Class II Malocclusion in Adult Patients What Are The Effects of

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Journal of

Clinical Medicine

Class II Malocclusion in Adult Patients: What Are the Effects of
the Intermaxillary Elastics with Clear Aligners? A Retrospective
Single Center One-Group Longitudinal Study
Roberto Rongo 1 , Simona Dianišková 2 , Antonio Spiezia 1 , Rosaria Bucci 1 , Ambrosina Michelotti 1
and Vincenzo D’Antò 1, *

1 School of Orthodontics, Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive Sciences and Oral Sciences,

University of Naples Federico II, Via Pansini, 5, 80131 Naples, Italy
2 Department of Orthodontics, Medical Faculty, Slovak Medical University, Limbová 12,
83303 Bratislava, Slovakia
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the dental effects of the treatment with clear aligners and intermaxillary
elastics in adult patients with Class II malocclusion. Material and methods: A sample of 20 Class II
patients treated with Invisalign aligners (5 M and 15 F; mean age of 27.6 ± 6.3 years) was included
in this single-center one-group longitudinal study. Dental cast and cephalometric records were
analyzed before (T0) and after treatment (T1). Data were analyzed with a t-test for paired data
(p < 0.05). Results: There was a significant reduction of the Overjet (OVJ= −1.4 ± 0.2; p ≤0.001)
and a retroposition of upper incisors (U1-NPo = −1.3 ± 1.7; p < 0.001). Furthermore, distal-
ization of upper molars with an improvement of molar class (U6-PT Vertical = −0.93 ± 0.97;
Citation: Rongo, R.; Dianišková, S.;
p < 0.001; Molar Relation = −0.75 ± 0.45; p < 0.001) was observed. A good control of the lower
Spiezia, A.; Bucci, R.; Michelotti, A.;
and upper incisor inclination was present, highlighted by the non-significant changes in these values
D’Antò, V. Class II Malocclusion in
Adult Patients: What Are the Effects
(L1-GoGn = −0.12 ± 5.4; p = 0.923; U1-AnsPns = −1.1 ± 8.1; p = 0.551). In the lower arch, an increase
of the Intermaxillary Elastics with in the intermolar diameter (0.6 ± 1.0; p = 0.01) was present. Finally, there were no statistically signif-
Clear Aligners? A Retrospective icant changes in all the skeletal variables (ANPg = 0.005 ± 0.687; p = 0.974; SN/MP = −0.47 ± 1.9;
Single Center One-Group p = 0.298). Conclusions: Treatment with Invisalign aligners shows a reduction of the Overjet, a
Longitudinal Study. J. Clin. Med. retroposition of the upper incisors, good control of the lower incisors, and an improvement of the
2022, 11, 7333. molar relationship.

Academic Editors: Eiji Tanaka and

Keywords: clear aligners; Class II; adults; elastics
Juan Martin Palomo

Received: 13 June 2022

Accepted: 5 December 2022
1. Introduction
Published: 9 December 2022
In recent years, the increase in the use of clear aligners has been favored by wide
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral advertising of the product, and by the growing aesthetic needs of patients, especially
with regard to jurisdictional claims in among adults who prefer aesthetic treatments that do not affect social relationships and
published maps and institutional affil- lifestyle [1–3].
Aligner Therapy (AT) consists of an aesthetic orthodontic treatment that includes
customized, removable devices. Studies have shown that this treatment does not interfere
with a patient’s oral hygiene and consequently does not affect periodontal health [4]. The
use of a virtual set-up is an important tool for providing a very detailed treatment plan
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
and evaluating the different therapeutic alternatives. In addition, patients show good
This article is an open access article
collaboration with AT [5].
distributed under the terms and Today, with advances in AT biomechanics and with the improvement in the charac-
conditions of the Creative Commons teristics of the material [6], new therapeutic opportunities have been possible and have
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// further increased the diffusion of this approach. AT may also include the use of auxiliaries such as elastics and other intra- and inter-maxillary accessories in order to treat complex

J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 7333.

