Nayo ISA Symbology

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ISA Symbology

Submitted by:

Nayo, Kian Jay M.


Submitted to:

Engr. Diosdado Doctor

I. Symbol

Symbol Identification Function

Compressor is a device that Used in many applications,
increases the pressure of a most of which involve
substance (usually a gas) increasing the pressure
by reducing the volume of inside a gas storage
the substance. container, such as:
Compression of gases in
petroleum refineries and
chemical plants.
Pressure Switch is a Widely used for a large
form of switch that range of applications
operates an electrical throughout industry and
contact when a certain manufacturing. Their
set fluid pressure has function is to provide
been reached on its systems with electrical
input. feedback in response to
measuring a rise or fall in
Temperature Indicator Tag Are used in many electrical
number 1 and 10 is a appliances, from our
device or smart label that refrigerators and freezers to
shows the accumulated help regulate and maintain
time- temperature history cold temperatures as well
of a product. as within stoves and ovens
to ensure that they heat to
the required levels for
air confectioners/heaters.
Pressure indicator an Instrumentation used for
instrument for self-contained, low
measuring and recording pressure measurement.
pressure changes in Pressure indicators are
pneumatic automatic ideal for applications such
devices and in the as room monitoring,
cylinders of piston HVAC and
engines. testing pump performance or
pneumatic controls and
Condenser is a device that Device for reducing a gas or
functions to condense vapour to a liquid.
steam which converts the Condensers are employed
turbine to be used as in power plants to condense
water for the next cycle. exhaust steam from turbines
and in refrigeration plants
to condense refrigerant
Fan is to push air As an outcome, these
downward while creating blades can push air either
a downward raft and up towards the fan or
making the room feel downwards towards floor.
Receiver separates the It is a device that converts
message signal from the electromagnetic signals into
carrier signal. It sound, light or electrical
reconstructs actual signal signals.
using output transducers.
Heat exchangers are used Heat exhanger is a
to transfer heat from one processing unit in which
medium to another. These steam is used to heat up
media may be a gas, liquid, a liquid material.
or a combination of both.

Flowmeter is a device Is a meter designed to

used to measure the flow measure the flow rate of a
rate or quantity of a gas fluid (or gas) within a
or liquid in a pipe. cylindrical chamber without
a differential pressure
directly across the rotating
member, and without the
of any bearing.
Manual Valve are those Are primarily used to stop
valves that operate and start the flow (block or
through a manual operator on-off valves), although
(such as handwheel or some designs can be used
handlever). for basic manual throttling.
Manual valves are
primarily used to stop and
start the flow (block or
on- off valves), although
designs can be used for
basic manual throttling.
Sight glasses are Processing plant operators
transparent industrial use sight glasses to: Verify
glass that are used for the production stages of a
observing levels of liquids process visually. Inspect
or gases inside of a pipe, media or fluids for
tank, or changes
boiler. in color or consistency.
A filter-drier in a Filter driers are usually
refrigeration or air installed in the liquid line of
conditioning system has a dry-expansion refrigeration
two essential functions: system, where they have a
one, to adsorb system dual function.
contaminants, such as

water, which can create

acids, and two, to
provide physical
Solenoid valve Solenoid valves are used
function involves either in fluid power pneumatic
opening or closing an hydraulic systems, to control
orifice in a valve body, cylinders, fluid power
which either allows or motors or larger industrial
prevents flow through the valves.

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