Artikel 3 - Insights Chinese Primary Mathematics Teachers Gained Into Their Students' Learning From Using Classroom Assessment Techniques

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Insights Chinese Primary

Mathematics Teachers Gained into
their Students’ Learning from Using
Classroom Assessment

Xiaoyan Zhao, Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and Michiel Veldhuis

Special Issue
The Quality of Classroom Assessments
Edited by
Prof. Dr. Anders Jönsson
Insights Chinese Primary Mathematics Teachers
Gained into their Students’ Learning from Using
Classroom Assessment Techniques
Xiaoyan Zhao 1,2, * , Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen 1,3,4, * and Michiel Veldhuis 3,5, *
1 Freudenthal Institute, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands
2 School of Teacher Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
3 Freudenthal Group, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University, 3584 CS Utrecht,
The Netherlands
4 Faculty of Education, Art and Culture, Nord University, 8049 Bodø, Norway
5 iPabo University of Applied Sciences, 1061 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Correspondence: [email protected] (X.Z.); [email protected] (M.v.d.H.-P.);
[email protected] (M.V.)

Received: 13 March 2019; Accepted: 11 June 2019; Published: 18 June 2019 

Abstract: In this study, we explored the insights that Chinese primary mathematics teachers gained
into their students’ mathematical understanding from using classroom assessment techniques
(CATs). CATs are short teacher-initiated targeted assessment activities proximate to the textbook,
which teachers can use in their daily practice to make informed instructional decisions. Twenty-five
third-grade teachers participated in a two-week program of implementing eight CATs focusing on the
multiplication of two-digit numbers, and filled in feedback forms after using the CATs. When their
responses described specific information about their students, emphasized the novelty of the gained
information, or referred to a fitting instructional adaptation, and these reactions went together
with references to the mathematics content of the CATs, the teachers’ responses were considered
as evidence of gained insights into their students’ mathematics understanding. This was the case
for three-quarters of the teachers, but the number of gained insights differed. Five teachers gained
insights from five or more CATs, while 14 teachers did so only from three or fewer CATs, and six
teachers showed no clear evidence of new insights at all. Despite the differences in levels of gained
insights, all the teachers paid more attention to descriptions of students’ performance than to possible
instructional adaptations.

Keywords: classroom assessment techniques; mathematics education; multiplication; primary

school; China

1. Introduction

1.1. Assessment in the Hands of Teachers

Any instructional decision making—and thus any form of teaching—requires in one way or another
information about students’ learning [1]. The more reliable and valid this information is, the better
teachers can find a foothold for these decisions. For generating such information, many approaches
are possible, ranging from standardized externally developed tests to teacher-made assignments.
Contrary to the low reliability that has been attributed to teachers’ judgments of students’ performance
in the past (see, for example, Parkes [2]), nowadays, teacher assessment that is aimed at gaining
insights into their students’ progress is highly valued and seen as crucial for adapting the teaching
to the students’ abilities and needs. Teachers are also seen as being in a good position for collecting

Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150; doi:10.3390/educsci9020150

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information about their students’ learning [3]. Teacher-led assessment activities that are interwoven
with instruction and fully integrated in the teachers’ daily teaching practice, such as questioning,
observing students, and giving quizzes or teacher-made written assignments, can provide insights
about students’ thinking and about what productive and actionable next instructional steps might
be taken [4]. When the assessment focuses on figuring out what students know, or what difficulties
students have, for the purpose of making decisions about further instruction, it is considered as
formative assessment. Formative assessment in which the teacher has the lead is often referred to as
classroom assessment [5–10].
What information can be collected through classroom assessment depends largely on what
assessment activities are conducted. Helpful assessment activities are those which offer teachers
a window into the students’ thinking to uncover their mathematical conceptions and skills [10].
Therefore, much attention has been paid to gaining knowledge about how mathematics teachers can
improve their assessment activities to acquire adequate information about their students’ development
(see, for example, Schoenfeld [11]). Research has shown that using various oral questioning strategies
and written tasks, and then analyzing students’ responses, offers mathematics teachers opportunities
to reveal their students’ understanding [11,12]. In particular, challenging students with open-ended
problems enables teachers to diagnose students’ understanding and reveal their methods of problem
solving [12,13]. Other measures that make assessments by teachers more informative are using
rubrics [14] or concept maps [15] as frameworks for analyzing students’ responses. Both measures
were found to assist teachers in identifying gaps in their students’ understanding of the particular
mathematical topics under investigation.

1.2. Assessment Techniques

Assessment techniques are assessment activities by which mathematics teachers can gauge what
their students do and do not know, so that they can adjust their teaching to their students’ needs.
These assessment techniques can be characterized as short, feasible, and for teachers, often well-known
activities, which are fully embedded in teachers’ teaching practice [16]. Also, several other researchers
and educators [17–21] have investigated such assessment techniques.
Wiliam et al. [16,20] investigated a large number of assessment techniques that are used to support
primary and secondary teachers’ formative assessment practice with the goal of making instructional
decisions either for direct use or for later teaching. Not surprisingly, again, asking questions turned
out to be very helpful. However, the fact that teachers distinguished different types of questions
for different moments in a lesson was a new approach to questioning students. At the beginning of
a teaching sequence, range-finding questions were used to find out students’ previous knowledge
(see, for example, “how many fractions can you find between 1/6 and 1/7?” [16] (p. 21)). During a
lesson hinge point, questions were used to indicate the direction of the remainder of the lesson (see,
for example, six polygons were shown, and the students were asked to indicate how many lines of
symmetry each polygon has [20] (p. 103)). Finally, exit pass questions, which are asked before students
were leaving the classroom, were meant to make decisions about the next lesson. Furthermore, to allow
all the students to answer at the same time, Wiliam et al. suggested the use of ABCD cards and mini
whiteboards [20]. Then, when a question was asked, all the students could show their answers by
holding up a card or writing their answer on the whiteboard.
Similar assessment techniques were also discussed by Keeley and Tobey [18], who considered these
techniques as useful to give insight into students’ factual, conceptual, and procedural mathematical
understanding for a broad range of mathematics teachers from Kindergarten to Grade 12. In Andersson
and Palm’s [17] study, it came to the fore that the primary mathematics teachers involved paid the
most attention to those assessment techniques that helped them best to collect information about their
students’ knowledge and skills. A similar finding was revealed by Wylie and Lyon [21], who conducted
research with mathematics and science teachers in high school and found that the most used assessment
techniques were asking questions, organizing classroom discussions, and using written tasks.
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Characteristic of the aforementioned studies on assessment techniques is that the techniques are
general in nature. They can be applied to any subject and to any mathematical topic. When teachers
are provided with such examples of assessment techniques, it can happen, as was found by James and
McCormick [22] (p. 976), that some teachers understand the “spirit” behind the assessment techniques,
and thus are able to adapt them to their teaching, but that others just catch the “letter” of them and
carry them out in a ritualized and mechanistic way. The latter may be the result of providing teachers
with assessment techniques that are not directly related to the content the teachers are teaching at that
moment. To avoid this, and to have assessment techniques that can generate indications for further
instruction, the techniques should be content-dependent.
A study in which this content-dependent approach was adopted is that of Phelan et al. [23].
The aim of their study was supporting teachers to assess students’ learning in pre-algebra. To find out
what had to be assessed, an expert panel was organized to map algebra knowledge and its prerequisites.
Such a map was used to design the questions and tasks that could provide teachers with the necessary
information. This innovative content-dependent approach to assessment, which differs from providing
teachers with general assessment guidelines, turned out to be rather successful, and apparently had a
positive impact on students’ learning [23].
To make the assessment even closer to the teaching at hand, Veldhuis and Van den
Heuvel-Panhuizen [19] took the textbook used by the teachers as a starting point. They designed brief
and targeted activities, called classroom assessment techniques (CATs), that teachers could use in their
daily practice to reveal information about students’ learning of a particular mathematical concept or
skill. The ultimate goal of CATs is providing teachers with deep insights into students’ mathematical
thinking to make adequate instructional decisions. This requires a skillful way of questioning [24,25],
or, in the words of Heritage and Heritage [26] (p. 187), “questioning lies at the epicenter of formative
assessment.” For the CATs, this implies that they were designed to serve as an eye-opener for teachers
to acquire knowledge about their students’ learning that they did not have before. This goes beyond
knowing whether students are able to flawlessly carry out particular calculation procedures. Instead,
the CATs are intended to delve deeper and reveal whether and how students understand the underlying
concepts of problems and see the relationships between problems, and to what extent they are flexible
in solving problems. Therefore, rather than just repeating the tasks in the textbook, CATs present
the content to be assessed from a different perspective and in an unfamiliar way. In addition to the
content-dependency, what is innovative of the CATs is in particular that teachers are offered a new
perspective for looking at students’ understanding. This makes CATs different from the usual ways of
assessing students, but at the same time, these new activities are close to the known daily teaching
practice. Moreover, to make the CATs manageable for the teachers, they have a format that supports
teachers to gather the students’ information efficiently and makes the assessment feasible to carry out.
The two main formats that Veldhuis and Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen [19] used for their CATs were
red/green cards and worksheets. With the students responding to a question by holding up a red or a
green card, the teacher can quickly gather information about the group as a whole. The worksheets,
mostly containing a few problems on a specific mathematical concept or skill, are meant to provide
teachers with more information on individual students’ strategy use.

