A Study To Develop and Implement Differentiated Hands On Mathema
A Study To Develop and Implement Differentiated Hands On Mathema
A Study To Develop and Implement Differentiated Hands On Mathema
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Cetrullo, Edmund F. Jr., "A study to develop and implement differentiated, hands on mathematics
instruction strategies to improve student learning" (2004). Theses and Dissertations. 1126.
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Edmund F. Cetrullo Jr.
A Thesis
Date Approve;L L 2 °^
The purposes of the study were to research, develop and implement differentiated,
action research, created and implemented student centered, discovery based, hands on,
manipulative centered lessons over two marking periods which provided students with
experiential, problem solving, mathematical situations that met their individual and
group needs. Analysis of this case study yielded growth through a triangulation of data
measured from improved student scores, student observations, and teacher reflection
References ...................................................................................... 26
Ap p e nd ix A ....................................................................................... 2 7
Ap p en d ix B ........................................................................................ 2 9
Ap p e n d ix C ........................................................................................ 36
Appendix F ................................................................................... 43
Chapter 1
teachers in grades six through eight. During the previous school year, informal
observation of mathematics teachers and students at the G. S. School has allowed for the
focused on training students in computation, and not allowing students the opportunity to
individually and in cooperative groups. The lack of these opportunities had fostered an
assessments and yearly reports, in the classroom they struggled on how to use
The purpose of this study was to develop and implement differentiated, hands on
Teachers of mathematics in grades six through eight, researched, developed, and
opportunities that actively engaged and challenged the students in more than just
groups, creating opportunities for students to interact, plan, and create roles for the
promotes the teacher meeting the individual student or group needs through a variety of
through various activities such as experiential, hands on, manipulative based, problem
Learning is knowledge acquired through study and that may be applied to a future
concept and being able use the concept for application and synthesis.
Manipulatives are tools that may be used to problem solve. The use of
strategies in this study referred to the use of tools of measurement, materials such as
plastic cubes, wooden dowels, paper cut-out shapes, rubber bands, boxes, toothpicks,
glue, three dimensional geometric shapes, and other common items found in a
mathematics classroom.
The triangulation of data is the recognition, acceptance, and validation of a theory
based on the commonality of a theme that is present in three different data sources. The
triangulation of data in this study resulted in the overall achievement of students that was
evident through quantitative and qualitative data such as pre and post student scores, pre
and post teacher surveys, and observations from excerpts of teachers' reflective journals.
quantitative data measured in this study was twofold. Pre and post mean scores of each
grade level which participated were analyzed. Also analyzed were the mean (see
Appendix C), range (see Appendix D), and percent of change scores (see Appendices E
and F) of pre and post Likert Scale surveys (see Appendix A) which identified
qualitative data analyzed in this study were ascertained through the teachers' reflective
journals (see Appendix B) and identified in the pre and post Likert Scale surveys (see
Appendix C).
The study was a volunteer driven initiative, enlisting mathematics teachers from
grades six through eight. The original design of the study called for greater teacher
participation, however volunteers were difficult to find as teachers were working the
Data was collected and analyzed to identify the effective use of differentiated,
instruction and student progress, was measured through the triangulation of qualitative
and quantitative data measured from teacher reflection about their pedagogy, student
observation, and students' marking period scores. These results were classroom specific,
as they can only be compared to the teachers' previous behaviors and the students'
Resources available to teachers were also limiting. Textbooks used in each of the
grades did not provide for an abundance of problem solving situations. The majority of
the experiences were the result of researched activities or teacher creativity. Materials for
the activities were also limiting, as many lessons called for non-traditional supplies.
The site of the study was limited to grades six through eight at the G.S. School,
the only building in the pre-K through 8th grade district. The population observed was a
eighth graders from eight different classes. The entire school has a student population of
approximately 330 students with each grade having homogeneously mixed classes for
The participants of the study were volunteer mathematics teachers in grades six
through eight at the G.S. School. This convenience sample was limited to five
cooperating teachers. Each of these highly qualified teachers had ten to twenty-five years
of experience in the instruction of mathematics for middle school aged students in both
special services director, and a part-time business administrator. The district is governed
The school is set on the Eastern border of C. County, N.J. with a land area of 2.2
square miles. The town's population of 2,435 (year 2000), 49.7% males and 50.3%
females, has a racial balance of: White, Non-Hispanic (92.8%), with ancestries of Irish
(28.5%), German (22.1%), Italian (19.5%), English (15.9%), Polish (6.4%) and Welsh
(2.6); Black (2.8%); Hispanic (2.4%); American Indian (0.7%); and Other (1.7%).
