5.#hiradec - CWP

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TITLE Maintenance of CW pump & Auxiliaries NORMAL - ROUTINE / NON-ROUTINE ACTIVITIES

VER. NO : 02 REV. NO : 03 PAGE 1 OF 1 Date:29/08/2021

Hazard Identification Existing Risk Assessment Residual Risk Assessment

No. of Persons exposed


Refer SOP/WI
Risk Score= S*P

Risk Score= S*P

Proposed controls (Elimination,
Hazard No.


Risk level

Risk level
Existing Existing S/
ALLY BC Subsitution, Engg, Sign/Admin &
Activity Hazard Potential Control NS


harm Measures

Platform/scaffolding to be ensured with

lifeline installed , height pass to be
WPS, AWS, insured, supervision to be maintained,
Fall from Injury to E/C Adeq Adequ
5.1 TRG, EGC, 3 3 3 9 NS area to be barricaded, lifeline to be 2 3 6
height body parts uate ate
ATC, PPE installed if required. If required ladder
to be provided & ensure ladder
Motor checksheet .

All tools & tackles should be tied

Fall of Injury to E/C Adeq properly, use proper PPEs, supervision to Adequ
5.2 TRG, ATC, 3 3 3 9 NS 2 3 6
object body parts uate be ensured all times, ground level ate
guarding, ensure toe guard.
Platform/scaffolding to be ensured with
lifeline installed, supervison to be
maintained at all times, safety belt to be
Fall of man WPS, AWS, used, All tools & tackles should be tied
Injury to E/C Subst Adequ
5.3 and material TRG, ATC, 3 4 3 12 S properly, certified tools & tackles to be 3 3 9
body parts antial ate
PPE only used.Quarterly color coding to be
updated before putting the lifting
Scafollding tools,tackles & check healthy condition
Installaion all liffting tools & tackles.

Installaion Ensure confined space register, stand-by

person & confined pass, confined space
Working in WPS, AWS, work permit, ensure blower/ air
Injury to E/C Subst Adequ
5.4 Confined TRG, ATC, 3 4 3 12 S pipeline,ensure proper oxygen (19.5- 3 3 9
body parts antial ate
space PPE 23.5) & co level, ensure 24V DC bulb
supply. Gas test to be done in each shift

Dismantling of WPS, AWS, cut resistant gloves to be worn which are

Cut with Injury to E/C Adeq Adequ
Pump internal 5.5 TRG, ATC, 3 2 4 8 NS in good condition, tool box talk to be 2 3 6
sharp object body parts uate ate
parts PPE followed, supervision to be maintained

Ensure confined space register, stand-by

person & confined pass, confined space
Dismantling of Working in WPS, AWS, work permit, ensure blower/ air
Injury to E/C Subst Adequ
Pump internal 5.6 Confined TRG, ATC, 3 4 3 12 S piepline,ensure proper oxygen (19.5- 3 3 9
body parts antial ate
parts space PPE 23.5) & co level, ensure 24V DC bulb
supply. Gas test to be done in each shift

Platform/scaffolding to be ensured with

lifeline installed , height pass to be
Dismantling of WPS, AWS, insured, supervision to be maintained,
Fall from Injury to E/C Adeq Adequ
Pump internal 5.7 TRG, EGC, 3 3 3 9 NS area to be barricaded, lifeline to be 2 3 6
height body parts uate ate
parts ATC, PPE installed if required. If required ladder
to be provided & ensure ladder
checksheet .

All tools & tackles should be tied

Dismantling of WPS, AWS,
Fall of Injury to E/C Subst properly, use proper PPEs, supervision to Adequ
Pump internal 5.8 TRG, ATC, 3 4 3 12 S 2 3 6
object body parts antial be ensured all times, ground level ate
parts PPE
guarding, ensure toe guard.