1.3. A New Approach to Assessment in Mathematics Education in China

Mathematics education in China has a deeply-rooted examination culture [27]. External
examinations at the school level and teacher-made end-of-chapter tests at the classroom level used
to be the main aspect of teachers’ assessment activity [28]. In 2001, the Ministry of Education [29]
formally launched a new approach to assessment aimed at improving teaching and learning. Since
then, mathematics teachers are encouraged to get a comprehensive understanding of students’ learning
by employing various approaches: for example, written tests, oral tests, open questions, activity
reports, observations, interviews, exercises in and after class, and portfolios [30,31]. However, Cai and
Wang [32] found that Chinese mathematics teachers in primary education put much more emphasis on
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 4 of 19

providing information to students than on getting information from them. Furthermore, when taking
action to understand students’ thinking, teachers are more likely to do so before lessons than during
or after lessons [33,34]. Moreover, when teachers plan their teaching, textbooks serve as the main
source, rather than findings from assessing their students’ learning [32,35]. Also, the exercises in
textbooks have an important role in the decisions that teachers make about assessment activities. Yet,
such exercises may be more suitable for summative assessment than for classroom assessment [36].
According to Liu [36], this may lead to teachers focusing on assessing the result of learning, namely
what basic knowledge and skills students have acquired, instead of assessing how students developed
their mathematical thinking during the learning process. Furthermore, studies have revealed that
only very limited attention has been paid to improving teachers’ assessment practice to get more
information about students’ learning [37,38].
Taking into account the promising international findings about the use of assessment techniques,
we explored whether this approach to assessment could assist Chinese primary mathematics teachers
in their assessment practice. Specifically, as a sequel to the studies carried out in the Netherlands [19]
in which classroom assessment techniques (CATs) for primary mathematics education were developed
and teachers were supported in using CATs, we investigated the use of CATs in China. Six third-grade
mathematics teachers of two primary schools in Nanjing, China, participated in a pilot study [39].
The focus of this pilot study was on assessing the topic of division, in particular three-digit numbers
divided by a one-digit number. In line with the Dutch studies [19], the CATs in the Chinese pilot
study were also based on a textbook analysis and formulated in such a way that they were not just
a repetition of what is in the textbook. In this way, CATs might give teachers access to a deeper
level of students’ skills and understanding. It was found that teachers recognized that it can be very
revealing to challenge students with questions that are not completely prepared by the textbook. Also,
they appreciated the use of red/green cards for providing quick information. In general, teachers were
positive about the CATs as a way to reveal their students’ learning in an effective and efficient way.

1.4. The Present Study

Based on these experiences, we set up a study to investigate whether this positive finding holds
for a larger group of teachers, and for a different mathematical topic. In particular, we wanted to
explore the insights that Chinese primary school mathematics teachers may gain from carrying out
CATs. Precisely, our focus was on whether the teachers, through using CATs, could acquire knowledge
about their students’ learning that they did not have before. The research question of the present study
was: What new insights can Chinese primary mathematics teachers gain about their students’ understanding of
mathematics from using CATs?
Since we already had experiences with the Chinese mathematics curriculum in Grade 3 through
the pilot study, we chose to do the present study in this grade, too. However, to extend our knowledge
about the use of CATs in Chinese mathematics classrooms, we changed the topic of investigation.
We stayed in the domain of number and operations, but instead of on division, the focus in the present
study was on multiplication, in particular on what insights teachers can gain from using CATs to assess
students’ understanding of the multiplication of two-digit numbers.

2. Methods
In the study, Chinese teachers were asked to use a number of CATs in their regular teaching of
multiplication during the first two weeks of the second semester of Grade 3. Teachers were informed
about the CATs through a teacher guide and two researcher-led meetings. Data on how teachers
used the CATs and what insights they got from them were gathered through feedback forms and a
teacher-written final report
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2.1. Participants
For practical reasons, we decided to set up the study in Nanjing. We contacted three local
teaching research offices, which are responsible for inspecting the educational quality of the schools
and providing professional development to primary school teachers in their administrative districts.
One of these offices volunteered to participate. To include various schools in terms of the school’s
reputation, educational quality, and location, nine out of 40 primary schools in its district were selected
by this local teaching research office. The Grade 3 mathematics teachers and their students of these nine
schools took part in the study. Thus, our sample consisted of 25 teachers and their students in 25 classes.

教版 all the classes, the same textbook series was used, namely the Sujiaoban (苏教版) textbook [40].

2.2. Multiplication of Two-Digit Numbers

For developing the CATs, we first investigated when and how the topic of multiplication of
two-digit numbers was addressed in the Sujiaoban textbook. We found that this topic was dealt with
in the first chapter of the book meant for the second semester of Grade 3. This chapter covers nine
lessons taught over around two weeks, consisting of so-called new lessons and revision lessons. A new
lesson mostly starts with a new type of problem, which is presented as a context problem, followed by
the corresponding bare number problem. Then, examples are given of how to solve this problem
type, and finally, exercises are offered to practice this. A revision lesson generally includes exercises
for rehearsing and discussing what the students have learned in earlier lessons. The main content
components addressed in this chapter include, among others, multiplication with multiples of 10,
the structure of the multiplication algorithm, and the ratio aspect of multiplication.
Multiplication with multiples of 10 is presented in a new lesson and starts with a context problem
in which Uncle Li is sending 10 boxes of bell peppers, with 12 peppers in each box. This context
problem is followed by the corresponding bare number problem. The students need to find out how
many peppers are sent in total. The textbook shows that one method of solving 12 × 10 is to make use
of 12 × 1. By seeing both multiplications with their answers, the students become acquainted with
the strategy of using an analogous problem, that is, using a problem whose answer is known or easy
to calculate to find the result of an analogous problem. After this, the textbook provides three sets
of exercises of multiplications with multiples of 10: 16 × 1 =, 16 × 10 =; 70 × 6 =, 70 × 60 =; 5 × 40 =,
50 × 40 =.
In the next new lesson, the structure of the multiplication algorithm is introduced. Here,
special attention is paid to how the result of the multiple-of-10 part of the multiplication is notated,
namely without writing down a zero and leaving the one-position empty (Figure 1). This structural
understanding is further supported by exercises in which the students are provided with an empty
structure of the multiplication algorithm that they have to fill in (Figure 2). In addition, the students
have to explain what they need to calculate in each step.

