Weight Lesson Plans September 11th-September 15th 1

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Unit Focus/Content Area: Weight Training/Auxiliary Lifts

Lesson # 1 of 5

Date of Lesson: September 11th 2023

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives: Upper Body/Push

Psychomotor Objective:Students will be able to execute an upper body workout correctly by

performing 5 different exercises throughout the class period.
National Standard: Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few,
movement forms from a variety of categories
State Standard:PE.912.M.1.16 Apply the principles of training and conditioning to
accommodate individual needs and strengths.

Cognitive Objective: Students will be able to discuss and explain how to perform safe push
exercises to a classmate.
National Standard-Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.
State Standard-PE.912.C.2.25 Analyze and evaluate the risks, safety procedures, rules and
equipment associated with specific course activities.

State Standard- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.

National Standard- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects
self and others in physical-activity settings.
Affective Objective: Students will be able to identify three different ways to celebrate their own
physical accomplishments while also displaying sportsmanship to fellow classmates during class.

Assessment- Psychomotor
● be able to execute an upper body workout correctly by performing 4 different exercises
throughout the class period.
● During Tasks 2-5


● Teacher Observation

● Cognitive

● Be able to discuss and explain how to perform safe push exercises to a classmate.

- During Class Activities ( 2-5)

● Teacher Observation

● Affective

● be able to identify three different ways to celebrate their own physical accomplishments
while also displaying sportsmanship to fellow classmates during class.

● Throughout class activities


● Teacher Observation

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts)

- 11 Barbells
- 2-4 Weight Plates per bar depending on students abilities with certain exercises ( Bench
Press and Shoulder Press)
- Dumbbells (Various Weight)
- Bench Racks
- Benches

]Pre-Class Setup:

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support

- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed with

another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need additional language

support may also need additional instruction and or support from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- We can modify these exercises for students by providing them with smaller weights and

smaller rep counts. These exercises can also be modified by us as teachers assisting the

students by moving their body to enact correct form to prevent any injury or
uncomfortableness. Students with disabilities can be provided with different equipment

variations for the exercises we will be performing. If a student is struggling with chest

and shoulder exercises ( bench press and shoulder press) resistance bands can be set up

for them to either perform the activity or stretch their chest muscles. PVC pipes can also

be implemented as the pipes are very light weight and easy to move.

- Resources: http://www.cpalms.org Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M.


Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/

Instructional Plan
Set Induction- Today's class will focus on the upper body, more specifically push exercises.
Students will go through a warm up then move to a push workout and go through 4 different

Introduction- We will start our class with a quick warm up. We will go through 5 warm up
exercises then we will move onto our upper body exercises. We will go through mainly push
exercises, placing an emphasis on our chest and shoulder muscles.

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 5 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Small Weight Plates (2.5/5)
Description: Students will engage in 4 different full body movements before engaging in their
main lifting exercises. The warmup will be done together as a class.
Warmup 1- Weight Push Outs
Warmup 2- Push Up Position Hold (30 Seconds)
Warmup 3- Arm Circles
Warmup 4- Reverse Arm Circles
Warmup 5- PVC Pushes
E: Performing the stretches/warmup for longer or shorter periods of time.
R: Assisting students with proper form to avoid injury.
A: Applying this warm up activity in future classes/lifts.

Next Task Transition- Now that we have finished our warmup, we will move onto our push

Next Task Transition- The 2nd exercise of the plan will be the incline press.

Task 3: Shoulder Press

Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Dumbbells, Bench, Barbell, Weight Plate, Clip Holders
Description: Students will engage in a shoulder press exercise at their weight rack right after
their bench press. Dip under the bar and place yourself underneath the barbell, picking it up as
you slowly straighten yourself up. If this is done correctly, the barbell should then rest at the top
of your shoulders.Grab the bar with your palms facing upwards, your elbows should point
straight ahead. Make sure that your back is straight to secure proper form. Students will perform
3 sets with 8 reps.

E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, form, stability and control.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body workout plans.

Task 4: Frontal Raises

Time: 7 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Dumbbells, Benches
Description: Hold two dumbbells on both hands and stand at a shoulder-width stance. Keep
your hands down to the side such that your thumb should face forward. This will be your starting
position.Students will then Raise the dumbbell up from one arm until it reaches eye level. You
don’t have to go further up as it will involve more traps. Students will do this 3 times for 12 reps.
E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, form, stability and control.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body workout plans.

