Puig Et Al. - 2010 - A Review On Large Deployable Structures For Astrop
Puig Et Al. - 2010 - A Review On Large Deployable Structures For Astrop
Puig Et Al. - 2010 - A Review On Large Deployable Structures For Astrop
Acta Astronautica
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/actaastro
a r t i c l e i n f o abstract
Article history: As the performance of space based astrophysics observatories is directly limited by the
Received 29 June 2009 size of the spacecraft and the telescope it carries, current missions are reaching the limit
Received in revised form of the launchers’ capabilities. Before considering to develop larger launchers or to
15 December 2009
implement formation flying missions or in orbit assembly, the possibility of deploying
Accepted 22 February 2010
structures once in orbit is an appealing solution. This paper describes the different
Available online 19 March 2010
technologies currently available to develop deployable structures, with an emphasis on
Keywords: those that can allow achieving long focal lengths. The review of these technologies is
Deployable structures followed by a comparison of their performance and a list of trade-off parameters to be
Focal length extension
considered before selecting the most appropriate solution for a given application.
Astrophysics missions
Additionally, a preliminary structural analysis was performed on a typical deployable
structure, applied to the case of a mission requiring a 20 m focal length extension.
The results show that by using several deployable masts, it is possible to build stiff
deployed structures with eigen frequencies over 1 Hz. Finally, a discussion on metrology
concepts is provided, as knowledge of the relative position between the telescope and
the deployed focal plane instruments is critical.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1. The need for deployable structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2. Astrophysics missions deployment aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2.1. Increased apertures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2.2. Increased baselines and focal lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3. Typical astrophysics missions requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Abbreviations: ADAM, able deployable articulated mast; AIV, assembly integration and verification; AO, adaptative optics; AOCS, attitude and orbit
control system; CDF, concurrent design facility; CFRP, carbon fiber reinforced plastic; CM, centre of mass; CP, centre of pressure; CTE, coefficient of
thermal expansion; ESA, European Space Agency; ESTEC, European Space Research and TEchnology Centre; CTM, collapside tube mast; FAST, folding
articulated square truss; FE, finite element; FIRI, far infra red interferometer; FOV, field of view; HALCA, Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications
and Astronomy; HST, Hubble space telescope; IR, infra red; ISIS, inflatable sunshield in space; ISO, International Space Observatory; ISS, International
Space Station; IXO, Intermational X-ray Observatory; JAXA, Japanese Aerospace eXploration Agency; JWST, James Webb Space Telescope; MLI, multi-layer
insulation; MSS, mobile servicing system; NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NIR, near infra red; PSD, position sensitive device; PSF,
point spread function; RF, radio frequency; SFE, surface figure error; SIM, space interferometry mission; SMC, shape memory composite; SRTM, shuttle
radar topographic mission; TPF-I, terrestrial planet finder-interferometer; TRL, technology readiness level; WFS, wave front sensing; XMM, X-ray
multi-mirror mission
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 31 71 56 58 675.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L. Puig), [email protected] (A. Barton), [email protected] (N. Rando).
0094-5765/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Puig et al. / Acta Astronautica 67 (2010) 12–26 13
folded configuration of the segments and the deployment 1.2.2. Increased baselines and focal lengths
scheme (best packing efficiency with space left for the Increasing a baseline via a deployable structure can be
deployment procedure), the impact on the telescope point applied to interferometer baselines or to focal lengths.
spread function due to the lack of a continuous mirror Interferometers with a baseline under the length of a
surface and post-deployment stability (typically micro- typical fairing have been envisaged (as in the case of the
dynamic stability of the mechanisms will be required). space interferometry mission (SIM)), [12–14]) as well as
As an alternative, a large membrane can be deployed formation flying interferometers with much longer base-
by either inflating an enclosed volume [6–8] or using lines (Darwin and the terrestrial planet finder-interfe-
deployable booms (they shall be discussed later on) to rometer TPF-I, [15,16]). Deployable baselines would lie
stretch it. It should be noted that inflated structures have between those 2 concepts. Extending focal lengths has
typically a short lifetime unless they are rigidized after also already been envisaged (International X-ray Obser-
inflation. Additionally, any desired curvature and surface vatory (IXO), [17]).