J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 7333 2 of 9

cases. The improved biomechanics of AT allows for achieving difficult dental movements
such as the distalization of the upper molars [7,8].
In orthodontics, many solutions have been proposed for the treatment of Class II
malocclusions, among which: mandibular advancement, orthodontic camouflage, up-
per distalization with miniscrews for orthodontic anchorage, orthognathic surgery, and
fixed multibrackets therapy and intermaxillary elastics. Although the benefits of Class II
correction with fixed therapy are numerous, this approach might involve some risks for
periodontal tissue health in the anterior teeth, like gingival recession, and often causes
aesthetic impairment and concerns to the individual [9].
The use of intermaxillary elastics with fixed multibracket is the most used therapy
to treat Class II dental malocclusion [10]. Effects of therapy with Class II elastics are
mainly dentoalveolar: in the upper arch, extrusion and retrusion of the upper incisors with
uncontrolled lingual inclination is observed, while, at the lower arch, buccal inclination
and intrusion of lower incisors, and extrusion and mesialization of mandibular molars can
be found. Furthermore, during the treatment, a temporary increase in occlusal plane angle
can be observed, which seems to return to its original values at the end of the therapy [11].
Although the application of Class II elastics with multibracket fixed appliances is
currently the most used treatment approach, the use of Class II elastics with aligners are
extremely frequent in daily clinical practice. Nevertheless, still scarce information on the
effects of this treatment in adult Class II patients is available [10]. A recent study performed
in growing patients showed better control of lower incisor inclination using AT as compared
to fixed multibracket therapy [12], but no information is present concerning adult treatment.
Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to assess the dentoalveolar effects of AT
during the correction of Angle Class II division 1 malocclusions in a group of adult patients.

2. Materials and Methods

This was a retrospective single-center, one-group longitudinal study.
The study protocol complied fully with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration and
was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Federico II (352/21).

2.1. Sample
The study included data from 20 patients (mean age 27.9 ± 7.5 years, age range
20–43 years), of which 15 females and 5 males were treated between 2015 and 2020 at the
School of Orthodontics of Bratislava Comenius (Slovakia). Data were analyzed at the School
of Orthodontics, Department of Neuroscience, Reproductive Sciences and Oral Sciences of
the University of Naples Federico II (Italy).
The inclusion criteria for the selection in the study were the following:
• Patients aged 18 or over at the beginning of the treatment.
• At least End-to-End Class II molar relationship.
• Permanent dentition.
• Overjet ≥ 4 mm measured on the most proclined tooth.
• Patients that finished the treatment with a good alignment and a Class I molar and
canine relationship.
Subjects were excluded from the study if they had one of the following exclusion
• Craniofacial abnormalities.
• Congenital syndromes of the craniofacial area.
• Periodontal disease.
• Temporomandibular disorders.

2.2. Clinical Protocol

All patients underwent non-extractive orthodontic treatment.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 7333 3 of 9

Clear aligners (Invisalign® , Align Technology, Santa Clara, CA, USA) were used for
this clinical treatment. Patients were instructed to wear full-time intermaxillary elastics
1/4” 6 oz from the precision cuts on the upper aligner connected to the tubes bonded on
the first lower molars, starting from the third aligner.
Four sets of aligners were delivered to each patient, and they were instructed to change
the aligner every 7 days. Regular check-ups were performed every 4 weeks. The average
treatment time was 1.6 ± 0.6 years (treatment time range 1–2.8 years).

2.3. Measurements and Timing

Measurement and timing were similar to those adopted in a previous study on grow-
ing patients (for detailed information, please see Dianiskova et al., 2021 [12]). The skeletal
and dental changes resulting from the treatment were evaluated by means of cephalometric
analysis on lateral cephalograms, taken in natural head position and in centric occlusion
at the beginning (T0) and at the end of the treatment (T1) (Figure 1, Table 1). All lateral
cephalograms were taken using the same radiographic appliance (ART Plus C; Ajat, Espoo
Finland). Lateral cephalograms were randomly submitted to the examiner for cephalo-
metric analysis, and the dates of the radiographic examination were concealed. Molar
relationship, amount of lower crowding (from second bicuspids to second bicuspids), and
amount of interproximal reduction (IPR) at the lower anterior teeth (from canine to canine)
were assessed using digital dental casts at the beginning and at the end of treatment. The
digital dental casts were analyzed by means of Autodesk MeshMixer (Autodesk INC. San
Francisco, CA, USA). Crowding was defined as the difference between the sum of the
mesiodistal widths of teeth from the second bicuspids to the second bicuspids at the lower
jaw and the arch length. The mesiodistal widths of teeth from cuspid to cuspid at the end
of treatment were also used to estimate the amount of IPR. In particular, for each tooth,
the difference in mm between the mesiodistal width at T0 minus the mesiodistal width at
T1 was calculated. The molar class relationship was studied by analyzing the digital cast
in occlusion. Intermolar and intercanine distances were measured only at the lower arch,
from the mesiobuccal cusp of the left first molar to the mesiobuccal cusp of the right first
molar and from left to right cuspid.

