4 Hydrometer
4 Hydrometer
4 Hydrometer
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Lab. Report NO. 4
Fig (1)
• Note that L is the depth measured from the surface of the water to the
center of gravity of the hydrometer bulb at which the density of the
suspension is measured.
• It is intended that the specific gravity test be made on that portion of soil
which passes the No.10 (2.00mm) sieve, when it is to be used in calculation
in hydrometer analysis.
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Lab. Report NO. 4
reading between the top of the meniscus and the level of the liquid. As the
marking on the stem increases downward, the correction is positive and is
a constant for a given hydrometer. The meniscus correction is about 0.5 to
1.0 g/L for most 152 H hydrometer. The correction hydrometer reading for
meniscus is:
iii. Dispersion agent correction – Addition of the dispersing agent to the soil
specimen causes increasing in the specific gravity of the suspension. The
effect of water impurities and the dispersing agent on hydrometer readings
can be obtained by using a control jar from the same source and with the
same quantity of dispersing agent (125 cm3) as used in the soil-water
suspension to obtain "zero correction".
To find the grain size distribution of that fraction of soil, which has
diameter smaller than 0.075 mm (Silt and Clay).
Table (1)
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Lab. Report NO. 4
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Lab. Report NO. 4
1. Take exactly 50 g of oven dry (well pulverized soil), and mix with 125 ml
quantity of 4% solution of sodium metaphosphate.
2. Allow the mixture to stand about 1 hr. (ASTM suggest 16 hr for clayey
soils). Transfer the mixture to the malt mixer cup and add tap water until
the cup is two thirds full, mix for 5 min.
3. Transfers all the contents of the cup to the sedimentation cylinder (being
careful not to lose any material). The volume of dispersed soil suspension
is increased to 1000 ml by adding tap water.
4. Use the palm of your hand over the open end of the sedimentation cylinder
and carefully agitate for about 1 min. (be sure no soil is stuck to the base of
the cylinder). Set the cylinder down, immediately insert the hydrometer,
and take hydrometer reading at elapsed time 0.5, 1, 2, 4 min also take
temperature reading of sedimentation cylinder and control jar, then take
meniscus correction and zero correction from the control jar.
1. Determine temperature correction (CT ) from Table (6-3).
2. Calculate corrected hydrometer reading (Rc) from following equation:
Rc = Ra – Zero correction + CT
RC x(a )
% Finer = ( ) x 100
Where: L in (cm),
t in (min)
9. Repeat all above steps for each hydrometer readings.
10. Use the data from steps 4 & 8 above and plot the % Finer versus D in (mm).
11. Find percent of silt and clay according to BS.
12. Find coarse, medium and fine silt according to BS.
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Lab. Report NO. 4
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Lab. Report NO. 4
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Lab. Report NO. 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Actual Corr.
Corr. L K
Time Elapsed Temp. Hdro. Hydr. % from from
Date Of time Reading Reading Only for L D, mm
Finer Table Table
reading min °C Meniscus t
Ra Rc R
(6-5) (6-4)
D=K Lt
Signature: .....................
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