2 4 2 4 2 4
× 1 2 × 1 2 × 1 2
The amount
4 8 in 2 boxes 4 8 The amount
4 8
2 4 0 in 10 boxes 2 4 0
The amount
2 8 8 in 12 boxes

Figure 1. Structure of the multiplication algorithm.

2 2 3 2 4 3
× 2 3 × 3 1 × 2 1
× 1 2 × 1 2 × 1 2
The amount
4 8 in 2 boxes 4 8 The amount
4 8
2 4 0 in 10 boxes 2 4 0
The amount
2 8 8 in 12 boxes
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 6 of 19

2 2 3 2 4 3
× 2 3 × 3 1 × 2 1

Figure 2. Exercises with empty multiplication structure.

In the subsequent new lesson, the students are prompted to further strengthen their understanding
of the structure of the multiplication algorithm. To achieve this, the textbook offers only the start of the
algorithm for 24 × 53 (Figure 3). The students have to complete the remaining steps of the algorithm.
Right after this, the textbook provides a description in words of the steps to be taken when carrying
out the multiplication algorithm of two-digit numbers. The students are told to first choose the digit
in the ones place of the lower number to multiply the upper number, and then do the same for the
digit in the tens place of the lower number. After this, for every calculated product, they have to write
the last digit of the product in the same column as the digit chosen from the lower number. Finally,
the students need to add the two products.

2 4 22 44
× 5 3 ×× 55 33
7 2 77 22
Figure 3. Multiplication algorithm for which the start is given.

The ratio aspect of multiplication is dealt with in revision lessons halfway and at the end of the
chapter. In the first problem offered to the students, they have to find out how many pencils there are
in 10, 20, 40, and 80 boxes when in one box, there are 10 pencils. The problem is presented in a ratio
table (Figure 4). The first column shows that in five boxes, there are 50 pencils in total. The students
have to fill in the remaining empty cells. In the end, they have to explain what they can discover
from the ratio table. The focus in this problem is on the external ratio between the number of boxes
and of pencils, or in other words, on the functional relationship between them. This is even clearer
in the next ratio-table-like problem (Figure 5), in which the students are explicitly asked to multiply
two given numbers. Also, this functional relationship is emphasized by the notation of the following
accompanying exercises nd
and ,, in which the students are required to fill in
the empty frames.

Figure 4. Ratio table problem.

Figure 5. Multiplying two numbers.

2.3. CATs for Assessing Multiplication of Two-Digit Numbers

To provide teachers with a tool for getting insights in their students’ learning and actionable
clues for their next steps in teaching, we developed eight CATs (see Appendix A): five CATs in the
format of the red/green cards, and three in a worksheet format. Each CAT contains two similar tasks
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for doing two assessments, if necessary. Here, exemplarily, we explain four CATs in detail. Three are
meant for assessing multiplication with multiples of 10 (CAT-1), the structure of the multiplication
algorithm (CAT-3), and the ratio aspect of multiplication (CAT-4). Finally, near the end of the chapter,
when students have learned the multiplication algorithm for two-digit numbers, it is assessed whether
the students’ understanding goes beyond mechanically carrying out the algorithm (CAT-8). To show
the possible ways of collecting information with the CATs, we chose two CATs of each format: CAT-1
and CAT-4, which had a red/green card format, and CAT-3 and CAT-8, which had the individual
worksheet format. In addition, CAT-1, CAT-3/CAT-4, and CAT-8 were meant to be used at the beginning,
in the middle, and by the end of teaching with this chapter, respectively. A further reason for discussing
these CATs anticipates on our finding that the CATs differed in the degree to which they gave teachers
insights. Choosing these CATs gave us the opportunity to provide a fair picture of what CATs can bring
about. CAT-1 and CAT-4 were CATs that helped fewer teachers gain insights than CAT-3 and CAT-8.

2.3.1. CAT-1: Family Problems

Multiplications with multiples of 10 are often considered as rather easy problems. Solving 12 × 10
by thinking of the analogous problem 12 × 1 and adding a zero is not hard. However, understanding
why this simple adding of a zero works is something else. To really grasp the content component
of multiplication with multiples of 10, a deeper understanding of the 10-based number system is
necessary. Just being able to put a zero at the end of a result, in the case of problems within the
number range of two-digit numbers (e.g., using 70 × 6 to find 70 × 60), does not guarantee that the
students comprehend this content component of multiplication. Therefore, using the exercises in
the textbook in which the numbers are below 100 has limited value for assessing whether students
truly understand multiplication with multiples of 10. Students have learned to add one zero in the
chapter, and in the assessment based on these problems, they have to add one zero, too. Students can
pass this test by carrying out mechanically what they have practiced. To learn more about students’
understanding, we developed a CAT in which the scope went beyond the two-digit number range.
If students understand the 10-based number system, they can use the analogy strategy also for a
broader collection of problems.
CAT-1 (Figure 6) has the red/green card format and starts with the multiplication 97 × 8, to which
the answer is given. Then, several related multiplication problems follow, such as 970 × 8000. These
problems are at first sight not easy to solve by mental calculation. In the CAT, students are not asked to
solve these problems, but only whether they think they are able to solve them. They show their answer
by raising the green (“Yes”) or the red card (“No”). By tallying the green and red cards, the teacher
gets an immediate overview of students’ responses. In this way, he/she observes whether students’
understanding of multiplication with multiples of 10 goes beyond mechanically adding one zero and
whether they see the analogy and think they can make use of it.

It is known that 97×8 equals 776.

Do you think you can solve the following problems?
(Yes- Green card ; No- Red card )

a) 97×80 b) 97×800 c) 97×8000 d) 970×8000

Figure 6. CAT-1: Family problems.

2.3.2. CAT-3: Breaking down a Multiplication

Knowing how an algorithm is built up can help for using it. Therefore, in the chapter,
much attention is paid to the structure of the multiplication algorithm. Students were explained how
the results of multiplications with multiples of 10 are notated, they had to fill in an empty structure
of the multiplication algorithm, and they were taught how to carry out the algorithm step-by-step.
However, being able to write down the algorithm perfectly and even arriving at the correct answer
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does not necessarily mean that students understand what they are doing and understand the structure
of multiplications with two-digit numbers.
CAT-3 (Figure 7) has a worksheet format and is meant to give teachers an extra opportunity
to assess whether their students can identify the components of a multiplication and how they
understand what is behind the algorithm. In this CAT, the same numbers are used as in the textbook,
namely 24 × 53. However, now students have to unravel this multiplication instead of carrying it out.
By using distributive and associative properties, this can lead to four sub-multiplications, namely 3 × 4,
3 × 20, 50 × 4, and 50 × 20, or in any other order. The teacher hands out the worksheet and checks
students’ responses after class and uses the gained information for decisions about further instruction
in the next lessons.
24×53 means that you have to calculate

53 means that you have to calculate 24×53

24×53 means
means that
that you
you have
have to
to calculate
calculate a) 3×4 and 3×20 and __×

a) 3×4 and 3×20 and __×4 and a) 3×4

a) 3×4 and 3×20
and 3×20 and and __×4__×4 and __×20
and __×20 b) 4×__ and 4×__ and __×

b) 4×__ and 4×__ and __×3 and b)

b) 4×__
4×__ and
and 4×__
4×__ and
and __×3
__×3 and 20×50
and 20×50 20×50 20×__ 4×
c) and and
20×50 20×__ 4×50 20×50 20×__ 4×50 __×3
c) and and c)__×3
and c) 20×50 and
and 20×__ and
and 4×50 and
and __×3

Figure 7. CAT-3: Breaking down a multiplication.