Table 1. Analyzed cephalometric variables.

Sagittal Skeletal Interdental

SNA (◦ ) Overjet (mm)
SNPg (◦ ) Overbite (mm)
ANPg (◦ ) Molar relation (mm)
WITS (mm) Maxillary dentoalveolar
Co-Gn (mm) U1 to palatal plane (◦ )
Vertical skeletal U1-NPo (mm)
SN to palatal plane (◦ ) U6-PT Vertical (mm)
SN to mandibular plane (◦ ) Mandibular dentoalveolar
Palatal plane to mandibular plane (◦ ) L1 to mandibular plane (◦ )
CoGoMe (◦ )
Co-Go (mm)
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Med. 2022, 11, 7333
2022, 11, 7333 4 4of
of 99

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Cephalometric landmarks.NNNasion,
Cephalometric landmarks. Nasion,SSSella,
Porion, CoCo Condylion,
Condylion, Pt Pterion, Or
Orbitale, Pns Posterior nasal spine, Ans Anterior nasal spine, A Point A, B Point B, Pg Pogonion,
Orbitale, Pns Posterior nasal spine, Ans Anterior nasal spine, A Point A, B Point B, Pg Pogonion, Gn
Gn Gnathion, Me Me
Menton, Go Go
Menton, Gonion, U1r
Gonion, Root
U1r RootApex
Upper central
Tip Upper
Upper central
incisor, L1r Root Apex Lower central incisor, L1t Tip Lower central incisor, U6d Distal Upper
L1r Root Apex Lower central incisor, L1t Tip Lower central incisor, U6d Distal Upper first
molar, L6d
L6d Distal Lower first
Distal Lower first molar.

Table 1. Analyzed cephalometric

2.4. Intra-Observer Reliability variables.
By selecting 20 random
Sagittal cephalograms, intra-observer reliability
Skeletal was evaluated. The
same examiner re-evaluated
SNA (°) a series of measurements after 4 weeks. The intra-observer
Overjet (mm)
reliability for all measurements was calculated using Dahlberg’s formula and the intraclass
SNPg (°) Overbite (mm)
correlation coefficient.
ANPg (°)between duplicated measurements
Systematic differences Molarwere
relation (mm)
tested using a paired
WITS (mm)
Student’s t-test with the type I error set at 0.01. Maxillary dentoalveolar
Co-Gn (mm) U1 to palatal plane (°)
2.5. Statistical Analysis
Vertical skeletal U1-NPo (mm)
For eachSN parameter
to palatalcollected,
plane (°) descriptive statistic (mean
U6-PT and standard
Vertical (mm)deviation for
continuous SNdata) was reported.
to mandibular plane (°) Mandibular dentoalveolar
The sample size calculation was
Palatal plane to mandibular plane (°)based on the main outcome: lower incisor
L1 to mandibular planeproclination
(IMPA). CoGoMe (°)
Considering alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.20, t-test for paired data, and an effect size of
Co-Go (mm)
0.7 (L1/GoGn mean difference = 4.3◦ grouped standard deviation = 5.8◦ ) [12], at least
19 patients were required.
2.4. Intra-Observer Reliability
A t-test for paired data was used to compare each variable within the two-time points.
DataBy selecting 20
distribution wasrandom cephalograms,
analyzed by means of intra-observer reliability
the Shapiro–Wilk test. was evaluated.
A linear The
same examiner re-evaluated a series of measurements after 4 weeks. The
analysis was performed to evaluate the association between IPR, SNA_T0, Overjet_T0, intra-observer
Age, Sex, L1 forto all measurements
mandibular wasand
plane_T0, calculated using Dahlberg’s
L1 to mandibular formula
plane_(T1-T0). and
Only the
intraclass correlation coefficient.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 7333 5 of 9

of p < 0.05 were considered significant. All statistical analyses were performed using the
Standard statistical software package (SPSS version 22.0, IBM SPSS, Armonk, NY, USA).

