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Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy

Vol.4 (2016) no.4, pp. 571-589;

ISSN 2392-8042 (online) © Faculty of Management (SNSPA)

Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a

Post-Socialist Market Context: the Case of Hungary

University of Kassel
1 Moenchebergstr St., Kassel, 34125, Germany
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University of Kassel
1 Moenchebergstr St., Kassel, 34125, Germany
[email protected]

University of Kassel
1 Moenchebergstr St., Kassel, 34125, Germany
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University of Kassel
1 Moenchebergstr St., Kassel, 34125, Germany
[email protected]

University of Kassel
1 Moenchebergstr St., Kassel, 34125, Germany
[email protected]

Abstract. Entrepreneurial orientation provoked the interest of numerous scholars as

well as political and administrative decision-makers. Both start-ups and already
established corporate entities are increasingly persecuting new opportunities,
products, and business models in order to establish superiority above their
competitive environment. The tendencies evince an optimist impact of
entrepreneurial orientation on business performance, namely on financial
performance. Beyond the aforementioned relationship, there are impulses such as
environmental and organizational factors, which are affecting the businesses. The
results of this study provide evidence of the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on
business performance in a post-socialist context. We test the impact of three
moderators on this bivariate relationship. In contrast to the substantial body of
literature for Western markets, we contribute to minimizing the considerable gap of
research in post-socialist economies. Entrepreneurial orientation as an
organizational behavior may affect the financial performance of businesses
differently in distinct market contexts. Both, internal and external factors are crucial
to identifying, analyze and monitor, to achieve superior performance and to overcome
competitors. This study builds upon a stratified sampling survey of Hungarian
company owners and managers from the Amadeus database. The study uses a
572 | David KOVACS, Taylan ÜRKMEZ, Dominik BROCKHAUS, Ralf WAGNER, Katrin
Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context:
the Case of Hungary
deductive approach. For the analysis, we rely on structural equation modeling using
the PLS algorithm. Our study contributes to the existing literature by means of
confirming the entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance relationship for
Hungary. In this context, we test the moderating effects of environmental dynamism,
environmental hostility as environmental factors and firm age as an organizational
factor. Environmental hostility is closely related to an unfavorable environment,
deriving from rapid and radical changes in the industry, which are typical for post-
soviet economies. In such dynamic environment, destructive innovations of the
industrial actors appear more often as the economy switches to an open competition,
capitalist market. The results confirm that the internal and external factors have no
significant influence on the entrepreneurial orientation to financial performance
direct relationship.

Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, environmental dynamism, environmental

hostility, financial performance, firm age, post-socialist economy.


Entrepreneurship is essential to improve wealth and the economic welfare

(Covin & Slevin, 1986; Zulauf et al., 2015). A substantial body of
Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) literature provides evidence that firms
engaged with entrepreneurial guidance outperform their more conservative
competitors (Anderson, Kreisen, Kuratko, Hornsby, & Eshima, 2015).

Schumpeter’s gale of creative destruction commits entrepreneurs to explicit

ongoing phenomena in our global economy. The change makers with higher
EO distinguish themselves by a higher likelihood of grasping new
opportunities, products, and business models. A new entry in the market
incorporates any innovative action undertaken by an individual, strategic
business unit or on a corporate level (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996). Those actions
are responsible for the constant changes and distortions of existing market
segments and open up new opportunities. EO redounds upon new entries
and venture boldness in domestic and cross-national contexts (Schuster,
Falkenreck & Wagner, 2015), where innovativeness and risk-taking
represent the core of that action. Some scholars (i.e. Knight, 1997; Thomas
& Mueller, 2000; Rauch, Wiklund, Lumpkin & Frese, 2009) indicate that
dimensions of EO–independently from its dimensionality–may vary across
countries, thus through cultures. Consolidating the results of previous
research, we assume that an innovative ad-hoc managerial decision within a
hostile and turbulent business environment might attract stakeholder’s
approval in a country where uncertainty avoidance is low, such as Sweden,
while in Japan it may be punished and perceived as an absolute un-
respectful and negative action.
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Vol.4 (2016) no.4, pp.571-589;

Our main contribution is evaluating the impact of moderating context

effects on the relationship of EO and financial performance (FP) in Hungary.
The remainder of the study is structured as follows. First, we provide an
overview of the relevant literature of entrepreneurial orientation in
transition economies. The following section describes the research
hypotheses development. The third section consists of the study design and
data description. Section four demonstrates the effects of entrepreneurial
orientation on firm performance. The final section concludes.