2.3.3. CAT-4: Completing the Ratio Table

The ratio table problems provided in the textbook, in which students just have to multiply the
numbers in the top row by 10 or 20, may not really reveal how students understand the relationships
between the numbers in the ratio table. The focus is on vertical reasoning and is based on knowing how
many are in one unit. In fact, a ratio table is not necessary for solving these problems. It seems to be
just a format to notate multiplication problems with multiples of 10. CAT-4 (Figure 8) was developed
for assessing the ratio aspect of multiplication and has a broader operationalization of ratio and the
use of the ratio table.
You are NOT allowed to calculate how man
there are in one box. Can you still find out h
are NOT allowed to calculate how many pencils You
You are
are NOT
NOT allowed
allowed toto calculate
calculate howhow many
many pencils
pencils pencils there are in the following boxes?
there are
e are in one box. Can you still find out how many are in
in one
one box.
box. Can
Can you
you still
still find
find out
out how
how many
many (Yes- Green card ; No- Red card )
cils there are in the following boxes? pencils
pencils there
there are
are in
in the
the following
following boxes?
s- Green card ; No- Red card ) (Yes-
(Yes- Green
Green card
card ;; No-
No- Red
Red card
card )) Number of boxes 6 11 12 13
mber of boxes 6 11 12 13 17 18Number
22 23
Number of
of boxes
boxes 6
6 11
11 12
12 13
13 17
17 18
18 22
22 23
23 Number of pencils 72 132
mber of pencils 72 132 Number
Number of
of pencils
pencils 72
72 132

Figure 8. CAT-4: Completing the ratio table.

This CAT has a red/green card format and is called ‘Completing the ratio table’. It is meant
to challenge students in their work with the ratio table and give teachers extensive information of
students’ understanding of the ratio aspect of multiplication. The difficulty for the students in this CAT
is that the number of pencils in one box is not given. Moreover, they are not allowed to calculate this
number. The numbers in the ratio table have been chosen in such a way that students are prompted to
find other methods to fill in the empty cells. For example, if in six boxes there are 72 pencils, then you
also know how many there are in 12 boxes. Similarly, if in six boxes there are 72 pencils and in 11 boxes
there are 132, then you can also know directly how many pencils there are in 17 boxes. Reasoning and
calculating similar to this means that the ratio table is not only used vertically, but also horizontally.
To a certain degree, the textbook also gives opportunities to elicit this richer method of using the ratio
table, when the students are asked toflect
onon whatththey discovered
what d ininthe

this is the case when problems such asas owed by

are followed by , and there is an
opportunity to discuss that this is equal to 16 × 20. This way of reasoning about the ratio table is in
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 9 of 19

any case explicitly promoted in CAT-4 and can provide teachers with extra information about their
students’ understanding of the ratio aspect of multiplication.

2.3.4. CAT-8: Solving Problems without Algorithm

The exercises provided in the chapter are mainly on solving multiplication problems, with or
without context, by using the algorithm. By the end of the chapter, the expectation is that most students
are quite able to correctly perform the algorithm. However, after lots of practice, it could happen that
students carry out every step of algorithm perfectly, but merely in a mechanical way. CAT-8 (Figure 9)
has a worksheet format and allows the teacher to assess whether students really understand what a
multiplication means and thus also what the algorithmic procedure actually implies.

Here you see a multiplication problem. You have to solve it

WITHOUT using the algorithm. Write down how you solved it.

In this way I solved the problem Answer


Figure 9. CAT-8: Solving problems without algorithm.

In this CAT, students have to solve multiplication problems without using the algorithm. The main
idea is that when students cannot solve a multiplication problem without using the algorithm, they will
probably not have a sufficient understanding of multiplication, which might put them in trouble when
learning to solve more complicated multiplication problems with, for example, three-digit numbers or
decimal numbers. Examining the worksheets after class offers the teacher clues about whether and
what instructional supports students need before finishing this chapter.

2.4. Teacher Training

To familiarize the teachers with the CATs and assist them in using the CATs in class, two two-hour
meetings were organized during the first two weeks of the second semester of Grade 3. The first
meeting took place before the teaching of the chapter on multiplication started. Each teacher received
a package including a teacher guide with the material (PowerPoint slides, red/green cards, worksheets)
needed for carrying out the CATs in their teaching of this chapter. During the meeting, some general
information about classroom assessment was presented, and the CATs that could be used in the coming
week were discussed. The second meeting began with sharing the teachers’ experiences in using the
CATs. After that, the CATs for the second week were discussed.

2.5. Data Collection

During the two-week intervention, each of the 25 teachers was observed at least twice regarding
their use of the CATs. As a result, we could see that the teachers basically conducted the CATs as
expected. To know what insights teachers might gain into students’ learning, they were asked to fill in
feedback forms and write a final report. Teachers filled in the feedback forms every time they used a
CAT, and wrote the final report after finishing the chapter. Specifically, the teachers commented on the
feedback form on whether using the CAT helped them gain new information about their students’
learning, whether they adapted their further instruction, and what the new information and the
instructional adaption looked like. In the final report, among others, the teachers were asked to suggest
two CATs to be included in the textbook as assessment exercises and explain why they had chosen
these CATs.
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 10 of 19

2.6. Data Analysis

To get an overall picture of the teachers’ experiences with the CATs, we first scanned all the
filled-in feedback forms. The responses of the 25 teachers on the feedback forms and final reports
were included in the final analysis. To answer the research question regarding teachers’ insights into
students’ mathematics learning, we had to identify which teachers got insights when using the CATs.
Therefore, all the teachers’ responses were gathered and translated into English. First, all the responses
were scrutinized by the three authors separately. Each author identified the information the teachers
gained about their students and had to decide whether there was evidence of gaining insights. In order
to award criteria for having gained insights, the authors had to specify why they thought so. Next,
for each CAT, the authors’ decisions on whether the teachers’ responses showed indications of insights,
and the reasons for making these decisions were compared and discussed. In some cases, it was easy
to agree on whether there was evidence of teachers gaining insights. When the decisions differed,
they were discussed until 100% agreement was reached. Then, we checked all of our decisions again,
which led to some changes of our earlier decisions. During this checking process, we also finalized the
formulation of the criteria for indicating gaining insights.
In the end, this resulted in four unique criteria:

1. Referring to the mathematical content the CAT is supposed to assess. For this, teachers can use their
own words or give a clear description of the purpose of the CAT by using (partly) the wording
that appeared in the teacher guide. However, this criterion is not met when teachers only refer to
the CAT in general terms not mentioning the mathematics assessed.
2. Providing specific information about students. This includes mentioning the proportion of students
showing a particular performance on the assessed content or describing the difficulties students
encountered with this content.
3. Describing the novelty of the gained information about students. This means that teachers learn
something “new”, “unexpected”, “surprising”, or “that was not known before” about students’
understanding of the assessed content.
4. Explaining an instructional adaptation matching the findings from the CAT. Such an instructional
adaptation has to correspond to the information about the assessed content as revealed by using
the CAT; general phrases such as “providing additional exercises” or “give extra instruction” are
not sufficient.