The median resident age is 38.6 years. The median household income is $57,325.
For the town's population 25 years of age or older, 84.7% graduated high school,
23.3% earned a Bachelor's degree, and 6.6% earned a Graduate degree or a professional
The G.S. School is a suburban, middle class school district that has been sheltered
between much larger and diversified communities. Its students are educated in the same
building from Pre-K to eighth grade, thus being identifiable by just about every staff
member in the building. Students usually find a comfortable niche within the school
where they can experience success, whether it is on a sports team or in the school play.
The G.S. School is the focus of the community where many school and
community organizations meet to hold their events. The school and community are close
knit. Many community members are school employees and many of the students' parents
were once G.S. School students as well, thus creating a proud, caring, and effective
Significance of the Study
The significance of the study was the assessment and enhancement of existing
the G.S. School continually performed proficiently on their standardized and classroom
assessments, however when a lesson or assignment deviated from the norms created by
their teachers and textbooks, students had great difficulty assessing a situation,
cooperatively to solve problems. This action research study allowed for teachers to
group activities to improve student learning. These experiences have created memorable
discoveries that have not only influenced the past and present, but should influence the
The study was organized to promote action research about differentiated, hand on
mathematical instruction among the mathematics teachers who have volunteered. The
volunteers met on a regular basis to research, develop, and implement into their
cooperative learning groups. The effectiveness of the instruction was measured through
various data collection procedures that included teacher reflection about their instruction
strategies, teacher observation of student progress during activities, and student scores.
Chapter 2
Student achievement in mathematics has been a part of the national focus for
decades and many attempts have been made to stimulate curriculum and instruction.
Hands on manipulative use to teach abstract and concrete mathematical concepts have
been attempted in many forms with mild successes. The use of these mathematical tools
has gained research support in the past decades (Raphael & Wahlstrom, 1989), however
released its Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (Kennedy,
1998). These standards set higher expectations for mathematics instruction and have
offered new strategies to meet these higher expectations. The NCTM standards proposed
that all students be provided meaningful experiences to explore and reason through non-
playing field for minorities and women, who perform poorly in traditional
These standards offer guidelines for enhancing mathematical improvement through
manipulative programs; however the needed improvement lies within the instruction.
Implementing the ideas in the classroom remains the true obstacle because of antiquated
curriculum and instructional strategies. Districts must dedicate resources towards aligning
opportunities so educators may best meet the needs of their students. If districts are
attempting these reforms, the change must occur with the teachers leading the way by
first initiating a change in classroom instruction. Unfortunately, this change only occurs
with motivated, dedicated teachers and requires patience on the part of administrators,
who are usually interested only in measurable outcomes. The effectiveness of the
differentiated, hands on instruction will only yield long term measurable outcomes if the
strategies are employed continuously, however the measurement process may be non-
Most teaching in schools suffers from two conditions: (1) a lack of time spent on
the subject matter, and (2) passive teaching strategies which rely on textbook use
(Marlow & Inman, 1997). Designing effective experiences requires teachers with a
proficiency in using and helping students use technology and other tools to pursue
mathematical investigations along with the ability to guide students in individual, small
group, and whole class work (Ernest, 1994). Districts need to gear professional
development opportunities for teachers who shy away from exploring these instructional
and observe the results of their lessons, meaningful change will occur. However, many
times teachers are proficient in one method and teach students as a whole class although
some students may not learn that well that way (Rust, 1999).
textbooks coincided with the NCTM's standards, teachers would have developed
help teachers overcome the challenge of adopting the new philosophy of their programs;
when it is time to teach, the teacher's main challenge is to create situations whereby the
manipulatives are used for uncovering, not just discovering (Waite-Stupiansky &
Stupiansky, 1998), thus changing their role from a purveyor of knowledge to one of
facilitating action.
The goals of the NCTM, to use hands on activities and manipulatives for
meaningful mathematics instruction, will not only teach students what concepts they
should learn, but also teach students how to learn. Unfortunately, standards alone will not
supply the necessary ingredients to change traditional teachers into math facilitators. One
deficit teachers must overcome is how to properly teach hands on activities. It must take
initiative, insight, effort and access to a successful program to use as a model. Teachers
who are using manipulative math with success are the most reliable resource to help
Marilyn Burns boasts 30 years of manipulative instruction and offers Seven Musts
2. With the help of students, create ground rules for manipulative usage.
education professors at Edinboro University, feel that a good amount of time must be
spent between the facilitator and the students using manipulatives. They state that simple
integrating manipulatives and other tools, writing, and evaluating (Waite-Stupiansky &
Stupiansky, 1998).
that, "This puts traditional concepts in the context that kids can solve" (Koutsos, p. 26).