3. Results
The intra-observer reliability ranged between 0.32◦ and 1.22◦ for cephalometric angular
measurements and between 0.52 mm and 1.02 mm for linear measurements. There was
no systematic error for any measurement (Student’s t-test: p > 0.01). ICC ranged between
0.770 to 0.999. At the beginning of the treatment, the group showed, on average, less than
2 mm of crowding (−1.94 ± 3.5).
Dentoalveolar changes were the main effects observed following AT (Table 2). Clin-
ically and statistically significant overjet correction (OVJ = −1.4 ± 0.2; p < 0.001) was
observed. Also, good control of the inclination of lower incisors, without any significant pro-
clination (L1-GoGn = −0.12 ± 5.4; p = 0.923), was found. A significant retroposition of upper
incisors compared to basal bone was present (U1-NPo = −1.3 ± 1.7; p = 0.001) with good con-
trol of the inclination (U1-AnsPns = −1.1 ± 8.1; p = 0.551). Furthermore, a statistically signif-
icant improvement of the molar class was found (Molar Relation = −0.75 ± 0.45; p < 0.001)
associated with a significant distalization of upper molars (U6-PT Vertical = −0.93 ± 0.97;
p < 0.001). The lower arch slightly expanded (intermolar diameter = 0.6 ± 1.0; p = 0.001),
and the amount of IPR was 2.75 ± 1.57.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics and statistical analysis T1 vs. T0. The significance level was set at
p < 0.05. Data are reported as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI).

Aligners T0 Aligners T1
t Test T1 vs. T0
N = 20 N = 20
Cephalometric Measures Mean SD 95% CI Mean SD 95% CI p Difference SD
Sagittal Skeletal
SNA (◦ ) 81.4 2.9 80.1; 82.8 81.6 3.3 80.1; 83.1 0.581 0.14 1.1
SNPg (◦ ) 78.2 4.3 76.3; 80.1 78.4 4.8 76.2; 80.6 0.454 0.20 1.2
ANPg (◦ ) 3.2 2.6 2.1; 4.4 3.3 2.7 2.0; 4.5 0.974 0.005 0.7
Wits (mm) 1.9 2.7 0.7; 3.2 1.3 1.7 0.4; 2.1 0.348 −0.68 3.1
Co-Gn (mm) 108.1 9.5 103.8; 112.5 107.8 7.8 104.2; 111.4 0.766 −0.28 4.2
Vertical Skeletal
SN/PP (◦ ) 8.3 2.6 7.1; 9.5 8.1 3.2 6.6; 9.3 0.602 −0.23 2
SN/MP (◦ ) 30 7.9 26.4; 33.7 29.6 8.7 25.5; 33.5 0.298 −0.47 1.9
PP/MP (◦ ) 21.7 7.7 18.1; 25.2 21.3 7.6 17.8; 24.8 0.457 −0.35 2
CoGoMe (◦ ) 123 8.9 119; 127.1 121.6 8.3 117.8; 125.4 0.251 −1.42 5.3
Co-Go (mm) 60 8.8 55.9; 64 60.1 8 53.5; 63.8 0.866 0.18 4.8
Overjet (mm) 4.6 0.8 4.3; 5 3.2 0.7 2.9; 3.5 0.001 −1.4 0.6
Overbite (mm) 3 1.7 2.2; 3.9 2.6 0.7 2.3; 3 0.234 −0.4 1.4
Molar Relation (mm) 0.5 0.7 0.1; 0.8 −0.27 0.5 −0.5; −0.02 0.001 −0.75 0.4
Maxillary dentoalveolar
U1/PP (◦ ) 109 9.2 104.9; 113.3 108 5.7 105.4; 110.6 0.551 −1.1 8.1
U1-NPo (mm) 8.2 4.2 6.2; 10.2 6.9 3.4 5.3; 8.4 0.001 −1.3 1.7
U6-PT Vertical (mm) 18 3.6 16.3; 19.6 17 4.1 15.1; 18.9 0.001 −0.93 0.9
Mandibular dentoalveolar
L1/GoGn (◦ ) 101.2 5.9 98.4; 103.9 100 6.1 95.8; 100.6 0.548 −1.30 8
Intercanine diameter (mm) 25.6 1.7 24.8; 26.4 26.3 2.7 25.1; 27.6 0.176 0.70 2.2
Intermolar diameter (mm) 47.8 3.1 46.4; 49.3 48.5 2.9 47.1; 49.8 0.001 0.60 1
Crowding −1.9 ± 3.5
Interproximal reduction 2.7 ± 1.6

