Ultimate GCSE Higher Question Booklet

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GCSE Higher
Question Booklet

Revision Video Answers

Page 1
Adding Fractions…………………… 5 Ratios and Equations………………… 26
Multiplying Fractions………………. 5 Direct Proportion……………………… 26
Dividing Fractions………………….. 6 Inverse Proportion……………………. 27
Reciprocals…………………………. 6 Proportion Graphs…………………… 27
Arithmetic with Decimals………….. 7 Proportion - Time……………………. 27
Fractions, Decimals, Percentages.. 8 Rounding (High/Low)……………….. 28
Recurring Decimals………………… 8, 9 Error Intervals………………………… 28
Significant Figures…………………. 9 Upper/Lower Bounds……………….. 28
Use of a Calculator…………………..9 Applying Bounds…………………….. 29
Estimation…………………………… 9 Surds………………………………….. 30, 31
Best Buys…………………………… 10 Rationalising Denominators………… 31
Currency…………………………….. 10 Product Rule for Counting………….. 32
Conversion Graphs………………… 11 Angles in Polygons………………….. 33
Indices………………………………. 12 Angles - Parallel Lines………………. 34
Laws of Indices……………………. 12 Bearings………………………………. 34, 35
Negative Indices…………………… 13 Back Bearings………………………… 35
Fractional Indices…………………. 13, 14 Constructions…………………………. 36
LCM………………………………… 14 Loci…………………………………….. 37
HCF………………………………… 14 Views and Elevations………………… 38
Product of Primes………………… 15 Speed, Distance, Time………………. 39
Applying Product of Primes……… 15, 16 Distance-Time Graphs………………. 40
Product of Primes (LCM/HCF)…… 16 Density………………………………… 41
Standard Form…………………….. 17, 18 Pressure………………………………. 41
Expressing as a Percentage……… 19 Population Density…………………… 42
Percentage of Amounts…………… 19, 20 Parts of a Circle……………………… 42
Percentage Change……………….. 21 Circumference……………………….. 43
Simple Interest…………………….. 21 Perimeter of a Semi-Circle…………. 43
Multipliers………………………….. 22 Arc Length……………………………. 43
Compound Interest……………….. 22 Area of a Trapezium…………………. 44
Growth and Decay………………… 23 Area of Compound Shapes………… 44
Finance……………………………… 23 Area of a Circle………………………. 45
Reverse Percentages……………… 23 Area of a Semi-Circle……………….. 45
Simplifying Ratios………………….. 23 Area of a Sector……………………… 46
Ratio 1:n ……………………………. 24 Volume of a Prism…………………… 46
Forming Ratio………………………. 24 Volume of a Cylinder………………… 47
Ratios and Fractions………………. 24 In terms of Pi…………………………. 47
Sharing in a Ratio………………….. 25 Volume of a Cone……………………. 48
Ratio: One Quantity……………….. 25 Volume of a Pyramid………………… 48
Given Two Ratios………………….. 25 Volume of a Sphere………………….. 49

Page 2
Volume of a Frustum…………………. 49 Linear Equations……………………….. 74
Composite Solids…………………….. 50 Forming Equations…………………….. 74
Surface Area………………………….. 50 Solving Quadratics…………………….. 75
Surface Area of a Cylinder………….. 51 Quadratic Equations…………………… 75
Surface Area of a Cone……………… 51 Quadratic Formula…………………….. 76
Surface Area of a Sphere……………. 52 Completing the Square……………….. 77
Units (Area/Volume)…………………… 52 Changing the Subject…………………. 77, 78
Imperial Units…………………………. 52 Algebraic Fractions……………………. 78 - 80
Pythagoras…………………………….. 53 Identities………………………………… 80
Trigonometry…………………………… 54 Drawing Linear Graphs……………….. 81
Exact Trig Values……………………… 55 Midpoint of a Line……………………… 82
3D Trigonometry………………………. 55 Coordinates and Ratio………………… 82
3D Pythagoras………………………… 56 Length of a Line………………………… 83
Sine Rule………………………………. 57 Gradient…………………………………. 83
Ambiguous Case……………………… 58 Equation of a Line……………………… 84, 85
Cosine Rule……………………………. 58, 59 Parallel Lines……………………………. 86
Area of a Triangle……………………… 59 Perpendicular Lines……………………. 86
Area of a Segment……………………. 60 Real-Life Graphs……………………….. 87
Translations……………………………. 60 Simultaneous Equations………………. 87, 88
Rotations………………………………. 61 Graphical Solutions……………………. 89
Reflections…………………………….. 61 Non-Linear Simultaneous Eqns………. 90
Enlargements………………………….. 62 Equation of a Circle……………………. 90
Negative Scale Factors………………. 62 Equation of a Tangent…………………. 91
Invariant Points……………………….. 63 Rates of Change……………………….. 92
Similar Shapes………………………… 63 Area under a Graph……………………. 93
Congruent Triangles………………….. 64 Composite Functions………………….. 94
Similar Shapes (Area/Volume)………. 64, 65 Inverse Functions………………………. 95
Circle Theorems………………………. 65 - 67 Drawing Quadratic Graphs……………. 96
Geometric Proof………………………. 68 Solving Quadratics Graphically………. 97
Column Vectors………………………. 68 Sketching Quadratics…………………. 97
Vectors………………………………… 69 Intersection Points…………………….. 97
Collecting Like Terms………………… 70 Quadratics - Graphical Solutions…….. 98
Substitution……………………………. 70 Quadratics: Completing the Square…. 99
Laws of Indices……………………….. 71 Reciprocal Graphs…………………….. 100
Expanding a Single Bracket…………. 71 Cubic Graphs…………………………… 101
Expanding Two Brackets…………….. 72 Exponential Graphs……………………. 102
Expanding Three Brackets…………… 72 Transforming Graphs………………….. 103
Factorisation…………………………… 72 Iteration…………………………………. 104
Factorising Quadratics……………….. 73 Trig Graphs……………………………… 105
Difference Between 2 Squares……… 74 Solving Inequalities……………………. 105