Literature and research offer the necessary components needed for meaningful
differentiated, hands on mathematics instruction with manipulative use. The NCTM has
more common. The methods to create these successful situations have come from zealous
mathematics teachers who have been properly trained and have a commitment to these
instruction enable students the freedom to explore and discover mathematical concepts
while using a variety of processes and manipulatives. How to attain these successful
teaching situations will be an individual journey for each educator; however the most
their learning.
2. Allow for flexibility within the lesson. Invite them to explore. Individual
students may learn different concepts other than the expected objectives, thus
3. Relate classroom work to students' knowledge base. Make the lesson relevant
to them.
Chapter 3
individual student or group. This case study research focused on the enhancement of
instruction through action research, which allowed for the development and
implementation of new lessons in the classroom. The results of these actions, the
improvement of instruction and student learning, was measured through the triangulation
of qualitative and quantitative data measured from teacher reflection about their
The analysis of the research was a summative case study format focused on the
improvement of mathematics instruction for students in grades six through eight using
pre and post study data. The improved instruction was measured by comparing
qualitative and quantitative data gathered prior to and following the action research
mathematics instruction. The results of this action produced evidence of growth yielded
scores for two marking periods prior to and two marking periods during the
implementation of the new instructional strategies. The mean score of each student was
averaged to create a grade level mean score for both of the two marking period time
Qualitative data was gathered through surveys (see Appendix A) that were issued
Teachers' characteristics were identified through a Likert Scale which identified their
journals (see Appendix B for Reflective Journal Excerpts). These recorded personal and
commitment that requires a teachers' awareness about their instruction and a desire to
improve. The research instrumentation was developed and designed to create a sense of
security and privacy for the participants. The survey (see Appendix A) and reflective
journal (see Appendix B) were created to allow for a self evaluation in relation to
provided for an intimate sounding board that posed no ill consequences. Participants were
not placed in uncompromising situations as they simply had the option not to offer
The reflective journal also provided for a forum to record anecdotal student
The mean scores of students were chosen for their quantitative value and provided
mathematics teachers in grades six through eight at the G.S. School. Each of these
teachers had ten to twenty-five years of experience in the instruction of mathematics for
The population of the study was limited to grades six through eight at the G.S.
graders, and 28 eighth graders from eight different classes. Each grade level was broken
previous tracking in the elementary level. The eighth grade high group studied Algebra I,
with a curriculum comparable to a high school level Algebra I class. The lower eighth
grade groups studied Pre-Algebra, with a curriculum comparable to most junior high
schools or middle schools. The seventh grade high group also studied Pre-Algebra. The
lower seventh grade groups and the sixth grade groups followed traditional curricula
scores for two marking periods prior to and two marking periods during the
implementation of the new instructional strategies. The mean score of each student was
averaged to create a grade level mean score for both of the two marking period time
Quantitative and qualitative data was gathered through pre and post surveys (see
Appendix A) that were issued to participating teachers to ascertain their most common
mathematics instruction strategies and attitudes prior to and following their action
research. Teachers' strategies and attitudes were identified through a Likert Scale which
strongly disagreed with, while a score of a 5 was one they strongly agreed with. A score
of a 3 yielded a neutral response. Calculations were made to find the mean (see Appendix
C), range (see Appendix D), and percent of change (see Appendices E and F) for each
statement the participants responded to in order to identify trends in their behaviors and
journals (see Appendix B). These recorded personal and student observations in relation
to the differentiated, hands on instruction. Information from the journals was totally
voluntary and provided another forum to reflect changing attitudes about instruction and
The analysis of the research was a summative, case study format focused on
differentiated, hands on mathematics instruction for students in grades six through eight
using pre and post data. The differentiated, hands on instruction was measured by
comparing qualitative and quantitative data gathered prior to and following the action
mathematics instruction.
The objective of the study was to improve mathematics learning using three
different types of data which were gathered for triangulation. The improvement of
student scores in mathematics over two marking periods, positive changes in teachers'
hands on mathematics instruction strategies, and the observations of students during the
Commonalities in each of these three different data sources were identified for
triangulation. Each area of the study supported improved student learning which were
evident in the results of the pre and post surveys, calculations of student mean scores at
each grade level, and the recorded observations in teachers' reflective journals.