accuracy cannot be obtained with this technique. Electro- For both applications, an extension mechanism is
static curvature could be used to control the surface required, typically in the form of boom or mast. The only
figure, but this technology has only been demonstrated difference lies in the need for an interferometer to
with reflective coatings for very large radii of curvatures extremely accurately control and measure this baseline
and small apertures [8,9]. as well as to repeatedly operate it by modifying its length
In principle, we could think of combining these 2 within a specified range. Additionally, an interferometer
concepts, but this would mean segmenting a large would use a telescope at each end of the baseline
membrane, unfolding and latching these segments and (possibly weighing several hundreds of kg or more), while
electro-statically controlling their curvature. This could applications for focal length extensions would install
result in large light weight apertures with good surface the payload module at the end of the baseline (with a
accuracy and stability over long periods. typical mass of order 1 ton). Increased baselines for focal
In principle, shape memory composites (SMC) could length extensions are hence the first challenge to be met
also be used to deploy large mirrors. This technology has in the near future. The different extension mechanisms
already been used for large deployable antennas as they already available will be reviewed in Section 2.
do not require stringent surface accuracies, while shape
memory composites with a thin coating of reflective
material for astrophysics applications have only been 1.3. Typical astrophysics missions requirements
demonstrated for small apertures ( o1 m diameter)
[10,11]. Severe challenges would have to be faced for While aiming at increasing the scale of future astro-
larger sizes. physics missions by using deployable structures, one
In order to achieve an adequate level of analysis, we must not forget that the spacecrafts in their deployed
will not discuss these concepts further in this paper. configuration will still need to meet several requirements
Rather, we will focus on the case of deployable structures regarding the quality of the imaging system. Table 1 gives
used to increase baselines and focal lengths. a set of typical astrophysics missions’ requirements based
Table 1
Typical astrophysics missions’ requirements.
X-ray Pointing accuracy 1 arc sec XMM Star trackers are limited, but image reconstruction can
IR/Visible ISO improve the pointing knowledge
X-ray Angular resolution 0.5–5 arc sec Chandra - XMM For diffraction limited telescopes
Sub mm
10 arc min Planck
All Instrument platform weight 1 t max IXO Depends on number of instruments etc.
X-ray Mirror surface accuracy 0.7 nm rms Chandra Less stringent as wavelength increases
Visible 30 nm HST
Sub mm 10 mm rms Planck
All Instrument lateral alignment with o 1 mm {detector size, to make sure the target image stays within
telescope axis the detector FOV
X-ray Instrument longitudinal alignment 1 mm IXO Depends on resolution required and eventual refocusing
with focal point along focal axis mechanism
L. Puig et al. / Acta Astronautica 67 (2010) 12–26 15
on previous missions depending on the observed materials (carbon fibers or others) and wall thicknesses
wavelength range. The data presented in this table were (from 2 to 30 in) could be used for each particular
extracted from the NASA [18] and the ESA [19] websites. application. The stowed length is around 1/10 of the
Future deployable astrophysics missions will most deployed length, and harness can be accommodated
probably be constrained by similar requirements. inside the boom itself. Unfortunately, the mission it was
designed for was cancelled, meaning this boom has never
2. Deployable booms and masts been flight tested. This solution has the potential for high
stability and could potentially be applied to longer
This section presents different deployable boom and deployment lengths, but this would imply an even larger
mast concepts currently available. The different technol- mass, with a larger cross-section and stowed volume
ogies are described but the list is not intended to be (Fig. 2).
exhaustive of all the solutions and manufacturers. They
are presented in order of deployable length for which they 2.3. Shape memory composite booms
were originally designed for. The reader shall note that
some of these technologies are not well suited for the Different SMC booms are already available, but again
applications we are considering, depending on stiffness their application has only been envisaged for non-
and deployment capability (weight, accuracy and astrophysics missions (e.g. deploying solar sails or solar
stability). shield) [11,27–31]. This is due to the fact that they cannot
deploy heavy structures, and also have relatively low
2.1. Inflatable booms deployment accuracy and post-deployment stability.
Hence, despite being lightweight and requiring low power
To date, inflatable and rigidizable booms have only for their deployment, shape memory composite booms
been envisaged for non-astrophysics missions’ applica- are bad candidates for astrophysics missions’ applications.