Page 3
Inequalities on a Number Line…….. 106
Graphical Inequalities………………. 107
Quadratic Inequalities………………. 108
Triangular Numbers…………………. 109
Fibonacci…………………………….. 109
nth Term……………………………… 109, 110
Arithmetic Progressions…………… 110
Geometric Progressions…………… 110
Quadratic nth Term………………… 111
Algebraic Proof…………………….. 111
Frequency Trees…………………… 111
Two-Way Tables……………………. 112
Composite Bar Charts…………….. 112
Pie Charts…………………………… 113
Scatter Graphs……………………… 114
Frequency Polygons……………….. 115
Mode from Frequency Tables…….. 115
Mean from Frequency Tables……… 116
Median from Frequency Tables……. 116
Combined Mean…………………….. 117
Estimated Mean…………………….. 117
Modal Class………………………….. 118
Class containing the Median………. 118
Median from Grouped Data……….. 119
Stem and Leaf………………………. 119
Quartiles……………………………… 120
Cumulative Frequency……………… 121 - 123
Box Plots…………………………….. 123
Histograms…………………………… 124 - 126
Probability……………………………. 127
Not Happening………………………. 127
Expectation………………………….. 127
Relative Frequency………………….. 128
Tree Diagrams……………………….. 129
Independent Events…………………. 130
Conditional Probability………………. 130
Venn Diagrams……………………….. 131, 132
Capture Recapture…………………… 133
Samples………………………………. 133

Page 4
Adding & Subtracting Fractions - Video 133

5 1
1. Work out +
8 3

7 3
2. Work out −
15 10

1 2
3. Work out 5 + 1
4 5


Multiplying Fractions - Video 142

1 2
4. Work out ×
2 3

3 2
5. Work out ×1
8 5

Page 5
Dividing Fractions - Video 134

3 9
6. Work out ÷
4 10


Reciprocals - Video 145

7. Write down the reciprocal of 20


8. Write down the reciprocal of


9. Write down the reciprocal of


10. Write down the reciprocal of 7


Page 6
Arithmetic with Decimals - Videos 90, 91, 92, 93, 94

11. Work out 6.15 + 2.497

12. Work out 7.3 − 2.542

13. Work out 0.9 x 0.012

14. Work out 74.58 ÷ 5


15. Work out 14.6 ÷ 0.02

Page 7
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages - Videos 129, 130

16. Fill in the missing values

Recurring Decimals - Video 96a

17. Circle the two fractions below that are recurring when converted to decimals.

4 2 1 7 3
5 3 10 9 8

Recurring Decimals - Video 96

18. Use algebra to write 0.38 as a fraction.

Page 8
19. Use algebra to write 0.127 as a fraction.


Rounding - Video 279a

20. Round 294720 to 3 significant figures


21. Round 0.45218 to 2 significant figures


Use of a Calculator - Video 352

22. Calculate the value of
0.83 − cos(27∘)


Estimation - Video 215

49.1 × 40.4
23. Estimate the value of
9.05 − 5.1


Page 9
Best Buys - Video 210

24. A shop sells the same type of highlighter in two different packs.
Pack A has 6 highlighters and costs £3.50
Pack B has 9 highlighters and costs £5.30

Which pack is better value for money?


Exchange Rates - Video 214a

25. Orla went to Spain.

She changed £425 into euros (€).

The exchange rate was £1 = €1.16

Change £425 into euros.


26. On her return to Belfast, Orla changed €80 into pounds (£).

The new exchange rate was £1 = €1.25

Change €80 into pounds.

Page 10
Conversion Graphs - Videos 151, 152

27. Complete the table below

Draw a conversion graph for converting between pounds and rupees.

Page 11
Indices - Video 172

28. Work out 24


29. Calculate 94


30. Write 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 in index form


Laws of Indices - Video 174

31. Write 23 × 25 in the form 2n


32. Write 510 ÷ 52 as a single power of 5


33. Write (106) in the form 10 n


Page 12
Negative Indices - Video 175

34. Work out 5−2


35. Work out 10−3


36. Work out


Fractional Indices - Video 173

37. Work out 9 2


38. Work out 1000− 3


Page 13
39. Work out 27 3


40. Work out 32− 5


LCM/HCF - Videos 218, 219

41. Find the lowest common multiple of 12 and 15


42. Find the highest common factor of 18 and 45


Page 14
Product of Primes - Video 223
43. Write 20 as a product of primes.
Give your answer in index form.


44. Write 48 as a product of primes.

Give your answer in index form.


45. When a number is written as a product of primes, the answer is 22 × 32 × 5

What was the number?


Applying Product of Primes - Video 223a

46. A number, y, written as a product of primes is 5 × 72

Write the number 14y as a product of primes.