Chapter 4
which was evident through the triangulation of data that was gathered through the
research instruments. The quantitative post study data boasted overall trends of enhanced
mathematics instruction and improved student learning; however it was the qualitative
anecdotal data that proved to identify specific learning outcomes and provided positive
scores for two marking periods prior to and two marking periods during the
implementation of the new instructional strategies. The mean score of each student was
averaged to create a grade level mean score for both of the two marking period time
frames. Overall all grade level mean scores increased during the implementation of the
differentiated, hands on mathematics instruction strategies. The sixth grade mean score
increased 1.4%, from 89.1% to 90.5%. The seventh grade mean score increased 1.55%,
from 88.65% to 90.2%. The eighth grade mean score increased .8%, from 87.7% to
The increased student scores were a result of the implementation of new
The results of the survey measured quantitative and qualitative data. Specific
items were created to recognize the participating teachers' most commonly used
mathematics instruction strategies and mathematics attitudes prior to and following their
action research. Teachers' characteristics were identified through Likert Scale scores.
of a strategy or attitude that the participant strongly disagreed with, while a score of a 5
was one they strongly agreed with. A score of a 3 yielded a neutral response. Calculations
were made to find the mean, range, and percent of change to analyze the teachers'
Teachers' perceptions about their practice were analyzed using a twenty item
survey (see Appendix A) which offered ten items related to their mathematics instruction
strategies and ten items related to their attitudes about mathematics. Nineteen of the
statements used a Likert Scale, and one was a free response item.
The quantitative data analyzed, the mean (see Appendix C), the range (see
Appendix D), and the percent of change (see Appendix E and F) of the Likert Scale
scores, provided evidence that supported improved student learning through the use of
The compared mean scores of the pre and post survey (see Appendix C) showed
evidence of enhanced differentiated, hands on mathematics instruction strategies and
instruction strategies (see Appendix C) revealed telling evidence that they relied on
passive, antiquated, and rote mathematics instruction strategies prior to the action
research. This was identifiable by their responses which yielded high mean scores to
specific negative statements related to their pedagogy: (1) I teach lessons straight from
the textbook. (2) Students learn best when taking notes during a lesson. (3) I usually
teach by writing notes and examples on the board. Some responses yielded low mean
scores to specific positive statements about pedagogy revealing the same message: (1) I
scores increased following the action research and the implementation of the enhanced
strategies. Positive increases in the percent of change (see Appendix E) for these items
The compared mean scores of the pre and post survey (see Appendix C) showed
student learning.
Appendix C) revealed that some teachers had a poor predisposition about mathematics
and how it related to themselves and their students. Some negative pre-survey statements
which yielded some unanticipated high mean scores were: (1) All I learned about
teaching math I learned in college. (2) Math is a stagnant subject; it never changes. (3) I
enjoy math because it is logical. (4) Some students have an aptitude in math and are just
better at it. The survey had a free response item which asked teachers to supply three
adjectives that would describe their instruction. These responses echoed the same
attitude about mathematics were energizing. Mean scores (see Appendix C) increased
following the action research and the implementation of the enhanced mathematics
teachers and their students. Positive increases in the percent of change (see Appendix E)
The most enriched data that supported improved student learning was the
qualitative anecdotal data from excerpts of teachers' reflective journals (see Appendix B).
These reflections and observations provided examples of specific learning outcomes that
took place within the classroom. These learning outcomes could not have been measured
strategies teachers were able to actively engage their students in mathematics yielding
improved instruction and student learning. They provided alternative experiences which
piqued their students' interest and allowed for mathematical application and synthesis in
practical problem solving situations. This innovative instruction allowed for improved
student learning by providing discovery within the classroom. Teachers facilitated this
The triangulation of the data the research instruments provided showed positive
growth through student scores, teachers' mathematics instruction strategies and attitudes,
and observation of learning which were identified within reflective journal excerpts. The
study concluded that students in grades six through eight at the G.S. School are better
Chapter 5
However within this understanding educators must take into account the needs of
individuals within their classrooms and assure that all students are receiving the same
high level quality instruction. Individualized quality instruction will produce specific
outcomes for every student, but all students will not produce the same outcome. This
action research study looked at how teachers who wanted to provide high quality
Grand Tour
improve student learning. Dedicated teachers spent countless hours identifying standards
of mathematics instruction at their grade levels. Then they developed lessons, through
research and creativity, and implemented them to meet the needs of the standards. This
action created a sense of empowerment and excitement within the teachers that ultimately
trickled down into the classroom. Although the district did not provide time and resources
for these teachers, they still facilitated their own action for the improvement of
The study relied on an educational leader who promoted the success of students
by facilitating the professional growth of teachers so they were able to develop and
The educational leader provided teachers the initiative, organization, and materials for
action research to occur among their colleagues in a safe and meaningful environment.