tions [20–23], as they cannot deploy heavy structures Shape memory composite booms can be flattened, and
(typically membranes under 10 kg) and have relatively then folded or rolled. Typically, they use carbon fiber
low deployment accuracy and post-deployment stability. reinforced plastic composites (CFRP), with different
They simply have the advantage of being extremely combinations of carbon fiber fabrics and resins. Inflation
lightweight with a very high packaging ratio (up to techniques can help the deployment. The folded booms
1/45) (Fig. 1). have only been manufactured and tested up to 1.3 m long,
but have a very low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)
2.2. Telescopic booms (a few ppm/1C), while rolled shape memory composite
booms have been envisaged for applications up to 15 m
Telescopic booms are typically much stiffer than most long, but thermal tests showed changes in shape of the
other deployable solutions, besides being more precise order of 3% at 50 1C and 10% at 80 1C (Fig. 3).
and stable [24–26]. However, they are much heavier and
have a low packaging ratio. 2.4. Articulated booms
For instance, the inflatable sunshield in space (ISIS)
telescopic boom [24,25] (designed to carry and deploy a Articulated booms have already been used on several
given payload away from the shuttle payload bay) has missions and are currently under study for astrophysics
been designed for a first natural frequency of 1.7 Hz in missions’ applications. For instance, the mobile servicing
deployed configuration, but it weighs up to 50 kg for an
extension of only 6–7 m maximum. However, different
Fig. 1. EADS ST inflatable and rigidizable solar array breadboard [20]. Fig. 3. The Collapside Tube Mast (CTM) [27].
16 L. Puig et al. / Acta Astronautica 67 (2010) 12–26
3. Technology trade-off
Boom diameter
Boom mass
Packaging ratio
Bending stiffness
Fig. 7. The CoilABLE boom [38].
1 10 100
Deployable length [m]
Inflatable booms SMC booms Truss structures
Packaging ratio
1 10 100
Deployable length [m]
Fig. 9. Deployable length versus packaging ratio.
in terms of how much volume needs to be allocated on the and coilable booms are the lightest solutions, with a
spacecraft bus to accommodate the selected boom. mass under the level of 10 kg. Telescopic booms are
The packaging ratio in Fig. 9 is expressed as the ratio of heavy relative to their length, as they can easily
the deployment length on the stored length. The stored reach 100 kg while deploying under 10 m. Articulated
length is the canister length when appropriate, or half of the booms are also relatively heavy, and deployable truss
full length in the case of an articulated boom with a single structures require a heavy canister for storage while the
joint in the middle. Along with the boom diameter displayed structure is undeployed. Fig. 10 shows a maximum
in the previous graph, the packaging ratio is also useful for over 1 t, as it corresponds to the Canadarm2. As stated
configuration purposes: combined together, they allow earlier, astrophysics applications do not require such
knowing precisely the volume (expressed as a cylinder) complicated (and hence heavy) booms. Rather, articulated
that needs to be accommodated on the spacecraft for the booms from 10 to 20 m should vary from 50 to 200 kg,
selected boom, in terms of length and diameter. depending on the selected width and the required
Along with the stored volume, the booms mass is the stiffness.
most important parameter from a system’s engineering The bending stiffness is one of the most important
point of view. Typically, inflatable booms, SMC booms mechanical parameters. It states how much deflection
L. Puig et al. / Acta Astronautica 67 (2010) 12–26 19
1 10 100
Deployable length [m]
Fig. 10. Deployable length versus boom mass.
Bending stiffness EI [N.m2]
1 10 100
Deployable length [m]
should occur at the tip of the boom under certain bending and its damping. This frequency can be expressed
conditions of stress. Regarding stiffness, bending is as a function of the bending stiffness displayed above, the
displayed in Fig. 11 as the booms are usually less stiff in tip mass and the deployment length [40]:
bending than they are in torsion and under axial loading. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Additionally, shear stiffness should also be of a f1 ¼ 1=2p 3EI=mL3 ð1Þ
comparable importance (in the beam deflection equation
when a transversal force is applied to the tip of the In turn, this frequency is of importance for the Attitude
booms), but data on shear stiffness is unfortunately not and Orbit Control System (AOCS). In fact it is necessary to
made available by all the different manufacturers. As ensure there is no resonance with other vibrating parts on
different boom diameters can be applied to different board the spacecraft (e.g. reaction wheels). Additionally, it
boom lengths (any coilable boom from 1 to 100 m could also gives, together with the damping coefficient, the
have a diameter from 150 to 500 mm, as shown in Fig. 8), settling time, i.e. the time the structure needs to
a large range of stiffness can be obtained for booms of the stop vibrating after an external torque was applied
same length. Modelling the deployed spacecraft as a (e.g. thrusters for attitude control when retargeting).
cantilever mass-less beam with a tip mass is valid only if Additionally, the deployment accuracy capability is of
the boom’s structural mass is negligible compared to the great importance: detectors on the instrument platform
tip mass (which corresponds to the instrument platform need to be deployed precisely relative to the telescope’s
mass); this model is characterized by its 1st frequency in focal point. Table 2 gives rough order of magnitudes of
20 L. Puig et al. / Acta Astronautica 67 (2010) 12–26
Table 2
Deployment accuracy and technology readiness level of deployable technologies.