Entrepreneurial orientation in transition economies

Entrepreneurial firms are organizations operating with an entrepreneurial

perspective at the strategic decision-making level in which specific
organizational behavior patterns are presented. Moreover, those particular
patterns occur on all levels, they stand for the philosophy, strategic
orientation and followed management practice on top management level
(Covin & Slevin, 1991).

Simultaneous development progress permanently replaces existing models

and processes with “new entries”, seeking for the perfect design and a more
profitable outcome, making destructive and simultaneous innovativeness
closely related to entrepreneurship. A “new entry” incorporates any
innovative action undertaken by an individual, strategic business unit (SBU)
or on a corporate level (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996). A closely related construct
- but on the individual level – is Entrepreneurial Alertness (EA). EA is
defined as a perceptual and cognitive processing skillset that embraces a
magnified, direct opportunity identification action on the level of
entrepreneurs (Gaglio & Katz, 2001). Alert individuals are not only capable
of identifying and spotting new entries but also contextualizing in order to
harness and exploit them into a venture-creating process (Kirzner, 1979). It
is central for entrepreneurship to act upon a freshly identified opportunity
and overturn that hanging possibility into a meaningful action (Alvarez &
Barney, 2007; Zahra, 2008). Precedent literature has placed EA as a prior
cognitive mindset towards strategic entrepreneurial orientation (Chaston &
Sadler-Smith, 2012; Lumpkin & Dess, 2001; Valliere, 2013; Webb et al.,

Measuring EO on a strategic and conceptual firm level, as the measurement

unit, helps to diagnose a more holistic and stable relationship between EO
and organization performance on a macro-level (Covin & Slevin, 1991). In
this study, EO construct is defined alike Miller’s model (1983), where it has
three distinct dimensions as innovativeness, risk-taking, and proactiveness.
574 | David KOVACS, Taylan ÜRKMEZ, Dominik BROCKHAUS, Ralf WAGNER, Katrin
Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context:
the Case of Hungary
Furthermore, regards to its psychometric characteristics we follow a
reflective indicator (unidimensional measure) over a formative indicator
(multidimensional) approach as Miller (1983), Covin and Slevin (1989) and
Wiklund and Shepherd (2005). “In general, theorists would not call a firm
entrepreneurial if it changed its technology or product-line ('innovated'
according to our terminology) simply by directly imitating competitors
while refusing to take any risk. Some proactiveness would be essential as
well. By the same token, risk-taking firms that are highly leveraged
financially are not necessarily entrepreneurial. They must also engage in
product market or technological innovation” (Miller, 1983, p.780).

Precedent literature has argued (e.g., Covin & Slevin, 1989, 1991) that if
competitive aggressiveness and proactiveness are distinct, independent
concepts suggesting that proactive organizations compete with competitors
on the market. Organizational autonomy is often hallmarked by a two-step
process involving a project definition undertaken by one or several
organizational members or teams, and a project impetus carried out by
individuals or “champions” who sustain the autonomous effort (Lumpkin &
Dess, 1996). A Higher magnitude of autonomy inside the top-management
definitely foster innovativeness and risk-taking, but this measure may lead
to misunderstanding of the concept since autonomy on the firm level should
analyze all levels of the organization. Innovations, for example, can come
from the research and development (R&D) department or a new marketing
campaign might boost the selling volume from the marketing department.
Our research study places business organizations as entities under the
spotlight, thus we adopt Miller’s (1983) three-dimension, unidimensional
strategic posture. In addition, “more recently, the three initial dimensions
appeared to be the ones with the higher validity” (Kreiser, Marino &
Weaver, 2002, p.76). Therefore, autonomy and aggressiveness are excluded
from the unidimensional measure of EO.