Literature and research offer the necessary components needed for meaningful
The NCTM has provided curriculum and evaluation standards for mathematics
instruction are becoming more common. The methods to create these successful
situations have come from zealous mathematics teachers who have been properly trained
strategies. These strategies of instruction enable students the freedom to explore and
How to attain these successful teaching situations will be an individual journey for each
educator unless district administrators mandate change. If districts supply the resources
all disciplines would benefit. In light of federal law mandating annual yearly progress,
Further Study
Action research where teachers may research, develop, and implement
meaningful lessons in their classrooms to meet the individual needs of their students
should become a norm of our schools, and not the exception. This study provided the
in order to provide their students with much needed differentiated, hands on mathematics
instruction strategies for improved problem solving. The study, if adopted throughout the
entire pre-K through 8 th grade district, would be beneficial on many fronts. A school or
and create a wide variety of problem solving lessons and materials that
could be shared.
8. Provide cost effective professional development opportunities.
curricular opportunities.
Burns, M. (1996). How to make the most of math manipulatives. Instructor, 105, 45-51.
Koutsos, J. (2000). Making the right mathematics connections. NEA Today, 18(4), 26.
Marlow, L., & Inman, D. (1997). Status report on teaching in the elementary school:
math, science, and social studies. Hilton Head. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Appendix A
Mathematics Instruction Survey
Please complete the following survey. This will allow me to gain some information about
your teaching strategies and attitudes in mathematics. Please circle the appropriate
response and return the survey to Mr. Cetrullo. Thank you for your cooperation.
When teaching a new concept, it is important to give students as much 'information as possible.
1 2 3 4 5
Some students have an aptitude in math and are just better at it. 1 2 3 4 5
Please supply three adjectives that would describe your mathematics instruction.
Appendix B
Reflective Journal Excerpts
Excerpts from teachers' reflective journals provided data which gave insight on
Today I implemented the first hands on lessons. Their objective was to be able to
work cooperatively to apply formulas of area (which they previously learned) to estimate
the population of blades of grass within specific shaped areas using a square inch cut out,
a yard stick, and a sheet with expectations and rules for students to follow. They were
given only a simple explanation of the activity and were told to begin working. Initially
the students were perplexed because I was not directing them and they had to
communicate to create their plan. One group was instantly labeled the smart group
because two very competent students were in that group, however they argued over
whose plan they were going to use. Another group experienced complete dissention,
relying on two individuals to create the plan and direct the others. It was a math activity,
but I believe everyone received a lesson in group dynamics as well. Some students
became enraged. It was great. Never did I see that kind of emotion about math in my
classroom. One group, which had some poor traditional learners, yet were hands on
learners, quickly identified a process to meet their needs. Students, who were normally
followers, were now in a position of status and leadership. Normal leaders identified with
being a follower, as the role reversals were evident. When groups realized their process,
they were running a laughing as they measured and calculated. The activity called for
specific results, written directions on how the estimate was accomplished. Some groups
considered this the real work; however what I experienced gave me true insight into how
specific students learn. This activity allowed some students, who normally don't get
once we returned to class and most students recognized a little bit about what type of
If we had more time it would have been great to allow the groups to chart their
from my role of directing and passing out information to one of facilitating action. This
around and swing yardsticks. This was new for them and they have to get acquainted with
the independence and freedom during math activities. Some even monitored themselves
as I heard them say, "Hey, he's looking at us, knock it off," and "He's coming."