Task 5: Dumbbell Pec Flys

Time: 7 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Dumbbells, Benches,
Description: Students will lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell on each hand resting on top
of your thighs. Lift the dumbbells one at a time so you can hold them in front of you at shoulder
width with the palms of your hands facing each other. Lower the dumbbells slowly in an arc-like
motion until you feel a stretch in your chest, then bring the dumbbells back up to the starting

E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, form, stability and control.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body workout plans.

Closing: Everyone did a great job with our push workout today.

Unit Focus/Content Area: Weight Training

Lesson # 2 of 5

Date of Lesson: September 12th 2023

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives: Pull Exercises ( Back and Bi’s)

Psychomotor Objective: Students will be able to complete at least 3 pull exercises correctly
before the class period ends.
State Standard: PE.912.M.1.16 Apply the principles of training and conditioning to
accommodate individual needs and strengths.
National Standard: Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few,
movement forms from a variety of categories

Cognitive Objective: Students will be able to explain how to properly conduct at least 2 pull
exercises before the class period ends.
State Standard- PE.912.C.2.25 Analyze and evaluate the risks, safety procedures, rules and
equipment associated with specific course activities.
National Standard- Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.

State Standard- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.

National Standard- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects
self and others in physical-activity settings.
Affective Objective: Students will be able to identify three different ways to celebrate their own
physical accomplishments while also displaying sportsmanship to fellow classmates during class.

Assessment- Psychomotor
● Be able to complete at least 3 pull exercises correctly before the class period ends.


● During class activity ( through tasks 2-5)


● Teacher Observation

● Cognitive

● be able to explain how to properly conduct at least 2 pull exercises before the class
period ends.

- During class activity ( tasks 2-5)

● Teacher Observation

● Affective

● Celebrating physical accomplishments while displaying sportsmanship


● Throughout class activities.


● Observation

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts)

- Barbells
- Dumbbells
- Weight Plates
- Weight Clips
- Benches
- Weight Racks
- PVC Pipes
- Bands For Lat Pull Downs.

]Pre-Class Setup:

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support
- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed with

another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need additional language

support may also need additional instruction and or support from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- We can modify these exercises for students by providing them with smaller weights and

smaller rep counts. These exercises can also be modified by us as teachers assisting the

students by moving their body to enact correct form to prevent any injury or


Resources: http://www.cpalms.org Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M. (2019).

Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/

Instructional Plan
Set Induction- Today we will do a warmup followed by a pull workout which will focus on the
back mainly.

Introduction-Today’s workout will be focused on pull exercises. We will be placing a heavy

emphasis on our back exercises as we have arms planned for another day. We will go through a
quick warmup then move through our back workout.

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 5 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: No Equipment Needed.
Description: Students will engage in 4 different full body movements before engaging in their
main lifting exercises. The warmup will be done together as a class.
Warmup 1- 15 Good Mornings
Warmup 2- 30 Second Ceiling Touchers.
Warmup 3- 45 Second Sleeper Pose Stretch
Warmup 4- 30 Second Glute Bridges
E: Performing the stretches/warmup for longer or shorter periods of time.
R: Assisting students with proper form to avoid injury.
A: Applying this warm up activity in future classes/lifts.

Next Task Transition- Now that we have finished our warmup, we will move onto our first
exercise ( Bent Over Rows)

Task 2: Bent Over Rows

Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Barbells, Dumbbells, Weight Clips, Weight Plates, Weight Rack.
Description: Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, and knees slightly bent. Hold a
dumbbell in each hand, shoulder-width, with your palms facing each other. Bend over at a 45-
degree angle and take a deep breath in.Pull the dumbbells up, toward the sides of your chest, or
beside the bottom of your rib cage on an exhale. Lift to the point your range of motion allows.
While lifting, keep the wrists from moving as much as possible.Lower the weights in a
controlled manner to the starting position as you inhale

Next Task Transition- The next exercise we will move onto is Banded Lat Pulldowns.