Showing that one has learned something from doing an assessment is a multifaceted phenomenon.
It can be expressed in different ways. Teachers can say something about the performance of their
students, can emphasize that they discovered new information in the students’ performance, or can
discuss their decisions about further teaching. All these responses can indicate that teachers have
learned something from assessing their students with the CATs. Yet, to fully classify a teacher’s
response as having gained insights from a CAT, a first requirement is that the teacher refers to the
mathematical content the CAT is supposed to assess. Just talking about students’ performance in
general terms is not sufficient. So, our final decision rule to qualify a teacher’s response as having
gained insights is that it should meet Criterion I and at least one from Criterion II, III, and IV. Based
on this decision rule, a final round of checking was carried out by the first author. This resulted in
qualifying 57 teachers’ responses out of the total 200 possible responses (25 teachers x eight CATs)
as having gained insights. Table 1 provides examples of the qualifications of teachers’ responses
about CAT-1.
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 11 of 19

Table 1. Examples of the teachers’ responses about CAT-1 Family problems, and whether they were
qualified as showing having gained insights. CAT: classroom assessment technique.

Example of Teacher’s Response Criterion Met Having Gained Insights

Example 1: Teacher S14
“In my expectation, the vast majority of the students can find the correct
answer without being disturbed by the increasing number of zeroes.
However, the reality is that students felt difficult when the numbers
I, II, III Yes
became bigger and bigger [II, III]. Therefore, it illustrated that the
students were not flexible enough when solving by mental calculation
the problem with multiples of 10 [I]. Also, it means that the students
lack the ability of reasoning and generalization [I].”
Example 2: Teacher S09
“The students could not recognize such analogous problems very well
[I]. Most students showed their cards based on their ‘gut feeling’ [II]. I, II Yes
Only a small proportion of the students could find the rule [II]. As the
number of zeroes increased, the accuracy went down [II].”
Example 3: Teacher S04
“Most of the students could give the answer quickly, but some II No
individual students need help [II].”
Example 4: Teacher S10
“This CAT helps the students to extend the boundary of knowledge.
[no criterion
The difficulty level is appropriate. The students showed strong interests No
when doing the CAT. In general, the CAT is helpful to extend students’
knowledge and to improve their initiatives.”

3. Results

3.1. Teachers Gaining Insights from Using the CATs

Table 2 gives an overview of the CATs used by the teachers (see the white cells) and whether the
teachers gained insights into their students’ understanding of multiplication of two-digit numbers
(see the white cells containing a X). Of the 25 teachers involved in the study, 22 used all the eight CATs,
one (H02) used seven CATs, and two (H04, N05) used only five CATs. In total, 193 responses of using
the CATs were collected, of which 57 responses (30%) clearly showed that the teachers gained insights.
Five teachers gained insights from five or more CATs (the High Insight group), 14 teachers did this only
from three or fewer CATs (the Some Insight group), and six teachers did not show clear evidence of
insights, no matter how many CATs they used (the No Insight group). CAT-3 and CAT-8 appeared to be
the most informative CATs for teachers; for these respective CATs, there were nine and 11 teachers
who showed evidence of gaining insights. Gaining insights here means that clear indications could be
identified in a teacher’s response to a particular CAT: that the teacher referred to specific information
about his/her students, or emphasized the novelty of the gained information, or referred to a fitting
instructional adaptation, and these reactions went together with references to the mathematics content
of the CATs.
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 12 of 19

Table 2. Overview of whether clear evidence of teachers (n = 25) gaining insights into their students’
understanding of multiplication by using the CATs was identified 1 .

Insight Teacher Total of X
1 4 7 2 5 6 3 8

High H01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 7
Insight H02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 6
H03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5
H04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5
H05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5
Some S01 ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
Insight S02 ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
S03 ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
S04 ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
S05 ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
S06 ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
S07 ✓ ✓ 2
S08 ✓ ✓ 2
S09 ✓ ✓ 2
S10 ✓ 1
S11 ✓ 1
S12 ✓ 1
S13 ✓ 1
S14 ✓ 1
No N01 0
Insight N02 0
N03 0
N04 0
N05 0
N06 0
Total of ✓ 5 5 5 6 8 8 9 11 57
1Black cell means the teacher did not use the CAT; empty white cell means the teacher used the CAT but no clear
evidence of the teacher gaining insights from using the CAT was identified; white cell with “✓” means the teacher
used the CAT and clear evidence of the teacher gaining insights from using the CAT was identified.

To give more information about the specific insights the teachers appeared to gain into their
students’ mathematical understanding, we now focus on the teachers’ responses to the four earlier
described CATs (1, 3, 4, and 8). Based on the four criteria for gained insights, in the next sections,
we discuss for each of the CATs why we considered particular responses of the teachers as indications
for having gained insights.

3.2. Four Examples of Teachers Gaining Insights from Using CATs

3.2.1. Insights from Using CAT-1: Family Problems.

All teachers, except one (H04), returned a response for CAT-1. In five teachers’ responses,
clear evidence was found that they gained insights about whether, and to what extent, their students
understood multiplication with multiples of 10 beyond the two-digit number range. Four of the
teachers who gained insights directly referred to the mathematical content that CAT-1 is supposed to
assess. For example, they reported about students’ analogous thinking (H03, S09) or about students’
flexible use of known rules of multiplication with multiples of 10 (H01, S14). Teacher S06 described that
CAT-1 aims to assess “a method” that “makes use of the given problems” and that shows its “advantage
when the number of zeroes increases”. In our view, this indicates that the teacher recognized what the
task is about, resulting in a good lens for diagnosing what students do or do not understand. In their
responses, the five teachers dealt with their students’ performance when the numbers in the problems
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 13 of 19

contained more than two digits. For three teachers (H01, S06, S14), this came down to reporting
that most students were able to deal with this and that only a few students “could only solve [until]
97 × 80 and 97 × 800” (H01). Three teachers (H03, S09, S14) reported that fewer students provided
correct answers when the numbers became bigger, and that “only a minority of the students could
determine the rule” (S09). This came as a surprise to one teacher (S14), who explained that “in my
expectation, the vast majority of students would find the correct answers without being disturbed by
the increase in the number of zeroes”. Only two teachers (H03, S06) mentioned how they would adapt
their instruction; they were going to include analogous problems for students to practice with.
In 19 teachers’ responses, the mathematical content assessed by CAT-1 was not mentioned.
When teachers described students’ performance, it was in very general terms. Some teachers
reported to be satisfied with their students’ performance; for example, students were able to calculate
“according to the given characteristics” (S05), other teachers pointed out their students’ shortcomings
in understanding “the rule” (H02, H05, S01). Similarly, when teachers wrote about their instructional
adaptations, they often used general terms such as “more exercises” (S07) or “extra instruction”
(N05). Interestingly, two teachers (S11, N04) decided not to adjust their further teaching because they
considered the content of CAT-1 to be too similar to what is in the textbook. In contrast, another teacher
(N01) provided as a reason for not adapting her instruction that “there is no such type of exercise in
the textbook”.

