Battlecard - SEP 14 Vs Kaspersky - v1.1

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Competitive Battlecard

Kaspersky Labs Endpoint Security 10 vs

Symantec Endpoint Protection 14
• Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business (KESB) 10 Kasperksy has the Partially true. Kaspersky does Most effective advanced protection technologies
protects physical and virtual systems from malware, best protection consistently rank at the top in integrated in a single agent.
dangerous programs, and network attacks. technology on the third party testing for detection IPS, Insight, SONAR have differentiated SEP’S protection
• Kaspersky consistently ranks high in protection tests, market and accuracy. However capability for years. SEP 14 adds memory exploit protection
using heuristics, reputation, complementing signature- Symantec Endpoint Protection is and advanced machine learning for broadest and most
based protection. consistently placed at the top effective protection on the market.
• Using Kaspersky Security Center, Kaspersky’s with Kaspersky in tests.
management console, administrators can centrally deploy, Third-party tests, like AV-Test, Dennis Labs, and Passmark
configure, manage, and monitor KESB 10 in Windows, Symantec provides much more show that Symantec consistently beats Kaspersky for
Mac OS, and Linux environments. robust and manageable rule protection AND performance. Kaspersky has struggled with
based controls like firewall, performance results in some testing.
SYMANTEC COMPETITIVE STRATEGY device control, application
control, and host integrity. Lower cost to implement additional advanced security
• Symantec leverages the largest civilian threat intelligence needs of large enterprises.
network to develop and innovate the broadest and most SEP14 offers a single agent endpoint platform to address
effective protection technologies on the market. Symantec All technologies are Misleading. Just because best protection and is also ATP and EDR ready. Kaspersky
is the only vendor to be consistently as effective in third developed Kaspersky develops their Targeted Attack Protection requires another endpoint sensor
party tests. internally, not technology without acquisitions to install and since its release in 2016 is still unproven.
acquired, so doesn’t mean it provides better
• SEP is in use at many of the largest global enterprises and integration in the value to customers. SEP is proven in enterprises of all sizes with a single
has proven scalability, stability, and usability. Kaspersky is management agent and single management console.
challenged when scaling up past mid-size enterprises. console works Kaspersky has struggled to get Kaspersky is originally designed to serve small and medium
traction with integrated size businesses. Their MMC based managfement console
• SEP 14 is ATP and EDR ready, no need to deploy technologies like patch doesn‘t scale well and Kaspersky is developing a new eb-
additional agent for advanced threat protection capability. management and vulnerability based console that is unproven.
Kaspersky Targeted Attack Protection solution requires an analysis. Gartner also notes
endpoint sensor which is an additional installation. these are still maturing.
PROTECTION COMPARISON SUMMARY Additionally the management Are you leveraging the patch management and
console is based on an MMC vulnerability components offered by Kaspersky?
Even though a Kaspersky is strong in overall detection capability snap-in making it quite complex Reason: These components are promoted as part of
they still do not have static attribute analysis or emulation to address and cumbersome given all the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Advanced but have not gained
high number of variants. snap-ins that it supports. much traction in real world deployments. Customers report
these capabilities are still maturing and Kaspersky is not
For post-execution protection Kaspersky doesn‘t have outbound
included in the Gartner MQ for Endpoint Management..
C&C communication blocking.

Why isn‘t Kaspersky represented in Gartner Mobile

Device Management (MDM) Magic Quadrant?
Reason: Kaspersky has offered „Mobile Device Management“
as part of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Select for years yet
have failed to gain enough traction to be included in the
Gartner MQ for MDM.

LAST UPDATED October 2016
Competitive Battlecard
Kaspersky Labs Endpoint Security 10 vs
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14
Competitive Battlecard
Kaspersky Labs Endpoint Security 10 vs
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14

• Symantec Endpoint Protection Sales Central Page
• CIA Team Kaspersky Page
Users Year USD
• 2016 Gartner Magic Quadrant FAQ
10-14 Users 1 Year $45.00
• Intellisource
25-50 Users 1 Year $34.00
• SC Magazine Review – Symantec Endpoint Protection 14 50-99 Users 1 Year $31.00

• Dennis Technology Labs Enterprise Anti-Virus Protection Report: 100-149 Users 1 Year $29.00
Oct- Dec 2015
501-100 Users 1 Year $24.82
Competitor Links:
1000+ Users 1 Year $20.00
• Kasperksy Labs Endpoint Security Product Page

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