Page 15
47. Given that 120 = 23 × 3 × 5
Find the lowest whole number that 120 would need to be multiplied by to give a
cube number.


Product of Primes - LCM/HCF - Video 224

48. Find the HCF and LCM of 48 and 60

HCF = …………………………………………

LCM = …………………………………………
Page 16
Standard Form - Videos 300, 301, 302, 303

49. Write 700000 in standard form


50. Write 28000 in standard form


51. Write 0.094 in standard form

52. Write 1.7 × 104 as an ordinary number


53. Write 9.2 × 10−3 as an ordinary number.


Page 17
54. Write 450 × 105 in standard form.


55. Work out (3.8 × 105) + (1.9 × 106)


56. Work out (6 × 103) × (4 × 105)

Give your answer in standard form.


57. Work out (4 × 109) ÷ (5 × 10−2)

Give your answer in standard form.


Page 18
Expressing as a Percentage - Video 237

58. Josie scored 19 out of 20 in a test.

Write Josie’s result as a percentage.


59. There are 29 students in a class.

6 of the students are left handed.

What percentage of the class are left handed?

Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


Percentages of Amounts (Non-Calculator) - Video 234

60. Work out 50% of 18


61. Work out 10% of 350


Page 19
62. Work out 25% of 32


63. Decrease 90 by 30%


64. Work out 175% of 60


Percentages of Amounts (Calculator) - Video 235

65. Work out 3% of 2800


66. Work out 34% of 700


Page 20
Percentage Change - Video 233

67. Eoin bought an antique for €35

He sold the antique for €49

Work out the percentage profit


68. Last year, a football team sold 800 season ticket

This year, the team sold 745 season tickets

Calculate the percentage decrease.


Simple Interest - Video 236a

69. Niamh invests £500 for 2 years at 3% simple interest.

Work out how much interest Niamh earns at the end of the 2 years.


Page 21
Multipliers - Video 239

70. Increase 120 by 10%


71. Decrease 60 by 25%


Compound Interest - Video 236

72. Fiona leaves £1600 in the bank for three years.

It earns compound interest of 4% each year.

Calculate the total amount Fiona has in the bank at the end of the three years.


Page 22
Growth and Decay/Finance - Video 236

73. The value of a motorcycle was £14000 on 1st April 2020.

Every three months the value of the motorcycle decreases by 2% of its value at
the start of that three months.

What was the value of the motorcycle on 1st April 2022?


Reverse Percentages - Video 240

74. The price of a chair is reduced by 20% in a sale.

The sale price of the chair is £20.80

What is the normal price of the chair?


75. A limited edition bag of sugar contains 35% more than a standard bag.
The limited edition bag contains 702g of sugar.

How much sugar is in the standard bag?


Simplifying Ratio - Video 269

76. Simplify the ratio 84 : 126


Page 23
Ratio: 1:n or n:1 - Video 271c

There are 180 red pens and 40 black pens in a box.

77. Write down the ratio of red pens to black pens in the box.
Give your answer in the form n : 1


Forming Ratio - Video 271c

In a bag, there are red, yellow and blue sweets.

There are twice as many red sweets as yellow sweets.
There are three times as many blue sweets as red sweets.

78. Write down the ratio of the number of red sweets : yellow sweets : blue sweets


Ratio & Fractions - Video 269a

The ratio of red to white counters in a bag is 3:5

79. What fraction of the counters are red?


80. What percentage of the counters are white?


81. Mark says that there are 72 counters in the bag.

Could Mark be correct?


Page 24
Sharing in a Ratio - Video 270

82. The ratio of adults to children on a flight is 17:3

There are 160 people altogether on the flight.

How many children are on the flight?


Given One Quantity - Video 271

83. The ratio of the size of angle A to angle B is 4:9

Angle B is 72°

Find the size of angle A.


Given Two Ratios - Video 271a

84. Given that a : b = 2 : 3 and b : c = 5 : 1

Find a : b : c


Page 25
Ratios and Equations - Video 271a

85. y : x = 5 : 1
Write an equation linking x and y.


86. x : y = 2 : 5

Write an equation linking x and y.


87. y = 3x
Write the ratio x : y


Direct Proportion - Video 254

H is directly proportional to the cube of c.
When H = 40, c = 2.

88. Express H in terms of c.


89. Find the value of H when c = 5

Page 26
Inverse Proportion - Video 255

q is inversely proportional to the square of t.

When q = 7.5, t = 1.6

90. Calculate the value of q when t = 8


91. Calculate the value of t when q = 1.875


Proportion Graphs - Video 254

92. Sketch the graph of y is directly proportional to x².

Proportion: Time - Video 255c

It takes 5 builders, 8 days to build a wall.

93. How long would it take 2 builders?


94. State an assumption that you have made in working out your answer.


Page 27
Rounding (Highest/Lowest) - Video 280

There are 6300 jelly beans in a jar to the nearest hundred.

95. Write down the lowest possible number of jelly beans in the jar.


96. Write down the greatest possible number of jelly beans in the jar.


Error Intervals - Video 377

97. Jessica rounds a number, y, to the nearest hundred.

Her result is 2800.

Write down the error interval for y.


Upper/Lower Bounds - Video 183

98. A rectangular rugby pitch has a width of 74m, measured to the nearest metre.
The length of the pitch is 115m, measured to the nearest 5 metres.

Calculate the upper bound for the perimeter.