Regarding skeletal variables, no significant differences were observed in all the studied
sagittal and vertical outcomes. In particular, no significant changes were observed at the
end of treatment (ANPg = 0.005 ± 0.7; p = 0.974). Similarly, there was no statistically
significant change in the lower jaw inclination (SN/MP = −0.47 ± 1.9; p = 0.298).
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 7333 6 of 9

The linear regression analysis showed a statistically significant relation between L1 to

mandibular plane_T0 and L1 to mandibular plane_(T1-T0), supporting a negative associa-
tion (B = −0.83; CI 95%-1.35; −0.31; p = 0.004, Table 3).

Table 3. Linear regression analysis between amount of IPR, SNA_T0, Overjet_T0, Age, Sex, L1 to
mandibular plane_T0 and L1 to mandibular plane_(T1–T0). The significance level was set at p < 0.05.
Beta coefficients (B) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) are reported.

Cephalometric Measures B 95% CI p

IPR −1.88 −4.33; 0.57 0.124
SNA_T0 0.80 −0.46; 2.06 0.198
Overjet_T0 0.51 −3.71; 4.72 0.802
L1 to mandibular plane_T0 −0.83 −1.35; −0.31 0.004
Age −0.20 −0.73; 0.33 0.441
Sex 6.94 −0.92; 14.80 0.080

4. Discussion
This study assesses the efficacy and the effects of AT for the resolution of mild Class II
malocclusion in adult patients.
Given the limitations of the current study, AT represents a good treatment option
for Class II malocclusion, thus reducing the OVJ, improving the molar relationship and
retropositioning upper incisors, and having a good control on upper and lower incisors
inclination. The control of the inclination of lower incisors is a key factor in this kind
of treatment, considering that in dentoalveolar Class II corrections with inter-maxillary
elastics the proclination of lower incisors is often undesired [11]. Indeed, the correction
of Class II malocclusion with increased overjet and overbite may take advantage of the
positive inclination of the lower incisors, but in some cases, such as dolichofacial subjects
with thin, cortical bone of the mandibular symphysis, this movement can cause periodontal
problems [9]. The results of the current study on incisor inclination are consistent with those
reported in the previous study conducted on growing individuals [12] and thus support
the use of AT in patients in which buccal inclination of lower incisors is an unwanted
movement. However, it has to be underlined that in growing patients, the correction of the
sagittal malocclusion is also related to the possibility of differential mandibular growth [13].
Therefore our hypothesis is that a limited amount of Class II relationship can be corrected
without losing anchorage in the lower arch with the possibility of controlling the incisors’
position using the IPR.
The present study confirmed that Class II elastics and clear aligners are able to produce
a slight distalization of upper molars. Several different approaches have been previously
proposed for upper molar distalization, but all of them showed some critical issues, such
as the loss of anchorage, the lack of patients’ compliance, and the development of some
adverse effects on dentition [14].
The use of Class II intermaxillary elastics is often associated with a significant clockwise
rotation of the occlusal plane, extrusion of the maxillary incisors, and a worsening of smile
aesthetics due to the possible extrusion of the upper incisors associated with a greater gum
exposure [11,15]. According to the results of the present investigation, clear aligners seem to
provide adequate control of both extrusion and inclination of upper incisors, thus avoiding
the increase of gum exposure. In addition, good control of the clockwise rotation of the
mandible was also found. Indeed, another possible advantage of the AT is the so-called
“bite effect”, which may offer greater control on the stability of the mandibular plane by
preventing molar extrusion, which is a very common effect in the treatment with Class II
elastics and fixed appliances. In particular, this was supported in the current sample by
the absence of significant changes in the SN/MP values. These results are in accordance
with previous studies performed with clear aligners, showing good predictability in the
distalization of upper molars, with adequate control of the mandibular plane orientation
and of the incisal extrusion [7,16,17]. Consequently, AT could be considered an efficient
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 7333 7 of 9