3.2.2. Insights from Using CAT-3: Breaking down a Multiplication

Twenty-four teachers provided a response for CAT-3. Nine teachers were found to have gained
insights into whether their students could identify the components of a multiplication of two-digit
numbers and how their students understand what is “behind” the algorithm. Only one of these
teachers (S11) reflected on what is assessed in CAT-3 in her own words: “breaking down the
multiplication problem into four components is factually the same as showing how the algorithm
works to calculate the multiplication of two-digit numbers”. The remaining teachers who gained insights
referred to the mathematical content assessed by CAT-3 in terms of “the meaning of multiplication of
two-digit numbers” (H03) or “the meaning behind the algorithm” (H01). When describing students’
performance, most teachers (H01, H02, S03, S04, S09, S11, S12) made a clear distinction between
students’ understanding of the structure of the multiplication algorithm and students’ ability to
apply the procedures. For example, one teacher (S12) reported that most of her students “master the
procedure of calculating, but their understanding about how it works is not good enough”. Another
teacher (S11) found that “25 out of the 39 students could answer all the blanks correctly”. In contrast,
the remaining teachers reported that at least half of the students were unable to break down 24 × 53,
although they were able to find its result. Two teachers (H01, H04) said this was not what they
expected. Another teacher (S03) also expressed her surprise, as she “thought the students would
not even understand the question”, but “the situation in fact was a bit better”. For further teaching,
this teacher wanted to pay more attention to help the students “understand the meaning of each step
of performing the algorithm”.
The remaining 15 teachers did not refer to the mathematical content assessed in CAT-3. Instead,
they mainly focused on describing students’ performance. Most teachers reported that their students
had difficulties in breaking down the problem—for example, “students could only break down 24 × 53
into 24 × 50 + 24 × 3” (S06)—or difficulties in understanding the question—for example, “students had
never been trained to break down a multiplication problem into four parts” (S05). Overall, students in
these 15 classes did not perform well on CAT-3. However, about half of the teachers would not adjust
their further teaching. The main reason they gave was that CAT-3 was too different from what they
taught in class about the multiplication of two-digit numbers, and it therefore could “disturb students’
thinking” (N01) or “make students confused” (N02).
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 14 of 19

3.2.3. Insights from Using CAT-4: Completing the Ratio Table

Twenty-three teachers provided a response about their use of CAT-4. Also for this CAT, five teachers’
responses reflected gained insight into their students’ understanding. Four of these teachers’ responses
(H01, H02, S03, S07) reflected the aim of finding out how students use the different relationships
between the provided numbers in the ratio table. One teacher (S04) only referred to vertical reasoning
in the ratio table: “most students still needed to calculate how many pencils there are in one box in
order to find the total number”. In the other four classes (H01, H02, S03, and S07), the teachers reported
that many of their students could solve the problems by observing the provided numbers of boxes and
establishing relationships. One teacher (H02) realized that “vertical and horizontal reasoning can be
considered at the same time” and she planned “in future teaching, to encourage students to think and
solve problems from multiple perspectives”.
When the remaining 18 teachers referred to what CAT-4 aims to assess, it was in very general terms;
they mentioned “the relation between the numbers” (S02), “multiple perspectives” (S05), or “other
strategies” (S09). Regarding students’ performance on CAT-4, five teachers reported their satisfaction
with students’ reactions. In the other classes, the majority of students “was limited in their thinking”
(S10) or “just made a guess” (N03). Based on CAT-4, 13 teachers wrote they would provide “more
exercises”. Two of them (S05, S13) in fact considered reasoning horizontally in a ratio table not to be
“something every student needs to master”. The teachers who indicated not making instructional
adaptations gave different explanations. For example, “it is not the content in the textbook” (N01) or
“it is not necessary to explain such difficult content in Grade 3. It is of course good if students can
understand; it is also fine if they do not understand” (S09).

3.2.4. Insights from Using CAT-8: Solving Problems without Algorithm

All teachers returned a response for CAT-8. In 11 teachers’ responses, clear evidence was identified
of gained insights into students’ capability of solving multiplication problems of two-digit numbers
without using the algorithm. In their responses, these teachers referred to the mathematical content
assessed by CAT-8, for example about their students’ understanding of multiplication, students’
flexible use of different solutions, or students having a ‘mindset’ about solving multiplication problems.
In particular, these teachers described their students’ performance of providing different solutions to
solve 59 × 62. For example, one teacher (H02) found that some students understood the connection
between Lattice multiplication and breaking down the multiplication. Another teacher (S01) wrote that
“a small part of my students could solve the problem by using the distributive property”. Contrastingly,
another teacher (S05) found that “part of the students thought ‘without using the algorithm’ meant
‘no accurate answer being required’, [and] therefore they only made an estimation of the product”.
Furthermore, two teachers (H01, S10) reported that their students were used to writing down the
algorithm when given a multiplication problem, and they did not know how to start now. Only one
teacher (H05) really described the novelty of her gained insights. She had expected her students to not
be able to solve 59 × 62 without using the algorithm, but in fact many of them used the method of Lattice
multiplication. Regarding instructional adaptation, two teachers (H02, H04) valued the “openness and
flexibility” (H02) of CAT-8 to “give students more space to think and imagine freely” (H04) and would
use it in future teaching.
Of the 14 teachers with no evidence for insights, most only reported briefly that their students
could not solve problems without using the algorithm. Some teachers did refer to CAT-8 as aiming
to “develop students’ divergent thinking” (S09), to “extend students’ learning” (S12), or to “remind
students to solve problems in different ways” (S11). Three teachers (S03, S13, N06) seemed not to
understand what CAT-8 aims to assess. They thought that the assessed mathematical content was
students’ ability to apply the properties of multiplication; for example “it is difficult for students to
understand the distributive property” (S13). Another teacher (S03) made it clear that “students are
going to systematically learn the properties [in Grade 4]”. Seven teachers used general phrases to
describe their instructional adaptation; for example, “providing additional instruction for those who
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 15 of 19

are able to learn more” (N03) or “providing extra exercises to revise this content” (N01). The other
seven teachers would not make any instructional adaptation. Two of them (S11, N04) did this because
their students did not have problems in solving the problems, and the remaining five teachers felt
using the algorithm was more suitable to solve these problems.

4. Conclusions and Discussion

In this study, we investigated the insights into students’ understanding that Chinese primary
mathematics teachers gained by using CATs. CATs are meant to give teachers access to their students’
understanding of a particular mathematical concept or skill, by posing questions that purposely present
the mathematical content from a different perspective and in an unfamiliar way. In this way, CATs may
provide teachers with new lenses to observe and understand their students’ learning. In addition,
the gained insights may offer teachers clues to answer the question of what to do next in their teaching.
With respect to the latter, all the teachers in our study, no matter the extent of gained insights, paid more
attention to describing what they found out about their students’ performance than to indicating
possible instructional adaptations. This echoes the finding of Heritage et al. [41] that teachers are better
at drawing inferences about students’ understanding from assessment information than at deciding
the next instructional steps.
Although using CATs to assess students’ learning was quite new for the participating Chinese
mathematics teachers, most of them did gain insights into students’ mathematics understanding of
multiplication of two-digit numbers. Gaining insights was evidenced by either describing specific
information about their students, emphasizing the novelty of the gained information, or giving
suggestions for a fitting instructional adaptation, while at the same time referring to the mathematics
content of the CATs. Three-quarters of the teachers gave signs of having gained insights. However,
another finding was that the teachers differed greatly in the extent to which they gained these insights.
Five teachers acquired insights from five or more CATs, while 14 teachers did so only from three or
fewer CATs, and six teachers did not show clear evidence of insights, no matter how many CATs
they used. These teachers were respectively assigned to the High Insight, Some Insight, or No Insight
group. The teachers belonging to the High Insight group could clearly recognize that offering students
problems that differ slightly from the way they are presented in the textbook can be an eye-opener for
the teachers and can offer them the opportunity to acquire knowledge about their students’ learning
that they did not have before. In line with what was found by James and McCormick [22] for the
‘Assessment for Learning’ practice, these teachers seemed to have adopted the CATs as a means
to assess students according to the ‘spirit’ of the CATs, whereas the No Insight teachers seemed to
have implemented the CATs in a more mechanical way, more according to the ‘letter’ of the CATs,
following the prescribed procedure of the CATs and carrying them out in class without getting a better
understanding of students’ mathematics learning. In contrast with the teachers belonging to the High
Insight group, who clearly favored the revelatory capacity of assessment tasks that differ in a specific
way from the teaching tasks, the teachers in the No Insight group did not value them as such, and did
not appear to notice the difference. Several of these teachers considered the CATs to be (too) similar to
the textbook, and did not want to repeat what they had already taught. Yet, others emphasized that the
CATs were too different or too difficult compared to their regular teaching. The latter group of teachers
appeared to hold a strict view of what should and could be assessed, which might lead to them not
perceiving the CATs as helpful for obtaining more insight into students’ understanding regarding
the topic that is at hand in the textbook and their teaching. As a result, they might not have used
the CATs and the elicited information optimally, and thus did not show evidence of gained insights
from using the CATs. A possible reason why teachers did not gain insights may have to do with the
short duration of the intervention. A two-week support is a very limited time for teachers to become
accustomed to using the CATs and recognizing the valuable information revealed by using them.
Perhaps more insights would have been observed if a longer intervention had taken place. Moreover,
the teachers, including those in High Insight and Some Insight groups, were not involved in designing
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 16 of 19