A comprehensive literature review on EO leads to the result that post-

socialist, transforming economies attracted significantly less attention from
scholars and researchers in the past. There is an abundance of empirical
evidence on EO in developed economies and mature markets, such as the
United States, while other large-scale markets as Eastern Europe, have
remained unexplored (Frank, Kessler & Fink, 2010). Ha-Brookshire (2009)
noted entrepreneurs “to play a significant role in firms’ competitiveness,
revitalization, and superior performance” not just in developed economies,
but also in transitional economies (p.131). In this vein, Marcotte (2011,
p.194) argues that “the comparative assessment of individual and
organizational entrepreneurial activity may be more revealing than the
country rankings based solely on venture creation or business ownership.
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Vol.4 (2016) no.4, pp.571-589;

These rankings have been notably used to monitor or predict the economic
performance of countries.” Analysts, policymakers and occasionally
researchers have the tendency and willingness to make entrepreneurial
intensity equal to economic growth, as for example the Commission of the
European Communities (2004).

In their comparative study of strategic orientation’s impact on business

growth, Laukkanen, Nagy, Hirvonen, Reijonen, and Pasanen (2013)
challenge the differences between Finland and Hungary. They focus on the
effect of earning orientation, EO, market orientation, and brand orientation
on business performance in an SME context. Complementing evidence,
Danis and Shipilov (2002) highlights entrepreneurial development in the
context of post-socialist economies comparing Hungary and Ukraine. The
aforementioned and other studies slightly have elaborated the field of
entrepreneurship; however, investigating the EO–performance relationship
only in Hungary is still not addressed by any previous research.

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Kelley, Singer &

Herrington, 2015), entrepreneurial activity in Hungary is lower than the
economic level would indicate. The study shows high standards of
entrepreneurial intention, which may serve as a catalyzer for
entrepreneurship and corresponding economic activities. On the other
hand, Slevin and Terjesen (2011) found that there are differences in
entrepreneurship perception favorability of country populations,
distinguishing between highly favorable (e.g., Ireland and the United States)
and less favorable (e.g., Hungary and Japan). Hungary’s post-social,
transitional market and the drawn up contradictions among studies reveal
that further research is needed in order to understand these markets more
deeply, and how the turbulent environment affects the entrepreneurial

Contextualization, constructs and research hypotheses

Adapting the contingency theory approach of Khandwalla (1977) and

Venkatraman (1989) we consider the contextual impact on the relationship
of EO and FP to be moderating variables. Figure 1 depicts the conceptual
model of this study that builds upon prior work of Lumpkin and Dess
576 | David KOVACS, Taylan ÜRKMEZ, Dominik BROCKHAUS, Ralf WAGNER, Katrin
Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context:
the Case of Hungary


Entrepreneurial Financial
Orientation Performance


Figure 1. Contextualization of the EO – FP relationship (modified from Lumpkin

& Dess, 1996)

EO as a variable is divided into three predictors – innovativeness, risk-

taking, and proactiveness – according to Miller’s model (1983) composing a
unidimensional variable. Thus, we do not treat the three indicators as
separate variables, but as a conceptual entity. Two indicators, namely
profitability and growth, capture the FP variable. Indeed, according to its
psychometric characteristics. Nonetheless, due to the predictor duo, the
construct identifies two dimensions, which are crucial to capturing a more
depth understanding of financial performance (Murphy, Trailer & Hill,
1996). We adopt the scales for profitability from Venkatraman and
Ramanujam (1986). These include ‘return on corporate investment’ and
‘return on investment relative to competitors’; however we applied only the
latter to avoid a posteriori item removal due to an overlapping nature.

The moderator variables are divided into two main groups: organizational
or internal factors, and environmental or external factors (Lumpkin & Dess,
1996). In this study we consider one organizational factor; firm age (FA),
and two environmental one; namely environmental hostility (EH) and
environmental dynamism (ED).

“How the environment affects the organization depends on two crucial

factors: the kind and quality of environmental information reaching
decision makers and the interpretation and use of the information by them.
How the information is interpreted and used depends in turn on the goal
and attitudes of the decision makers” (Khandwalla, 1977, p.331).
Environmental hostility implies an unfavorable environment for business
organizations. EH is assessed by four items – safety level of the external
environment, investment opportunities, dominative nature of the business
environment, and the threatening degree of competitors’ actions. The
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Vol.4 (2016) no.4, pp.571-589;

wordings are adapted from Khandwalla (1977), with a minor modification

readjusted from Miller’s (1987) hostility scale.