alternative for the distalization of upper posterior teeth without worsening upper incisors
extrusion. The good control of teeth extrusion and inclination offered by AT might be
associated with a homogeneous distribution of forces on the aligner shape as compared
to the brackets and to the increased rigidity of the system that locks the arch shape and
length. These factors might also be responsible for the good maintenance of the upper
incisor inclination. Considering that the loss of upper incisors torque is one of the major
problems of the treatments with Class II elastics and fixed multibracket appliances, due to
the biomechanics of the elastics and the archwire/bracket play, aligners seem to offer an
advantage whenever maintenance of upper incisors inclination is critical. In summary, it
can be assumed that the structure of the AT avoids the proclination of the lower incisors
and the retroclination of the upper incisors due to the Class II elastics, with an improvement
of the molar relationship due to the distalization and the distal rotation of the upper molar.
Besides intermaxillary Class II elastics, other auxiliaries have been suggested in combi-
nation with fixed appliances to correct Class II malocclusions. The Forsus Fatigue Resistance
Device (Forsus FRD® ; 3MUnitek, Monrovia, CA, USA) is a non-compliant option for Class
II Division 1 treatment. However, the observed proclination of lower incisors following
treatment with these devices is similar to that provided with intermaxillary elastics [18]. An-
other non-compliant option is the Herbst® appliance [19] which also presents a significant
increase in lower incisors proclination (IMPA = 3.2◦ ± 12.8◦ ) [20]. Another treatment option
for severe Class II non-growing individuals is orthognathic surgery, aiming at reducing
the profile convexity and improving the soft tissue appearance and the airway dimensions,
which represent major impairments in adult patients [21,22].
The use of Class II elastics with aligners is widely adopted in clinical practice thanks
to the good mechanical and chemical characteristics [23,24], the opportunity to monitor the
dental movements during treatment [25], the preference for using removable appliances
that require fewer emergency visits and allow better oral hygiene [26,27]. But although the
use of aligners is very spread, according to the authors’ knowledge, small evidence in the
literature on the effects of these devices with Class II elastics could be found. Patterson and
co-authors compared the results of 40 Class I cases versus 40 Class II cases treated with
Invisalign. The authors concluded that the treatment failed in the improvement of the Class
II relationship and in the reduction of the overjet. The authors underlined that it was not
possible to evaluate patients’ compliance with aligners or elastics and that the comparison
was performed at the end of the first set of aligners [28]. Our study included only cases that
finished in Class I molar and canine relationship at the end of the treatment. This choice
was made as the aim of the investigation was to assess the possible effect of AT in achieving
a good treatment result without considering possible confounding factors such as patient
compliance or final occlusion. It would be important for future studies to deepen this topic
to provide clear indications on the use of AT and Class II elastics. Our study could be
considered as a good starting point, but with the limitation of being a retrospective study.
In particular, it was not possible to evaluate patient compliance in wearing the elastics, but
the final Class I occlusion confirmed that the patients were sufficiently compliant with their
therapy, including both aligners and intermaxillary elastics. Moreover, some additional
aspects could have influenced the final inclination of the incisors, such as the amount of
crowding, the amount of IPR, and the correction of the Curve of Spee. However, in the
current sample, it was found that both the initial degree of crowding and the amount of
IPR had not influenced the final incisors’ proclination, while the Curve of Spee was not

5. Conclusions
The present data suggest that treatment with aligners combined with Class II inter-
maxillary elastics may prevent undesired inclination of lower incisors (L1/GoGn◦ ) and
provide adequate control of upper incisor inclination during retropositioning, with no
effects on sagittal and vertical skeletal cephalometric variables
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 7333 8 of 9

Therefore, clear aligners might be a useful tool in the treatment of Class II malocclusion
in adult patients when a limited amount of Class II relationship correction is needed
without a significant proclination of the lower incisors. However, considering that this is
a retrospective single-center, one-group longitudinal study, further studies are needed to
support these findings.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.D. and S.D.; methodology, A.S. and R.R.; software, A.S.;
validation, V.D., R.R. and R.B.; formal analysis, A.S.; investigation, A.S. and R.R.; resources, V.D. and
A.M.; data curation, A.S. and R.R.; writing—original draft preparation, A.S. and R.R.; writing—review
and editing, S.D. and V.D.; visualization, R.B.; supervision, S.D., V.D. and R.R.; project administration,
V.D. and S.D.; funding acquisition, V.D. and S.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study protocol complied fully with the principles of
the Helsinki Declaration and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Federico II
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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