the CATs, and this could also be a reason that they did not notice or value the information about
students’ learning. When teachers can take part in the development of the CATs and are supported
regarding seeing the connections between the CATs and the textbook content, this might lead to gaining
more insights into students’ understanding. In addition, that the local teaching office, rather than the
individual teachers, decided to participate in this study may have influenced the teachers’ willingness
regarding using CATs and filling in feedback forms. Also, the felt need of teachers to finish their
planned regular teaching may have been a factor that teachers considered when deciding whether to
use the CATs, and might have led to not always getting the most out of the CATs.
Having only a short intervention and not having the teachers involved in designing the CATs
are shortcomings of our study that should be kept in mind when interpreting our findings. Also,
it is important to take into account that our conclusions about whether the teachers obtained insights
from using CATs were based on their self-reported data. Further data collection, such as observing
teachers using CATs in class and directly asking them about their gained insights, could shed new
light on possibly gathered new information about their students’ mathematics learning. Furthermore,
examining students’ responses and worksheets could be included in order to triangulate teachers’
reported insights. Another limitation of our study is that the CATs used in the context of Chinese
primary mathematics education so far, including the pilot study [39], were designed based on one
particular textbook series and only involved teachers from the city of Nanjing. Whether Chinese
primary teachers who use different mathematics textbook series or who are from different regions
can get new insights from implementing CATs remains unclear. Further studies are necessary in
this respect.
A strong recommendation for additional studies is in any case to have a design in which teachers
are included in developing CATs. Moreover, future research may investigate why some teachers gain
less insights than others. To know more about this, it could be worthwhile to explore whether teachers
with different assessment profiles [38,42] benefit differently from using CATs. For example, recently,
it has been shown that significant differences exist between Chinese expert teachers in primary school
mathematics education and their non-expert colleagues in their perception and reported behavior
of understanding their students’ mathematics thinking [34]. Future research may also focus on how
to use the gained insights for making instructional decisions, because this is an issue to which the
teachers in our study did not pay much attention. In line with this, new research may be conducted to
examine whether and how teachers’ gained insights affects students’ performance.
Despite the aforementioned limitations and the questions that still have to be answered, we think
we can conclude that our study provides evidence that Chinese primary school mathematics teachers
may gain insights into their students’ understanding of mathematics from using assessment techniques
such as CATs. Yet, for the majority of the teachers in our study, it seems to be necessary to offer them
more time and support to get acquainted with this assessment approach. Also, more opportunities
could be provided to support teachers to see the connections between CATs and the textbook.
Using the CATs implies a strong formative approach to assessment. For Chinese primary school
mathematics teachers, who often put more emphasis on providing information to students than
on getting information about students [32], this may mean a change of perspective. Our CATs
may help them develop a more formative approach to assess students’ learning. More research is
certainly necessary, especially studies that investigate how teachers’ culturally-based beliefs about
teaching affects their formative use of assessment and that examine how to support teachers to become
independent users of formative assessment.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Methodology, Analyses, Writing: X.Z., M.v.d.H.-P., M.V.; Funding
Acquisition, X.Z. (China Scholarship Council) and M.v.d.H.-P. (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research).
Funding: This research was funded by China Scholarship Council, grant number 201206860002; and the
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, grant number NWO MaGW/PROO: Project 411-10-750.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Lianhua Ning from Nanjing Normal University, China, for helping to
contact schools, and all the teachers involved in this study for their cooperation and contribution.
Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 150 17 of 19