The strategic management literature, especially organization theory is

immensely involved and deals with environmental dynamism and points
out that the lack of economic pattern, unpredictable turnover are the
superior measures of “environmental stability-instability” (Dess & Beard,
1984). Organizations acting in a dynamic environment are more willing to
establish further clusters and segments inside their own industry branch
due to the survival-driven nature of the business surrounding. Four items
capture the ED in which the firms operate. The first addresses the external
environment from decreased growth opportunities to increment in those
opportunities. The second item scales the environment properties from
diminution of product/service technology to increment of those. The third
item challenges the environment on a scale starting from a high rate of
innovation of processes and products/services to the low rate of those. The
fourth item assesses the R&D rate from high to low in the firm’s principal
industry. All four indicators are adapted from Miller’s (1987)
environmental dynamism scale.

If we draw a chronological axis representing aging of a firm, structural

modifications empirically never are linearly growing or changing. Starbucks
(1965) discusses what he mentions as “metamorphosis models,” which
views growth not as a “smooth continuous process” but as a “market by
abrupt and discreet changes” in organization conditions and structures (p.
486). By the lapse of time, the organization experiences changes, but not in
a linear chronological flow, but rather in an infrequent random changing
behavior. However, investigating the start and end point of the drawn-up
time axis, on a theoretical ground the change in size, structure should be

These indicators build a complex conceptual framework, where all the

exogenous variables and their influence can be acknowledged on the
endogenous financial performance outlined in Figure 2.
578 | David KOVACS, Taylan ÜRKMEZ, Dominik BROCKHAUS, Ralf WAGNER, Katrin
Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context:
the Case of Hungary

Figure 2. Conceptual Model

The conceptual framework embraces only one direct causal relationship

from EO to FP (H1). The impact of the other exogenous constructs is
assumed to moderate this causal relationship (H2-H4). Our hypotheses
follow the Bourgeois’ (1980) strategic management literature distinction
between content and process of entrepreneurship. In the early stages,
entrepreneurship was adequate with “going into business” and “what kind
of business shall we launch?” Alongside with the field development of
strategic management, emphasis reallocated to entrepreneurial processes
embracing risk-taking, experimenting with existing and future technologies
and adopting propensity to seize new opportunities (Bourgeois, 1980;
Lumpkin & Dess, 1996). The distinctive point between the two concepts is
hidden in the decoupling of “what” from “how” (Miller, 2011).
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Vol.4 (2016) no.4, pp.571-589;

Consequently, we define EO aligned to Miller’s (1983) and Covin and

Slevin’s (1991) standpoint as a marriage of firm level “entrepreneurial
behavior and managerial inclination at the strategic decision-making level,
favoring actions with uncertain outcome” (Anderson et al., 2015).

Entrepreneurship and EO studied for various reasons, but the primary

purpose of all studies is the major overriding perspective on the topic,
which is the broad belief that “entrepreneurial activity stimulates general
economic development as well as the economic performance of individual
firms” (Covin & Slevin, 1991, p.9). Accordingly, any micro or macro level of
entrepreneurial orientation, especially if it is observed as a firm behavior,
would be neglectful to leave behind or subordinate the construct of
performance as a measure (Covin & Slevin, 1991). Performance
improvement is the heart of strategic management and “conceptual
arguments suggest that EO leads to higher performance” (Rauch et al., 2009,

H1: Firms with higher EO have a better financial performance than the ones
with lower EO.

Contingency theory holds the same ground, wherein a “congruence fit”

among key variables positively impact the outcome. Introducing
moderators into bivariate relationship reduces the possible research
failures and leads to an advanced result and understanding of the
interrelationship (Rauch et al., 2009). In a “dynamic environments where
demand constantly shifts, opportunities become abundant, performance
should be highest for those firms that have an orientation for pursuing new
opportunities because they have a good fit between their strategic
orientation and the environment” (Wiklund & Shepherd, 2005, p.77).

H2a: Dynamic environment has a positive moderating effect on the

entrepreneurial orientation - financial performance relationship.
H2b: Static environment has a negative moderating effect on the
entrepreneurial orientation - financial performance relationship.