Task 3: Banded Lat Pull Downs

Time: 5 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Weight Rack, Bands.
Description: Banded lat pulldowns involve pulling a resistance band anchored over the head
then down toward the hips. This exercise will be down slowly to receive the full effect of using
the Latissimus dorsi muscles. Students will select a band that best fits their style so trial and error
may be involved. Students will then wrap the band around the pull up bar area on the weight
rack.Students will do this exercise 2 times with 15 reps per set.
E: Changing the band for a lighter or heavier style.
R: Assisting students with directions, control, form and stability.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body/ pull workout plans.

Next Task Transition- The next exercise we will move onto is Underhand Grip Rows

Task 4: Under Hand Bent Over Rows

Time: 10 Minutes.
Materials/Equipment: Barbells, Dumbbells, Weight Clips, Weight Plates, Weight Rack.
Description: Students will perform the same form as the previous row movement except placing
the hands into a different position (underhand).Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, and
knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, shoulder-width, with your palms facing each
other. Bend over at a 45-degree angle and take a deep breath in.Pull the dumbbells up, toward the
sides of your chest, or beside the bottom of your rib cage on an exhale. Lift to the point your
range of motion allows. While lifting, keep the wrists from moving as much as possible.Lower
the weights in a controlled manner to the starting position as you inhale.

Next Task Transition- The next exercise we will move onto is our Banded Single Hand

Task 5: Banded Single Hand Pulls

Time: 8 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Weight Rack, Bands.
Description: Students will take a resistance band and place it through the rack ( like we do when
we do the pull down exercises) Students will then kneel under the band and pull the band behind
each of their sides ( alternating).
E: Changing the band for a lighter or heavier style.
R: Assisting students with directions, control, form and stability.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body/ pull workout plans

Closing: Everyone did a great job with our pull workout today!

Unit Focus/Content Area: Weight Training/Legs

Lesson # 3 of 5

Date of Lesson: September 13th 2023

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives: Lower Body/Legs

Psychomotor Objective: Students will be able to execute a lower body workout by performing
4 different exercises throughout the class period.
State Standard:Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few,
movement forms from a variety of categories
National Standard: PE.912.M.1.16 Apply the principles of training and conditioning to
accommodate individual needs and strengths.

Cognitive Objective: Students will be able to discuss and or explain how to properly execute a
lower body/leg exercise during class.
State Standard-Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.
National Standard- PE.912.C.2.25 Analyze and evaluate the risks, safety procedures, rules and
equipment associated with specific course activities.

Affective Objective: Students will be able to show their sportsmanship attitude during class by
being positive towards other students while they are lifting.
State Standard- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.
National Standard- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects
self and others in physical-activity settings.

Assessment- Psychomotor
● Be able to execute a lower body workout by performing 4 different exercises throughout
the class period.

● During class ( through tasks 2 through 5)


● Teacher Observation

● Cognitive

● Be able to discuss and explain how to perform safe lower body exercises to a classmate
during class.

- During class activity ( throughout lifts 2 through 6).

● Teacher Observation

● Affective

● Demonstrate sportsmanship throughout class by being positive towards classmates during

● Throughout class activities.


● Teacher Observation.

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts)

- 11 Barbells
- 11 Benches
- Weight Plates
- Dumbbells
- Leg Press Machine

Pre-Class Setup:
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support

- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed with

another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need additional language

support may also need additional instruction and or support from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- We can modify these exercises for students by providing them with smaller weights and

smaller rep counts. These exercises can also be modified by us as teachers assisting the

students by moving their body to enact correct form to prevent any injury or


Resources: http://www.cpalms.org Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M. (2019).

Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/

Instructional Plan
Set Induction- Today's lesson will focus on using the lower body. Students will go through a

lower body warmup as well as engaging in 4 different lower body exercises. The main exercise

we will be focusing on is the back squat, which is one of our core lifts.

Introduction- Our lesson today will consist of lower body exercises that place an emphasis on

our glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. You will all try to complete all of these exercises before

class period ends. Everyone needs to engage in performing our core lift ( back squats) as this is

the exercise we will be performing a lot throughout the semester. We will start with our warm up

then I will explain the 4 different exercises you will need to attempt and complete before the

class period ends.

