
from Paleoproterozoic or Archean crust, mass balance indicates that the
60 to 70 % of the Nd budget of the ma昀椀c dykes is derived from the
subducted material (Fig. 11 and Table S10). The Pb isotopic composition
re昀氀ects an old crustal source for the subducted sediments. The old crust,
however, does not have to be the direct source. Instead, the recycling of
old continental crust during collisional processes and erosion does not
erase the Pb isotopic signature of the crust. The Pb isotopic compositions
of sediments from the Himalayan orogen represent Pb from such a
recycled ancient crust (see Richards et al., 2005 and references within).
Sediments from a similar source may have metasomatized the litho-
spheric mantle sampled by the investigated dykes.
The metadykes have elevated to high Ca and Sr contents, which
could re昀氀ect a chemical 昀椀ngerprint of the mantle source or could be the
result of interaction between the ma昀椀c melts and the hosting calcsilicate
rock and marble. Such an interaction would only increase Ca and Sr
contents of the melt, as the contents of most other trace elements are low
in carbonates, and shift the Sr isotopic composition of the melt toward
the composition of the carbonates. Furthermore, it could decrease the
SiO2 contents of these alkaline magmatic rocks (e.g., Conte et al., 2009;
Elitok, 2019). There are three lines of evidence indicating that interac-
tion between the alkaline melts and the carbonates was limited: (i) Re-
action rims between ma昀椀c rocks and carbonates are absent or thin; (ii)
Addition of carbonates would increase both Ca and Sr contents together,
but the sample with the lowest Ca content has the highest Sr content and
Fig. 10. (a.) Plot of 207Pb/204Pb against 206Pb/204Pb and b.) Plot of there is a general tendency for samples with high Ca contents to have
Pb/204Pb against 206Pb/204Pb. Data for MORB, Eastern Tibet shoshonites, systematically lower Sr contents; (iii) Interaction with the graphite- and
and NHRL (Northern Hemisphere Reference Line) from Campbell et al. (2014), pyrite-rich carbonates should reduce the oxygen fugacity of the alkaline
Mediterranean leucitites after Lustrino et al. (2019). Lead-isotope evolution melts, which is not the case. The ma昀椀c rocks still have very high oxygen
curves according to Zartman & Doe (1981): (A) mantle, (B) orogen, (C) upper fugacity, in part contributing to the particular mineralogical composi-
crust, and (D) lower crust. Tick marks along each curve indicate 0.4 tion of the metamorphic rocks.
Ga increments. The observed mineral parageneses as well as the recorded PT-
conditions of the investigated gneiss samples from the Central and
Western Part of the Mogok Stone Tract con昀椀rm granulite facies condi-
tions. Geothermobarometry reveals temperatures between 709 (±50)◦ C
(sample M−25, nepheline-K-feldspar geothermometer) and 828 (±25)◦
C (sample BPD-02, Ti-in biotite geothermometer) as well as pressures
between 7.3 (±0.5) kbar (sample ALT-03; Grt-Opx-Pl geobarometer)
and 10.7 (±1.5) kbar (YKK-2d, Cam-Pl geobarometer). PT-estimates on
quartz-garnet gneiss using geothermometers and geobarometers suit-
able for high-grade metamorphic conditions indicate a PT-range of
756–792 (±30) ◦ C at 7.3–7.6 (±0.5–1.0) kbar. These PT-conditions
agree with thermobarometric investigations of Thu and Enami (2018)
revealing granulite facies conditions of 780–810 ◦ C at 8 kbar in calcsi-
licate marble from the Western part of the Mogok area.
U-Pb ages of zircon inclusions in ruby and spinel as well as of zircon
from host rocks from the Mogok area (Phyo et al., 2020) demonstrate
that ruby and spinel deposits in Mogok formed during Oligocene to Early
Miocene regional granulite-facies metamorphism related to the Hima-
Fig. 11. Plot of 143Nd/144Nd against 87Sr/86Sr with the metadykes from layan Orogeny.