Test certificate by third party to be

fall of injury on E/C EGC, Subst Adequ
5.9 3 4 3 12 S ensured of hoist, quarterly color coding 3 3 9
casing body parts AWS,TRG antial ate
must be present on the hoist hook

Loading &
Shifting of
pump internals
by a Hydra &
Loading &
Shifting of Vehicle fitness test certificate must be
pump internals present at site, valid driving license to be
by a Hydra & ensured, materials inside tipper must
Tipper have their weights less than the carrying
5.1 tipper E/C EGC, Subst capacity of the tipper.Operator must Adequ
body 3 5 2 10 S 3 3 9
0 toppling AWS,TRG antial have good knowledge of hydra /tipper ate
operation.Operator should be aware of
the road safety signs. Speed limit as per
plant require should be followed the

Platform/scaffolding to be ensured with

lifeline installed, supervison to be
Fall of man WPS, AWS, maintained at all times, safety belt to be
5.1 Injury to E/C Adeq Adequ
and material TRG, ATC, 3 4 2 8 NS used, All tools & tackles should be tied 3 3 9
1 body parts uate ate
PPE properly, certified tools & tackles to be
only used. If required ladder to be
Alumina grit provided & ensure ladder checksheet.

WPS, AWS, cut resistant gloves to be worn which are

5.1 Cut with Injury to E/C Adeq Adequ
TRG, ATC, 3 2 4 8 NS in good condition, tool box talk to be 2 3 6
2 sharp object body parts uate ate
PPE followed, supervision to be maintained.

All tools & tackles should be tied
5.1 Fall of Injury to E/C Adeq properly, use proper PPEs, supervision to Adequ
Epoxy coating TRG, ATC, 3 3 3 9 NS 2 3 6
3 object body parts uate be ensured all times, ground level ate
guarding, ensure toe guard.

Installation of All tools & tackles should be tied

Bearings and 5.1 Fall of Injury to E/C properly, use proper PPEs, supervision to Adequ
TRG, EGC, 3 3 3 9 Subst NS 3 3 9
Internal coating 4 object body parts be ensured all times, ground level ate
ATC, PPE antial
of the Parts guarding, ensure toe guard.

WPS, AWS, cut resistant gloves to be worn which are

5.1 Cut with Injury to E/C Adeq Adequ
TRG, ATC, 3 2 4 8 NS in good condition, tool box talk to be 2 3 6
5 sharp object body parts uate ate
PPE followed, supervision to be maintained
Assembly of
Pump internal
Assembly of
Pump internal
Ensure confined space register, stand-by
person & confined pass, confined space
Working in WPS, AWS, work permit, ensure blower/ air
5.1 Injury to E/C Subst Adequ
Confined TRG, ATC, 3 4 3 12 S piepline,ensure proper oxygen (19.5- 3 3 9
6 body parts antial ate
space PPE 23.5) & co level, ensure 24V DC bulb
supply. Gas test to be done in each shift

Platform/scaffolding to be ensured with

lifeline installed , height pass to be
WPS, AWS, insured, supervision to be maintained,
5.1 Fall from Injury to E/C Adeq Adequ
TRG, EGC, 3 3 3 9 NS area to be barricaded, lifeline to be 3 3 9
7 height body parts uate ate
ATC, PPE installed if required. If required ladder
to be provided & ensure ladder
Assembly of
checksheet .
Pump internal

All tools & tackles should be tied

5.1 Fall of Injury to E/C Adeq properly, use proper PPEs, supervision to Adequ
TRG, ATC, 3 3 3 9 NS 3 3 9
8 object body parts uate be ensured all times, ground level ate
guarding, ensure toe guard

All tools & tackles should be tied

Travel water Fall of
5.1 Body E/C WPS,AWS,P Adeq properly, use proper PPEs, supervision to Adequ
scrren object and 3 2 4 8 NS 2 3 6
9 Injury PE uate be ensured all times, ground level ate
maintenance tools
guarding, ensure toe guard

Platform/scaffolding to be ensured with

lifeline installed , height pass to be
Hand & insured, supervision to be maintained,
5.2 Fall from E/C WPS,AWS,P Adeq Adequ
body 3 2 4 8 NS area to be barricaded, lifeline to be 2 3 6
0 Height PE uate ate
injury installed if required. If required ladder
to be provided & ensure ladder
Travel water
checksheet .
Entangleme Coupling guards to be installed after
5.2 nt with E/C Subst work completion, Area to be isolated and Adequ
body EGC,PPE 3 4 3 12 S 2 3 6
1 rotating antial baricaded, supervsion to be maintained, ate
parts ensure proper PPEs

All tools & tackles should be tied

Gland Fall of
5.2 Body E/C WPS,AWS,P Adeq properly, use proper PPEs, supervision to Adequ
removing/ object and 3 2 4 8 NS 3 3 9
2 Injury PE uate be ensured all times, ground level ate
installing tools
guarding, ensure toe guard
Platform/scaffolding to be ensured with
lifeline installed , height pass to be
Hand &
5.2 Fall from E/C WPS,AWS,P Adeq insured, supervision to be maintained, Adequ
body 3 2 4 8 NS 2 3 6
3 Height PE uate area to be barricaded, lifeline to be ate
installed .If required ladder to be
provided & ensure ladder checksheet .