Inflatable booms mm to cm 7 The Teledesic mission with inflatable solar arrays was
cancelled, but the prototypes had been tested [22]
Telescopic booms mm to mm 8 The ISIS boom was flight qualified but the mission was
cancelled [25]
SMC booms mm to cm 6 The CTM booms with metal sheets were flown, but the
composite versions are still to be applied to a mission [29]
Articulated booms mm to mm 9 The Canadarm2 is in operation since 2001 [32]
Deployable truss structures mm 9 The ADAM mast was flown on the SRTM mission with a 60 m
deployment in 2000 [37]
Coilable booms mm to cm 9 The 10 m boom on the Cassini mission was successfully
deployed in 1999 [38]
Table 3
Trade-off parameters for selection of a deployable technology.
achievable deployment accuracies for each deployment Deployment accuracy in the longitudinal direction
technology, along with its TRL. (parallel to the focal axis of the telescope) can be
improved with additional refocusing mechanisms on
3.2. Trade-off parameters the deployed instrument platform
In the case of a deployable interferometer, deployment
In order to select a deployment technology for a accuracy along the interferometer baseline can also be
particular mission, many parameters need to be taken improved with optical path delays
into account, among which the ones described above are
only a small fraction. A more detailed list of such A specific deployment technology can hence only be
parameters is given in Table 3, some of which need to eliminated in the early phase of a trade-off if it does not
be applied to every trade-off (e.g. mass of deployable meet the required deployment length. Then, with the
structure, deployment accuracy, etc.), while others might remaining alternative technologies, it is important to
only be specific to a few missions (e.g. active control verify how many such booms would be necessary for the
might not be required for every application). application considered (in terms of post-deployment
However, any technology should not be directly stability, stiffness and eventually deployment repeatabil-
eliminated when not meeting a specific requirement on ity requirements) and if this number is sustainable within
one of these parameters. In fact several drawbacks a pre-estimated cost budget for the deployment system.
associated with these deployable structures can be Finally, the remaining trade-off parameters are
compensated by other means. For instance: considered to identify the optimal solution. For example:
Deployable booms can be duplicated and deployed A less expensive deployable boom with a lower
synchronously for an increase in post-deployment longitudinal deployment accuracy could result in an
stiffness and stability optimised solution with a refocusing mechanism,
The need for harness can be suppressed if power can compared to a more accurate but more expensive
be generated on both parts of the spacecraft and if data boom
can be transmitted wirelessly A less expensive boom with no or less harness
Thermal stability can be improved with adequate accommodation capability could result in an optimised
thermal protection added to the deployed structure, solution with a wireless system to connect the
e.g. a deployable shroud of multi-layer insulation (MLI) instrument platform to the spacecraft, as no harness
protecting the booms also means weight savings
L. Puig et al. / Acta Astronautica 67 (2010) 12–26 21
Articulated longeron
configuration. This deployment sequence is represented J Diagonal length LD = 0.513 m and diagonal diameter
These values are given, respectively, in the frames not impact the structure’s dynamic behaviour. However, a
centred on these 2 centres of mass, with the Z direction further extension of the mast by 5 m (a 40% extension)
corresponding to the longitudinal direction of the masts. decreases the 1st torsion mode by 40% and the 1st
This whole FE design is represented in Fig. 14. bending mode by 25%, which is a significant impact.
The mass budget of the deployed structure is given in A deployed spacecraft with a longer focal length would
Table 4. hence require re-scaling the elements of the mast for an
This structural model was used to derive the first eigen improved performance, at the expense of an increased
frequencies of the deployed configuration. A sensitivity mass.
analysis was then performed to assess the impact of other It was stated in Section 3.1 that a vibration mode in
parameters on this frequency, such as material choice, bending should occur before a torsion mode with the
mass and total length increases. The following cases were considered booms and masts. However, the lowest mode
examined: in Table 5 is a torsion mode of the whole structure made
of the 3 masts. This can be explained as the torsion of the
Case (a): diagonal material changed from Steel to whole structure does not involve torsion of each
Titanium of the 3 masts, but occurs rather when each of the 3
Case (b): additional non-structural mass added on the masts bends in a different direction. These 2 modes
battens to account for the harness. Battens mass are illustrated in Figs. 15 (torsion mode) and 16
increased from 12.4 to 20.6 kg (8 kg of harness per (bending mode).