Myanmar, MORB and Eastern Tibet shoshonites (Campbell et al. 2014), Medi- Granulite facies metamorphism may occur under 昀氀uid absent or 昀氀uid
terranean leucitites (Lustrino et al., 2019), magmatic arc volcanics from present conditions. For the calculation of granulite facies PT-conditions,
Marianas, New Britain, Aleutians, South Sandwich and Lesser Antilles (Arculus numerous researchers (e.g. Tajčmanová et al. 2006, Xiang et al. 2012)
and Powell, 1986), arc volcanics from Mt. Popa (red spot; Lee et al., 2016) and use a 昀椀xed but limited amount of H2O, which implies the absence of a
Myanmar sediments (Licht et al., 2013). Isotope data of enriched mantle (EM1)
free 昀氀uid at certain metamorphic PT-conditions and therefore dry con-
and depleted mantle (DMM) from Faure (2001; page 314). Himalayan source
ditions. The worldwide observation of 昀氀uid inclusions in granulite facies
rocks for subduction from Ahmad et al. (2000), Miller et al. (2001) and
Richards et al. (2005). rocks (e.g. Touret 1971, Newton et al. 1998, Santosh and Omori 2008,
Touret and Huizenga 2012, Bader et al. 2014) renders 昀氀uid-absence
unlikely. Granulite facies hydrate minerals like biotite and clinopyrox-
instance, the investigated mantle-derived ma昀椀c dykes have lower εNd30
ene in the investigated samples and the widespread occurrence of
values than regional or local magmatic arc rocks that were extracted
marble in the Mogok belt highlight the presence of H2O and CO2 while
from the mantle (e.g., Mt Popa arc volcanics, Fig. 11). The subduction of
the occurrence of scapolite in marble and metadykes points to NaCl

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

contents in the 昀氀uid. Therefore, the Theriak-Domino calculations of this Stone Tract (Garnier et al., 2008). This would set the ruby and spinel
study were performed with H2O in excess but with controlled water formation in Mogok apart from similar deposits which are related to the
activity. The combination of equilibrium phase diagram calculations collision of the Indian and Asian plate elsewhere.
using the Theriak-Domino program and geothermobarometry applied
on quartz-garnet gneiss produces consistent PT-estimates within the 6. Conclusions
error of the methods and reveals water activities of 0.34–0.4 for the
investigated samples. The calculated water activities are similar to those Subduction-related ma昀椀c to ultrama昀椀c magmas from the litho-
calculated with the Theriak-Domino program for felsic and ma昀椀c spheric mantle were emplaced into the carbonates of the Mogok Stone
granulites from the Tongbai in east-central China (Bader et al. 2014). Tract prior to Paleogene high-grade regional metamorphism. There was
The presence of garnet-nepheline gneiss in association with only limited exchange between ma昀椀c magma and the carbonate wall
clinopyroxene-clinoamphibole gneiss within spinel- and ruby-bearing rocks as shown by the absence of metasomatic contact zones and the
marble and calcsilicate rock is quite remarkable. Nepheline-gneiss and consistently high oxygen fugacity in the ma昀椀c rocks. These ma昀椀c dykes
corundum-bearing gneiss have been described from several locations and the gem deposits are spatially closely related and, therefore, expe-
worldwide, e.g. from the Haliburton-Bancroft area of Ontario (USA), rienced the same conditions of peak metamorphism.
where they are assumed to have formed by magmatic interaction of Geothermobarometry and equilibrium phase diagram calculations
granite with calcsilicate rock and ma昀椀c gneiss (Moyd, 1949). Different using the Theriak-Domino program on these metadykes and on garnet-
types of nepheline gneiss also occur in the vicinity of the Darkainle quartz gneiss reveal granulite facies metamorphic conditions for this
nepheline-syenite complex in Somali, where they formed during meta- part of the Mogok Metamorphic Belt. The most precise thermobaro-
somatic processes in high-grade, migmatitic host rocks of syenite (Gel- metric estimates in quartz-garnet gneiss indicate peak metamorphic PT-
latly & Hornung, 1968). In the Ilomba and Ulindi complexes of the North conditions ranging from 756 to 792 ◦ C at 7.3–7.6 kbar, which agrees
Nyasa Alkaline Province (Malawi), nepheline gneiss was generated by with earlier investigations of the same area (e.g., Thu et al., 2016; Thu
pre- to syntectonic intrusions of nepheline syenite under upper greens- and Enami, 2018). The reduced water activity of 0.34–0.4 recorded in
chist- to amphibolite facies conditions (Eby et al., 1998). None of these the hosting gneiss may re昀氀ect dilution by CO2 from the spinel- and ruby-
nepheline rocks, however, bears any garnet and none of them experi- hosting marble successions. These granulite facies PT-conditions also
enced granulite facies metamorphic conditions, which makes the Mogok triggered the formation of spinel and ruby in the Mogok area. Garnier
nepheline gneiss unique. et al. (2008) showed that ruby and spinel in high-grade rocks did not
The blastesis of aegirine-rich clinopyroxene, garnet with a high form during peak metamorphic conditions but were generated on the
andradite component and magnetite re昀氀ects the remarkably high oxy- retrograde PT-path under amphibolite facies conditions of 620–670 ◦ C
gen fugacity of the garnet-nepheline gneiss from Mogok. Such an at 2.2–3.3 kbar. In case of the marble-hosted gem deposits of the Mogok
elevated oxygen fugacity is typical for alkaline arc-related magmatic belt, the presence of paragenetic high-grade metamorphic inclusions in
rocks (Frost & Lindsley, 1992; Müller et al., 2001). spinel (Phyo et al. 2019) provides strong evidence for their granulite
The formation of spinel, ruby and particularly of sapphire in the facies formation.