It is known that 97×8 equals 776.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declareDo you think
no you can solveof
conflict the interest.
following problems?
The funders had no role in the design of the
(Yes- Green card ; No- Red card )
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
It is known that 97×8 equals 776.
publish the results. a) 97×80
Do b) 97×800
you think you c) 97×8000
can solve the d) 970×8000
following problems?
(Yes- Green card ; No- Red card )
It is known that 97×8 equals 776.
Do you think
a) 97×80 you can solve
b) 97×800 the following d)
c) 97×8000 problems?
Appendix A (Yes- Green card ; No- Red card )
It is Here
known you that see 97×8 fiveequals
bags with 776. a different weight.
Doa)you many kilograms approximately in one bag?
97×80 you b) can97×800 solve thec)following
97×8000problems? d) 970×8000
Do you think the answer is 30, ) 40 or 35?
It(Yes- Green
is known that card97×8 ; No-equalsRed776. card
Do you Here
Greenyouseecan fivesolve
card ;bags
No- the with
Red a different
following weight.
) problems?
Table A1. The eight CATs for multiplication of two-digit numbers.
How many
a) 97×80 b)kilograms
97×800 approximately c) 97×8000 in one bag?
d) 970×8000
(Yes- GreenBagyou 1 card Bag ; No-
2 answerRed
Bag card
3 is 30, )Bag 4 Bag 5
Do think the 40 or 35?
It is(Yes-
33Here that
kgGreen you97×8 kg equals
see five
37bags 776.with a)different weight.
Title Format a) 97×80 b) 34 card
97×800 ;Example
No- kg
c) 97×8000 37 kg
card 36d)kg970×8000 Purpose
Do youHow thinkmany you can solve the
kilograms following problems?
approximately in one bag?
(Yes- Bag Do
It is known 1 you Bag
that ;2No-
97×8 the Bag
equals 3card
answer776.Bag is) 30, 4 40 Bag or 35?5
Here you see five bags with a different weight. Assessing whether students can
Do you 33(Yes-
kg you
34 kg can card 37; kg
solve No-theRed card ) problems?
37 kg 36 kg
Family problems Red/Green How many
a) 97×80 kilograms approximately
b) 97×800 c) 97×8000 in one bag?
d) 970×8000 recognize analogous problems and are
(Yes- Green
Do you card ; the
No-answerRed card ) 40 or 35?
(CAT-1) cards Here you1think
Bag seeBag five2bags Bagwith is
3 a30, Bag 4 weight.
different Bag 5 aware of the relationship among the
Here (Yes-
a) 97×80 33
many card
97×800 kg ; No- 37Red
approximately card
c) 37 )Youkgin do one
d) bag?
kg have to
970×8000 results of these problems
calculateDo you thethink
result. the You answer
only have is 30,to40fillorin35? the blanks.
Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4 Bag 5
Here Green card ; No- Red card )
24×53 kgyou see
33means that
34 kgfive
youbags 37 kgwith
have a different
to calculate
37 kg 36weight.
Here you Howsee many a multiplication
kilograms approximately problem. Youindo onenotbag?
have to
a) Bag
calculate 3×4 1 result.
the Bag 2You
and 3×20 Bag
only3 have andBag to 440__×4
fill in Bag
the 5blanks.
and __×20
How many Do
Here you you think
see the
five answer
bags is
with 30,a differentor 35?weight. Assessing whether students can find the
Red/Green 33 kg 34 kg 37 kg 37 kg 36 kg
24×53 (Yes-
4×__ meansGreen
many card
that you
4×__; No-
have Red
toand card__×3
calculate ) in oneand bag?
b) Here you see and a multiplication problem. You do not 20×50 have to approximate average of a series of
Do youthe
3×4 think the3×20 answer ishave
30, 40 to or
__×4 fill 35? __×20
(CAT-2) a) calculateBag 1 and result.
Bag 2 YouBag only
3 and Bag 4 in the
Bag 5andblanks. numbers
c) 20×50 (Yes- Green andcard 20×__
; No- Red and card 4×50 ) and __×3
Here 24×5333 kg
4×__ means
see a34 kg
4×__ 37 kg
you have 37calculate
problem. kg__×3 You36dokgand not have to
b) and and
calculate Bagthe 1 Bag 2You Bag only3 have Bag to 4fill __×4
in Bag
the 5blanks.
a) 3×4 result. and 3×20 and and __×20
c) 20×50
33 kg and
34 kg 20×__ 37 kg and 37 kg 4×5036 kgand __×3
24×53 you seemeans a multiplication
that you have problem.
to calculate You do not have to
b) 4×__
calculate the and 4×__ to fill in__×3
and and 20×50
You are
a) 3×4 NOTresult.allowed
and to
You only
calculate and many
the blanks.
__×4pencils and __×20
there are in onethat Canhave you still find out 4×50 how many
Breaking down a 24×53 c) 20×50
means and 20×__ to calculate
and and __×3
b) 4×__
you there
see are aand in the4×__
multiplication following boxes?__×3
and You do not andhave20×50
to Assessing whether students understand
multiplication Worksheet a)(Yes-3×4 Green card and ; No- 3×20 Red card and ) __×4 and __×20
You are NOT the result.
allowedYou only have
to calculate how to many
fill in thepencilsblanks. how the multiplication algorithm works
Worksheet c)
there 20×50
are in oneand box. Can 20×__ you stilland find out 4×50how many and22 __×3
(CAT-3) HereNumber
youmeansof boxes
see and 4×__
a multiplication 6 11 12 13
__×3 17 18 23
pencils there arethat in the you haveproblem.
calculate You do and not have to
(Yes- Greenthe
card ; No-You only
Red 132
cardhave ) to fill in the blanks.
a) You3×4 are
c) 20×50 and 20×__ and 4×50and allowed 3×20 calculateand how__×4 many pencils
and __×3__×20
24×53 there means
are in one thatbox. youCan have you tostill
find out how many
Number ofthere boxes 6 following
11 12boxes? 13 17 18 22 23
b) pencils
4×__ and
are in4×__ the
3×20 and __×4 __×3 and 20×50
a)You(Yes-are NOT and
allowed to and and __×20
Number Green
of pencils card ; No- 72calculate
Red ) many pencils
there 20×50
c) 4×__ and 4×__ in one box. 20×__
Can you still find
and __×3 4×50
out how many __×3
and 20×50
Numberthereofare andboxes
in the following 6 and
11 boxes? 12 13 17and 18 22 23
Completing the You areGreen
NOT allowed to calculate Assessing whether students can make
Red/Green (Yes- Are the statements
card ; No- Red card how
correct? ) many pencils
ratio table c) Number
there 20×50
are in one ofand pencils
box. Can 20×__ 72 still
you 132 find out
and 4×50how many and __×3 use of the ratio table by reasoning
cards pencils (Yes- Green
there cardthe ;following
No- Redboxes? card )
(CAT-4) Red/Green Number of are
boxes in 6 11 12 13 17 18 22 23 horizontally
(Yes- Green card ; No- Red card )
You Are
a) the
NOT ofstatements
allowed of
product to72 correct?
132is how
24×45 smaller manythan pencils
Number b)are
(Yes- in boxes
The one
product box.
cardCan ;6No-
of you
Red still
is12 find
bigger out
13) thanhow
17 many18 22 23
pencils there are in the following boxes?
You are NOT
Number ofthe allowed to
pencils calculate how many pencils
(Yes- GreenAre card ; No-72
statements Red132 correct?
card )
there a) are
The in product
one box. of Can 24×45
you stillis smaller
find out how thanmany1200.
Bigger or smaller? Red/Green pencils
Numberb) (Yes-
The Green
are in the
of product
boxes card 6 ; No-
of following
18×32 11 isRedboxes?
12 card
13 than) 17 600. 18 22 23 Assessing whether students can
(Yes- Green card ; No-
Are the statements correct? Red card )
(CAT-5) cards Number of pencils 72 132 estimate the product by reasoning
Here a) The product of 24×45 is smaller than 1200.
Number(Yes-you Green
of see card
boxes multiplication
;6No-11 Red problems
12 ) with 17 their
18 answers.
22 23
Do b) you The
see product
a mistake? of 18×32 is bigger than 600.
Are the statements
Number of pencils 72 132
a) TheGreen card
product ; No- Red
24×45 card ) than 1200.
(Yes- Green card ;ofNo- Rediscard smaller )
b) Theyou product
see multiplication
of 18×32 problems is bigger with thantheir600.answers. Assessing whether students can quickly
Quick check of 50×200=1000
Do you see a mistake? 37×34=1250 23×38=874
Red/Green a)AreThetheproduct
statements of 24×45 correct? is smaller than 1200. check the correctness of the result of
answers (Yes- Green card ; No- Red card )
cards b)
(Yes- The
Here product
you see card of ; 18×32
No- Red
multiplication is bigger
problems ) thanwith 600.their answers. multiplication problems without
(CAT-6) AreDothe you
50×200=1000 statements
see a mistake? correct?
37×34=1250 23×38=874 performing the algorithm
(Yes- TheGreenproduct card ;24×45
of; No- No-Red Redis cardcard) ) than 1200.
Here Green
you seecard multiplication problems with their answers.
b) The product of 18×32 is bigger than 600.
you see a mistake? 37×34=1250 23×38=874
a) The
(Yes-you Green product of 24×45 is smaller than 1200.
Here see card ; No- Redproblems
multiplication card ) with their answers.
b) The product of 18×32 is bigger than 600.
Do you see a mistake?
50×200=1000 37×34=1250 23×38=874
(Yes- Green card ; No- Red card )
Assessing whether students can use the
Fruit language Here you see multiplication problems with their answers. associative and distributive property of
50×200=1000 37×34=1250 23×38=874
Worksheet Do you see a mistake?
(CAT-7) (Yes-
multiplication to restructure a
Here Green
you seecard ; No- Red card
multiplication )
problems with their answers.
Do you see a mistake? multiplication problem
(Yes- Green card ; No-37×34=1250
Red card ) 23×38=874

50×200=1000 37×34=1250 23×38=874

Here you see a multiplication problem. You have to solve it

WITHOUT using the algorithm. Write down how you solved it.
Assessing whether students have a
Solving problems deep understanding of the
without using the In this way I solved the problem Answer multiplication operation and whether
Worksheet 59×62
algorithm they have, instead of the algorithm,
(CAT-8) other strategies available to solve
multiplication problems

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