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 5 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: No Equipment Needed.
Description: Students will engage in 4 different full body movements before engaging in their
main lifting exercises. The warmup will be done together as a class.
Warmup 1- Lunges (10 Each Leg, 20 Overall)
Warmup 2- Air Squat (20 Times)
Warmup 3- High Knees ( 45 Seconds)
Warmup 4- Russian Twists (30 Overall)
Warmup 5- Glute Bridges ( 30 seconds)
Warmup 6- Butt Kicks ( 30 seconds)
E: Performing the warmup exercises for longer or shorter periods of time.
R: Assisting students with proper form during the warmup to avoid injury.
A: Applying this warm up activity in future classes/lifts.

Next Task Transition- Now that we have finished our warmup, we will move onto squats.
Task 2: Back Squat
Time: 8-10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Barbell’s, Weight Plates, Clip Holders.
Description: Students will grab a squat rack and set the bar to its appropriate level that fits their
height. Students will then place the bar behind their back (mainly on their upper traps). Students
will then make sure their feet are spread out from each other. While keeping their head forward,
students will bend down and then slowly come back up to the starting position. It is important
that students have spotters during this exercise to avoid any injury. Students will perform this
exercise 3 times for 8 reps per set.
E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, control, form and stability.
A: Applying this exercise to future lower body based workout plans.

Next Task Transition- We will now move onto Bulgarian Split Squats

Task 3: Bulgarian Split Squats

Time: 5 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Dumbbells, Barbells, Weight Plates, Clip Holders.
Description: Students will still be in their starting squat position but for this exercise, students
will place one leg in front of their body and one leg behind them. It is important for the students
knee to not go over their toes, if this is the case then the student needs to extend their back leg
more. Once in proper form, students will squat down to the point where their back knee is almost
touching the floor. Once their back knee gets close to the floor, students will extend back up to
their starting position. Students will perform this exercise 3 times with 10 reps per set.
E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, control, form and stability.
A: Applying this exercise to future lower body based workout plans.

Next Task Transition- We will now move onto the Machine Press.

Task 4: Leg Press Machine

Time: 7 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Leg Press Machine, Weight Plates.
Description: Start by pushing the platform away with your heels and forefoot. Your heels should
remain flat on the footplate. The front of your foot or toes should never be used exclusively to
move the pad forward.While exhaling, extend your legs and keep your head and back flat against
the seat pad. Extend with slow control rather than with an explosive movement.Pause at the top
of the movement. Do not lock out your knees, and ensure that they are not bowing out or
in.While inhaling, return the footplate to the starting position by gradually bending the knees.
Keep the feet and back flat throughout.
E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, control, form and stability.
A: Applying this exercise to future lower body based workout plans.

Next Task Transition- We will move onto our final exercise which is Hip Thrusters.

Task 5: Hip Thrusters.

Time: 7 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Bench, Weight Plates, Clips, Barbell.
Description: Set up with your back against an elevated surface (a bench) with your knees bent
and feet flat on the ground. The bench should hit just below your shoulder blades, and your feet
should be about shoulder-width apart. You can rest your elbows on the bench. Keeping your chin
tucked, push through your heels until your thighs reach parallel to the floor, your legs should
form a 90-degree angle. Squeeze your glutes at the top, then return to start.
E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, control, form and stability.
A: Applying this exercise to future lower body based workout plans.

Closing: Everyone did a great job today with our leg/lower body workout!

Unit Focus/Content Area: Weight Training ( Upper)

Lesson # 4 of 5

Date of Lesson: September 14th 2023

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives: Arms (Bicep/Triceps).

Psychomotor Objective: Students will be able to complete at least 5 arm exercises correctly
before the class period ends.
State Standard: PE.912.M.1.16 Apply the principles of training and conditioning to
accommodate individual needs and strengths.
National Standard: Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few,
movement forms from a variety of categories

Cognitive Objective: Students will be able to explain how to perform at least 2 different arm
exercises before the class period ends.
State Standard- PE.912.C.2.25 Analyze and evaluate the risks, safety procedures, rules and
equipment associated with specific course activities.
National Standard- Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.

State Standard- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.

National Standard- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects
self and others in physical-activity settings.
Affective Objective: Students will be able to identify three different ways to celebrate their own
physical accomplishments while also displaying sportsmanship to fellow classmates during class.