The hostile environment contains less opportunity due to its saturated

nature and more active competition (Covin & Slevin, 1989). Successful firms
operating in such circumstances should provide something new for
consumers and incorporate some newborn aspects of corporate
management in order to stand out from the crowd. To achieve the aforesaid
egression, firms should have reasonable resources to re-invest in
innovations and proactivity that, – in the case of additional success – may be
further reinvested as a cycle. Covin and Slevin (1989) state “successful firms
580 | David KOVACS, Taylan ÜRKMEZ, Dominik BROCKHAUS, Ralf WAGNER, Katrin
Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context:
the Case of Hungary
in hostile environments will gear their competitive efforts to prevailing
conditions by aggressively trying to gain or maintain a competitive
advantage” (p.77).

H3a: Hostile environment has a positive moderating effect on the

entrepreneurial orientation - financial performance relationship.

In a benign environment, business organizations are faced with much less

intense circumstances, a greater level of munificence and rationally they are
not forced towards pulling uncertain steps and resource-consuming
endeavors (Covin & Slevin, 1989). “Thus, while an entrepreneurial posture
may just as easily result in a sustainable competitive advantage in a benign
environment as in a hostile environment, such a posture may not be
essential for superior performance, and could possibly represent an
unwarranted risk” (p.77) and might backlash the firm engaging with EO
(Covin & Slevin, 1989).

H3b: Benign environment has a negative moderating effect on the

entrepreneurial orientation - financial performance relationship.

Usually, studies use firm age and size as a control variable, but in our case,
we want to investigate if firm age has any implication on the EO –
performance relationship. On a generalized scale and in favorable
conditions a firm grows with time in size and revenue. As Mintzberg (1979)
states, organizations grow “more or less continuously, but its structure is
changed only in discrete steps” (p.232). Litterer (1973) characterized the
transition from an informal organization to the one supervised and
coordinated by managers, followed by a more developed hierarchical
managerial structure. These create a strong theoretical ground, supporting
the idea that by the lapse of time the organization ages with the growth of
size and becomes more mature and formal in structure and working

Following the concept, alongside with the employee number increase the
upper management’s direct impact on the organizational entrepreneurial
set might decrease accordingly. Since the top of the corporate hierarchy
makes the prime decisions, we hypothesize that with the growth of
corporate size, the EO of the firm will decrease in parallel.

H4a: Higher firm age has a negative moderating effect on entrepreneurial

orientation financial - performance relationship.
H4b: Lower firm age has a positive moderating effect on entrepreneurial
orientation financial performance relationship.
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy|581
Vol.4 (2016) no.4, pp.571-589;

Table 1. Research Hypotheses

Hypothesis Hypothesis
analysis Textual formulation
number dimension(s)
Firms with higher EO have a
H1 EO Linear better performance than the ones
with lower EO.
The dynamic environment has a
positive moderating effect on the
H2a Moderated
entrepreneurial orientation -
performance relationship.
The static environment has a
negative moderating effect on the
H2b Moderated
entrepreneurial orientation -
performance relationship.
The hostile environment has a
positive moderating effect on the
H3a Moderated
entrepreneurial orientation -
performance relationship.
The benign environment has a
negative moderating effect on the
H3b Moderated
entrepreneurial orientation -
performance relationship.
Higher firm age has a negative
moderating effect on
H4a Moderated
entrepreneurial orientation -
performance relationship.
Lower firm age has a positive
moderating effect on
H4b Moderated
entrepreneurial orientation -
performance relationship.

All research hypotheses are in line with prior research (Zahra & Covin,
1995; Wiklund & Shepherd, 2005; Ha-Brookshire, 2009; Rauch et al., 2009;
Miller, 2011; Anderson et al., 2015). In case the H 1 will be rejected, the
model would not fit the data. If H 1 is supported by the data, this model
provides us with the suited foundation for testing the contextual
hypotheses H2-H4 of moderating effects of EO in the Hungarian economy.
Table 1 gives an overview of the research hypotheses.