mast, which should include power lines and space wire The Patran model was also used to produce prelimin-
connections) ary stiffness results. For this matter, unit forces and
Case (c): extension from 20 to 25 m with 17.25 m long torques were applied to the structure. The deflections
masts (using 56 modules instead of 40) were measured, and translated into stiffness (assuming a
cantilever model as was done with Eq. (1)). These results
are summarised in Table 6.
Table 5 shows that a first eigen frequency of at least
As this model was intended for preliminary analysis, it
1 Hz should be manageable for a deployed spacecraft with
did not include any non-linear effects such as loss of
a 20 m focal length (a higher first frequency would be
tension in the diagonal cables or axial stiffness reduction
easily achieved with larger truss elements and a lighter
factors due to the joints between the members along the
platform and spacecraft bus at the tips). One can see that
load path. Modelling such effects would lead to a slight
changing the material of the diagonal from steel to
reduction in stiffness.
titanium makes the structure slightly less stiff, for a very
little mass saving. Moreover, taking into account the
5. Metrology concepts
additional (non-structural) mass due to the harness does
Table 5
Eigen frequencies of the modelled deployed spacecraft.
Table 4
Articulated structure mass budget.
Mass per mast 11.8 kg 4.5 kg (steel) 12.4 kg (battens+ non structural mass to account for the fittings) 28.7
2.6 kg (titanium) 26.8
L. Puig et al. / Acta Astronautica 67 (2010) 12–26 23
Fig. 15. Patran model – 1st torsion mode. A side and a top view of the 3 masts are shown. In the side view, the blue elements show the position of the
undistorted masts, while the white elements show the distortion of these same masts in this fundamental mode. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 16. Patran model – 1st bending mode. Same as previous figure.
Table 6
Patran model stiffness.
8 8 2 5
Patran model+ (a) +(b) 2.39 10 N 2.49 10 N m 5.73 10 N 1.38 106 N m2
5.1. Active mirror surface control telescope are usually introduced by the following:
For an optimised resolution, the mirrors’ SFE must be Detector calibration on the instrument platform and
kept as low as possible. This is usually done with active instrument platform calibration with respect to the
mirror surface control techniques, in a closed loop control spacecraft bus and the telescope
system. In the case of increased telescope apertures, this Deployment errors in the case of a deployable space-
approach is even more relevant to be able to control the craft
relative positioning and orientation of the mirror seg- Spacecraft thermal distortions (including spacecraft
ments or the shape of the membranes (e.g. JWST). These bus, mirror assembly and deployable structure)
techniques are usually referred to as Adaptative Optics Spacecraft mechanical distortions (such as 1 g release
(AO) with Wave Front Sensing (WFS) methods. Typically, and moisture release due to CFRP out gassing)
a measurement of the distorted wave front is achieved
with instruments such as a Shack-Hartmann sensor. Other
Several metrology concepts exist for this purpose. They
solutions involve curvature sensors, interferometry
can be categorised into 2 main categories:
measurements, real-time holography or occultation
(Foucault) testing [8]. Actuators placed under the mirror
shell are then used to deform the mirrors’ surface Optical metrology, involving one or more light sources
accordingly to correct the mirrors’ shape and cancel the placed at one end of the spacecraft, with an imaging
measured distortion. We will not discuss these concepts system at the other end
further in this paper. Interferometry concepts
Sensitive Device – PSD) on the mirror assembly, or on the This concept can be applied to extensions under a few
instrument platform itself, usually after reflection on retro tens of meters (e.g. SIM). Longer extensions for formation
reflectors or corner cubes placed on the mirror assembly. flying missions have also considered this approach
Much information can be derived from this measurement (Darwin and TPF-I), but this approach has a relatively
technique: low TRL (under 6) as it is not under consideration for any
on-going missions and has never been flight tested.