Assessment- Psychomotor
● be able to complete at least 5 arm exercises correctly before the class period ends.

● During class activity ( Tasks 2-6)


● Teacher Observation.

● Cognitive

● be able to explain how to perform at least 2 different arm exercises before the class
period ends.
- Throughout class activity ( Tasks 2-6)

● Teacher Observation

● Affective


● Celebrating physical accomplishments while displaying sportsmanship


● Throughout class activities.


● Observation

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts)

- Dumbbells
- Benches
- Weight Racks

Pre-Class Setup:
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support

- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed with

another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need additional language

support may also need additional instruction and or support from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- We can modify these exercises for students by providing them with smaller weights and

smaller rep counts. These exercises can also be modified by us as teachers assisting the

students by moving their body to enact correct form to prevent any injury or

uncomfortableness. PVC pipes can also be implemented as the pipes are very light weight

and easy to move. Students can also use the PVC pipes for bicep curls as well as other

arm exercises.. Lower weight and lower reps can also be implemented for students with


Resources: http://www.cpalms.org Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M. (2019).

Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/

Instructional Plan
Set Induction-

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 5 Minutes
Description: Students will engage in 4 different full body movements before engaging in their
main lifting exercises. The warmup will be done together as a class.
Warmup 1-
Warmup 2-
Warmup 3-
Warmup 4-

Next Task Transition- Now that we have finished our warmup, we will move onto our first arm
exercise which is bicep curls.

Task 2: Bicep Curls

Time: 7 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Dumbbells, Barbells.
Description: Students will grab 2 dumbbells or a barbell depending on the equipment available.
Once the equipment has been chosen, students will have their hands relaxed to their sides while
still standing tall. While performing the next motion, your upper arms are stable and shoulders
relaxed, bend at the elbow and lift the weights so that the dumbbells approach your shoulders.
Students will then bring the weights back down to the starting position, keeping the weight
controlled throughout each motion. Students will perform this exercise 3 times with 10 reps per
E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, form, stability and control.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body/pull workout plans
Next Task Transition- The next arm exercise we will move onto is our Hammer Curls.

Task 3: Hammer Curls

Time: 5 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Dumbbells.
Description: Stand with the feet about hip-width apart and make sure that students are standing
in a stable position. Keep a good posture, and brace the core during the entire movement to avoid
your body starting swinging back and forward. Hold the dumbbells with a firm grip, with your
palms facing your thighs. Avoid twisting the wrists or changing the grip during the curl. Curl up
the dumbbells, and make sure that the elbows are close to your body the entire time. Students
will do this 3 times with 8 reps per set.
E:Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, control, form and stability.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body workout plans.

Next Task Transition- The next exercise we will move onto is our Close Grip Bicep Curls.

Task 4: Close Grip Curls.

Time: 5 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Dumbbells, Barbells.
Description: Students will grab 2 dumbbells or a barbell depending on the equipment available.
Once the equipment has been chosen, students will have their hands relaxed to their sides while
still standing tall. While performing the next motion, your upper arms are stable and shoulders
relaxed, bend at the elbow and lift the weights so that the dumbbells approach your shoulders.
Students will then bring the weights back down to the starting position, keeping the weight
controlled throughout each motion. Students will hold the weights close to their chest when
coming up during this curl alternative. Students will perform this exercise 3 times with 10 reps
per arm.
E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, form, stability and control.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body/pull workout plans.

Next Task Transition- The next exercise we will be moving onto is Dumbbell Kickbacks.

Task 5: Dumbbell Kickbacks.

Time: 7 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Dumbbells, Benches.
Description: Hold a dumbbell in each hand and your palms facing your torso.Keeping your back
straight with a slight bend in the knees and your torso parallel to the floor.Keeping your upper
arms stationary, exhaling and using your triceps to lift the weights until the arm is fully extended
behind you.Pausing briefly and then inhaling and lowering the weights back to the starting
position. Students will perform this exercise 2 times with 12 reps each arm.
E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, form, stability and control.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body/pull workout plans

Next Task Transition-

Task 6: Skull Crushers

Time: 7 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Benches, Dumbbells or Barbells
Description: Sit on the bench with the barbell on your lap.