Page 28
Applying Bounds - Video 184

99. Felix has 8kg of sugar, correct to the nearest 100g.

Each cake he makes use 300g of sugar, correct to the nearest 10g.

What is the minimum amount of sugar that Felix could have left after making 6


100. Sophie estimated that the distance between Glengormley and Newcastle is about
40 miles and that her average driving speed would be 60 mph.

She estimated the distance to the nearest 10 miles and the speed to the
nearest 10 mph.

Calculate the upper bound of the time the journey should take.
Give your answer to the nearest minute.


Page 29
Surds - Videos 305, 306, 307, 308

101. Work out 10 × 3


102. Work out 5× 20


103. Work out 2 3×3 5


104. Work out ( 5)4


105. Work out


Page 30
106. Simplify 63


107. Work out 90 + 1000


108. Expand and simplify (2 + 3)(4 − 3)


Rationalising Denominators - Video 307

109. Rationalise the denominator


4+ 5
110. Rationalise the denominator
3− 2


Page 31
Product Rule for Counting - Video 383

At Corbett’s Cafe there are

7 starters
16 main dishes
11 desserts

A meal voucher allows a customer to pick one starter, one main dish and
one dessert for £10

111. How many different ways are there to choose a meal?


Three of the starters and four of the main dishes contain fish.
A different customer uses their meal voucher but they do not like fish.

112. How many different meal combinations can they choose?


Page 32
Angles (polygons) - Video 32

113. Find the size of angle x.


114. Work out the sum of the interior angles for 18 sided polygon.


115. The sum of the interior angles in a polygon is 3960°

Work out the number of sides the polygon has.

………………………………………… sides

116. Calculate the size of each interior angle in a regular polygon with 40 sides.

117. Calculate the size of each exterior angle in a regular polygon with 45 sides.

Page 33
Angles in Parallel Lines - Video 25

118. Find the sizes of angles x and y.

x = …………………………………………° y = …………………………………………°

Bearings - Video 26

119. Write down the three figure bearing of Newry from Armagh


Page 34
120. Write down the three figure bearing of Omagh from Cookstown


Back Bearings - Video 27a

121. The bearing of town A from town B is 140°

What is the bearing of town B from town A?

Page 35
Constructions - Videos 78, 72, 79

122. Use ruler and compasses to construct the perpendicular bisector of AB.
You must show clearly all your construction arcs.

Page 36
Loci - Videos 75 to 77

123. A farm is closer to Newtown than to Redville.

It is less 6 miles away from the Airport.

Shade the region on the map where the farm could be.

Page 37
Views and Elevations - Video 354

124. Shown below is a solid shape made from 6 centimetre cubes.

On the centimetre square grid, draw the front elevation.

On the centimetre square grid, draw the plan view.

Page 38
Speed, Distance, Time - Video 299

125. A car travels 300 miles in 5 hours 40 minutes.

Work out the average speed of the car.
Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


126. Richard runs at a speed of 8m/s for 25 seconds.

How far does Richard run?


127. Paige drives 90 miles at a speed of 60mph.

How long does the journey take?


Page 39
Distance-Time Graphs - Video 171

A train travels from Milton to Redville, stops for 30 minutes and then travels
to Leek.

128. How far is Redville from Milton?


129. How long did it take the train to travel from Redville to Leek?


130. Work out the average speed of the train for the journey from Milton to Redville


Page 40
Density - Video 384

131. A piece of aluminium has a mass of 575.4g and a volume of 210cm³

Calculate the density of the aluminium


132. A statue has a volume of 120cm³ and is made from zinc with a density of

Calculate the mass of the statue


Pressure - Video 385

133. A cube with side length 8cm is placed on a table.

The cube exerts a force of 400N on the table.

Work out the pressure on the table in Newtons/cm²


Page 41
Population Density - Video 384a

134. A town has a population density of 184 per km²

The town covers an area of 72km²

Work out the population of the town.


Parts of a Circle - Video 61


Page 42
Circumference - Video 60
136. Calculate the circumference of this circle.
Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


Perimeter of a Semi-Circle - Video 243

137. Calculate the perimeter of this semi-circle


Arc Length - Video 58

138. Find the perimeter of this sector.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place.

Page 43
Area of a Trapezium - Video 48

139. Calculate the area of the trapezium


Area of Compound Shapes - Video 41

140. Calculate the area of this compound shape.


Page 44
Area of a Circle - Video 59

141. Calculate the area of this circle.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


Area of a Semi-Circle - Video 47

142. Calculate the area of this semi-circle


Page 45
Area of a Sector - Video 46

143. Find the area of this sector.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


Volume of a Prism - Video 356

144. Calculate the volume of the triangular prism.


Page 46
Volume of a Cylinder - Video 357

145. Calculate the volume of the cylinder.


In terms of Pi - Video x

146. Calculate the volume of the cylinder.

Give your answer in terms of π


Page 47
Volume of a Cone - Video 359

147. Calculate the volume of the cone.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


Volume of a Pyramid - Video 360

148. Work out the volume of the pyramid.


Page 48
Volume of a Sphere - Video 361

149. Calculate the volume of the sphere.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


Volume of a Frustum - Video 360a

150. Find the volume of the frustum below.


Page 49
Composite Solids - Video 360

151. A solid glass paperweight is shown below.

The density of the glass used is 2.5g/cm³
Work out the mass of the paperweight.