Personally I felt I was cheating them in some way because I was not supplying a
traditional lesson and I was not the focus of their efforts, however I did supply an
Silent structure is the name of the activity in which groups of students are asked
to build a structure out of 36 inch wooden dowels which were to be connected with
rubber bands at the ends. Students worked cooperatively to create a structure at least four
feet tall that could house a student within standing totally erect. This had to be
This was awesome. It was the first time my class followed all of the rules and
directions perfectly. I think they are understanding the value of the activities and are now
excited to participate. After the initial directions, of which I only said once, students
began to work without me having to prompt them. Unlike other activities, where students
were led in a direction I wished them to follow, the students worked using many different
and unanticipated strategies. They were thinking, applying and synthesizing which
displayed the higher order thinking skills. This was excellent proof of student learning
through performance. The majority of the groups used geometric shapes which had been
discussed previously. Two groups recalled that triangles were the strongest shape and
incorporated that into their buildings. Some used primitive strategies of lean-to or post
structures. The evaluation, following the lesson, identified the many cross-curricular
This activity did not take as long. Shorter tasks seem to work better as this was
the best lesson yet. It provided for great student focus and motivation. Students actually
asked to do it again. When did students ever ask to complete a traditional lesson over?
Constructive chaos would best describe this tiling activity. Students were asked to
work cooperatively to tile an area of nine square feet (three feet by three feet). They
glued geometric shapes cut out of construction paper on to a larger sheet which simulated
open floor space. They were prompted the previous day and asked to look at tiling in
their environment, bathrooms, kitchens, school. They were told they could be moderately
creative and would have to cover the entire floor area. Three of the four groups
completed the task properly, however one group stood above the rest. Two groups
instantly recognized that the entire pieces of construction paper covered the area quite
nicely because the paper was 12" X 18" which are multiples of 36". The best group
created tiles 6" X 6" and used 36 of them to cover the area. They incorporated many
areas of math to complete this task and I was very excited about the results. During the
closing discussion, every student had a great understanding of how this activity was very
Behaviorally this was the worst activity as I had to continually patrol for improper
behavior. Students were cutting and pasting in every corner of the room and even
overflowed into the hallway. Next time I should try to secure a larger space for the
Today the classroom was very noisy and chaotic, students were working
We were finding methods of creating mirror images from specific base plans.
They constantly needed reinforcement from me or their peers. Then an amazing thing
happened. A usually introverted and shy young man erupted when he successfully found
an alternative method for making the image that had not been identified thus far. This
expectations. This was a true discovery, something that could never be relicated on a
written assessment. Students have so much interest, it becomes fun, and they gain a
emotional experience.
mathematics instruction strategies are time consuming to create and plan. The work
seems to be having the lesson ready to facilitate not the completion or assessment of the
Every experience seems to unfold a new twist. I have gotten to know my students
on such a deeper level. These instruction strategies allow me to be hands on with smaller
numbers of students. Since I spend less time with whole group instruction, I am able to be
among my students more. I now have more time to better meet the needs of my students.
I also engage in more casual conversation with my students, because during this group
time much more than math is discussed. Students are continually making analogies to
express their ideas. They are constantly relating math to topics they normally wouldn't
associate math with. One may think this is unproductive and off task, and sometimes it
may be, but the information I gain and the relationships I build ultimately help me to
improve my instruction and student learning. I see this as being student centered and
being a good thing. I gain greater understanding of who they are and apply that to my
Mean Scores of Survey Items: Pre and Post Survey Results
Pre Post
Students learn best when taking notes during a lesson. 4.2 3.2
I usually teach by writing notes and examples on the board. 4.2 3.4
I have studied math instruction within the last 10 years. 3.2 5.0
The best way to assess learning is through a written test. 3.6 2.8
Assigning many practice problems reinforces the day's lesson. 3.4 3.2
Some students have an aptitude in math and are just better at it. 4.2 3.2
I have studied math instruction within the past 5 years. 3.2 5.0
Range Scores of Survey Items: Pre and Post Survey Results
(Lowest score to highest score identified)
I usually teach by writing notes and examples on the board. 4-5 2-5
The best way to assess learning is through a written test. 3-5 2-4
Some students have an aptitude in math and are just better at it. 2-4 2 -4
Statements of Mathematics Instruction Strategies
Percentage of Change:
Pre/Post Survey
2. Students learn best when taking notes during a lesson. 24% Agree Less
4. I usually teach by writing notes and examples on the board. 19% Agree Less
6. The best way to assess learning is through a written test. 22% Agree Less
10. Students discover math when I teach them. 15% Agree More
Appendix F
Statements of Teacher Attitudes Related to Mathematics
Percentage of Change:
Pre/Post Survey
2. All I learned about teaching math; I learned in college. 24% Agree More
4. I have studied math instruction within the last 10 years. 56% Agree More
6. Some students have an aptitude in math and are just better at it. 24% Agree Less
7. I have studied math instruction within the past 5 years. 56% Agree More
Elementary Education
Rowan University
Glassboro, NJ