Grasp the barbell with a shoulder-width grip, palms facing down, while keeping your wrists
straight. Lie on your back as you bring the weight up to a position over your collarbone.Keeping
your shoulders stable, slowly bend your elbows, bringing the weight down to just past your head.
Keep your elbows pointing straight ahead as you lower the weight. Hold for 1–2 seconds. Then
straighten your elbows, pushing the weight back to an overhead position. Keep your humerus
bone fixed in space throughout the movement. Students perform 3 sets of 8–12

E: Increasing/Decreasing the amount of reps/weight.
R: Assisting students with directions, form, stability and control.
A: Implementing this exercise into future upper body/pull workout plans

Closing: Everyone did a great job with our arm workout today !
Unit Focus/Content Area: Weight Training ( Full Body)
Lesson # 5 of 5

Date of Lesson: September 15th 2023

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives: Core ( Ab Exercises)

Psychomotor Objective:Students will be able to complete at least 8 different abdominal

exercises before the class period ends.
State Standard: PE.912.M.1.16 Apply the principles of training and conditioning to
accommodate individual needs and strengths.
National Standard: Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few,
movement forms from a variety of categories

Cognitive Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate/explain how to properly conduct

different abdominal exercises before the class period ends.
State Standard- PE.912.C.2.25 Analyze and evaluate the risks, safety procedures, rules and
equipment associated with specific course activities.
National Standard- Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.

State Standard- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.

National Standard- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects
self and others in physical-activity settings.
Affective Objective: Students will be able to identify three different ways to celebrate their own
physical accomplishments while also displaying sportsmanship to fellow classmates during class.

Assessment- Psychomotor
● be able to complete at least 8 different abdominal exercises before the class period ends.
● Throughout the class period


● Teacher Observation

● Cognitive

● be able to demonstrate/explain how to properly conduct different abdominal exercises
before the class period ends.

- Throughout class activity

● Teacher Observation

● Affective


● Celebrating physical accomplishments while displaying sportsmanship


● Throughout class activities.


● Observation

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts)

- Weight Plates
- Mats
]Pre-Class Setup:

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support

- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed with

another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need additional language

support may also need additional instruction and or support from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- We can modify these exercises for students by providing them with smaller weights and

smaller rep counts. These exercises can also be modified by us as teachers assisting the

students by moving their body to enact correct form to prevent any injury or


Resources: http://www.cpalms.org Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M. (2019).

Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/

Instructional Plan
Set Induction- Today's lift will focus on abdominal work. We will begin with a warm up then
move onto the abdominal exercises.

Introduction-Today's class will be focused on our abdominals. We will be performing a 40/20

circuit. We will have 40 seconds working and then 20 seconds resting. We will be performing 12
different ab exercises that we will be listed below.

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 5 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: No Equipment needed.
Description: Students will engage in 4 different full body movements before engaging in their
main lifting exercises. The warmup will be done together as a class.
Warmup 1- 12 Frankenstein's Each Leg
Warmup 2- 10 Full Body Squat To Jump
Warmup 3- 15 PVC Pipes Good Mornings
Warmup 4- 30 Second Butterflies
E: Performing the stretches/warmup for longer or shorter periods of time.
R: Assisting students with proper form to avoid injury.
A: Applying this warm up activity in future classes/lifts.

Next Task Transition- Now that we have finished our workout, we will move onto our
abdominal workout circuit.

Task 2: 40/20 Abdominal Workout.

Time: 15 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Mats, Weight Plates
Description:Students will do 12 different ab exercises together. Students will get 40 seconds of
each exercise then 20 seconds off. The ab exercises will be listed below. I will demonstrate each
ab exercise during the break for the students.
1. Russian Twists

2. Crunches

3. Plank
4. Heel Tappers

5. In/Outs

6. Toe Touchers

7. Alternating Arm/Leg Plank

8. Elbow Crunches

9. Flutter Kicks

10. Push Up Burpees

11. High Knee Planks

12. Sit- Ups

E: Performing the stretches/warmup for longer or shorter periods of time.
R: Assisting students with proper form to avoid injury.
A: Applying this warm up activity in future classes/lifts.

Closing: Everyone did a great job with our abdominal workout today!

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