Surface Area - Video 310

152. Work out the surface area of this cuboid.


Page 50
Surface Area of a Cylinder - Video 315

153. Calculate the surface area of the cylinder.

Give your answer to 2 decimal places.


Surface Area of a Cone - Video 314

154. Calculate the surface area of the cone.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


Page 51
Surface Area of a Sphere - Video 313

155. Calculate the surface area of the sphere.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place.


Converting Units for Area/Volume - Videos 350, 351

156. Write 7m² in cm²


157. Write 19000000cm³ in m³


Imperial Units - Videos 349a, 349b, 349c

158. Given that 5 miles = 8 kilometres, convert 25 miles in kilometres

Page 52
Pythagoras - Video 257

159. Find x.
Give your answer to 2 decimal places.


160. Find x.
Give your answer to 2 decimal places.


Page 53
Trigonometry - Videos 329, 330, 331

161. Find x


162. Find x


163. Find x

Page 54
Exact Trig Values - Videos 329, 330, 331

164. Write down the value of cos90°


3D Trigonometry - Video 332

165. Shown below is cube ABCDEFGH.

Work out the size of angle CEG


Page 55
3D Pythagoras - Video 259

166. Work out the length of BC


167. Work out the length of BF


Page 56
Sine Rule - Videos 333, 334

168. Find the size of x.


169. Find the size of θ.


Page 57
Ambiguous Case - Videos 333, 334

170. The triangle below has two possible value of θ

Find the size of these possible angles.
Give your answers to 1 decimal place.

…………………………………………° and …………………………………………°

Cosine Rule - Videos 335, 336

171. Find the size of x.


Page 58
172. Find the size of θ.


Area of any Triangle - Video 337

173. Calculate the area of the triangle below.

…………………………………………square miles

Page 59
Area of a Segment - Video 337

174. Calculate the area of the segment below.


Translations - Video 325


Page 60
Rotations - Video 275


Reflections - Video 272


Page 61
Enlargements - Videos 104, 104a


Negative Scale Factors - Video 108


Page 62
Invariant Points - Video 392

180. ABCD is enlarged by scale factor 2, with centre of enlargement (−2, 2)

Which vertex is invariant?


Similar Shapes - Video 292

181. Shown below are two mathematically similar rectangles

. Find the length of FG


Page 63
Congruent Triangles - Video 67

182. Shown are six triangles.

Which triangles are congruent?


Similar Shapes - Video 293b

183. Shown below are two mathematically similar parallelograms.

Find x


Page 64
184. Find the surface area of the larger sphere.


Circle Theorems - Videos 64, 65

185. Find x and y

x = …………………………………………°

y = …………………………………………°

Page 65
186. Find x

x = …………………………………………°

187. Find x

x = …………………………………………°

188. Find a and b

a = …………………………………………°

b = …………………………………………°

Page 66
189. Find x and y

x = …………………………………………°

y = …………………………………………°

190. Find x

x = …………………………………………°

191. Find x, y and x

x = …………………………………………°

y = …………………………………………°

z = …………………………………………°
Page 67
Geometric Proof - Videos 64, 65

192. O is the centre of the circle.

DOF and EOG are diameters of the circle shown.
Prove triangles DEG and DFG are congruent.

Column Vectors - Video 353a

(0) (5)
2 1
193. a = and b =

Work out 4a + 2b


Page 68
Vectors - Video 353

Shown below are 9 congruent parallelograms.

194. Write OI in terms of a and b


195. Show HM and AK are parallel

The line LIC is drawn.

196. Show LIC is a straight line.

Page 69
Collecting Like Terms - Video 9

197. Simplify 8x + y - 5x - 5y


198. Expand and simplify 2(7x - 8y) - 3(x - 4y)


Substitution - Video 20

199. Given that w = 3 and y = -9

find the value of 7w - 2y


200. x is an odd number

y is an even number

State if the following are odd or even





Page 70
Laws of Indices - Video 174

201. Simplify w −4 × w 7


202. Simplify
w −8


203. Simplify (w 4)


Expanding Brackets - Video 13

204. Multiply out and simplify 2(x + 3) + 4(x - 1)

205. Expand 3y (4y − 3)


Page 71
Expanding 2 Brackets - Video 14

206. Expand and simplify (x − 12)(x − 3)


207. Expand and simplify (5x + 4)(x − 2)


Expanding 3 Brackets - Video 15

208. Expand and simplify (x − 1)(x + 3)(x + 5)


Factorising - Video 117

209. Factorise 4x 3 + 5x


Page 72
Factorising Quadratics - Video 118

210. Factorise x 2 − 6x − 55


211. Factorise x 2 − 12x + 32


Factorising Harder Quadratics - Video 119

212. Factorise 3x 2 + 4x + 1


213. Factorise 2x 2 + 7x − 15


214. Factorise 6x 2 − 11x − 10


Page 73
Difference between 2 Squares - Video 120

215. Factorise x2 − 4


216. Factorise 81 − x 2


Letters Both Sides - Video 113

217. Solve 7x + 2 = 4x + 29

x = …………………………………………

Forming Equations - Videos 114, 115

218. Both rectangles have the same perimeter.

Find the value of x.


Page 74
Solving Quadratics - Video 266

219. Solve x 2 + 7x + 10 = 0


220. Solve x 2 − 2x − 8 = 0


Quadratic Equations - Video 266

221. Solve 2x 2 + 7x − 4 = 0


222. Solve 4x 2 − 4x − 35 = 0


Page 75
Quadratic Formula - Video 267

223. Solve x 2 − 6x − 20 = 0

Give your answers to 1 decimal place.