Mogok area is highly debated, largely as there are several processes that
may result in the formation of those minerals and different processes CRediT authorship contribution statement
may predominate in different regions. Searle et al. (2020) relate the
growth of those gemstones to the thermal and metasomatic interaction Myint Myat Phyo: Investigation. Leander Franz: Writing – original
between syenite and charnockite intrusions and nearby carbonate or draft, Supervision. Rolf L. Romer: Geochemical and isotope analysis.
calcsilicate rocks. Because of the polyphase magmatic activity and the Christian de Capitani: Formal analysis, Supervision. Walter A.
polymetamorphic overprint of the rock successions in the Mogok Belt Balmer: Methodology. Michael S. Krzemnicki: Funding acquisition.
(Searle et al. 2007, 2017), an unequivocal assignment of the gemstone
blastesis to a particular event is problematic (Searle et al., 2020). Declaration of Competing Interest
Sutherland et al. (2019) describe metasomatically in昀氀uenced growth of
ruby due to the intrusion of large alkali syenite and ijolite dykes from the The authors declare that they have no known competing 昀椀nancial
deposit Thurein Taung in the Mogok area and link the growth of ruby to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to in昀氀uence
magmatism as evident from euhedral nepheline inclusions in ruby from the work reported in this paper.
a skarn. This explanation does not apply for the deposit Yadanar Kaday
Kadar, as an in昀氀uence of the metadyke on the formation of spinel and Data availability
ruby in the deposit can largely be excluded. The metadyke, which has a
thickness of about 2 m, is simply too small to impose prominent thermal Data will be made available on request.
or geochemical effects on the mighty, about 18 m thick sequence of
marble. Furthermore, there is no remarkable, ruby- and spinel-bearing Acknowledgements
metasomatic alteration zone around the metadyke. Therefore, the
growth of spinel and ruby in the Mogok area may be predominantly We thank local mining companies and miners for access to their
related to regional metamorphic processes in some deposits and to mines and for the donation of fascinating samples. Speci昀椀cally, we
metasomatic processes in other deposits. would like to thank Miemie Tin Thut (Silken East Co. Ltd, Bangkok) and
Although we studied the host rocks rather than the gemstone de- Kyaw Swar Htun (AGGL Gem Lab, Yangon, Myanmar) for their generous
posits themselves, the gem deposits and the surrounding rock formations support in this project. We also thank Ah Ba and Aunty Phyu for their
had the same metamorphic history and, therefore, our results imply that kind encouragement and Sebastian Hänsel, Ko Choo, U Aung Kyaw
the gemstones developed during granulite facies metamorphism. This Htoon and Ko Ja Mu for their help during the 昀椀eld trip to the Mogok
inference is supported by inclusions of granulite facies minerals in spinel area, Myanmar. Special thanks are due to Pascal Tschudin for the perfect
from Mogok (Phyo et al., 2019) and coincides with the 昀椀ndings for preparation of rock sections. We owe thanks to Anja Schleicher, Heike
marble-hosted spinel and ruby deposits in East Africa, which formed Rothe, Sabine Tonn, and Bettina Hübner (all GFZ) for help with the
under granulite facies conditions at ~ 750 ◦ C and 10 kbar (Balmer et al. chemical and isotopic analyses. We gratefully acknowledge the helpful
2017). In comparison, other marble-hosted spinel and ruby deposits in and inspiring reviews of Kurt Bucher (Freiburg) and an anonymous
the Himalayan Mountain Range are reported to have formed at signi昀椀- reviewer. This study was 昀椀nanced by a grant from Kanton Basel (Sti-
cantly lower PT-conditions than the examined deposits in the Mogok pendienkommission für Nachwuchskräfte aus Entwicklungsländern), by

M.M. Phyo et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 9 (2023) 100132

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