The shape of the pattern gives information on the Additionally, a few other metrology concepts do exist.
relative attitude between the 2 bodies They are relatively simpler than the interferometry
The size of the pattern gives information on the approach. They can involve RF sensing (typical accuracies
relative distances between the 2 bodies can reach the cm level but not pass the mm level) or pulse
The lateral displacement of the pattern gives informa- timing. Frequency combs are also being considered for
tion on the lateral alignment between the 2 bodies metrology purposes, as they provide an extremely precise
time measurement
Many manufacturers provide such solutions, most of
them being over the TRL 6. Typically, they can be applied 6. Considerations for future developments
to focal length extensions from a few meters to several
tens of meters, up to formation flying concepts with In this section we will consider general developments
structures flying kilometers apart. They usually provide required to improve the current capability of deployable
lateral measurement with an accuracy ranging from the structures for focal length extension applications and
millimeter down to the micron level, and longitudinal focus in particular on potential developments relevant to
measurement from 10 mm down to 100 mm level. They the European industry.
have a mass impact on the level of the kilogram and a As was shown in Section 3.1, only deployable truss
power requirement on the level of the Watt. structures and coilable booms currently give extension
Interferometry concepts simply use one or more capabilities over 20 m, and not many manufacturers
interferometers such as a Michelson scheme. A Michelson provide such solutions. Telescopic booms are the most
interferometer is used to measure the variation in optical precise deployment solution. Hence efforts into extending
path in one of its arm. Putting such an arm along the focal their capability while trying to reduce their mass impact
length axis of a deployable spacecraft will provide a would result in an optimised solution. Articulated booms
measurement of the longitudinal error between the should also provide extensions over 20 m with a fine
instrument platform and the mirror assembly. Putting accuracy, but such concepts have not yet been
additional arms in other directions (as shown in Fig. 17) investigated in details and tested: further developments
can similarly provide a measurement of the biases along in this direction should be fruitful. Regarding the other
these directions, which can then be correlated to the deployable technologies, they could in principle be
lateral bias between the instrument platform and the extended to improved capabilities, but a serious effort
mirror assembly. Typically, sub-micron measurement on increasing their stiffness and deployment accuracy
accuracies can be achieved by this means. would be required if one wanted to apply them to
astrophysics missions, as such applications demand much
more stringent requirements than when deploying solar
Instrument platform arrays or a magnetometer boom.
Articulated booms, deployable truss structures and
coilable booms solutions are available within the
Deployed masts American or the Japanese industry. Articulated booms
are under study for space applications in Europe (e.g. FIRI
and IXO), but are still at TRL 3 and 4. A few years of
development would be necessary to reach TRL 5, while
Interferometers’ arms
further developments over TRL 6 would require the frame
and the budget of a specific mission using this technology.
Regarding deployable truss structures or coilable booms,
there is no directly relevant expertise available in Europe.
The European industry has focused on inflatable and SMC
b a c booms for non-astrophysics applications, which are less
expensive, less precise and less stiff. Additional develop-
S/C bus and mirror ment effort is thus required in Europe for supplying long
assembly deployable structures that meet the requirements of
typical astrophysics missions.
Fig. 17. Interferometry based metrology. The S/C bus and the mirror
assembly are separated from the instrument platform by 2 deployed
masts. Three interferometer lines are shown. Line a gives the long- 7. Conclusion
itudinal measurement along the focal length axis. Lines b and c give a
longitudinal measurement along two other axes. This information can be
directly correlated to both the lateral displacement and the longitudinal As astrophysics mission are reaching the limits
displacements along the focal length axis. (in terms of mass and size) of what current launchers
L. Puig et al. / Acta Astronautica 67 (2010) 12–26 25
Table 7
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deployable structure technologies already exist. Some camera and hyper thin mirrors, 1998.
already have the extension capability and accuracy [7] R.E. Freeland, G.D. Bilyeu, G.R. Veal, M.M. Mikulas, Inflatable
deployable space structures technology summary, in: Proceedings
required for application to astrophysics missions invol- of the 49th International Astronautical Congress, Australia, 1998.
ving deploying long focal lengths, while others were [8] C.H.M. Jenkins, Gossamer spacecraft: membrane and inflatable
designed for deploying membranes, solar arrays, magnet- structures technology for space applications, Progress in Astro-
nautics and Aeronautics, vol. 191, 2001.
ometers, etc. and are hence currently inadequate for such
[9] R. Angel. J. Burge, K. Hege, M. Kenworthy, N. Woolf, Stretched
applications. Specific effort would be required in Europe membrane with electrostatic curvature (SMEC): a new technology
to bridge this gap. Based on these preparatory activities, for ultra lightweight space telescopes, 2000.
[10] S.J. Varlese, L.R. Hardaway, Laminated electroformed shape
even more demanding missions will become possible,
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