Forming Quadratic Equations - Video 266

224. Writing an algebraic expression for the area of the shape


225. Given that the area of the shape is 74cm², form an equation and solve it
to find x.

x = …………………………………………

Page 76
Completing the Square - Video x

226. Write x 2 + 6x − 20 in the form (x + a)2 + b where a and b are



227. Use your answer to Q226 to solve x 2 + 6x − 20 = 0


Changing the Subject - Video 7

228. Make x the subject of m = 2x − y

x = …………………………………………

229. Make w the subject of the formula 4(g + w) = 9w − 3

w = …………………………………………
Page 77
230. Make v the subject of s= (u + v)t

v = …………………………………………

Algebraic Fractions - Videos 22 to 24

w w+2
231. Express − as a single fraction
3 4


c−2 12
232. Simplify fully ×
4 2c − 4


x 2 + 8x
233. Simplify
x 2 + 10x + 16


Page 78
v + 3 v 2 + 3v
234. Simplify fully ÷
15 25


Equations - Video 111

3x + 5 x − 7
235. Solve − =1
4 5


2x − 3 3x + 1 11
236. Solve + =
4 5 5


Page 79
Harder Equations - Videos 111, 111a

3 4 1
237. Solve + =
x−1 x+5 3


2 1
238. Solve + =1
2x − 1 x − 2


Identities - Video 367

239. Work out the values of a and b in the identity

4(6x + 5) + 4(2x + b) ≡ a x − 8

a = …………………………………………

b = …………………………………………
Page 80
Drawing Linear Graphs - Video 186

240. (a) Complete the table of values for y = 2x + 4.

(b) On the grid, draw the graph of y = 2x + 4 for values of x from −1 to 3.

Page 81
Midpoint of a Line - Video 198

241. A(3, −2) and B(7, 10)

Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB


Coordinates and Ratio - Video

242. ABC is a straight line.

AB : BC = 3 : 2

Work out the coordinates of the point B.

Page 82
Length of a Line - Video 263

243. Shown below are the points A(1, 4) and B(7, 15)

Calculate the length of the line joining A and B.


Gradient - Video 189

244. Find the gradient of the line below

Page 83
Equation of a Line - Videos 186 to 195

245. A straight line has equation y = 5x - 2

(a) What is the gradient of the line?


(b) Write down the coordinates of the y-intercept


246. Find the equation of the line below


Page 84
247. A straight line has a gradient of −2 and passes through the point (1, 10).

Write down the equation of the line.


248. Find the equation of the straight line that passes through the points (0, 3) and
(4, 11)


249. Find the equation of the straight line that passes through the points (−8, −10)
and (0, 14)


Page 85
Parallel Lines - Video 196

250. Write down an equation of a line parallel to y = 6x + 5


251. Write down the equation of the line parallel to y = 3x + 1 that passes through
the point (0, 2)


Perpendicular Lines - Video 197

252. Write down an equation of a line perpendicular to y = 2x + 9


253. Write down the equation of the line perpendicular to y = 3x + 1 that passes
through the point (6, -5)


Page 86
Real Life Graphs - Video 171a

254. The graph below shows the depth of water in a container.

Calculate the gradient of the line


What does the gradient of the line represent?



Simultaneous Equations - Video 295

255. Solve the simultaneous equations

2x + 4y = 26
3x − y = 4

x = ………………………………………… y = …………………………………………

Page 87
256. Solve the simultaneous equations

3x + 2y = 16
2x − 3y = 2

x = ………………………………………… y = …………………………………………

257. Three bananas and two pears cost 95p.

Five bananas and three pears cost £1.51

Find the cost of ten bananas and ten pears.


Page 88
Graphical Solutions - Video 297

258. The straight line y = − 2x + 4 has been drawn on the grid.

By drawing a suitable line, solve the simultaneous equations

y = − 2x + 4

y = x+1

x = ………………………………………… y = …………………………………………

Page 89
Non-Linear Simultaneous Equations - Video 298

259. Solve the equations

y = x² + 5x - 2


Equation of a Circle - Video 12

The equation of a circle C, with centre O, is:

x² + y² = 289

260. Write down the coordinates of the centre of the circle, O.


261. Find the radius of C.


262. Show the point (8, 15) lies on C.


Page 90
Equation of a Tangent - Video 372

The diagram shows the circle x² + y² = 29 with a tangent at the point (−5, 2)

263. Find the gradient of the line AO.


264. Find the gradient of the tangent


265. Find the equation of the tangent


Page 91
Rates of Change - Video 390a

266. Work out the speed of the car when t = 5


267. Work out the average speed of the car between t = 15 and t = 25


Page 92
Area under a Graph - Video 389

Here is a speed-time graph for a toy rocket.


268. Work out an estimate for the distance the rocket travelled in the 16 seconds.
Use 4 strips of equal width.


269. Is your answer an underestimate or an overestimate of the actual

distance the rocket travelled?
Give a reason for your answer


Page 93
Composite Functions - Video

f(x) = x 2 − 3 g(x) = 5x +1

270. Find fg(x)


271. Find gf(x)


272. Find gg(x)


273. Find ff(x)


Page 94
Inverse Functions - Video

3x + 4
Given f(x) =

274. find f −1(x)


275. find f −1(10)


Page 95
Quadratic Graphs - Video 264

276. Complete the table of values for y = x 2 − 2x

277. Draw the graph of y = x 2 − 2x

Page 96
Solving Quadratics Graphically - Video 267c

278. Use the graph from the previous question to estimate the values
of x when y = 2

x = ………………………………………… and x = …………………………………………

Sketching Quadratics - Video 265

279. Sketch the graph of y = x 2 − x − 12 below.

Clearly show where the graph meets the x-axis and y-axis.