Study design and data description

EO as a strategic behavior is measured on the organizational level, therefore

from just one answer per company is required to represent the
organization. To investigate EO of a business through top management is a
582 | David KOVACS, Taylan ÜRKMEZ, Dominik BROCKHAUS, Ralf WAGNER, Katrin
Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context:
the Case of Hungary
typical and accepted approach (Covin & Slevin, 1989). Literature suggests
that subjective measures of performance can reflect objective measures
accurately, thus enhancing validity and reliability (Dess & Robinson, 1984;
Venkatraman & Ramanujam, 1986). Primarily owners and C-level managers
are targeted with the survey; however, the reachability of those people
might be cumbersome. Therefore, upper- and middle manager layers were
involved in the sample target to ensure a wider attainability and in order to
maintain enough responses.

A self-administrated online questionnaire covering 26 questions facilitates

the data gathering of this study. Pretesting feedback of 20 respondents
supports an open-and-shut completion procedure. Our stratified sampling
builds upon the population of all Hungarian companies independently from
their size, revenue or any measurable features. We spread the link to our
online questionnaire among all Hungarian SMEs listed in the Amadeus
database. Company size by means of a number of employees (assessed by
means of full-time equivalents) serves as the control variable of the study in
order to create the stratified sample. We used the distinction between
micro enterprises (fewer than 10 persons employed), small enterprises (10
to 49 persons employed), and medium-sized enterprises (50 to 249 persons
employed). We successfully invited 58 respondents. The majority
(approximately 57%) were C-level managers. 31% of the answers came
from upper managers, while approximately 12% of middle managers.
Almost 88% of the responses come from the top or upper managers
providing high reliability of the answers.

Medium-sized companies with 41 (70.7%) in number dominate the sample.

Small (22.4%) and micro (6.9%) companies are the tails of the distribution
matching the distribution of company size of the population of the basic
database. The most frequent mentioned industries are agriculture,
machinery engineering, wholesale & retail, food & beverage and IT.

We use Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to assess the internal reliability (Hair et

al., 2014). Table 2 shows that the internal consistency of the scales meets
the minimum required threshold of .7.

Table 2. Internal consistency reliability

Name of the Variable Number of Items Cronbach’s Alpha
Entrepreneurial Orientation
9 .855
Financial Performance (FP) 6 .855
Environmental Hostility (EH) 4 .813
Environmental Dynamism (ED) 4 .719
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy|583
Vol.4 (2016) no.4, pp.571-589;


Using Smart PLS 3 (Ringle, Wende & Becker, 2015) for analysis, the results
show that EO has a positive effect on the financial performance of an
organization. Please see the appendix for the structural model (Figure 3) as
well as the Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (Table 4). Distinct regression
analyses revealed that EO explains 23.5% of the variance of the financial
performance of organizations (β = .485, t-value = 4.56). With a p-value of
<.001 H1 is accepted.

Regarding hypothesis two to four, no significant moderating effects are

found. The moderate regression analysis reveals a correlation between the
relation of ED and EO. However, the analysis indicates that the used
interaction term is neither significant nor has a relevant beta coefficient.
Significant moderation effect of EH on the linear model of EO-FP cannot be
observed. Lastly, the hypothesized moderating effect of the firm’s age on the
relationship of EO to FP could not be validated. Given this, we conclude that
the aforementioned hypotheses (H 2-H4) must be rejected. The following
Table 3 gives an overview of the hypothesis test results.

Table 3. Summary of the hypotheses evaluation

Regression Hypothesis
Hypothesis Hypothesis
analysis Textual formulation accepted /
number dimension(s)
type rejected
Firms with higher EO have a
H1 EO, FP Linear better performance than the ACCEPTED
ones with lower EO.
The dynamic environment
has a positive moderating
H2a effect on the entrepreneurial
orientation - performance
The static environment has
a negative moderating effect
H2b on the entrepreneurial
orientation - performance
The hostile environment has
a positive moderating effect
H3a on the entrepreneurial
orientation - performance
The benign environment has
H3b a negative moderating effect
on the entrepreneurial
584 | David KOVACS, Taylan ÜRKMEZ, Dominik BROCKHAUS, Ralf WAGNER, Katrin
Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context:
the Case of Hungary
orientation - performance
Higher firm age has a
negative moderating effect
H4a on entrepreneurial
orientation - performance
Lower firm age has a
positive moderating effect
H4b on entrepreneurial
orientation - performance

Surprisingly, environmental factors do not influence the relationship of EO

and FP. In the following section, we contextualize reasons for the specific
case of Hungary.