Before start of work valid certificate of

third party to be ensured, no visual
5.2 lifting slings E/C Subst damages must be present on the wire Adequ
body EGC,PPE 3 4 3 12 S 3 3 9
4 broken antial sling, weight of the lifted material must ate
Gland be less than the carrying capacity of the

removing/ sling

contact with
cut resistant gloves to be worn which are
5.2 sharp injury to E/C WPS,AWS,P Adequ
3 2 4 8Adequate NS in good condition, tool box talk to be 2 3 6
5 edges / body parts PE ate
followed, supervision to be maintained

5.2 Awkward Body E/C Adeq Ensure TBT, supervisior to be present at Adequ
EGC,PPE 2 2 4 8 NS 2 3 6
6 access Injury uate site, proper access to be ensured ate

contact with
cut resistant gloves to be worn which are
5.2 sharp injury to E/C WPS,AWS,P Adeq Adequ
OIL FILLING 3 2 4 8 NS in good condition, tool box talk to be 2 3 6
7 edges / body parts PE uate ate
followed, supervision to be maintained

Engulfment proper lifeline will be provided from

while outside ; high level supervision must be
5.2 E/C WPS,AWS,P Subst Adequ
working Hand injury 3 5 2 10 S there.Use of safety harness.If required 3 3 9
8 PE antial ate
inside the ladder to be provided & checksheet to be
sump ensured.

Supervision to be maintained, ensure

CT Basin anchor proper tools & tackkles, use trolly if
Gate/CW required, chain block to be propely
5.2 Hitting by WPS,AWS,P Adequ
Culvert Gate Injury to body partsE/C 3 3 3 9Adequate NS anchored if necessary, ensure proper 3 3 9
9 object PE ate
fixing and PPEs, color coding & proper test
removal certificates to be ensured, CT cell door to
be temporary closed.
Culvert Gate
fixing and

Sliping of
hand tools All tools & tackles should be tied
5.3 WPS,AWS,P Adequ
of & body injuryE/C
and fallHand 3 2 4 8Adequate NS properly, use proper PPEs, supervision 2 3 6
0 PE ate
object and required

All tools & tackles should be tied

Fall of Hand &
5.3 E/C WPS,AWS,P Adeq properly, use proper PPEs, supervision to Adequ
object and body 3 2 4 8 NS 2 3 6
1 PE uate be ensured all times, ground level ate
tools injury
guarding, ensure toe guard
CT Basin anchor
Culvert Gate
Supervision to be maintained, ensure
fixing and
proper tools & tackles, use trolly if
Manual Hand & required, chain block to be propely
5.3 WPS,AWS,P Adeq Adequ

material body E/C 3 2 4 8 NS anchored if necessary, ensure proper 2 3 6
2 PE uate ate
handling injury PPEs, color coding & proper test
certificates to be ensured, CT cell door to
be temporary closed
Vehicle fitness test certificate must be
present at site, valid driving license to be
ensured, materials inside hydra must have
their weights less than the carrying
5.3 hydra E/C WPS.AWS, Subst capacity of the hydra.Operator must Adequ
body 3 5 3 15 S 3 3 9
3 toppling ATC antial have good knowledge of hydra /crane ate
CT Basin anchor operation.Operator should be aware of
Gate/CW the road safety signs. Speed limit as per
Culvert Gate plant require should be followed the
fixing and operator.
removal Before start of work valid certificate of
third party to be ensured, no visual
5.3 lifting sling fall of E/C WPS.AWS, Subst damages must be present on the wire Adequ
3 4 3 12 S 3 3 9
4 broken objects EGC antial sling, weight of the lifted material must ate
be less than the carrying capacity of the

Note: S= Severity, P= Probability, BC=Business concern

Prepared by : Reviewed by : Approved by :

Name: Name: Name:



Amendment History:

Sl No Revision Date Revised byReviewed Approved byAmendment


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