Intersection Points - Video 267c, 267d

280. Write down the coordinates of where y = x 2 − 3x and y = x intersect.


Page 97
Quadratics - Graphical Solutions - Video 267d

281. Shown below is the graph of y = x² + 2x - 3

By drawing an appropriate straight line, use your graph to find estimates for
solutions of x² + 3x - 2 = 0


Page 98
Quadratic Graphs - Turning Points and Symmetry - Video

282. Find the coordinates of the turning point of the graph y = x² + 8x - 17


283. Find the equation of the line of symmetry of y = x² + 8x - 17


Page 99
Reciprocal Graphs - Video 346

284. Complete the table of values for

285. On the grid, draw the graph of for 0.5 ≤ x ≤ 10

Page 100
Cubic Graphs - Video 344

286. Complete the table of values for y = x³ − 2x + 3

287. On the grid, draw the graph of y = x³ − 2x + 3 for -2 ≤ x ≤ 2

Page 101
Exponential Graphs - Video 345

288. Draw y = 3x for values from -2 to 2

Page 102
Transforming Graphs - Video 345

Shown below is the graph of y = f(x)

The coordinates of the minimum point are (5, 2).

Write down the coordinates of the minimum point of the curve with equation.

289. y = f(x) - 1


290. y = f(-x)


291. y = f(x + 1)


292. y = -f(x)


Page 103
Iteration - Video

293. Use the iteration formula xn+1 = 3
5− three times with x0 = 1.5 to

find an estimate for the solution of x⁴ − 5x + 1 = 0


294. Tn+1 = 1.2Tn + 800

In their first season, an ice hockey team sold 1000 season tickets.

Work out how many season tickets were sold in their fourth season.


Page 104
Trig Graphs - Video

Here is a sketch of y = cos(x) for 0∘ ≤ x ≤ 360∘

295. Write down the coordinates of the point A.


296. Write down the coordinates of the point B.


Solving Inequalities - Video 178

297. Solve 4x < 32


298. Solve 5x + 1 > 91


299. Solve 7x - 5 ≤ 3x + 11


Page 105
Inequalities (number line) - Video 177


Write down the inequality shown above.


301. Solve the inequality 2x − 1 < 5 and represent the answer on the
number line below.

302. List all the integers that satisfy the inequality 4 < 3n < 15


Page 106
Graphical Inequalities - Video 182

303. On the grid, clearly indicate the region that satisfies all these

x≥3 y≥1 x+y≤5

Page 107
Quadratic Inequalities - Video x

304. Solve the inequality x 2 − x − 30 < 0


305. Solve the inequality x 2 − 8x + 12 ≥ 0


306. Solve the inequality 7x 2 + 8x + 1 > 0


Page 108
Triangular Numbers - Video 229

307. List the first 6 triangular numbers


Fibonacci - Video 287a

308. Here are the first five terms of a Fibonacci sequence.

2 5 7 12 19

Write down the next two terms of the sequence.

…………………………… and ……………………………

nth Term - Video 288

309. Find the nth term of 9, 20, 31, 42 … …


310. Find the nth term of 50, 48, 46, 44 … …


Page 109
311. Find the nth term and the 100th term of 7, 10, 13, 16 … …

nth term = …………………………………………

100th term = …………………………………………

Arithmetic Progressions - Video 375

312. The first two terms of an arithmetic progression are 3y and 7y.

Find the fifth term of the progression.


Geometric Progressions - Video 375

313. Circle the geometric progression.

11, 9, 7, 5 … 1, 4, 9, 16 … 11, 21, 31, 41 … 1, 4, 16, 64 …

314. The third term of a geometric sequence is 48

The fourth term of a geometric sequence is 24

Work out the difference between the first and fifth terms.


Page 110
Quadratic nth Term - Video 388

315. Find the nth term of 7, 11, 17, 25 …


Algebraic Proof - Video 365

316. Prove (n + 2)2 − (n − 2)2 + 3 is always odd for all positive integer values of n.


Frequency Trees - Video 376

317. Complete the frequency tree.

Page 111
Two-way Tables - Video 319

318. Complete the two-way table.

Composite Bar Charts - Video 148b

319. How many cold drinks were sold in total over 3 months?


Page 112
Pie Charts - Videos 163, 164

320. Sixty beads are placed in a box.

Draw a pie chart to represent the colours of the beads in the box.

Page 113
Scatter Graphs - Videos 165 to 168
The scatter graph shows information about the cost of renting apartments
and their distance from London.

321. What type of correlation is shown?


322. Estimate the cost of renting an apartment 40km from London.


323. Explain why it may not be sensible to use the scatter graph to estimate the
cost of renting an apartment that is 75km from London.



Page 114
Frequency Polygons - Videos 155, 156

324. Draw a frequency polygon to represent the data in the table.


Mode from a Frequency Table - Video 56a

325. The table shows the number of apples eaten one day by 40 people.

Write down the modal number of apples eaten.