The major contributions of this paper are first, testing the relationship of EO
to FP in a post-soviet economy. Behavior patterns in post-soviet transition
economies substantially depart from westernized strategic management.
EO has become one of the main topics in strategic entrepreneurship
research (Anderson et al., 2015).

Second, we adapt established processes in contingency theory and relate

the financial performance to both causal EO facets as well as the business
environment by means of EH and ED. The latter might carry risks, but at the
same time may provide opportunities for development and growth.
Hypotheses of this study are anchored around contingency theory due to
the adaptation provoking nature of EO.

Third, we investigate EO as a strategic orientation on a business level and

test how that organizational behavior affects the financial performance.
This allows the measurement unit to determine EO as a macro-level
phenomenon and to deliver a more stable relationship with financial
performance (Covin & Slevin, 1991). In this study, EO covers as a
unidimensional construct composed of risk-taking, innovativeness, and pro-
activeness excluding aggressiveness and autonomy. The preeminent
interest in entrepreneurship research derives from the global belief that it
has a stimulating impact on the development of the economy and
organizational entities. Business performance provides the real test of any
strategic pattern a firm might employ, independently if the chronological
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy|585
Vol.4 (2016) no.4, pp.571-589;

interval of the research is longitudinal or short-term. Literature suggests

that there is a positive effect on FP coming from EO as a firm-level behavior.
However, dissimilar contextual factors are critical to take into
consideration. H1 is supported by the Hungarian data. Consequently, we
confirm the expectation that EO serves as a catalyst for the financial
performance of organizations in a post-socialist context. This finding
complements prior Western strategic management knowledge (Covin &
Slevin, 1991; Wiklund & Shepherd, 2005), and pushes out the contextual
reference. This extends the universal body of this type of studies.

However, this conceptual model might be too simple, and would be easily
obtainable by organizations, thus the argument of Lumpkin and Dess
(1996) is taken into account. They argue that the impact of EO on
performance is context specific and therefore the model should consider
different factors originating from the inside or outside. The dynamic nature
of external and internal factors forces an unpredictable change in a
turbulent environment, which most of the time undermines the
entrepreneurs’ ability to envision the future (Lumpkin & Dess, 2001;
Khandwalla, 1977). As a second assessment of the external environment,
hostility is the counterpart of munificence and measures the degree of
competition intensity and scarcity (Lumpkin & Dess, 2001; Zahra & Covin,
1995). Notably, all hypotheses connected with ED or EH – H2a, H2b, H3a
and H3b – are rejected. The denial is surprising considering the
development of the Hungarian economy in the past decades. Although,
Hungary has transformed from a centrally operated communist economy to
a free capitalist market, the development does not have a moderating effect
on the EO-FP relationship. Further research is necessary in order to
document further changes and the turning point of this development.

Fourth, to the best of the authors´ knowledge, firm age with its effect on the
EO-FP relationship has never been studied as an internal factor of
organizations before. However, the linear structure of firm age is arguable.
“An organization grows more or less continuously, but its structure is
changed only in discrete steps” as stated by Mintzberg (1979, p.232).
Therefore, the investigation of FA and its moderating effect fulfills an
unexplored gap inside strategic entrepreneurship research, and in addition
it opens up new discussions such as its inclusion with other moderators or
variables. Despite of the circumscribed theoretical background the fact of
rejection of H4a and H4b might derive from two distinct or parallel causes.
In Hungary, the general company structural change is differently related to
time development on an imagined chronological axis, or the prescribed
structure-firm age relationship is not significant enough. The two might
reinforce each other and output a strengthened negative influence.
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Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context:
the Case of Hungary


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Figure 3. Structural model

Table 4. Summary of the Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio

Entrepreneurial Environmental Environmental Financial
Orientation Dynamism Hostility Performance
Environmental 0.667
Environmental 0.260 0.213
Financial 0.451 0.555 0.186
Firm age 0.300 0.178 00.58 0.151

Received November 26, 2016

Accepted December 21, 2016

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