Page 115
Mean from a Frequency Table - Video 54

326. The table shows the number of apples eaten one day by 10 people.

Work out the mean number of apples eaten.


Median from a Frequency Table - Video 51

327. The table shows the number of apples eaten one day by 9 people.

Work out the median number of apples eaten.


Page 116
Combined Mean - Video 53a

328. There are 40 houses in Greenvale and 60 houses in Redville.

The mean number of cars per house in Greenvale is 1.5

The mean number of cars per house in Redville is 3

Work out the mean number of cars per house in both villages.


Estimated Mean - Video 55

329. Work out an estimate for the mean length.


Page 117
Modal Class - Video 56a

330. Write down the modal class interval.


Class containing Median - Video 52a

331. Which class interval contains the median?


Page 118
Median from Grouped Data - Video 52

332. Work out an estimate of the median length.


Stem-and-Leaf - Videos 169, 170

333. The stem and leaf diagram shows the heights of 14 friends visiting a theme park

What fraction of the friends have a height greater than 1.4m?


Page 119
Quartiles - Video 57b

Here are the ages of 11 people.

20 24 29 30 36 37 41 42 50 55 56

334. Find the lower quartile


335. Find the upper quartile


336. Find the interquartile range


Page 120
Cumulative Frequency - Videos 153, 154

The table below shows the ages of 100 employees.

337. Complete the cumulative frequency table.

338. Draw a cumulative frequency curve.

Page 121
180 students were asked to draw a 6cm line.
The cumulative frequency curve shows the actual lengths of their lines.

339. Find an estimate of the median


340. Find an estimate of the lower quartile


Page 122
341. Find the interquartile range


342. Estimate how many people drew a line shorter than 2cm


343. Estimate how many people drew a line longer than 9cm


344. 20% of people drew a line shorter than x cm

Find an estimate for x.


Box Plots - Videos 149, 150

345. Draw a box plot to show this information

Page 123
Histograms - Videos 157 to 159, 52

The table below shows the waiting times of 40 patients in a hospital.

346. Draw a histogram to represent this information.

Page 124
The histogram shows information about the time taken to answer a question by
a group of students.

12 students answered the question in less than 20 seconds.

347. How many students took between 70 and 90 seconds?


348. Estimate how many students took longer than 100 seconds.


349. What fraction of the students took longer than 40 seconds to answer?


Page 125
The histogram below shows the monthly salaries of employees.
There are 216 people who have a monthly salary of between £1800 and £2100.

350. Work out an estimate of how many employees have a salary of between
£2300 and £2900


Page 126
Probability - Video 245

351. There are white, orange, purple and pink beads in a box.

The table shows the probability of selecting a white and an orange bead.
The probability of a purple : probability of a pink = 2 : 5

Complete the table.

Not Happening - Video 250

352. On a day in December, the probability of it snowing is 0.315

What is the probability of it not snowing?


Expectation - Video 248a

353. The probability that a machine makes a faulty lightbulb is 0.008

Last week the machine made 4500 lightbulbs.

Work out how many lightbulbs should be faulty.


Page 127
Relative Frequency - Video 248

David and Becky want to estimate how many yellow jelly beans are in a tub.

A trial consists of taking a jelly bean at random, noting the colour, and
replacing the jelly bean in the tub.

354. Write down the relative frequency of David taking a yellow jelly bean.


355. Write down the relative frequency of Becky taking a yellow jelly bean.


356. Whose experiment gives the more reliable results?

Give a reason for your answer.



Page 128
Tree Diagrams - Video 252

Siobhan has 10 socks in a drawer.

6 socks are black and 4 socks are white.
She picks a sock at random, puts it back and then takes out a second at random.

357. Complete the tree diagram.

358. Work out the probability that the two socks are both white.


359. Work out the probability that the two socks are the same colour.


360. Work out the probability that the two socks are different colours.

Page 129
Independent Events - Video 249

361. Jackson and Kelvin each sit a test.

The probability that Jackson passes is 0.8

The probability that Kelvin passes is 0.6

Find the probability that both of them pass.


Conditional Probability - Video 247

Dexter has 7 red and 5 green socks in a bag.

He takes out two socks at random from the bag, without replacement.

362. Find the probability that the two socks are the same colour.


363. Find the probability that the two socks are different colours.


Page 130
Venn Diagrams - Video 380

Jennifer asked 80 people which sports they enjoy from football, hockey
and rugby.

364. How many people enjoy all three sports?


365. How many people enjoy football and rugby but not hockey?


Page 131
366. ξ = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

A = {1, 5, 7, 9}
B = {3, 7, 9}

Complete the Venn diagram

A number is chosen at random, find the probability of:

367. P(A’)


368. P(A∪B)


369. P(A∩B)


Page 132
Samples - Video 281a

Mrs Martin wants to open a new restaurant in her town.

She wants to find out what type of food people in her town like.

370. Caolán suggests that she posts a survey to 100 people chosen at random
across the country.

Explain why this is not sensible.



371. Jack suggests that she surveys 5 people in the town centre.

Explain how Jack’s suggestion could be improved.



Capture Recapture - Video 391

Kathryn wants to estimate how many fish live in a pond.

On Monday, she captures and tags 60 fish.

She then releases them back into the pond.

On Wednesday, Kathryn captures 40 fish.

6 of the fish are tagged.

372. Estimate how many fish live in the pond.


Page 133

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